122 resultados para Ki67
Purpose: Mediums have been developed to conserve corneal endothelium in organ-culture during eye banking. CorneaMax® is used by 25% of Eye Bank in Europe. Only little is known about conservation of corneal epithelium with this medium during banking. Its preservation could be of interest in clinic to cure corneal disease with stem cells deficiency. Therefore, we wanted to examine the integrity of human corneal epithelium maintained in CorneaMax®. Methods: Human corneas, considered unsuitable for transplantation, were obtained from the Eye Bank in Lausanne. Average post-mortem time was 14 hours. Cornoscleral rings were maintained in organ-culture in Corneamax® at 32°C. Samples were formalin-fixed after period ranging from 0 (D0) to 35 days (D35, N=5 for each time points) and stained with H&E. Proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated by immunostaining with antibody against Ki67 and Caspase3 respectively. Results: Corneas, which were not in organ-cultured (D0), showed different morphology, including intact epithelium with 5 to 7 layers, but also completely denuded basement membrane. In two cases, at D0, the epithelium lost its adherence to the basal lamina of the cornea creating a large epithelial sheet. During the two first days, corneas and limbus area lost totally their epithelium, except for some remaining limbal basal cells. From day 2 to day 10, regeneration of the epithelium took place, starting from the limbal region in direction to the central cornea. From day 10 to day 35, corneal epithelium appeared as an atrophic epithelium, consisting of only two cell layers. Proliferation happened in the whole cornea during the 35 days of organ-culture, as shown by Ki67 positive cells. Apoptosis was rarely detected in the corneal epithelium. Conclusions: Corneas maintained in CorneaMax® showed a complete disappearance of the corneal epithelium during the two first days and a conservation of limbal basal cells in the limbal region. These remaining cells allowed a full regeneration of the tissue, leading to an atrophic epithelium, composed of only two cell layers. This atrophic epithelium could be seen in all the organ-cultured corneas during the 35 days of conservation. This study is a first step to develop medium in organ-culture in order to conserve corneal epithelial cells.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a expressão citofotométrica quantitativa do fator de proliferação celular Ki-67 no bócio colóide com o do carcinoma papilífero da tireóide. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas a expressão da proteína Ki-67, em 12 casos de bócio colóide da tireóide e 20 casos de carcinoma papilífero da tireóide. Os núcleos celulares imunomarcados foram quantificados através do software SAMBA 4000 ® e do software IMMUNO®, analisando o índice de marcagem e densidade óptica. Foi estimado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearmane e o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Foi rejeitada a hipótese nula para o índice de marcagem. confirmando que existe diferença significativa entre o bócio colóide e o carcinoma papilífero da tireóide, quanto ao índice de marcagem do Ki-67, que são maiores nos carcinomas papilíferos da tireóide. Não foi encontrada diferença quanto à densidade óptica. Quanto ao bócio colóide, o coeficiente de correlação estimado entre o índice de marcagem e a densidade óptica do Ki-67 foi igual a 0,78. No bócio colóide, houve associação positiva e significativa entre o índice de marcagem e a densidade ótica do Ki-67. Para o carcinoma papilífero da tireóide o coeficiente de correlação estimado entre o índice de marcagem e a densidade ótica do Ki-67 foi igual a 0,18. Não houve no carcinoma papilífero de tireóide, associação entre o índice de marcagem e a densidade ótica do Ki-67. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão citofotométrica do Ki67 no bócio colóide teve índice médio de marcação de 13,92% e densidade óptica média de 36,43; a expressão citofotométrica do Ki-67 no carcinoma papilífero teve índice médio de marcação de 38,29% e densidade óptica média de 48,07%; há maior proliferação celular no carcinoma papilífero em comparação com o bócio colóide na expressão do Ki-67.