921 resultados para Java Native Interface


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Este trabalho busca a implementação da replicação de objetos através da linguagem Java e de seu sistema de invocação remota de métodos (Remote Method Invocation - RMI). A partir deste sistema, define-se uma classe de replicação - a máquina de replicação – onde a implementação de grupos de objetos é estruturada de acordo com a arquitetura cliente/servidor, sendo o cliente o representante (a interface) de um grupo de objetos e os servidores representam os demais componentes do grupo. A classe de replicação atende a uma necessidade importante dos sistemas distribuídos - o desenvolvimento de aplicações tolerantes a falhas. Fundamentalmente, a tolerância a falhas é obtida por redundância e, no caso de mecanismos de tolerância a falhas por software, esta redundância significa basicamente replicação de dados, processos ou objetos. A tolerância a falhas para tal tipo de sistema é importante para garantir a transparência do mesmo, visto que, assim como um sistema distribuído pode auxiliar muito o usuário pelas facilidades oferecidas, o não cumprimento de suas atividades de acordo com o esperado pode, em algumas situações, causar-lhe transtornos e erros irrecuperáveis nas aplicações. Finalmente, como principal contribuição, este trabalho descreve e implementa a solução completa para a construção de uma biblioteca de classes que oferece a replicação de forma totalmente transparente para o usuário.


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A popularização da Internet e o crescimento da educação à distância tornaram possível a criação de softwares e cursos à distância, disponíveis na WWW. Atualmente, a Inteligência Artificial (IA) vem sendo utilizada para aumentar a capacidade de ambientes de educação à distância, diminuindo a desistência pela falta de estímulos externos e de interação entre colegas e professores. Este trabalho encontra-se inserido no ambiente colaborativo suportado por computador, definido no projeto “Uma Proposta de Modelo Computacional de Aprendizagem à Distância Baseada na Concepção Sócio-Interacionista de Vygotsky” chamado MACES (Multiagent Architecture for an Collaborative Educational System). Sua principal proposta, como parte do projeto do grupo, é desenvolver e implementar a interface animada do personagem para os agentes pedagógicos animados Colaborativo e Mediador que operam no ambiente de aprendizado colaborativo proposto pelo grupo. O personagem desenvolvido chama-se PAT (Pedagogical and Affective Tutor). A interface do personagem foi desenvolvida em Java, JavaScript e usa o Microsoft Agent para a movimentação. O Resin 2.1.6 (semelhante ao Tomcat que também foi usado de teste) é o compilador de servlet usado na execução de Java Servlet’s e tecnologias jsp – que monta páginas HTML dinamicamente. Esta montagem é feita no servidor e enviada para o browser do usuário. Para definir a aparência do personagem foram feitas entrevistas com pedagogas, psicólogas, psicopedagogas e idéias tiradas de entrevistas informais com profissionais que trabalham com desenho industrial, propaganda, cartoon e desenho animado. A PAT faz parte da interface do MACES e promove a comunicação entre esse ambiente e o usuário. Portanto, acredita-se que a PAT e os recursos da Inteligência artificial poderão aumentar a capacidade de ambientes de educação à distância, tornando-os mais agradáveis, assim como diminuir a desistência pela falta de estímulos externos e de interação com colegas e professores.


