979 resultados para Körtvély, Erika: Verb conjugation in Tundra Nenets
Dels criteris proposats per la bibliogra a per identi car les perífrasis verbals (PV) de l'espanyol, només alguns ajuden a diferenciar amb e càcia les PV de les construccions no perifràstiques (CNP). L'objectiu d'aquest article és revisar aquests criteris i avaluar-los per tal de determinar quins són realment vàlids per identi car les PV. L'avaluació s'ha dut a terme amb un grup de 15 conjunts verbals. A més, s'ha realitzat un estudi experimental amb corpus per determinar la productivitat de les PV detectades.
An undergraduate organic lab experiment is described based on the preparation of two readily accessible hydrazones. The UV-visible spectra of these N-H acids and of their conjugate bases are employed to illustrate the importance of through-conjugation in determining their acid strength and their internal charge-transfer-band transitions.
Este trabajo se centra en estudiar la adquisición de la morfología verbal en una lengua con un paradigma verbal morfológicamente rico. Se predice que los niños de dos años no mostrarán productividad morfológica ante verbos desconocidos. La muestra se compone de 12 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 31 meses. El procedimiento, de tipo experimental, se caracteriza por entrenar a los niños con verbos inventados. Los resultados muestran que los sujetos solamente utilizan los nuevos verbos con la forma morfológica con la que se han presentado. También se observa la omisión de determinados constituyentes de la oración. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la asunción de discontinuidad de las competencias lingüísticas infantiles
The present study focuses on the zero person constructions both in Finnish and Estonian. In the zero person construction, there is no overt subject and the verb is in the 3rd person singular form: Fin. Tammikuussa voi hiihtää Etelä-Suomessakin. Est. Jaanuaris saab suusatada ka Lõuna-Soomes ‘In January one can ski even in South-Finland’. The meaning of the zero construction is usually considered generic and open. However, the zero may be interpreted as indexically open so that the reference can be construed from the context. This study demonstrates how the zero may be interpreted as referring to the speaker, the addressee, or anybody. The zero person construction in Finnish has been contrasted to the generic pronoun constructions in Indo-European languages. For example, the zero person is translated in English as you or one; in Swedish and German as man. The grammar and semantics of the Finnish zero person construction have been studied earlier to some extent. However, the differences and similarities between Finnish and Estonian, two closely related languages, have not been thoroughly studied before. The present doctoral thesis sheds light on the zero person construction, its use, functions, and interpretation both in Finnish and Estonian. The approach taken is contrastive. The data comes from magazine articles published in Finnish and translated into Estonian. The data consists of Finnish sentences with the zero person and their Estonian translations. In addition, the data includes literary fiction, and non-translated Estonian corpora texts as well. Estonian and Finnish are closely related and in principle the personal system of the two languages is almost identical, nevertheless, there are interesting differences. The present study shows that the zero person construction is not as common in Estonian as it is in Finnish. In my data, a typical sentence with the zero person in both languages is a generic statement which tells us what can or cannot be done. When making generic statements the two languages are relatively similar, especially when the zero person is used together with a modal verb. The modal verbs (eg. Fin. voida ‘can’, saada ‘may’, täytyä ‘must’; Est. võima ‘may’, saama ‘can’, tulema ’must’) are the most common verbs in both Finnish and Estonian zero person constructions. Significant differences appear when a non-modal verb is used. Overall, non-modal verbs are used less frequently in both languages. Verbs with relatively low agentivity or intentionality, such as perception verb nähdä in Finnish and nägema in Estonian, are used in the zero person clauses in both languages to certain extent. Verbs with more agentive and intentional properties are not used in the Estonian zero person clauses; in Finnish their use is restricted to specific context. The if–then-frame provides a suitable context for the zero person in Finnish, and the Finnish zero person may occur together with any kind of verb in conditional if-clause. Estonian if-clauses are not suitable contexts for zero person. There is usually a da-infinitive, a generic 2nd person singular or a passive form instead of the zero person in Estonian counterparts for Finnish if-clauses with zero person. The aim of this study was to analyze motivations for choosing the zero person in certain contexts. In Estonian, the use of the zero person constructions is more limited than in Finnish, and some of the constraints are grammatical. On the other hand, some of the constraints are motivated by the differences in actual language use. Contrasting the two languages reveals interesting differences and similarities between these two languages and shows how these languages may use similar means differently.