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a patogenia das lesões observadas em bovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens. O cogumelo foi administrado imediatamente após a coleta a três bovinos da raça Jersey com 9-10 meses de idade. A dose diária administrada foi cerca de 20g/kg de peso vivo durante 7 (Bovino 1) e 13 dias (Bovinos 2 e 3), perfazendo doses totais de 140, 268 e 261g/kg de peso vivo a cada bovino, respectivamente. Um bovino (Bovino 4) da mesma raça e idade foi utilizado como controle. Os sinais clínicos observados nos bovinos intoxicados, caracterizaram-se por apatia, anorexia, hiperemia da mucosa oral, alisamento da superfície dorsal da língua e queda dos pêlos longos da cauda quando levemente tracionados. Os bovinos foram submetidos à eutanásia e necropsiados no 8º (Bovino 1) e no 16º dia (Bovinos 2-4) após o início do experimento. Histologicamente observou-se o epitélio da superfície dorsal da língua estreito com ausência das papilas filiformes, vacuolização dos queratinócitos e desprendimento da camada queratinizada. Na região laminar dos cascos observou-se vacuolização das lâminas epidérmicas, hiperplasia dos queratinócitos e queratinização irregular e flocular. Na pele da extremidade da cauda havia hiperqueratose ortoqueratótica, vacuolização da bainha radicular externa, espessamento da queratina triquilêmica e infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear ao redor dos folículos. No estudo imunohistoquímico, utilizando os anticorpos anti-pancitoqueratina e anti-Ki67 (para marcação da proliferação celular) não foram observadas diferenças entre o epitélio da superfície dorsal da língua dos bovinos intoxicados e o do bovino controle. No estudo por microscopia eletrônica, observou-se diminuição dos tonofilamentos e espaços intercelulares acentuadamente dilatados na camada espinhosa do epitélio da língua. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho favorecem a hipótese de ação do princípio tóxico de Ramaria flavo-brunnescens sobre os mecanismos que envolvem a queratinização dos epitélios em bovinos.
A morphological and cell culture study from nasal mucosa of dogs was performed in order to establish a protocol to obtain a cell population committed to neuronal lineage, as a proposal for the treatment of traumatic and degenerative lesions in these animals, so that in the future these results could be applied to the human species. Twelve mongrel dogs of 60-day aged pregnancy were collected from urban pound dogs in São Paulo. Tissue from cribriform ethmoidal lamina of the fetuses was collected at necropsy under sterile conditions around 1h to 2h postmortem by uterine sections and sections from the fetal regions described above. Isolated cells of this tissue were added in DMEM/F-12 medium under standard conditions of incubation (5% CO², >37ºC). Cell culture based on isolated cells from biopsies of the olfactory epithelium showed rapid growth when cultured for 24 hours, showing phase-bright sphere cells found floating around the fragments, attached on culture flasks. After 20 days, a specific type of cells, predominantly ellipsoids or fusiform cells was characterized in vitro. The indirect immunofluorescence examination showed cells expressing markers of neuronal precursors (GFAP, neurofilament, oligodendrocyte, and III â-tubulin). The cell proliferation index showed Ki67 immunostaining with a trend to label cell groups throughout the apical region, while PCNA immunostaining label predominantly cell groups lying above the basal lamina. The transmission electron microscopy from the olfactory epithelium of dogs revealed cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and preserving the same distribution as those of positive cell staining for PCNA. Metabolic activity was confirmed by presence of euchromatin in the greatest part of cells. All these aspects give subsidies to support the hypothesis about resident progenitor cells among the basal cells of the olfactory epithelium, committed to renewal of these cell populations, especially neurons.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o valor prognóstico de marcadores de proliferação celular em casos de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos. Vinte e três casos foram analisados quanto à expressão imuno-histoquímica de Ki67 e do Antígeno Nuclear de Proliferação Celular (PCNA), sendo subsequentemente acompanhados clinicamente. Observou-se que a expressão de Ki67 mantém relação negativa com a tradicional graduação histopatológica (p= 0,0418; p<0,05 entre os graus I e III), sendo um indicador confiável para o tempo de sobrevida pós-cirúrgica (p=0,0089). A imunoexpressão de PCNA, apesar de estar correlacionada à marcação por Ki67, não apresentou valores estatisticamente significantes na predição da mortalidade em função da doença e do tempo de sobrevida pós-cirúrgico. Os resultados obtidos confirmam que informações sobre a atividade proliferativa tumoral pela detecção imuno-histoquímica de Ki67 podem incrementar a classificação de mastocitomas cutâneos caninos quanto à malignidade.