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Esse trabalho de dissertação está incluído no contexto das pesquisas realizadas no Grupo de Processamento Paralelo e Distribuído da UFRGS. Ele aborda as áreas da computação de alto desempenho, interfaces simples de programação e de sistemas de interconexão de redes velozes. A máquina paralela formada por agregados (clusters) tem se destacado por apresentar os recursos computacionais necessários às aplicações intensivas que necessitam de alto desempenho. Referente a interfaces de programação, Java tem se mostrado uma boa opção para a escrita de aplicações paralelas por oferecer os sistemas de RMI e de soquetes que realizam comunicação entre dois computadores, além de todas as facilidades da orientação a objetos. Na área a respeito de interconexão de rede velozes está emergindo como uma tentativa de padronização a nova tecnologia Infiniband. Ela proporciona uma baixa latência de comunicação e uma alta vazão de dados, além de uma série de vantagens implementadas diretamente no hardware. É neste contexto que se desenvolve o presente trabalho de dissertação de mestrado. O seu tema principal é o sistema Aldeia que reimplementa a interface bastante conhecida de soquetes Java para realizar comunicação assíncrona em agregados formados por redes de sistema. Em especial, o seu foco é redes configuradas com equipamentos Infiniband. O Aldeia objetiva assim preencher a lacuna de desempenho do sistema padrão de soquetes Java, que além de usar TCP/IP possui um caráter síncrono. Além de Infiniband, o Aldeia também procura usufruir dos avanços já realizados na biblioteca DECK, desenvolvida no GPPD da UFRGS. Com a sua adoção, é possível realizar comunicação com uma interface Java sobre redes Myrinet, SCI, além de TCP/IP. Somada a essa vantagem, a utilização do DECK também proporciona a propriedade de geração de rastros para a depuração de programas paralelos escritos com o Aldeia. Uma das grandes vantagens do Aldeia está na sua capacidade de transmitir dados assincronamente. Usando essa técnica, cálculos da aplicação podem ser realizados concorrentemente com as operações pela rede. Por fim, os canais de dados do Aldeia substituem perfeitamente aqueles utilizados para a serialização de objetos. Nesse mesmo caminho, o Aldeia pode ser integrado à sistemas que utilizem a implementação de soquetes Java, agora para operar sobre redes de alta velocidade. Palavras-chave: Arquitetura Infiniband, agregado de computadores, linguagem de programação Java, alto desempenho, interface de programação.


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Java Card technology allows the development and execution of small applications embedded in smart cards. A Java Card application is composed of an external card client and of an application in the card that implements the services available to the client by means of an Application Programming Interface (API). Usually, these applications manipulate and store important information, such as cash and confidential data of their owners. Thus, it is necessary to adopt rigor on developing a smart card application to improve its quality and trustworthiness. The use of formal methods on the development of these applications is a way to reach these quality requirements. The B method is one of the many formal methods for system specification. The development in B starts with the functional specification of the system, continues with the application of some optional refinements to the specification and, from the last level of refinement, it is possible to generate code for some programming language. The B formalism has a good tool support and its application to Java Card is adequate since the specification and development of APIs is one of the major applications of B. The BSmart method proposed here aims to promote the rigorous development of Java Card applications up to the generation of its code, based on the refinement of its formal specification described in the B notation. This development is supported by the BSmart tool, that is composed of some programs that automate each stage of the method; and by a library of B modules and Java Card classes that model primitive types, essential Java Card API classes and reusable data structures


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In the universities, before the start of each school year, is held the distribution of classes among available teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the maximum workweek for each teacher and their preferences for each discipline, to prevent a teacher to give lessons in two separate locations at the same time and to avoid some teachers to become overloaded while others with large clearance. This process, manually performed, is time consuming and does not allow the visualization of other combinations of assignment of teachers to classes, besides being liable to error. This work aims to develop a decision support tool for the problem of assigning teachers to classes in college. The project encompasses the development of a computer program using the concepts of object orientation and a tree search algorithm of a combinatorial nature called Beam Search. The programming language used is Java and the program has a graphical interface for entering and manipulating data of the problem. Once obtained the schedule data of classes and teachers is possible, by means of the tool, perform various simulations and manual adjustments to achieve the final result. It is an efficient method of class scheduling, considering the speed of task execution and the fact that it generates only feasible results


