942 resultados para Irrigation of vegetables
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Little is known about the heavy metal and microbial contamination of vegetables produced in Central Asian cities. We therefore measured the concentration of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) and of faecal pathogens (Coliform bacteria, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Ascaris lubricoides, Entamoeba sp. and pinworms [Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis]) in soil, irrigation water, and marketed vegetables of Kabul City, Afghanistan. Leaf Pb and Zn concentrations of leafy vegetables were with 1–5 and 33–160 mg kg^{-1} dry weight (DW) several-fold above respective international thresholds of 0.3 mg Pb kg^{-1} and 50 mg Zn kg^{-1}. The tissue concentration of Cu was below threshold limits in all samples except for spinach in one farm. Above-threshold loads of microbes and parasites on vegetables were found in five out of six gardens with coliforms ranging from 0.5–2 × 10^7 cells 100g^{-1} fresh weight (FW), but no Salmonella and Shigella were found. Contamination with 0.2 × 10^7 eggs 100g^{-1} FW of Ascaris was detected on produce of three farms and critical concentrations of Entamoeba in a single case, while Oxyuris vermicularis, and Enterobius vermicularis were found on produce of three and four farms, respectively. Irrigation water had Ascaris, Coliforms, Salmonella, Shigella, Entamoeba, and Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis ranging from 0.35 × 10^7 to 2 × 10^7 cells l^{-1}. The heavy metal and microbial loads on fresh UPA vegetables are likely the result of contamination from rising traffic, residues of the past decades of war and lacking treatment of sewage which needs urgent attention.
This work aimed to assess the bacteriological quality of water used in the irrigation of vegetable gardens in the municipalities of Araraquara, Boa Esperança do Sul and Ibitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 80 samples of water used in the irrigation of 40 vegetable gardens were analyzed, two samples coming from each vegetable garden. They were collected at the same site in different months, which resulted in two sample collection groups. The most probable number (MPN/100mL) of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci was identifi ed by means of the multiple tube technique. The analysis of the fi rst group samples showed quantities of thermotolerant coliforms above the amount allowed by current law for irrigation water (CONAMA Resolution n. 357) in nine cases. The owners of those vegetable gardens were then instructed in water disinfection procedures. After the analysis of the second group samples, it was noticed that only one sample did not meet the quality standards, and it was collected at a site where no disinfection procedure had been carried out. According to the results, 77.5% of the vegetable gardens were using water whose samples meet the quality standards. After the owners were instructed with regard to disinfection procedures, that number changed to 97.5%, which confi rms the importance of controlling and supervising irrigation water quality
This study evaluated in vitro the capacity of debris removal from the apical third of flattened root canals, using different final irrigation protocols. Thirty human mandibular central incisors with a mesiodistal flattened root were prepared using rotary instrumentation by Endo-Flare 25.12 and Hero 642 30.06, 35.02, 40.02 files, irrigated with 2 mL of 1% NaOCl after each file. The specimens were randomly distributed into 5 groups according to the final irrigation of root canals: Group I: 10 mL of distilled water (control), Group II: 10 mL of 1% NaOCl for 8 min, Group III: 2 mL of 1% NaOCl for 2 min (repeated 4 times), Group IV: 10 mL of 2.5% NaOCl for 8 min, and Group V: 10 mL of 2.5% NaOCl for 2 min (repeated 4 times). The apical thirds of the specimens were subjected to histological processing and 6-μm cross-sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The specimens were examined under optical microscopy at ×40 magnification and the images were subjected to morphometric analysis using the Scion image-analysis software. The total area of root canal and the area with debris were measured in square millimeters. Analysis of variance showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) among the groups GI (2.39 ± 3.59), GII (2.91 ± 2.21), GIII (0.73 ± 1.36), GIV (0.95 ± 0.84) and GV (0.51 ± 0.22). In conclusion, the final irrigation protocols evaluated in this study using the Luer syringe presented similar performance in the removal of debris from the apical third of flattened root canals.