Piplartine {5,6-dihydro-1-[1-oxo-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenyl]-2(1H)pyridinone} and piperine {1-5-(1,3)-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl]piperidine} are alkaloid amides isolated from Piper. Both have been reported to show cytotoxic activity towards several tumor cell lines. In the present study, the in vivo antitumor activity of these compounds was evaluated in 60 female Swiss mice (N = 10 per group) transplanted with Sarcoma 180. Histopathological and morphological analyses of the tumor and the organs, including liver, spleen, and kidney, were performed in order to evaluate the toxicological aspects of the treatment with these amides. Administration of piplartine or piperine (50 or 100 mg kg-1 day-1 intraperitoneally for 7 days starting 1 day after inoculation) inhibited solid tumor development in mice transplanted with Sarcoma 180 cells. The inhibition rates were 28.7 and 52.3% for piplartine and 55.1 and 56.8% for piperine, after 7 days of treatment, at the lower and higher doses, respectively. The antitumor activity of piplartine was related to inhibition of the tumor proliferation rate, as observed by reduction of Ki67 staining, a nuclear antigen associated with G1, S, G2, and M cell cycle phases, in tumors from treated animals. However, piperine did not inhibit cell proliferation as observed in Ki67 immunohistochemical analysis. Histopathological analysis of liver and kidney showed that both organs were reversibly affected by piplartine and piperine treatment, but in a different way. Piperine was more toxic to the liver, leading to ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes, accompanied by microvesicular steatosis in some areas, than piplartine which, in turn, was more toxic to the kidney, leading to discrete hydropic changes of the proximal tubular and glomerular epithelium and tubular hemorrhage in treated animals.
The vascular adventitia is recognized as a dynamic mediator of vascular structure and function, yet its role in aging is not understood. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the age-related changes of the vascular adventitia and determine the underlying mediators responsible. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were aged to 15, 30, 50 and 80 weeks before being anesthetised and euthanized by exsanguination. Thoracic aortas, mesenteric and pudental arteries were isolated, formalin fixed, and embedded in paraffin then sectioned at 5μm. Vessels were examined by microscopy and protein expression was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The thickness of the adventitia increased dramatically with age. Immunofluorescence revealed a robust expression of endothelin system proteins in the adventitia. Additionally, extracellular matrix proteins collagen and fibronectin, and the proliferation marker Ki67 showed strong adventitial origin. The changes observed in the vascular adventitia with aging clearly demonstrate an important role in the process of vascular aging.
Once thought to occur only during specific periods of development, it is now clear that neurogenesis occurs in the rat hippocampus into adulthood. It is wellestablished that stress during adulthood decreases the rate of neurogenesis, but during adolescence, the effects of stress are much less understood. I investigated the effect of short-term or chronic stress during adolescence (daily lhr isolation and change of cage partner from postnatal day (PND) 30-32 or 30-45) on hippocampal neurogenesis. In experiment 1, rats were administered Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) daily on PND 30-32, or 46-48, to mark neurogenesis at the beginning of the stressor or after the stressor had ceased, respectively. Neither short-term nor chronic stress had an effect on proliferation or survival (evidenced by BrdU and Doublecortin (Dcx) immunohistochemistry respectively) of cells born at the beginning of the stress procedure. Compared to controls, BrdU-labeling showed chronic stress significantly increased proliferation of cells generated after the stressor had ceased, but survival of new neurons was not supported (Dcx-Iabeling). However, it may be that BrdU injections are inherently stressful. In experiment 2, the stressor (described above) was applied in the absence of BrdU injections. Ki67 (a marker of proliferation) showed that stress transiently increased cell proliferation. Dcx-Iabeling showed that stress also increased neuron survival into adulthood. Labeling with OX.,.42 (a marker of macro phages) suggested that the immune system plays a role in neurogenesis, as stress transiently decreased the number of activated microglia in the hippocampus. It can be concluded that in the adolescent male rat, chronic mild stress increases neurogenesis.
The vascular adventitia is recognized as a dynamic mediator of vascular structure and function, yet its role in aging is not understood. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the age-related changes of the vascular adventitia and determine the underlying mediators responsible. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were aged to 15,30,50 and 80 weeks before being anesthetised and euthanized by exsanguination. Thoracic aortas, mesenteric and pudental arteries were isolated, formalin fixed, and embedded in paraffin then sectioned at 51lm. Vessels were examined by microscopy and protein expression was determined by indirect immunofluorescence. The thickness of the adventitia increased dramatically with age. Immunofluorescence revealed a robust expression of endothelin system proteins in the adventitia. Additionally, extracellular matrix proteins collagen and fibronectin, and the proliferation marker Ki67 showed strong adventitial origin. The changes observed in the vascular adventitia with aging clearly demonstrate an important role in the process of vascular aging.