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PURPOSE Geographic atrophy (GA) is the end-stage manifestation of atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease progresses slowly over time, eventually causing loss of central vision. Its cause and pathomechanism are not fully known. Previous studies have suggested that vitreoretinal traction (VRT) may contribute to the progression of neovascular AMD. The aim of this study was to examine whether an association between changes at the vitreoretinal interface (VRI), in particular traction (VRT), and the characteristics and progression of GA in eyes with dry AMD can be established. DESIGN Clinic-based prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS A total of 97 patients (age range, 61-90 years; mean, 78.4 years) with GA secondary to dry AMD were enrolled. Patients exhibiting neovascular signs on fluorescein angiography in either eye were excluded. METHODS The VRI changes were examined using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Characteristics of GA were examined using fundus autofluorescence (FAF) imaging. All imaging was performed using a Spectralis SLO+OCT device (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany); GA area was measured using the Region Finder (Heidelberg Engineering) software native to the Spectralis platform. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Area and increase in area of GA. RESULTS A total of 97 eyes were examined. Vitreoretinal traction was found in 39 eyes (40%). The GA area at baseline was 6.65±5.64 mm(2) in eyes with VRT and 5.73±4.72 mm(2) in eyes with no VRT. The annual rate of progression of GA area progression was 2.99±0.66 mm(2) in eyes with VRT and 1.45±0.67mm(2) in eyes without VRT. Differences between groups in both parameters were statistically significant (n = 97 total number of eyes; P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis confirmed this finding (B = 0.714, P<0.001; F3,93 = 72.542, P<0.001; adjusted R(2) = 0.691) CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate an association between VRT and an increased rate of progression of GA area in dry AMD. Monitoring VRT may contribute to an improved estimate of the prospective time of visual loss and to a better timing of emerging therapies in dry AMD.


