999 resultados para Isoxazolin-5-ones
Este vídeo forma parte de la Enciclopedia Audiovisual de las Ciencias y las Técnicas, y se estructura en capítulos de cuatro minutos. Cada capítulo expone el estudio de un objeto o fenómeno científico y propone: recordatorios, definiciones, exploraciones para entender mejor un funcionamiento, animaciones para representar fenómenos complejos, descubrimientos y aplicaciones y puntos que remiten a otros capítulos de la enciclopedia directamente relacionados con el tema que se trata. Los capítulos incluidos en este volumen son: la cámara fotográfica; la luz de colores; la propagación de la luz; el láser; las ondas electromagnéticas; los rayos X y los rayos gamma; el sónar; el radar; las ondas sonoras; la guitarra; el micrófono; el altavoz; la modulación y la frecuencia, y, las antenas.
Although there are signs of decline, homicides and traffic-related injuries and deaths in Brazil account for almost two-thirds of all deaths from external causes. In 2007, the homicide rate was 26.8 per 100 000 people and traffic-related mortality was 23.5 per 100 000. Domestic violence might not lead to as many deaths, but its share of violence-related morbidity is large. These are important public health problems that lead to enormous individual and collective costs. Young, black, and poor men are the main victims and perpetrators of community violence, whereas poor black women and children are the main victims of domestic violence. Regional differentials are also substantial. Besides the sociocultural determinants, much of the violence in Brazil has been associated with the misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs, and the wide availability of firearms. The high traffic-related morbidity and mortality in Brazil have been linked to the chosen model for the transport system that has given priority to roads and private-car use without offering adequate infrastructure. The system is often poorly equipped to deal with violations of traffic rules. In response to the major problems of violence and injuries, Brazil has greatly advanced in terms of legislation and action plans. The main challenge is to assess these advances to identify, extend, integrate, and continue the successful ones.
Arylpiperazine compounds are promising 5-HT1A receptor ligands that can contribute for accelerating the onset of therapeutic effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In the present work, the chemometric methods HCA, PCA, KNN, SIMCA and PLS were employed in order to obtain SAR and QSAR models relating the structures of arylpiperazine compounds to their 5-HT1A receptor affinities. A training set of 52 compounds was used to construct the models and the best ones were obtained with nine topological descriptors. The classification and regression models were externally validated by means of predictions for a test set of 14 compounds and have presented good quality, as verified by the correctness of classifications, in the case of pattern recognition studies, and b, the high correlation coefficients (q(2) = 0.76, r(2) = 0.83) and small prediction errors for the PLS regression. Since the results are in good agreement with previous SAR studies, we can suggest that these findings can help in the search for 5-HT1A receptor ligands that are able to improve antidepressant treatment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Com a implementação do sistema de metas de inflação no Brasil, o Banco Central desenvolveu uma pesquisa de coleta de expectativas do mercado para a inflação e outras variáveis macroeconômicas, como uma das ferramentas para guiar a política monetária. O ranking Top 5 com as melhores projeções vem sendo publicado desde 2001. Este trabalho analisa a estrutura de premiação do ranking Top 5 como um mecanismo de incentivo para (i) obter projeções atualizadas do mercado e (ii) estimular as instituições participantes da pesquisa a aprimorar suas projeções. A análise baseia-se na literatura desenvolvida na área de torneios e na investigação dos dados disponíveis na pesquisa de expectativas e na premiação Top 5. Encontra-se alguma evidência de heterogeneidade entre os participantes da pesquisa, que pode estar relacionada tanto a características intrínsecas de cada instituição com relação à habilidade quanto ao nível de esforço e estratégia escolhidos.
Literature has demonstrated to the narrow relation between deleterious habits and the occurrence of malocclusion in minors of 5 years. The existence of these habits, however, already considered as risk factors, having also, its determinative ones, which present cultural dimensions and economic social, many of them related to the parents of the child, having in account that such habits if develop in phases in which the child establish a narrow relation of dependence. This study it had an objective to investigate the prevalence of deleterious buccal habits in children and its relation with the economic social and characteristics of the parents. It was developed an epidemiologist study of transversal character with interview, through daily pay-tested form, with 218 parents in the day of the National Campaign of Vaccination. In the cast of the variable that had composed the study, they had been used, as changeable dependents, the use of the baby's bottle, bottle and the digital suction, being considered as outcomes of the research. Amongst the independent variable, the economic social factors (type of occupation, number of children, civil state, sort, schooling and age) and staffs of the parents (self perception in oral health) had entered as the variable to be analyzed in the problems of the infantile odontology. The collected data had been submitted to the analysis descriptive and inferential statistics, being used the test qui-square and the analysis of the possibility reasons. As main results, it was found that breast feeding before the six months if presents as one of the main factors of risk for the use of baby's bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 2.8, I.C= 1.589 4.906), bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 3.7, I.C.= 2.076 6.624) and digital suction (p< 0.014, OR= 3.5, I.C.= 1.225 10.181). From the data found, one concludes that breast-feeding is considered a primordial factor for not the installation of deleterious oral habits and that the economic social and cultural factors can reflect in central way in the performance of this act
(1) C13H13N3O5, Mr = 291.26, P (1) over bar, a = 7.4629(9), b = 7.9203(9), c = 12.126(2) angstrom, alpha = 86.804(5), beta = 78.471(7), gamma = 69.401(8)degrees, V = 657.3(2)angstrom(3), Z = 2, R-1 = 0.0454; (2) C11H12N2O4, Mr=236.23, Pbca, a=7.2713(9), b=14.234(1), c=20.848(3)angstrom, V= 2157.8(4) angstrom(3), Z=8, R-1=0.0504; (3) C13H13N2O3Cl, Mr = 280.70, P2/n, a = 17.344(2), b = 9.237(1), c = 18.398(2) angstrom; beta = 92.61(2)degrees, V = 2944.4(6) angstrom(3), Z = 8, R-1 = 0.0714. The conformational features of three 4-substituted-3-4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones were investigated by computational and single crystal X-ray crystallographic studies. The geometries were optimized using semiempirical (AM1) and first principle calculations (B3LYP/6-31G**) methods, the rotational barriers for important functional groups were studied. In all structures the pyrimidinone rings are in a more or less distorted boat conformation. The phenyl and the furane rings are almost perpendicular to the best least-squares plane through the dihydropyrimidinone ring.
