1000 resultados para Jocs Olímpics 27ns : 2000 : Sidney
Article describing the design standards and their use for Paralympic facilities. This article was published in the book entitled Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
This text has been published in the book Jocs Olímpics, comunicació i intercanvis culturals: l’experiència dels últims quatre Jocs Olímpics d’estiu, gathering the communications presented in the international Symposium that was celebrated in Barcelona from 3 to 5 april of 1991.
Article providing the athlete perspective on Olympic Villages. This article was published in the book entitled "Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences" compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
Paper discussing on the impact of the Games on the urban development of host cities, analysing in particular the Barcelona'92 Olympic Village. This article was published in the book entitled "Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences" compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
This text corresponds to the contents of the seminar “Information Services at the Sport Institutions” held by the author as part of the programme of activities of the Invited Professor of Olympism of the International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB) in 2001. The seminar discusses the potential of technologies such as the Internet in sports documentation.
Paper analysing the increasing importance of Internet in organisations, the evolution of the use of information technology in the Olympic Games and the challenges that Internet can bring to the Olympic Movement. This paper was presented at the 11th IASI World Conference on Sports Information (Lausanne, 25-27 April 2001)
Ponencia que analiza la cada vez mayor importancia de Internet en las organizaciones, la evolución en el uso de las tecnologías de la información en los Juegos Olímpicos y los retos que Internet plantea al Movimiento Olímpic. Este texto fue presentado en el 11th IASI World Conference on Sports Information (Lausana, 25-27 abril 2001).
Article describing the current situation of the Internet, the use of Internet by sport institutions, and the relationship between the Internet and the Olympic Games, and the Olympic Movement. This paper was presented at the International Symposium on Television in the Olympic Games held in Lausanne in October 1998.
Article providing a broad historical overview of the role and typology of Olympic villages along the history of the Modern Olympic Games. This article was published in the book entitled ‘Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences’ compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
Article analysing the use of Olympic villages once the Games are finished. This article was published in the book entitled ‘Olympic Villages: a hundred years of urban planning and shared experiences’ compiling the papers given at the 1997 International Symposium on International Chair in Olympism (IOC-UAB).
Este artículo es una síntesis de algunas partes del libro del autor de &i&Juegos Olímpicos y Comunicación&/i&, publicado por FUNDESCO. La investigación correspondiente se pudo realizar en el Centre d'Estudis Olímpics de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona con el apoyo de la C.I.C.Y.T. (Centro de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica), en el Plan Nacional de Investigación (Área del Deporte). Esta versión fue preparada para la revista &i&Telos&/i& de Fundesco, en enero de 1992.
Aquest treball es va realitzar per a l’assignatura Campus “Olimpisme, Esport i Societat” durant el curs 1996-97 amb l’objectiu de plantejar un possible marc teòric a partir del qual pot contemplar-se el fenomen de l’Olimpisme com a institució amb uns mites fundadors que el legitimen i uns mecanismes de preservació.
Aquest treball es va realitzar per a l’assignatura Campus “Olimpisme, Esport i Societat” durant el curs 1996-97 i es defineix com un resum de victòries, de registres importants i també d'escàndols i d'impressions esteses arreu del món durant els anys de domini de "valquíries" i de velocistes amb les sigles DDR al casc o al pit.
Esta ponencia fue presentada en el International Symposium on Olympic Villages, Museo Olímpico, Lausana, Suiza. Su objetivo es exponer la evolución histórica del concepto de villa olímpica en los Juegos de Invierno y reflexionar sobre aquello en lo que se podría convertir. Esta evolución histórica puede dividirse en tres grandes períodos en que se basa este plan: antes de 1960, de 1964 a 1984 y a partir de 1988.
This text was presented at the Symposium “Olympic Arts and Culture Festivals: Recent Experiences and Future Design”, held in Chicago on the 23-24 June 2008. It provides with an analysis of good and bad points of the Cultural Olympiad of Barcelona’92 in order to discover, from that past experience, any lessons for future Cultural Olympiads and Olympic Movement cultural policy in general, as well as to rethink, in a critical way, Catalan cultural policies.