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Distributed real-time embedded systems are becoming increasingly important to society. More demands will be made on them and greater reliance will be placed on the delivery of their services. A relevant subset of them is high-integrity or hard real-time systems, where failure can cause loss of life, environmental harm, or significant financial loss. Additionally, the evolution of communication networks and paradigms as well as the necessity of demanding processing power and fault tolerance, motivated the interconnection between electronic devices; many of the communications have the possibility of transferring data at a high speed. The concept of distributed systems emerged as systems where different parts are executed on several nodes that interact with each other via a communication network. Java’s popularity, facilities and platform independence have made it an interesting language for the real-time and embedded community. This was the motivation for the development of RTSJ (Real-Time Specification for Java), which is a language extension intended to allow the development of real-time systems. The use of Java in the development of high-integrity systems requires strict development and testing techniques. However, RTJS includes a number of language features that are forbidden in such systems. In the context of the HIJA project, the HRTJ (Hard Real-Time Java) profile was developed to define a robust subset of the language that is amenable to static analysis for high-integrity system certification. Currently, a specification under the Java community process (JSR- 302) is being developed. Its purpose is to define those capabilities needed to create safety critical applications with Java technology called Safety Critical Java (SCJ). However, neither RTSJ nor its profiles provide facilities to develop distributed realtime applications. This is an important issue, as most of the current and future systems will be distributed. The Distributed RTSJ (DRTSJ) Expert Group was created under the Java community process (JSR-50) in order to define appropriate abstractions to overcome this problem. Currently there is no formal specification. The aim of this thesis is to develop a communication middleware that is suitable for the development of distributed hard real-time systems in Java, based on the integration between the RMI (Remote Method Invocation) model and the HRTJ profile. It has been designed and implemented keeping in mind the main requirements such as the predictability and reliability in the timing behavior and the resource usage. iThe design starts with the definition of a computational model which identifies among other things: the communication model, most appropriate underlying network protocols, the analysis model, and a subset of Java for hard real-time systems. In the design, the remote references are the basic means for building distributed applications which are associated with all non-functional parameters and resources needed to implement synchronous or asynchronous remote invocations with real-time attributes. The proposed middleware separates the resource allocation from the execution itself by defining two phases and a specific threading mechanism that guarantees a suitable timing behavior. It also includes mechanisms to monitor the functional and the timing behavior. It provides independence from network protocol defining a network interface and modules. The JRMP protocol was modified to include two phases, non-functional parameters, and message size optimizations. Although serialization is one of the fundamental operations to ensure proper data transmission, current implementations are not suitable for hard real-time systems and there are no alternatives. This thesis proposes a predictable serialization that introduces a new compiler to generate optimized code according to the computational model. The proposed solution has the advantage of allowing us to schedule the communications and to adjust the memory usage at compilation time. In order to validate the design and the implementation a demanding validation process was carried out with emphasis in the functional behavior, the memory usage, the processor usage (the end-to-end response time and the response time in each functional block) and the network usage (real consumption according to the calculated consumption). The results obtained in an industrial application developed by Thales Avionics (a Flight Management System) and in exhaustive tests show that the design and the prototype are reliable for industrial applications with strict timing requirements. Los sistemas empotrados y distribuidos de tiempo real son cada vez más importantes para la sociedad. Su demanda aumenta y cada vez más dependemos de los servicios que proporcionan. Los sistemas de alta integridad constituyen un subconjunto de gran importancia. Se caracterizan por que un fallo en su funcionamiento puede causar pérdida de vidas humanas, daños en el medio ambiente o cuantiosas pérdidas económicas. La necesidad de satisfacer requisitos temporales estrictos, hace más complejo su desarrollo. Mientras que los sistemas empotrados se sigan expandiendo en nuestra sociedad, es necesario garantizar un coste de desarrollo ajustado mediante el uso técnicas adecuadas en su diseño, mantenimiento y certificación. En concreto, se requiere una tecnología flexible e independiente del hardware. La evolución de las redes y paradigmas de comunicación, así como la necesidad de mayor potencia de cómputo y de tolerancia a fallos, ha motivado la interconexión de dispositivos electrónicos. Los mecanismos de comunicación permiten la transferencia de datos con alta velocidad de transmisión. En este contexto, el concepto de sistema distribuido ha emergido como sistemas donde sus componentes se ejecutan en varios nodos en paralelo y que interactúan entre ellos mediante redes de comunicaciones. Un concepto interesante son los sistemas de tiempo real neutrales respecto a la plataforma de ejecución. Se caracterizan por la falta de conocimiento de esta plataforma durante su diseño. Esta propiedad es relevante, por que conviene que se ejecuten en la mayor variedad de arquitecturas, tienen una vida media mayor de diez anos y el lugar ˜ donde se ejecutan puede variar. El lenguaje de programación Java es una buena base para el desarrollo de este tipo de sistemas. Por este motivo se ha creado RTSJ (Real-Time Specification for Java), que es una extensión del lenguaje para permitir el desarrollo de sistemas de tiempo real. Sin embargo, RTSJ no proporciona facilidades para el desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas de tiempo real. Es una limitación importante dado que la mayoría de los actuales y futuros sistemas serán distribuidos. El grupo DRTSJ (DistributedRTSJ) fue creado bajo el proceso de la comunidad de Java (JSR-50) con el fin de definir las abstracciones que aborden dicha limitación, pero en la actualidad aun no existe una especificacion formal. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar un middleware de comunicaciones para el desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos de tiempo real en Java, basado en la integración entre el modelo de RMI (Remote Method Invocation) y el perfil HRTJ. Ha sido diseñado e implementado teniendo en cuenta los requisitos principales, como la predecibilidad y la confiabilidad del comportamiento temporal y el uso de recursos. El diseño parte de la definición de un modelo computacional el cual identifica entre otras cosas: el modelo de comunicaciones, los protocolos de red subyacentes más adecuados, el modelo de análisis, y un subconjunto de Java para sistemas de tiempo real crítico. En el diseño, las referencias remotas son el medio básico para construcción de aplicaciones distribuidas las cuales son asociadas a todos los parámetros no funcionales y los recursos necesarios para la ejecución de invocaciones remotas síncronas o asíncronas con atributos de tiempo real. El middleware propuesto separa la asignación de recursos de la propia ejecución definiendo dos fases y un mecanismo de hebras especifico que garantiza un comportamiento temporal adecuado. Además se ha incluido mecanismos para supervisar el comportamiento funcional y temporal. Se ha buscado independencia del protocolo de red definiendo una interfaz de red y módulos específicos. También se ha modificado el protocolo JRMP para incluir diferentes fases, parámetros no funcionales y optimizaciones de los tamaños de los mensajes. Aunque la serialización es una de las operaciones fundamentales para asegurar la adecuada transmisión de datos, las actuales implementaciones no son adecuadas para sistemas críticos y no hay alternativas. Este trabajo propone una serialización predecible que ha implicado el desarrollo de un nuevo compilador para la generación de código optimizado acorde al modelo computacional. La solución propuesta tiene la ventaja que en tiempo de compilación nos permite planificar las comunicaciones y ajustar el uso de memoria. Con el objetivo de validar el diseño e implementación se ha llevado a cabo un exigente proceso de validación con énfasis en: el comportamiento funcional, el uso de memoria, el uso del procesador (tiempo de respuesta de extremo a extremo y en cada uno de los bloques funcionales) y el uso de la red (consumo real conforme al estimado). Los buenos resultados obtenidos en una aplicación industrial desarrollada por Thales Avionics (un sistema de gestión de vuelo) y en las pruebas exhaustivas han demostrado que el diseño y el prototipo son fiables para aplicaciones industriales con estrictos requisitos temporales.