En français contemporain, l’hésitation dans le choix entre être et avoir comme auxiliaire dans les formes verbale composées (par ex. le passé composé) de certains verbes intransitifs (par ex. tomber), surtout dans des variétés non standards du français, démonte clairement l’écart qui existe entre le français normé et le français oral quotidien. Cette hésitation, voire l’incertitude, dans le choix de l’auxiliaire n’est pas une particularité arbitraire ou aléatoire de la langue contemporaine; elle s’inscrit plutôt dans une tendance diachronique et pan-romane que l’on a pu observer dans la langue française depuis son émancipation du latin. Notre étude, qui se fonde sur la théorie de la grammaticalisation, propose une analyse du discours grammatical de 1500 – époque où sont apparues les premières grammaires du français – jusqu’à 1789 avec la Révolution française, signalant le moment où la langue se serait stabilisée et aurait adopté sa forme moderne. Nous divisons les trois siècles de notre étude en quatre périodes distinctes, déjà bien établies dans les études historiques. Ce sont : - Le XVIe siècle (1530-1599) - La première moitié de la période classique (1600-1650) - La deuxième moitié de la période classique (1651-1715) - Le Siècle des lumières (1716-1789) Pour chacune des quatre périodes, l’analyse se fait en trois temps. Premièrement, nous recensons les grammairiens, les lexicographes et les essayistes qui se sont prononcés, soit explicitement, soit implicitement, sur l’emploi des auxiliaires être et avoir dans les formes verbales composées (FVC). Nous identifions, là où cela est possible, le dialecte maternel de chaque auteur et son modèle d’usage. Deuxièmement, nous résumons les observations et les commentaires sur l’emploi des auxiliaires dans les FVC formulés par chaque auteur, y compris les tentatives d’explication quant à la variation dans le choix de l’auxiliaire. Finalement, nous rapportons la description de l’emploi des auxiliaires dans les FVC proposée par des historiens de la langue française pour la période en question. Notre étude nous permet de confirmer, en ce qui concerne les FVC, certaines tendances déjà reconnues dans la langue française et d’en identifier d’autres. Également, nous avons pu repérer, voire circonscrire des facteurs qui ont eu une influence sur le choix, tels les verbes plus sensibles à l’alternance, les grammairiens dont l’autorité s’est imposé plus que d’autres ou avant les autres dans l’établissement de la norme sur ce point, les contextes sociaux dans lesquels le débat a eu lieu et la période pendant laquelle les préoccupations sur ce choix était les plus intenses.
Ce mémoire de maitrise vise à dresser un portrait des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves du secondaire en analysant un corpus de textes de cinq groupes du Québec, de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. Les résultats actuels aux épreuves ministérielles des élèves de 5e secondaire nous indiquent que les élèves éprouvent des difficultés avec l’écriture du français. Une analyse approfondie nous permet de comprendre que l’amélioration de la situation passe par une meilleure connaissance des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves. En nous appuyant sur la grille de Boivin et Pinsonneault (2014), nous avons analysé les données provenant du codage des textes d’élèves de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. L’analyse de ces données nous a permis de constater que parmi les sept grandes catégories d’erreurs de la grille, c’est en syntaxe que les élèves commettent le plus d’erreurs. Une incursion au cœur des six sous-catégories de la syntaxe a révélé que la ponctuation causait le plus de problème aux élèves, et ce, à tous les niveaux. Les erreurs liées à la détermination de la catégorie grammaticale des mots (homophones) arrivaient en deuxième place. Par la suite, nous avons précisé davantage l’analyse en déterminant, pour chacun des codes, l’évolution du nombre d’erreurs d’un niveau du secondaire à l’autre. Il est ressorti de cette étude que les deux principales erreurs, basées sur les sous-catégories syntaxiques, sont celles portant sur l’usage de la virgule et celles liées à la confusion qui existe encore un verbe terminant par «er» et un adjectif ou un participe passé terminant par «é-e-s».
