129 resultados para Kauppis-Heikki,
The superconducting (or cryogenic) gravimeter (SG) is based on the levitation of a superconducting sphere in a stable magnetic field created by current in superconducting coils. Depending on frequency, it is capable of detecting gravity variations as small as 10-11ms-2. For a single event, the detection threshold is higher, conservatively about 10-9 ms-2. Due to its high sensitivity and low drift rate, the SG is eminently suitable for the study of geodynamical phenomena through their gravity signatures. I present investigations of Earth dynamics with the superconducting gravimeter GWR T020 at Metsähovi from 1994 to 2005. The history and key technical details of the installation are given. The data processing methods and the development of the local tidal model at Metsähovi are presented. The T020 is a part of the worldwide GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) network, which consist of 20 working station. The data of the T020 and of other participating SGs are available to the scientific community. The SG T020 have used as a long-period seismometer to study microseismicity and the Earth s free oscillation. The annual variation, spectral distribution, amplitude and the sources of microseism at Metsähovi were presented. Free oscillations excited by three large earthquakes were analyzed: the spectra, attenuation and rotational splitting of the modes. The lowest modes of all different oscillation types are studied, i.e. the radial mode 0S0, the "football mode" 0S2, and the toroidal mode 0T2. The very low level (0.01 nms-1) incessant excitation of the Earth s free oscillation was detected with the T020. The recovery of global and regional variations in gravity with the SG requires the modelling of local gravity effects. The most important of them is hydrology. The variation in the groundwater level at Metsähovi as measured in a borehole in the fractured bedrock correlates significantly (0.79) with gravity. The influence of local precipitation, soil moisture and snow cover are detectable in the gravity record. The gravity effect of the variation in atmospheric mass and that of the non-tidal loading by the Baltic Sea were investigated together, as sea level and air pressure are correlated. Using Green s functions it was calculated that a 1 metre uniform layer of water in the Baltic Sea increases the gravity at Metsähovi by 31 nms-2 and the vertical deformation is -11 mm. The regression coefficient for sea level is 27 nms-2m-1, which is 87% of the uniform model. These studies are associated with temporal height variations using the GPS data of Metsähovi permanent station. Results of long time series at Metsähovi demonstrated high quality of data and correctly carried out offsets and drift corrections. The superconducting gravimeter T020 has been proved to be an eminent and versatile tool in studies of the Earth dynamics.
This thesis deals with theoretical modeling of the electrodynamics of auroral ionospheres. In the five research articles forming the main part of the thesis we have concentrated on two main themes: Development of new data-analysis techniques and study of inductive phenomena in the ionospheric electrodynamics. The introductory part of the thesis provides a background for these new results and places them in the wider context of ionospheric research. In this thesis we have developed a new tool (called 1D SECS) for analysing ground based magnetic measurements from a 1-dimensional magnetometer chain (usually aligned in the North-South direction) and a new method for obtaining ionospheric electric field from combined ground based magnetic measurements and estimated ionospheric electric conductance. Both these methods are based on earlier work, but contain important new features: 1D SECS respects the spherical geometry of large scale ionospheric electrojet systems and due to an innovative way of implementing boundary conditions the new method for obtaining electric fields can be applied also at local scale studies. These new calculation methods have been tested using both simulated and real data. The tests indicate that the new methods are more reliable than the previous techniques. Inductive phenomena are intimately related to temporal changes in electric currents. As the large scale ionospheric current systems change relatively slowly, in time scales of several minutes or hours, inductive effects are usually assumed to be negligible. However, during the past ten years, it has been realised that induction can play an important part in some ionospheric phenomena. In this thesis we have studied the role of inductive electric fields and currents in ionospheric electrodynamics. We have formulated the induction problem so that only ionospheric electric parameters are used in the calculations. This is in contrast to previous studies, which require knowledge of the magnetospheric-ionosphere coupling. We have applied our technique to several realistic models of typical auroral phenomena. The results indicate that inductive electric fields and currents are locally important during the most dynamical phenomena (like the westward travelling surge, WTS). In these situations induction may locally contribute up to 20-30% of the total ionospheric electric field and currents. Inductive phenomena do also change the field-aligned currents flowing between the ionosphere and magnetosphere, thus modifying the coupling between the two regions.