Minimally processed leafy vegetables are ready-to-eat (RTE) products very attractive to consumers looking for healthy and convenient meals. However, the microbiological safety of these foods is of special concern due to the absence of lethal treatments during processing. In the present study, indicator microorganisms, Listeria spp. and Salmonella spp. were determined for 162 samples of minimally processed leafy vegetables commercialized in Brazil. Psychrotrophic aerobic bacterial populations >5 log CFU/g were found in 96.7% of the samples, while total and thermotolerant coliforms were detected respectively in 132 (81.5%) and 107 (66%) of vegetables analyzed. Escherichia coil was present in 86 (53.1%) samples analyzed and Listeria spp. and Salmonella spp. were detected respectively in 6 (3.7%) and 2 (1.2%) samples. These results indicate the need of implementing quality programs in the production chain of RTE vegetables to improve shelf life and microbiological safety. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low-grade inflammation adversely influences metabolism and cardiovascular prognosis, nevertheless increased intake of fruits and vegetables has rarely been studied in this context. Objective: In a prospective controlled study, the effect on C-reactive protein (CRP) levels was assessed. Methodology: Sixty consecutive women undergoing cosmetic abdominal surgery were instructed to consume six servings each of fruits and vegetables during the first postoperative month. Detailed 24h interviewer-administered dietary recall was conducted at baseline and at the end of the study, with weekly returns to monitor unscheduled dietary changes and compliance with the protocol. Variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA) were evaluated to confirm significance and minimize confounding variables. Results: No differences concerning age (42.2 +/- 5.3 vs 41.1 +/- 6.0 years) or BMI (25.5 +/- 3.1 vs 25.0 +/- 3.0 kg/m(2)) occurred. Ingestion of fruits increased to approximately 5.2 vs 3.9 and of vegetables 5.9 vs 3.4 servings/ day, respectively. CRP decreased more conspicuously in the treated group (P = 0.028), and correlation between vitamin C input and CRP in supplemented participants was demonstrated (P = 0.014). Conclusions: Higher intake of antioxidant foods was feasible, and an antiinflammaotory effect occurred. Further studies with longer administration and follow-up period are recommended.
High intakes of fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer at several sites. Evidence has been derived mainly from case-control studies. We reviewed the relationship between consumption of vegetables and fruit and the risk of several common cancers in a network of Italian and Swiss case-control studies including over 10 000 cases of fourteen different cancers and about 17 000 controls. Data were suggestive of a protective role of vegetable intake on the risk of several common epithelial cancers. OR for the highest compared with the lowest levels of consumption ranged from 0·2 (larynx, oral cavity and pharynx) to 0·9 (prostate). Inverse associations were found for both raw and cooked vegetables, although for upper digestive tract cancers the former were somewhat stronger. Similar inverse associations were found for cruciferous vegetables. Frequent consumption of allium vegetables was also associated with reduced risk of several cancers. Fruit was a favourable correlate of the risk of several cancers, particularly of the upper digestive tract, with associations generally weaker than those reported for vegetables. A reduced risk of cancers of the digestive tract and larynx was found for high consumption of citrus fruit. Suggestive protections against several forms of cancer, mainly digestive tract cancers, were found for high consumption of apples and tomatoes. High intakes of fibres, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins were inversely related to various forms of cancer. In conclusion, data from our series of case-control studies suggested a favourable role of high intakes of fruit and vegetables in the risk of many common cancers, particularly of the digestive tract. This adds evidence to the indication that aspects of the Mediterranean diet may have a favourable impact not only on CVD, but also on several common (epithelial) cancers, particularly of the digestive tract.
This research was designed to analyze whether the procedures adopted by foodservice establishments for the purchase of minimally processed and fresh vegetables favor the acquisition of safe products. This research investigated the purchasing policies of such establishments, whether self-managed or administered by foodservice contractors, in the municipality of Campinas and its outlying districts. A random sample of thirty-nine establishments participated in the research. The instruments for data collection were pre-tested, and the actual interviews were conducted by trained personnel. Comparative analyses were made using various statistical tests. All of the participating establishments purchase fresh vegetables, although only six of them use minimally processed ones. For most of the establishments, price is at least one of the most important criteria for the selection of a supplier, and they do not normally monitor the safety of the fresh products purchased (51.3%), nor do they make regular technical visits to guarantee quality (46.2%); moreover, most do not carry out a supplier development program. It is suggested that routine technical visits to suppliers should be adopted, as well as the creation of courses, such as those dealing with the safety of vegetables and supplier development, to be offered to foodservices.
