999 resultados para Korsisaari, Eva Maria
The objective of the study was to compare the stress response and pain expression of newborns (NBs) in the early postpartum period.
To assess the efficacy of paracetamol (acetaminophen) for neonatal pain relief.
Alopecia X is a noninflammatory, progressive, bilateral symmetric alopecia in dogs. The disease is mainly found in Nordic breeds. The breed predisposition and a strong familial accumulation suggest a hereditary background. We analyzed the cathepsin L2 gene (CTSL2) as a candidate for alopecia X. The comparative sequencing of 14 affected and 18 control animals revealed ten polymorphisms; however, none of these polymorphisms affected the coding sequence. Haplotype analysis did not reveal an association of one particular CTSL2 haplotype with the disease phenotype; therefore, we conclude that the CTSL2 gene is probably not the causative gene for alopecia X.
Welche bleibenden Impulse haben Johannes Calvin und der Calvinismus Kirche und Gesellschaft bis heute gegeben? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigen sich anlässlich des 500. Geburtstags des Genfer Reformators die Autorinnen und die Autoren der vorliegenden Beiträge anhand ausgewählter theologischer und wirkungsgeschichtlicher Themen. Gleichzeitig bieten sie eine grundlegende und allgemein verständliche Einführung in Calvins Leben und Theologie, in seine kontinuierliche Relevanz für kirchliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Fragen sowie in die Geschichte der Reformation in der Schweiz und weltweit. Sie blenden dabei auch die kritischen Anfragen an Calvin nicht aus. Der im Auftrag des Schweizerischen Evangelischen Kirchenbunds herausgegebene Sammelband ist eine wissenschaftlich fundierte, leserfreundliche Einführung, die Fragestellungen anregt, Perspektiven eröffnet und Austausch ermöglicht. Mit Beiträgen von Philip Benedict, James D. Bratt, Emidio Campi, Eva-Maria Faber, Eric Fuchs, Wulfert de Greef, Christopher L. Elwood, Ulrich H. J. Körtner, Christian Link, Christian Moser, Andrew Pettegree, Christoph Strohm, Mario Turchetti
PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to report the radiographical prevalence of overhanging fillings in a group of Swiss Army recruits in 2006 and to relate the dimensions of the overhangs to clinical parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 626 Swiss Army recruits were examined for their periodontal conditions, prevalence of caries, and stomatological and functional aspects of the masticatory system and halitosis. In particular, the present report deals with the presence or the absence of fillings, the presence or the absence of overhangs and their relation to clinical and radiographic parameters. RESULTS: A total of 16,198 interdental sites were evaluated on bitewing radiographs. Of these sites, 15,516 (95.8%) were sound and 682 (4.2%) were filled. Amalgam restorations were found in 94.1% and resin composite fillings in 5.9% of the sites. Of these 682 sites, 96 (14.1%) yielded overhanging margins of various sizes. This low prevalence of fillings represents not only a substantial reduction when compared with a similar Swiss Army study (Lang et al, 1988), but also an improvement in the quality of dental care delivery to young Swiss males. Plaque Index and Gingival Index increased statistically significantly with the presence of fillings, when compared with healthy non-filled sites. Clinical parameters that were significantly associated with the presence of overhangs included clinical attachment loss. Moreover, between 1985 and 2006 the prevalence of fillings was significantly reduced from 20.0% to 4.2% of all surfaces. Furthermore, the marginal fit of the fillings improved from 33.0% with overhangs to 14.1%. CONCLUSIONS: A significant improvement was observed in the periodontal and dental conditions of young Swiss males that was shown to have taken place within the previous two decades. From 1985 to 2006, the prevalence of fillings was reduced fourfold and that of overhanging margins twofold, documenting an improvement in the quality of restorative dentistry.