L’infection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une déplétion progressive des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que par un dysfonctionnement des cellules T qui, en l’absence de traitements anti-rétroviraux, conduit inéluctablement à la progression de la maladie vers le stade SIDA. Certains des mécanismes impliqués dans ce dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T ont été élucidés et ont révélé un rôle important de la molécule PD-1 dans l’exhaustion des cellules T en phase chronique de l’infection. En effet, des niveaux élevés de PD-1 ont été associés à une charge virale élevée ainsi qu’à une diminution de la production de cytokines et de la capacité de proliférer des cellules T spécifiques du virus. De plus, bloquer in vitro l’interaction de PD-1 avec son ligand PD-L1 en utilisant un anticorps bloquant rétabli la fonction de ces cellules. De façon intéressante, notre groupe ainsi que d’autres équipes, ont montré que l’expression de PD-1 était non seulement augmentée sur les cellules spécifiques de l’antigène mais aussi sur les cellules T totales. Cependant, peu de choses sont connues quant à l’impact de l’expression de PD-1 sur le renouvellement et la différenciation des cellules T qui expriment PD-1, et ce au cours de l’infection. L’expression de PD-1 n’a notamment pas été étudiée en phase aigue de l’infection. Nous montrons clairement que, aussi bien chez les individus en phase aigue qu’en phase chronique de l’infection, l’expression de PD-1 est augmentée sur toutes les sous-populations T, y compris les cellules naïves. Nous avons également mis en relief une distribution anormale des sous-populations T, ces cellules ayant un phénotype plus différencié, et ce à tous les stades de la maladie. Dans cette thèse, nous discutons le rôle possible de PD-1 dans l’homéostasie des cellules T chez les individus infectés par le VIH-1. En étudiant la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de l’infection, nous avons trouvé que les sous-populations T CD8+ des individus récemment infectés exprimaient moins de PD-1 que celles des individus à un stade plus avancé de la maladie. Ces niveaux plus élevés de PD-1 sur les cellules T CD8+ en phase chronique sont associés à des niveaux réduits de prolifération in vivo – comme mesuré par l’expression de Ki67 – suggérant que l’expression de PD-1 est partiellement impliquée dans cette perte de fonction des cellules T CD8+. De plus, les cellules naïves s’accumulent en fréquence lors de la transition de la phase aigue à la phase chronique de l’infection. Considérant que les cellules naïves expriment déjà des hauts niveaux de PD-1, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’activation initiale des cellules T chez les individus chroniquement infectés est affectée. En résumé, nous proposons un modèle où des hauts niveaux d’expression de PD-1 sont associés à (1) un dysfonctionnement de la réponse cellulaire T CD8+ et (2) un défaut d’activation des cellules naïves ce qui contribue non seulement à la progression de la maladie mais aussi ce qui va limiter l’efficacité de potentiels vaccins dans l’infection par le VIH-1 en empêchant toute nouvelle réponse d’être initiée. Afin de mieux disséquer la réponse immunitaire mise en place lors d’une infection comme celle du VIH-1, nous avons développé un outil qui permet de détecter les cellules T CD4+ i.e. des tétramères de CMH de classe II. Ces réactifs ont pour but d’augmenter l’avidité du CMH de classe II pour son ligand et donc de détecter des TCR de faible affinité. Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons une méthode originale et efficace pour produire diverses molécules de HLA-DR liant de façon covalente le peptide antigénique. Mieux déterminer les mécanismes responsables de l’exhaustion des cellules T dans l’infection par le VIH-1 et de la progression de la maladie, ainsi que développer des outils de pointe pour suivre ces réponses T, est central à une meilleure compréhension de l’interaction entre le virus et le système immunitaire de l’hôte, et permettra ainsi le développement de stratégies pertinentes pour lutter contre l’infection par le VIH-1.