Large herbivores can influence plant and soil properties in grassland ecosystems, but especially for belowground biota and processes, the mechanisms that explain these effects are not fully understood. Here, we examine the capability of three grazing mechanisms-plant defoliation, dung and urine return, and physical presence of animals (causing trampling and excreta return in patches)-to explain grazing effects in Phleum pratense-Festuca pratensis dairy cow pasture in Finland. Comparison of control plots and plots grazed by cows showed that grazing maintained original plant-community structure, decreased shoot mass and root N and P concentrations, increased shoot N and P concentrations, and had an inconsistent effect on root mass. Among soil fauna, grazing increased the abundance of fungivorous nematodes and Aporrectodea earthworms and decreased the abundance of detritivorous enchytraeids and Lumbricus earthworms. Grazing also increased soil density and pH but did not affect average soil inorganic-N concentration. To reveal the mechanisms behind these effects, we analyzed results from mowed plots and plots that were both mowed and treated with a dung and urine mixture. This comparison revealed that grazing effects on plant attributes were almost entirely explained by defoliation, with only one partly explained by excreta return. Among belowground attributes, however, the mechanisms were more mixed, with effects explained by defoliation, patchy excreta return, and cow trampling. Average soil inorganic-N concentration was not affected by grazing because it was simultaneously decreased by defoliation and increased by cow presence. Presence of cows created great spatial heterogeneity in soil N availability and abundance of fungivorous nematodes. A greenhouse trial revealed a grazing-induced soil feedback on plant growth, which was explained by patchiness in N availability rather than changes in soil biota. Our results show that grazing effects on plant attributes can be satisfactorily predicted using the effects of defoliation, whereas those on soil fauna and soil N availability need understanding of other mechanisms as well. The results indicate that defoliation-induced changes in plant ecophysiology and the great spatial variation in N availability created by grazers are the two key mechanisms through which large herbivores can control grassland ecosystems.
"The genetic diversity of Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) was studied in a local population of its natural host, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). The trapping area (2.5x2.5 km) at Konnevesi, Central Finland, included 14 trapping sites, at least 500 m apart; altogether, 147 voles were captured during May and October 2005. Partial sequences of the S, M and L viral genome segments were recovered from 40 animals. Seven, 12 and 17 variants were detected for the S, M and L sequences, respectively; these represent new wild-type PUUV strains that belong to the Finnish genetic lineage. The genetic diversity of PUUV strains from Konnevesi was 0.2-4.9% for the S segment, 0.2-4.8% for the M segment and 0.2-9.7% for the L segment. Most nucleotide substitutions were synonymous and most deduced amino acid substitutions were conservative, probably due to strong stabilizing selection operating at the protein level. Based on both sequence markers and phylogenetic clustering, the S, M and L sequences could be assigned to two groups, 'A' and 'B'. Notably, not all bank voles carried S, M and L sequences belonging to the same group, i.e. SAMALA or SBMBLB.. A substantial proportion (8/40, 20%) of the newly characterized PUUV strains possessed reassortant genomes such as SBMALA, SAMBLB or SBMALB. These results suggest that at least some of the PUUV reassortants are viable and can survive in the presence of their parental strains."
"In this study, for the first time, two distinct genetic lineages of Puumala virus (PUUV) were found within a small sampling area and within a single host genetic lineage (Ural mtDNA) at Pallasjarvi, northern Finland. Lung tissue samples of 171 bank voles (Myodes glareolus) trapped in September 1998 were screened for the presence of PUUV nucleocapsid antigen and 25 were found to be positive. Partial sequences of the PUUV small (S), medium (M) and large (L) genome segments were recovered from these samples using RT-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis revealed two genetic groups of PUUV sequences that belonged to the Finnish and north Scandinavian lineages. This presented a unique opportunity to study inter-lineage reassortment in PUUV; indeed, 32% of the studied bank voles appeared to carry reassortant virus genomes. Thus, the frequency of inter-lineage reassortment in PUUV was comparable to that of intra-lineage reassortment observed previously (Razzauti, M., Plyusnina, A., Henttonen, H. & Plyusnin, A. (2008). J Gen Virol 89, 1649-1660). Of six possible reassortant S/M/L combinations, only two were found at Pallasjarvi and, notably, in all reassortants, both S and L segments originated from the same genetic lineage, suggesting a non-random pattern for the reassortment. These findings are discussed in connection to PUUV evolution in Fermoscandia."
