895 resultados para JARA IDROVO, EFRAÍN, 1926-
Esta tese investiga as eleições municipais em Lisboa durante a Primeira República (1910-1926). Pretende-se captar permanências e mudanças neste microcosmo político, para um conhecimento aprofundado da História eleitoral e local desta época. Estuda, uma a uma, as eleições municipais em Lisboa (1913, 1917, 1919, 1922 e 1925). Pesquisa as forças partidárias, os candidatos a vereadores, a campanha política, o corpo eleitoral e o resultado da votação para cada um dos escrutínios. No capítulo final faz-se análise de todos os sufrágios, averiguando a questão da legitimação do poder municipal em Lisboa na Primeira República. Concluímos que as “eleições feitas” ditaram a hegemonia do Partido Republicano Português em todas as eleições camarárias da capital. Apesar disso, o regime republicano empenhou-se na participação política, na cultura cívica e no processo de modernização e democratização da sociedade portuguesa.
Em Portugal, a Antropologia, enquanto prática científica nas suas diversas assunções, leva já um século de existência, estando todavia por fazer uma História da Antropologia Portuguesa. Existem, é certo, visões parcelares, mas mesmo essas surgidas apenas nas últimas duas décadas e referindo-se, quase que exclusivamente, ao contexto «metropolitano»10. A dimensão colonial, ou tem sido sistematicamente ignorada, ou tem-se prestado a leituras algo marcadas por uma visão demasiado ideológica 11. Esse quase desconhecimento do seu próprio passado poderá ter origem naquela «cegueira histórica» referida por Thomas Kuhn e que conduz, como consequência mais evidente, a «uma distorção drástica da percepção que o cientista possui do passado da sua disciplina»12, ou, então, resultar do relativo atraso da Antropologia Portuguesa. Mas estas são leituras demasiado extemporâneas, isto é, sem que se proceda à retrospecção factual e analítica das práticas antropológicas portuguesas não se poderá emitir qualquer parecer nessa área. Torna-se imperioso, por isso mesmo, reconstituir a História da Antropologia Portuguesa, conhecer as suas motivações, dar conta das suas limitações, o que conduzirá, necessariamente, a uma mais completa compreensão das suas realizações, tanto as do passado, como as do presente.
Alexander Leon Hatzan (1864-1941), a native of Belgium, was a self-described medical doctor, missionary, academic and some time herbalist. In 1918 he moved to Niagara Falls, first living on Clifton Avenue (now Zimmerman Ave.), later moving to the River Road home he shared with his wife Ada Beatrice Rolston (1882-1975). He was the author of three books and at least four known music scores. He was heavily involved in the promotion of his books and his music. The correspondence is chiefly in reply to gifts of books and/or music sent by Hatzan to the recipients or in reply to requests for speaking engagements. Hatzan died on October 7, 1941 while visiting Vancouver, BC.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
In 1948, The St. Catharines Civic Orchestra was founded by Jan Wolanek who was also the first conductor. Initially, this was a community orchestra and in 1963 its governing body assumed the name St. Catharines Symphony Association. In 1978 the name was again changed to The Niagara Symphony Association to reflect regional responsibilities. Wally Laughton was named Assistant Conductor in 1952/53. R.C. Clarke took over the orchestra for an interim period after Wolanek left in 1957. In 1958 Leonard Pearlman became the Music Director. It was under his direction that the Niagara Symphony Chorus came into existence in 1963. Milton Barnes succeeded Pearlman in 1964 and he was responsible for directing the symphony’s first opera production. He also made a concerted effort to attract younger people to symphonic music. In 1972 Leonard Atherton became the Music Director. He started the Cantata Choir and the Madrigal Singers. It was under his tenure that the orchestra became professional. When Atherton left in 1980, there were three seasons of guest conductors, the most notable of these conductors was Uri Mayer. In 1981 James Vincent Fusco was appointed as composer in residence and in 1983 Ermanno Florio became the Music Director. He retained this position until 1995 when Michael Reason took over. Daniel Swift was appointed as Music Director and Conductor in 1999 and the Niagara Symphony Orchestra became the orchestr in residence at Brock University. Laura Thomas was appointed as Associate Conductor 1n 2004. Daniel Swift’s resignation in 2008 began a search for a new Music Director. Bradley Thachuck was appointed as Music Director Designate and Principal Conductor in 2010. The orchestra is a fully professional, charitable institution with 52 members.The orchestra has also been led by Victor Feldbrill and Howard Cable. A junior symphony was first formed under Leonard Pearlman in 1960/61, but it wasn’t until 1965 that The St. Catharines Youth Orchestra was founded. The orchestra has consistently been an award winner in music festivals. The musicians range in age from 12 to 18 years. The highlight of the 1973-74 season was the orchestra’s participation in the first Canadian Festival of Youth Orchestras at The Banff School of Fine Arts. The St. Catharines Youth Orchestra has evolved from the St. Catharines School String and Brass Ensembles to a full scale symphony under the direction of conductor Paul van Dongen. In 1974 the Symphony House music program came into existence. It was 1976 when Richard Grymonpre was hired as the principal violinist of the St. Catharines Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the St. Catharines Youth Orchestra. Tak Ng Lai took over the position as conductor in 1978. Laura Thomas is currently the Music Director of The Niagara Youth Orchestra. Source: Niagara Symphony, Orchestra in Residence, Brock University website and notes from Niagara Symphony files