A tribute to the monumental influence of John Calvin in the 500 years since his birth. / What legacies, still enduring today, have John Calvin and Calvinism given to the church and society in Europe and North America? An international group of scholars tackles that question in this volume honoring Calvin's 500th birthday. These chapters together provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Calvin's life and thought, the history of the Reformation in Switzerland and worldwide, and his continuing relevance for ecclesial, social, and political questions today. / Contributors: Philip Benedict, James D. Bratt, Emidio Campi, Wulfert de Greef, Christopher Elwood, Eva-Maria Faber, Eric Fuchs, Ulrich H. J. Krtner, Christian Link, Christian Moser, Andrew Pettegree, Christoph Strohm, Mario Turchetti./ The essays in this book fit beautifully together to provide a solid, complete work that gives precise insight into the many different facets of Calvin and Calvinism. The high-level research found here clearly shows the great impact that Calvin has had on both church and society. It is a great pleasure to see Calvin here anew. Eberhard Busch / University of Gttingen / That John Calvin made a deep and lasting impact on many aspects of history is common knowledge but the character of the man and the nature of his influence are perhaps as controversial as any that can be named. It is thus a challenge to examine even a fraction of the many ways that Calvins life and thought have contributed to the shaping of later ages in both church and society. This volume offers essays on key points from an appropriately international group of authors appreciative but critical, drawing on a rich range of recent scholarship, presented in a pleasing and accessible form. It is a fine place for the new reader of Calvin to get a glimpse of his impact, while offering a fresh summary of some significant issues for more advanced students of the Reformer. Elsie Anne McKee / Princeton Theological Seminary / Hirzel and Sallmann have succeeded in gathering essays by an illustrious circle of experts both historians and theologians on important areas of Calvins thought and impact. Ranging from an insignificant city at the edge of the Swiss Confederation in the 1530s to the Accra Confession of 2004, these essays will serve to correct popular misconceptions. A fine introduction for a broader readership that wants more than mere armchair theology. Peter Opitz / University of Zurich
Die Ein- und Auslagerung von Flugfrachtcontainern wird bisher üblicherweise mit Hilfe von entsprechend dimensionierten Regalbediengeräten vorgenommen. Shuttle-Systeme besitzen auch in diesem Bereich Vorteile, wie z. B. eine höhere Energieeffizienz und eine hohe Redundanz. Es wird ein Konzept zur Gestaltung eines solchen Systems vorgestellt. Ebenso wird die Leistungsfähigkeit entsprechender Lager über eine Materialflusssimulation bestimmt.
Interest is growing in the impact that science can have on reducing poverty in the global South. If we understand impact as the “demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy”, the concept encompasses a variety of contributions of research-related knowledge and skills that benefit people and the environment. One reason for the growing interest in impact in this context is research councils’ increasing focus on documenting the social and environmental benefits of science, as indicated by the above quotation from the British research councils. Another reason is that research funding agencies from the private and public sectors are now more interested in social innovations for solving problems on the ground. Research can indeed influence policymakers’ views, policy development, funding patterns, and implementation or practice. This is promising for those who would like to improve – and prove – the influence research can have on policy and practice. It is also of importance for better understanding the intended and unintended effects of research. This report presents the NCCR North-South approach to increasing the impact of development-oriented research. It explains how we can maximise our impact and how we can assess whether our efforts have worked, based on six case studies from around the world. The report is of interest to all researchers who wish to respond to policy and practice from their point of view and who are keen on publicising their evidence. It is also relevant to those who teach how to maximise research impact.
Donors increasingly require that the research they fund be of benefit for society and the environment. To this end, researchers addressing complex and uncertain problems should work together with research users. This is not always easy: researchers are expected to collaborate with non-academic partners, but are not funded for the additional work. Collaborative research projects often cannot tap the full potential of user engagement. Therefore, specific institutional and organisational conditions are necessary that foresee or even foster research–user engagement; funding schemes are one possible solution. Right from the start, the NCCR North-South programme introduced Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change (PAMS). This evaluation assesses the types of collaboration supported by PAMS, as well as the value of PAMS as a funding scheme for collaboration. It compares PAMS with similar funding schemes of other universities, research programmes, or projects, and contains recommendations.