On s’intéresse aux impacts des pesticides sur la microflore des plantes surtout dans le contexte des légumes contaminés par des agents pathogènes. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact de certains pesticides sur la persistance de micro-organismes indicateurs et pathogènes. En laboratoire, la persistance d’E. coli et de Salmonella en présence de quatre pesticides (Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF, Serenade MAX) a été étudiée. Les plaques de Pétrifilm et le milieu sélectif XLD sont utilisés pour énumérer les populations d’E. coli et de Salmonella. Il a été démontré que le Serenade MAX favorisait la croissance microbienne, le Bioprotec CAF et le Ripcord 400EC soutenaient la survie microbienne et le Copper 53W inhibait la croissance, à la fois d’E. coli et de Salmonella. En conditions terrain, Ripcord 400EC, Copper 53W, Bioprotec CAF ont été étudiés sur une culture de brocoli irriguée avec de l'eau expérimentalement contaminée par E. coli. Dans tous les traitements, un impact de l’irrigation a été observé sur les populations de levures et de moisissures (diminution) et les bactéries aérobies totales (augmentation). Une prévalence supérieure d’E. coli a été observée dans les parcelles traitées avec le Bioprotec CAF comparativement aux traitements au Copper 53W, ce qui est en accord avec les résultats observés lors de l'essai en laboratoire. Cependant, l'analyse statistique n'a montré aucune différence significative entre les traitements appliqués. Les effets directs des pesticides sur les micro-organismes sont confirmés dans des conditions de laboratoire mais demeurent méconnus dans les conditions expérimentales au champ.
Metal contaminants in garden and allotment soils could possibly affect human health through a variety of pathways. This study focused on the potential pathway of consumption of vegetables grown on contaminated soil. Five cultivars each of six common vegetables were grown in a control and in a soil spiked with Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Highly significant differences in metal content were evident between cultivars of a number of vegetables for several of the contaminants. Carrot and pea cultivars exhibited significant differences in accumulated concentrations of Cd and Cu with carrot cultivars also exhibiting significant differences in Zn. Distinctive differences were also identified when comparing one vegetable to another, legumes (Leguminosae) tending to be low accumulators, root vegetables (Umbelliferae and Liliaceae) tending to be moderate accumulators and leafy vegetables (Compositae and Chenopodiaceae) being high accumulators. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Smoking has been positively and fruit and vegetable intake has been negatively associated with cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among women worldwide. However, a lower consumption of fruits and reduced serum carotenoids have been observed among smokers. It is not known whether the smoking effect on the risk of cervical neoplasia is modified by a low intake of fruits and vegetables. The present study examined the combined effects of tobacco smoking and diet using a validated FFQ and serum carotenoid and tocopherol levels on cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3) risk in a hospital-based case-control study conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 2003 and 2005. The sample comprised 231 incident, histologically confirmed cases of CIN3 and 453 controls. A low intake (<= 39 g) of dark-green and deep-yellow vegetables and fruits without tobacco smoking had a lesser effect on CIN3 (OR 1.14; 95% CI 0.49, 2.65) than among smokers with higher intake (>= 40 g; OR 1.83; 95% CI 0.73, 4.62) after adjusting for confounders. The OR for the joint exposure of tobacco smoking and low intake of vegetables and fruits was greater (3.86; 95% CI 1.74, 8.57; P for trend < 0.001) compared with non-smokers with higher intake after adjusting for confounding variables and human papillomavirus status. Similar results were observed for total fruit, serum total carotene (including beta-, alpha-and gamma-carotene) and tocopherols. These findings suggest that the effect of nutritional factors on CIN3 is modified by smoking.