Työ on uskontososiologian tutkimusalaan lukeutuva laadullinen tapaustutkimus, joka perustuu argumentatiiviseen haastatteluaineistoon ja sosiaalisen identiteetin teoriaan. Tutkimuskysymys liittyy sosiaalisen identiteettiin. Miten suomenuskoinen hahmottaa oman yhteisönsä ja sen jäsenyyden? Mitä merkitystä yhteisöllä on suomenuskoiselle? Tutkimuksen aihepiiri on suomalainen uuspakanuus ja sen eräs suuntaus, suomenusko. Työn eräänä tarkoituksena on määritellä suomenuskon käsitettä ja sijoittaa suomenuskoinen suuntaus nykyajan suomalaisen uuspakanuuden kentälle. Hypoteesin mukaan suomenusko on uusiin uskontoihin lukeutuva uuspakanallinen liike. Se kuuluu ásatrún tavoin etnopakanuuden luokkaan, eli kansallisista muinaisperinteistä inspiraationsa ammentaviin suuntauksiin. Suomenuskolle on omalaatuista esikristillisten suomalaisten uskontoperinteiden sekä suomalaisen kansanuskon korostaminen lähteinä. Suomenuskon muut ominaispiirteet vastaavat tyypillistä uuspakanuutta: Luonnon ja perinteiden kunnioitus sekä epädogmaattisuus ja tasavertaisuus ovat keskeisiä arvoja. Työ tehtiin puolistrukturoituna haastattelututkimuksena. Seitsemää suomenuskoista haastateltiin laadullisen asennetutkimuksen menetelmän mukaisesti. Menetelmä on uudehko ja kiinnostava. Se perustuu argumentatiivisen haastatteluaineiston tuottamiseen väittämäkorttien avulla. Analyysissä haastatteluaineistosta paikannetaan asenteita, eli subjektin ilmaisemaa jonkin kohteen arvottamista. Asenteista pyrittiin löytämään ulkoryhmiin kohdistuvia vertailuja ja retorisia erottautumisia. Työn teoreettisena tukirankana on Henri Tajfelin ja John C. Turnerin kehittämä sosiaalisen identiteetin teoria. Teorian mukaan sosiaalista identiteettiä on mahdollista tutkia ainoastaan sosiaalisten ryhmien keskinäisen vertailun asetelmassa. Omia sisäryhmiä vertaillaan aina ulkoryhmiin siten, että oma ryhmä näyttäytyy voittajana. Tämä takaa yksilölle myönteisen omanarvontunnon. Karmela Liebkindin mukaan vähemmistöryhmät vertailevat itseään valtakulttuurin enemmistöryhmiin. Heikki Pesosen ja Elina Huhdan mukaan vähemmistöuskonnot pyrkivät oikeuttamaan omaa uskontoaan tekemällä omalle ryhmälle suotuisia vertailuja. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin haastateltavien tekemiä retorisia erottautumisia ulkoryhmistä sekä heidän ilmaisemiaan asenteita, jotka liittyvät suomenuskoisten sisäryhmän dynamiikkaan. Tulosten perusteella haastatellut suomenuskoiset erottautuvat ryhmänä muusta uuspakanuudesta ja vielä selvemmin New Agesta ja satanismista, jotka eivät ole uuspakanuutta. Lisäksi haastateltavat korostavat eroa dogmaattisiin valtauskontoihin, varsinkin evankelis-luterilaisen valtionkirkon enemmistöryhmään. Suomenuskoisten yhteisöön liittymisen prosessin havaittiin muistuttavan sosiaalista itsekategorisointia yhteisön jäsenyydessä ratkaiseva tekijä on oman jäsenyyden tajuaminen itse. Teorian mukaan tämä johtaa sosiaalisen identiteetin muodostumiseen ja siten ryhmäkäyttäytymiseen. Haastateltavilla oli havaittavissa vahva sosiaalinen identiteetti. Uuspakanuuden kenttään suhteutettuna se oli poikkeuksellisen yhtenäinen. Lisäksi selvisi, että suomenuskoiset suunnittelevat uskonnolliseksi yhdyskunnaksi rekisteröitymistä.