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This article presents an interactive Java software platform which enables any user to easily create advanced virtual laboratories (VLs) for Robotics. This novel tool provides both support for developing applications with full 3D interactive graphical interface and a complete functional framework for modelling and simulation of arbitrary serial-link manipulators. In addition, its software architecture contains a high number of functionalities included as high-level tools, with the advantage of allowing any user to easily develop complex interactive robotic simulations with a minimum of programming. In order to show the features of the platform, the article describes, step-by-step, the implementation methodology of a complete VL for Robotics education using the presented approach. Finally, some educational results about the experience of implementing this approach are reported.


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Subtype polymorphism is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming. By hiding variability in behavior behind a uniform interface, polymorphism decouples clients from providers and thus enables genericity, modularity and extensi- bility. At the same time, however, it scatters the implementation of the behavior over multiple classes thus potentially hampering program comprehension. The extent to which polymorphism is used in real programs and the impact of polymorphism on program comprehension are not very well understood. We report on a preliminary study of the prevalence of polymorphism in several hundred open source software systems written in Smalltalk, one of the oldest object-oriented programming languages, and in Java, one of the most widespread ones. Although a large portion of the call sites in these systems are polymorphic, a majority have a small number of potential candidates. Smalltalk uses polymorphism to a much greater extent than Java. We discuss how these findings can be used as input for more detailed studies in program comprehension and for better developer support in the IDE.


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While object-oriented programming offers great solutions for today's software developers, this success has created difficult problems in class documentation and testing. In Java, two tools provide assistance: Javadoc allows class interface documentation to be embedded as code comments and JUnit supports unit testing by providing assert constructs and a test framework. This paper describes JUnitDoc, an integration of Javadoc and JUnit, which provides better support for class documentation and testing. With JUnitDoc, test cases are embedded in Javadoc comments and used as both examples for documentation and test cases for quality assurance. JUnitDoc extracts the test cases for use in HTML files serving as class documentation and in JUnit drivers for class testing. To address the difficult problem of testing inheritance hierarchies, JUnitDoc provides a novel solution in the form of a parallel test hierarchy. A small controlled experiment compares the readability of JUnitDoc documentation to formal documentation written in Object-Z. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Teallach project has adapted model-based user-interface development techniques to the systematic creation of user-interfaces for object-oriented database applications. Model-based approaches aim to provide designers with a more principled approach to user-interface development using a variety of underlying models, and tools which manipulate these models. Here we present the results of the Teallach project, describing the tools developed and the flexible design method supported. Distinctive features of the Teallach system include provision of database-specific constructs, comprehensive facilities for relating the different models, and support for a flexible design method in which models can be constructed and related by designers in different orders and in different ways, to suit their particular design rationales. The system then creates the desired user-interface as an independent, fully functional Java application, with automatically generated help facilities.