Este trabajo se centra en estudiar la adquisición de la morfología verbal en una lengua con un paradigma verbal morfológicamente rico. Se predice que los niños de dos años no mostrarán productividad morfológica ante verbos desconocidos. La muestra se compone de 12 sujetos de edades comprendidas entre los 22 y los 31 meses. El procedimiento, de tipo experimental, se caracteriza por entrenar a los niños con verbos inventados. Los resultados muestran que los sujetos solamente utilizan los nuevos verbos con la forma morfológica con la que se han presentado. También se observa la omisión de determinados constituyentes de la oración. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la asunción de discontinuidad de las competencias lingüísticas infantiles
Stroke is a major cause of death and disability, which involves excessive glutamate receptor activation leading to excitotoxic cell death. We recently reported that SUMOylation can regulate kainate receptor (KAR) function. Here we investigated changes in protein SUMOylation and levels of KAR and AMPA receptor subunits in two different animal stroke models: a rat model of focal ischemia with reperfusion and a mouse model without reperfusion. In rats, transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) resulted in a striatal and cortical infarct. A dramatic increase in SUMOylation by both SUMO-1 and SUMO-2/3 was observed at 6h and 24h in the striatal infarct area and by SUMO-2/3 at 24h in the hippocampus, which was not directly subjected to ischemia. In mice, permanent MCAO resulted in a selective cortical infarct. No changes in SUMOylation occurred at 6h but there was increased SUMO-1 conjugation in the cortical infarct and non-ischemic hippocampus at 24h after MCAO. Interestingly, SUMOylation by SUMO-2/3 occurred only outside the infarct area. In both rat and mouse levels of KARs were only decreased in the infarct regions whereas AMPARs were decreased in the infarct and in other brain areas. These results suggest that posttranslational modification by SUMO and down-regulation of AMPARs and KARs may play important roles in the pathophysiological response to ischemia.
Novel bis(azidophenyl)phosphole sulfide building block 8 has been developed to give access to a plethora of phosphole-containing π-conjugated systems in a simple synthetic step. This was explored for the reaction of the two azido moieties with phenyl-, pyridyl- and thienylacetylenes, to give bis(aryltriazolyl)-extended π-systems, having either the phosphole sulfide (9) or the phosphole (10) group as central ring. These conjugated frameworks exhibit intriguing photophysical and electrochemical properties that vary with the nature of the aromatic end-group. The λ3-phospholes 10 display blue fluorescence (λem = 460–469 nm) with high quan-tum yield (ΦF = 0.134–0.309). The radical anion of pyridylsubstituted phosphole sulfide 9b was observed with UV/Vis spectroscopy. TDDFT calculations on the extended π-systems showed some variation in the shape of the HOMOs, which was found to have an effect on the extent of charge transfer, depending on the aromatic end-group. Some fine-tuning of the emission maxima was observed, albeit subtle, showing a decrease in conjugation in the order thienyl � phenyl � pyridyl. These results show that variations in the distal ends of such π-systems have a subtle but significant effect on photophysical properties.
The electronic properties of four divinylanthracene-bridged diruthenium carbonyl complexes [{RuCl(CO)(PMe3)3}2(μ[BOND]CH[DOUBLE BOND]CHArCH[DOUBLE BOND]CH)] (Ar=9,10-anthracene (1), 1,5-anthracene (2), 2,6-anthracene (3), 1,8-anthracene (4)) obtained by molecular spectroscopic methods (IR, UV/Vis/near-IR, and EPR spectroscopy) and DFT calculations are reported. IR spectroelectrochemical studies have revealed that these complexes are first oxidized at the noninnocent bridging ligand, which is in line with the very small ν(C[TRIPLE BOND]O) wavenumber shift that accompanies this process and also supported by DFT calculations. Because of poor conjugation in complex 1, except oxidized 1+, the electronic absorption spectra of complexes 2+, 3+, and 4+ all display the characteristic near-IR band envelopes that have been deconvoluted into three Gaussian sub-bands. Two of the sub-bands belong mainly to metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) transitions according to results from time-dependent DFT calculations. EPR spectroscopy of chemically generated 1+–4+ proves largely ligand-centered spin density, again in accordance with IR spectra and DFT calculations results.