To determine whether changes in dietary intakes predict weight loss, we studied 80 overweight adults who attended a nutritional counseling program during 6 months of follow-up at a primary health care center in Brazil. Habitual diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire at baseline and after 6 months. The mean age (+/-SD) of the participants was 46.5 +/- 9.5 years, and their mean body mass index was 29 +/- 3 kg/m(2) at baseline. After 6 months, the differences in body weight and fruit/vegetable intake were -1.4 +/- 3 kg and 109 +/- 320 g daily, respectively. Using multiple linear regression models adjusted for age, sex, changes in walking time, and total energy intake, the increased intake of dietary fiber from fruits/vegetables was associated with a greater weight loss (beta 1 [95% confidence interval (CI)] = -0.180 [-0.269, -0.0911) after 6 months of follow-up. Similar results were observed for increased intake of vegetables (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00497 [-0.008, -0.0021) and fruits (beta 1 [95% CI] = -0.00290 [-0.005, -0.001]) as predictors of weight loss. The increase of 100 g/d of vegetables and fruits represented a body weight loss of 500 and 300 g after 6 months, respectively (P <.05). Our findings support the relevance of increased intakes of fruits and vegetables that may help avoid weight gain in overweight adults. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper reports on the development and optimization of a modified Quick, Easy, Cheap Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) based extraction technique coupled with a clean-up dispersive-solid phase extraction (dSPE) as a new, reliable and powerful strategy to enhance the extraction efficiency of free low molecular-weight polyphenols in selected species of dietary vegetables. The process involves two simple steps. First, the homogenized samples are extracted and partitioned using an organic solvent and salt solution. Then, the supernatant is further extracted and cleaned using a dSPE technique. Final clear extracts of vegetables were concentrated under vacuum to near dryness and taken up into initial mobile phase (0.1% formic acid and 20% methanol). The separation and quantification of free low molecular weight polyphenols from the vegetable extracts was achieved by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) equipped with a phodiode array (PDA) detection system and a Trifunctional High Strength Silica capillary analytical column (HSS T3), specially designed for polar compounds. The performance of the method was assessed by studying the selectivity, linear dynamic range, the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, trueness, and matrix effects. The validation parameters of the method showed satisfactory figures of merit. Good linearity (View the MathML sourceRvalues2>0.954; (+)-catechin in carrot samples) was achieved at the studied concentration range. Reproducibility was better than 3%. Consistent recoveries of polyphenols ranging from 78.4 to 99.9% were observed when all target vegetable samples were spiked at two concentration levels, with relative standard deviations (RSDs, n = 5) lower than 2.9%. The LODs and the LOQs ranged from 0.005 μg mL−1 (trans-resveratrol, carrot) to 0.62 μg mL−1 (syringic acid, garlic) and from 0.016 μg mL−1 (trans-resveratrol, carrot) to 0.87 μg mL−1 ((+)-catechin, carrot) depending on the compound. The method was applied for studying the occurrence of free low molecular weight polyphenols in eight selected dietary vegetables (broccoli, tomato, carrot, garlic, onion, red pepper, green pepper and beetroot), providing a valuable and promising tool for food quality evaluation.
Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) é considerada uma das mais importantes pragas em cultivos de hortaliças e ornamentais em todo o mundo. Baseado na análise da seqüência mitocondrial (citocromo oxidase I - mtCOI) foi proposto recentemente que B. tabaci deva ser considerado um complexo críptico de espécies, contendo 11 grupos e 24 espécies. Dois destes grupos: Middle East-Asia Minor e Mediterranean englobam os biótipos B e Q, respectivamente. Avaliou-se a sequência mtCOI de espécimes de B. tabaci coletados em regiões do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Por PCR-RFLP utilizando-se a enzima Taq I, pôde-se observar somente o padrão típico de clivagem para o biótipo B. Comparando-se com sequências consenso, todas as moscas brancas foram classificadas no grupo Middle East-Asia Minor e puderam ser separadas em quatro haplótipos, indicando prevalência do biótipo B em áreas de pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.), tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), cucurbitáceas e berinjela (Solanum melongena L.) do Estado de São Paulo.
Because hydroponic production of vegetables is becoming more common, the carotenoid composition of hydroponic leafy vegetables commercialized in Campinas, Brazil, was determined. All samples were collected and analyzed in winter. Lactucaxanthin was quantified for the first time and was found to have concentrations similar to that of neoxanthin in the four types of lettuce analyzed. Lutein predominated in cress, chicory, and roquette (75.4 ± 10.2, 57.0 ± 10.3, and 52.2 ± 12.6 μg/g, respectively). In the lactucaxanthin-containing lettuces, β-carotene and lutein were the principal carotenoids (ranging from 9.9 ± 1.5 to 24.6 ± 3.1 μg/g and from 10.2 ± 1.0 to 22.9 ± 2.6 μg/g, respectively). Comparison of hydroponic and field-produced curly lettuce, taken from neighboring farms, showed that the hydroponic lettuce had significantly lower lutein, β-carotene, violaxanthin, and neoxanthin contents than the conventionally produced lettuce. Because the hydroponic farm had a polyethylene covering, less exposure to sunlight and lower temperatures may have decreased carotenogenesis.