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The authors report a chemical process to remove the native oxide on Ge and Bi2Se3 crystals, thus facilitating high-resolution electron beam lithography (EBL) on their surfaces using a hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) resist. HSQ offers the highest resolution of all the commercially available EBL resists. However, aqueous HSQ developers such as NaOH and tetramethylammonium hydroxide have thus far prevented the fabrication of high-resolution structures via the direct application of HSQ to Ge and Bi2Se3, due to the solubility of components of their respective native oxides in these strong aqueous bases. Here we provide a route to the generation of ordered, high-resolution, high-density Ge and Bi2Se3 nanostructures with potential applications in microelectronics, thermoelectric, and photonics devices.                         


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The popularity of Computing degrees in the UK has been increasing significantly over the past number of years. In Northern Ireland, from 2007 to 2015, there has been a 40% increase in acceptances to Computer Science degrees with England seeing a 60% increase over the same period (UCAS, 2016). However, this is tainted as Computer Science degrees also continue to maintain the highest dropout rates.
In Queen’s University Belfast we currently have a Level 1 intake of over 400 students across a number of computing pathways. Our drive as staff is to empower and motivate the students to fully engage with the course content. All students take a Java programming module the aim of which is to provide an understanding of the basic principles of object-oriented design. In order to assess these skills, we have developed Jigsaw Java as an innovative assessment tool offering intelligent, semi-supervised automated marking of code.
Jigsaw Java allows students to answer programming questions using a drag-and-drop interface to place code fragments into position. Their answer is compared to the sample solution and if it matches, marks are allocated accordingly. However, if a match is not found then the corresponding code is executed using sample data to determine if its logic is acceptable. If it is, the solution is flagged to be checked by staff and if satisfactory is saved as an alternative solution. This means that appropriate marks can be allocated and should another student have submitted the same placement of code fragments this does not need to be executed or checked again. Rather the system now knows how to assess it.
Jigsaw Java is also able to consider partial marks dependent on code placement and will “learn” over time. Given the number of students, Jigsaw Java will improve the consistency and timeliness of marking.


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Este artículo presenta el proceso de implementación de una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la interacción del guante P5 de Essential Reality1 con un entorno virtual desarrollado en el lenguaje de programación Java y su librería Java 3D.2 Por otra parte, se describe un ejemplo implementado, haciendo uso de la API en cuestión. Con base en este ejemplo se presentan los resultados de la ejecución de pruebas de requerimientos de recursos físicos como la CPU y memoria física. Finalmente, se especifican las conclusiones y resultados obtenidos.


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Le logiciel est devenu omniprésent dans nos vies de sorte qu'on le retrouve dans plusieurs domaines de la vie courante. Cependant cette omniprésence, n'est pas sans conséquences. Les bogues de logiciel peuvent causer de vrais désastres, économiques, écologiques voire sanitaires. Vu la forte omniprésente du logiciel dans nos vies, le fonctionnement de nos sociétés dépend fortement de sa qualité. La programmation par contrat a pour but de produire des logiciels fiables, c'est-à-dire corrects et robustes. En effet, ce paradigme de programmation vise à introduire des assertions qui sont des spécifications de services. Ces spécifications représentent une forme de contrat. Les contrats définissent les responsabilités entre le client et le fournisseur. Le respect des contrats permet de garantir que le logiciel ne fait ni plus ni moins que ce que l'on attend de lui qu'il fasse. Le test unitaire est un test qui permet de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement d'une partie précise d'un logiciel. C'est un test dont la vérification se fait en exécutant une petite unité de code. En somme, un test unitaire est un code qui exécute de manière indirecte le code d'une classe pour vérifier que le code fonctionne bien. L'outil Génération de Squelettes des Contrats de classes et des tests unitaires (GACTUS) permet la génération automatique de squelettes de contrats de classes et celles des classes des tests unitaires d'un projet Java. La génération automatique du code source permet d'obtenir un code uniforme. GACTUS est un plug-in pour l'environnement de développement Eclipse écrit en Java. L'objectif principal de GACTUS est de faciliter la réalisation de logiciel de qualité grâce à la génération automatique des squelettes de contrats de classe et celui des tests unitaires et aussi d'accroître la productivité des développeurs. Pour faciliter son utilisation, GACTUS dispose d'une interface graphique permettant de guider l'utilisateur.