The genome of the soil-dwelling heterotrophic N2-fixing Gram-negative bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum NCIMB 8003 (ATCC 4412) (Ac-8003) has been determined. It consists of 7 circular replicons totalling 5,192,291 bp comprising a circular chromosome of 4,591,803 bp and six plasmids pAcX50a, b, c, d, e, f of 10,435 bp, 13,852, 62,783, 69,713, 132,724, and 311,724 bp respectively. The chromosome has a G+C content of 66.27% and the six plasmids have G+C contents of 58.1, 55.3, 56.7, 59.2, 61.9, and 62.6% respectively. The methylome has also been determined and 5 methylation motifs have been identified. The genome also contains a very high number of transposase/inactivated transposase genes from at least 12 of the 17 recognised insertion sequence families. The Ac-8003 genome has been compared with that of Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC BAA-1303 (Av-DJ), a derivative of strain O, the only other member of the Azotobacteraceae determined so far which has a single chromosome of 5,365,318 bp and no plasmids. The chromosomes show significant stretches of synteny throughout but also reveal a history of many deletion/insertion events. The Ac-8003 genome encodes 4628 predicted protein-encoding genes of which 568 (12.2%) are plasmid borne. 3048 (65%) of these show > 85% identity to the 5050 protein-encoding genes identified in Av-DJ, and of these 99 are plasmid-borne. The core biosynthetic and metabolic pathways and macromolecular architectures and machineries of these organisms appear largely conserved including genes for CO-dehydrogenase, formate dehydrogenase and a soluble NiFe-hydrogenase. The genetic bases for many of the detailed phenotypic differences reported for these organisms have also been identified. Also many other potential phenotypic differences have been uncovered. Properties endowed by the plasmids are described including the presence of an entire aerobic corrin synthesis pathway in pAcX50f and the presence of genes for retro-conjugation in pAcX50c. All these findings are related to the potentially different environmental niches from which these organisms were isolated and to emerging theories about how microbes contribute to their communities.
The congruential rule advanced by Graves for polarization basis transformation of the radar backscatter matrix is now often misinterpreted as an example of consimilarity transformation. However, consimilarity transformations imply a physically unrealistic antilinear time-reversal operation. This is just one of the approaches found in literature to the description of transformations where the role of conjugation has been misunderstood. In this paper, the different approaches are examined in particular in respect to the role of conjugation. In order to justify and correctly derive the congruential rule for polarization basis transformation and properly place the role of conjugation, the origin of the problem is traced back to the derivation of the antenna height from the transmitted field. In fact, careful consideration of the role played by the Green’s dyadic operator relating the antenna height to the transmitted field shows that, under general unitary basis transformation, it is not justified to assume a scalar relationship between them. Invariance of the voltage equation shows that antenna states and wave states must in fact lie in dual spaces, a distinction not captured in conventional Jones vector formalism. Introducing spinor formalism, and with the use of an alternate spin frame for the transmitted field a mathematically consistent implementation of the directional wave formalism is obtained. Examples are given comparing the wider generality of the congruential rule in both active and passive transformations with the consimilarity rule.
In the present work, the surface of the Eu-BTC = [Eu(EMA)(H(2)O)(2)], [Eu(TLA)(H(2)O)(4)] and [Eu(TMA)(H(2)O)(6)] complexes (EMA = 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylate, TLA = 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylate and TMA = 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate) was modified using 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) by a new microwave assisted method that proved to be simple and efficient. According to our observations, the most efficient luminescence is the material based on APTES incorporating [Eu(TMA)(H(2)O)(6)] complexes, denoted as Eu-TMA-Si, shows the highest emission efficiency. Therefore, it is proposed as a promising material for molecular conjugation in clinical diagnosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.