PURPOSE. To identify the role of Notch signaling in the human corneal epithelium. METHODS. Localization of Notch1, Notch2, Delta1, and Jagged1 in the human corneal epithelium was observed with the use of indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Gene and protein expression of Notch receptors and ligands in human corneal epithelial cells was determined by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively. The effects of Notch inhibition (by {gamma}-secretase inhibition) and activation (by recombinant Jagged1) on epithelial cell proliferation (Ki67) and differentiation (CK3) were analyzed after Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS. Immunofluorescent labeling localized Notch1 and Notch2 to suprabasal epithelial cell layers, whereas Delta1 and Jagged1 were observed throughout the corneal epithelium. Notch1, Notch2, Delta1, and Jagged1 genes and proteins were expressed in human corneal epithelial cells. {gamma}-Secretase inhibition resulted in decreased Notch1 and Notch2 expression, with an accompanying decrease in Ki67 and increased CK3 expression. The activation of Notch by Jagged1 resulted in the upregulation of active forms of Notch1 and 2 proteins (P < 0.05), with a concurrent increase in Ki67 (P < 0.05) and a decrease in CK3 (P < 0.05) expression. Interestingly, {gamma}-secretase inhibition in a three-dimensional, stratified corneal epithelium equivalent had no effect on Ki67 or CK3 expression. In contrast, Jagged1 activation resulted in decreased CK3 expression (P < 0.05), though neither Notch activation nor inhibition affected cell proliferation in the 3D tissue equivalent. CONCLUSIONS. Notch family members and ligands are expressed in the human corneal epithelium and appear to play pivotal roles in corneal epithelial cell differentiation.
Recently we have described an HPMA copolymer conjugate carrying both the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide (AGM) and doxorubicin (Dox) as combination therapy. This showed markedly enhanced in vitro cytotoxicity compared to the HPMA copolymer-Dox (FCE28068), a conjugate that demonstrated activity in chemotherapy refractory breast cancer patients during early clinical trials. To better understand the superior activity of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM, here experiments were undertaken using MCF-7 and MCF-7ca (aromatase-transfected) breast cancer cell lines to: further probe the synergistic cytotoxic effects of AGM and Dox in free and conjugated form; to compare the endocytic properties of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM and HPMA copolymer-Dox (binding, rate and mechanism of cellular uptake); the rate of drug liberation by lysosomal thiol-dependant proteases (i.e. conjugate activation), and also, using immunocytochemistry, to compare their molecular mechanism of action. It was clearly shown that attachment of both drugs to the same polymer backbone was a requirement for enhanced cytotoxicity. FACS studies indicated both conjugates have a similar pattern of cell binding and endocytic uptake (at least partially via a cholesterol-dependent pathway), however, the pattern of enzyme-mediated drug liberation was distinctly different. Dox release from PK1 was linear with time, whereas the release of both Dox and AGM from HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM was not, and the initial rate of AGM release was much faster than that seen for the anthracycline. Immunocytochemistry showed that both conjugates decreased the expression of ki67. However, this effect was more marked for HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM and, moreover, only this conjugate decreased the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2. In conclusion, the superior in vitro activity of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM cannot be attributed to differences in endocytic uptake, and it seems likely that the synergistic effect of Dox and AGM is due to the kinetics of intracellular drug liberation which leads to enhanced activity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Objective Myocardial repair following injury in mammals is restricted such that damaged areas are replaced by scar tissue, impairing cardiac function. MRL mice exhibit exceptional regenerative healing in an ear punch wound model. Some myocardial repair with restoration of heart function has also been reported following cryoinjury. Increased cardiomyocyte proliferation and a foetal liver stem cell population were implicated. We investigated molecular mechanisms facilitating myocardial repair in MRL mice to identify potential therapeutic targets in non-regenerative species. Methods Expressions of specific cell-cycle regulators that might account for regeneration (CDKs 1, 2, 4 and 6; cyclins A, E, D1 and B1; p21, p27 and E2F5) were compared by immunoblotting in MRL and control C57BL/6 ventricles during development. Flow cytometry was used to investigate stem cell populations in livers from foetal mice, and infarct sizes were compared in coronary artery-ligated and sham-treated MRL and C57BL/6 adult mice. Key findings No differences in the expressions of cell cycle regulators were observed between the two strains. Expressions of CD34+Sca1+ckit-, CD34+Sca1+ckit+ and CD34+Sca1-ckit+ increased in livers from C57BL/6 vs MRL mice. No differences were observed in infarct sizes, levels of fibrosis, Ki67 staining or cardiac function between MRL and C57BL/6 mice. Conclusions No intrinsic differences were observed in cell cycle control molecules or stem cell populations between MRL and control C57BL mouse hearts. Pathophysiologically relevant ischaemic injury is not repaired more efficiently in MRL myocardium, questioning the use of the MRL mouse as a reliable model for cardiac regeneration in response to pathophysiologically relevant forms of injury.