In this work we introduce a mapping between the so-called deformed hyperbolic potentials, which are presenting a continuous interest in the last few years, and the corresponding nondeformed ones. As a consequence, we conclude that these deformed potentials do not pertain to a new class of exactly solvable potentials, but to the same one of the corresponding nondeformed ones. Notwithstanding, we can reinterpret this type of deformation as a kind of symmetry of the nondeformed potentials. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper describes the control, epidemiological, pathological, and molecular aspects of an outbreak of meningoencephalitis in calves due to bovine herpesvirus 5 at a feedlot with 540 animals in Sa (a) over tildeo Paulo State, Brazil. The introduction of new animals and contact between the resident animals and the introduced ones were most likely responsible for virus transmission. Bovine herpesvirus 1 vaccine was used, resulting in the efficacy of the outbreak control, although two bovine herpesvirus 1 positive animals, vaccinated and revaccinated, presented meningoencephalitis, thereby characterizing vaccinal failure.
BACKGROUND: Loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding Na(v)1.5 Na+ channel, are associated with inherited cardiac conduction defects and Brugada syndrome, which both exhibit variable phenotypic penetrance of conduction defects. We investigated the mechanisms of this heterogeneity in a mouse model with heterozygous targeted disruption of Scn5a (Scn5a(+/-) mice) and compared our results to those obtained in patients with loss-of-function mutations in SCN5A. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on ECG, 10-week-old Scn5a(+/-) mice were divided into 2 subgroups, one displaying severe ventricular conduction defects (QRS interval>18 ms) and one a mild phenotype (QRS< or = 18 ms; QRS in wild-type littermates: 10-18 ms). Phenotypic difference persisted with aging. At 10 weeks, the Na+ channel blocker ajmaline prolonged QRS interval similarly in both groups of Scn5a(+/-) mice. In contrast, in old mice (>53 weeks), ajmaline effect was larger in the severely affected subgroup. These data matched the clinical observations on patients with SCN5A loss-of-function mutations with either severe or mild conduction defects. Ventricular tachycardia developed in 5/10 old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not in mildly affected ones. Correspondingly, symptomatic SCN5A-mutated Brugada patients had more severe conduction defects than asymptomatic patients. Old severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice but not mildly affected ones showed extensive cardiac fibrosis. Mildly affected Scn5a(+/-) mice had similar Na(v)1.5 mRNA but higher Na(v)1.5 protein expression, and moderately larger I(Na) current than severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice. As a consequence, action potential upstroke velocity was more decreased in severely affected Scn5a(+/-) mice than in mildly affected ones. CONCLUSIONS: Scn5a(+/-) mice show similar phenotypic heterogeneity as SCN5A-mutated patients. In Scn5a(+/-) mice, phenotype severity correlates with wild-type Na(v)1.5 protein expression.