Glioblastomas são a forma mais comum de tumores cerebrais primários e, apesar do tratamento, os pacientes com estes tumores têm um prognóstico muito ruim. Os nucleotídeos da adenina (ATP, ADP e AMP) e também a adenosina possuem muitas funções importantes em condições fisiológicas e patológicas em vários organismos. O ATP é uma importante molécula sinalizadora no SNC, e os nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos podem induzir a proliferação de linhagens celulares de gliomas. Na invasão dos gliomas dois mecanismos podem liberar ATP: a morte excitotóxica do tecido adjacente e a lesão causada pela ressecção do tumor, que é o tratamento de primeira linha nestes casos. Neste estudo foram observados os efeitos do ATP extracelular na citotoxicidade em linhagens celulares de glioma humano U138 e na linhagem C6 de ratos, comparado com culturas organotícias de hipocampo. A citotoxicidade do ATP (0.1mM, 0.5mM, 5mM) foi medida usando os ensaios de incorporação de iodeto de propídeo e ensaio da lactato desidrogenase. O ensaio de caspases foi realizado para identificar à morte apoptótica. Os resultados mostraram que as células de gliomas apresentam resistência a morte induzida pelo ATP quando comparados com o tecido normal. Altas concentrações de ATP (5mM) induziram à morte celular após 24 h de tratamento em culturas organotípicas, mas não nas linhagens de gliomas estudados. Os nucleotídeos são hidrolisados muito lentamente pelas linhagens de gliomas, o que foi confirmado pela baixa expressão das enzimas NTPDases quando comparado com astrócitos. Portanto, para testar o papel do ATP extracelular no mecanismo de implante e crescimento dos gliomas, um milhão destas células de gliomas foram injetadas em 3µl de DMEM no estriado direito de ratos Wistar, e foi testada a co-injeção da enzima apirase no tratamento dos gliomas implantados. Após 20 dias, os ratos foram mortos e o cérebro foi seccionado e corado com hematoxilina e eosina. Nossos resultados mostraram que os ratos que sofreram co-injeção de apirase tiveram uma redução significativa no tamanho do tumor e menor índice mitótico (p<0,05), bem como menor imunodetecção para Ki67, VEGF e CD31 quando comparado com os grupos controle e controle apirase. A medida da hidrólise enzimática dos nucleotídeos no soro pode contribuir no diagnóstico de lesão celular em muitas condições patológicas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade enzimática da ATPase, ADPase e AMPase in vivo, amostras de soro foram coletadas vinte dias após o implante dos gliomas em ratos. Os ratos com indução de gliomas mostraram um aumento significativo na hidrólise de ATP, ADP e AMP quando comparado com os respectivos controles. O tratamento com o fármaco temozolomida e com 10% dimetil sulfoxida diminuiu a hidrólise dos nucleotídeos. Nenhum dos animais incluídos neste trabalho apresentaram alterações significativas na atividade das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase e fosfatase alcalina. Nossos dados indicam que o ATP pode ter uma função importante no crescimento do glioma, pois quando liberado pode induzir a morte celular do tecido normal ao redor do tumor, abrindo espaço para o rápido crescimento e invasão do tumor. As avaliações da hidrólise dos nucleotídeos da adenina no soro podem ajudar no acompanhamento da progressão dos tumores cerebrais.
Molecular assays are widely used to prognosticate canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCT). There is limited information about these prognostic assays used on MCT that arise in the subcutis. The aims of this study were to evaluate the utility of KIT immunohistochemical labeling pattern, c-KIT mutational status (presence of internal tandem duplications in exon 11), and proliferation markers-including mitotic index, Ki67, and argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR)-as independent prognostic markers for local recurrence and/or metastasis in canine subcutaneous MCT. A case-control design was used to analyze 60 subcutaneous MCT from 60 dogs, consisting of 24 dogs with subsequent local recurrence and 12 dogs with metastasis, as compared to dogs matched by breed, age, and sex with subcutaneous MCT that did not experience these events. Mitotic index, Ki67, the combination of Ki67 and AgNOR, and KIT cellular localization pattern were significantly associated with local recurrence and metastasis, thereby demonstrating their prognostic value for subcutaneous MCT. No internal tandem duplication mutations were detected in exon 11 of c-KIT in any tumors. Because c-KIT mutations have been demonstrated in only 20 to 30% of cutaneous MCT and primarily in tumors of higher grade, the number of subcutaneous MCT analyzed in this study may be insufficient to draw conclusions on the role c-KIT mutations in these tumors.