I am truly honored to have been given the amazing opportunity to create this original piece, this powerful journey through memory and emotive exploration of the loss of childhood. How do we feel about the loss of our child-self? Could we ever get them back? How long, how deep would one have to dig in the graveyards, the playgrounds of memory, to uncover what was buried there... to un-erase what waserased? shading silhouettes of smaller ones will ultimately encourage a reconnection with the Inner Child hidden inside all of us, as well as an intimate awareness of the adult version of the self by looking back to the smaller ones. The main inspiration for this piece is then of course, Inner Child Work. Most people may not be familiar with this therapeutic exploration of childhood... It wasimportant to me then, to present this concept in an imaginative, theatrical way, as a gift to you - a comprehensive and intensely moving gift. Speaking from experience, working on my Inner Child - my little Bianca - has been the most painful, frightening, yetrewarding and powerful experience within my personal life. Some people spend their entire lives trying to love themselves, to prove themselves, or be accepted. Some are too afraid to look back to where it all began. The characters within this piece will face thatfear... in a regression from the complexities of adulthood to the confusion of adolescence, all the way back to the wonder and bliss of childhood. They will reveal memories, of both joy and pain, love and abandonment, journeying backwards through time - through memory - through a playground - back to the beginning... We will enter a world where a push of a merry-go-round spins us to games of Truth or Dare after a high school dance at 16 - or the slam of a metal fence reminds us of the door Dad slammed in our face at 9 - where the sound of chain links swings us back to scrapping our knee by the sandbox at 5 This piece will attempt to connect everyone, both cast and audience, through a universal understanding and discussion of what it means to grow up, as well as a discovery of WHY we are the way we are - how experiences or relationships from our childhood have shaped our adult lives. We will attempt to challenge your honesty and nerve by inviting you to ask questions of yourselves, your past - to remember what it's like to have the innocence and hope of a child, to engage with and discover your Inner Child, to realize when or why you left them behind, and if you want to this magical part of yourself. It is my hope that you will join us in a collective journey - gather the courage to dig up the little kid you buried so long ago...* The creation, design, choreography, and direction for shading silhouettes of smaller ones mark the culminating experience of a year-long independent study in Theatre.
Lichens are a key component of forest biodiversity. However, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to several management types, extending over different regions and forest stages and including information on site conditions is missing for temperate European forests. In three German regions (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin), the so-called Biodiversity Exploratories, we studied lichen species richness in 631 forest plots of 400 m2 comprising different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests resulting from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, and site conditions, typical for large parts of temperate Europe. We analyzed how lichen species richness responds to management and habitat variables (standing biomass, cover of deadwood, cover of rocks). We found strong regional differences with highest lichen species richness in the Schwäbische Alb, probably driven by regional differences in former air pollution, and in precipitation and habitat variables. Overall, unmanaged forests harbored 22% more threatened lichen species than managed age-class forests. In general, total, corticolous, and threatened lichen species richness did not differ among management types of deciduous forests. However, in the Schwäbische-Alb region, deciduous forests had 61% more lichen species than coniferous forests and they had 279% more threatened and 76% more corticolous lichen species. Old deciduous age classes were richer in corticolous lichen species than young ones, while old coniferous age-classes were poorer than young ones. Overall, our findings highlight the importance of stand continuity for conservation. To increase total and threatened lichen species richness we suggest (1) conserving unmanaged forests, (2) promoting silvicultural methods assuring stand continuity, (3) conserving old trees in managed forests, (4) promoting stands of native deciduous tree species instead of coniferous plantations, and (5) increasing the amount of deadwood in forests.
This paper presents the first analysis of the input impedance and radiation properties of a dipole antenna, placed on top of Fan 's three-dimensional electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure, (Applied Physics Letters, 1994) constructed using a high dielectric constant ceramic. The best position of the dipole on the EBG surface is determined following impedance and radiation pattern analyses. Based on this optimum configuration an integrated Schottky heterodyne detector was designed, manufactured and tested from 0.48 to 0.52 THz. The main antenna features were not degraded by the high dielectric constant substrate due to the use of the EBG approach. Measured radiation patterns are in good agreement with the predicted ones.
Schizophrenia is frequently associated with abnormal motor behavior, particularly hypokinesia. The course of the illness tends to deteriorate in the first years. We aimed to assess gross motor activity in patients with a first episode (n = 33) and multiple episodes (n = 115) of schizophrenia spectrum disorders using wrist actigraphy. First episode patients were younger, had higher motor activity and reduced negative symptom severity. Covarying for age, chlorpromazine equivalents, and negative symptoms, first episode patients still had higher motor activity. This was also true after excluding patients with schizophreniform disorder from the analyses. In first episode patients, but not in patients with multiple episodes, motor activity was correlated with antipsychotic dosage. In conclusion, after controlling for variables related to disorder chronicity, patients with first episodes were still more active than patients with multiple episodes. Thus, reduced motor activity is a marker of deterioration in the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
The isostructural title compounds, {(C7H7N2)2[SnI4]}n, (1), and {(C7H5F2N2)2[SnI4]}n, (2), show a layered perovskite-type structure composed of anionic {[SnI4]2-}n sheets parallel to (100), which are decorated on both sides with templating benzimidazolium or 5,6-difluorobenzimidazolium cations, respectively. These planar organic heterocycles mainly form N-H...I hydrogen bonds to the terminal I atoms of the corner-sharing [SnI6] octahedra (point group symmetry 2) from the inorganic layer, but not to the bridging ones. This is in contrast to most of the reported structures of related compounds where ammonium cations are involved. Here hydrogen bonding to both types of iodine atoms and thereby a distortion of the inorganic layers to various extents is observed. For (1) and (2), all Sn-I-Sn angles are linear and no out-of-plane distortions of the inorganic layers occur, a fact of relevance in view of the material properties. The arrangement of the aromatic cations is mainly determined through the direction of the N-H...I hydrogen bonds. The coherence between organic bilayers along [100] is mainly achieved through van der Waals interactions.