869 resultados para Intercultural awareness
Primary objective: To examine a theoretical model which suggests that a contribution of both psychological and neuropsychological factors underlie deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation. Research design: Multivariate design including correlations and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Methods: Sixty-one subjects with acquired brain injury (ABI) were administered standardized measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Psychological factors included measures of coping-related denial, personality-related denial and personality change. Neuropsychological factors included an estimate of IQ and two measures of executive functioning that assess capacity for volition and purposive behaviour. Main outcomes and results: The findings indicated that the relative contribution of neuropsychological factors to an outcome of deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation had a more direct effect than psychological factors. In general, measures of executive functioning had a direct relationship, while measures of coping-related and personality-related denial had an indirect relationship with measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the importance of measuring both neuropsychological and psychological factors and demonstrated that the relative contribution of these variables varies according to different levels of self-awareness and self-regulation.
The frequency of prospective memory failure in individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) was investigated by comparison with a non-brain-injured control group. Self-awareness of prospective memory function was also assessed by comparing self-ratings with ratings by significant others. Study participants included 33 individuals with severe TBI and 29 non-brain-injured persons. Each participant nominated a close friend or relative who completed the informant's version of the questionnaire. Participants and their significant others both rated the participants' frequency of prospective memory lapses using the Comprehensive Assessment of Prospective Memory (CAPM). An independent groups design was adopted to compare the TBI and control groups. No significant difference was found between the TBI and control participants' self-ratings of frequency of prospective memory failure, but ratings by significant others were significantly different. The TBI group demonstrated less self-awareness (i.e. underestimated the frequency of prospective memory failure compared to significant others) than the control group.
Impaired self-awareness is a common problem following traumatic brain injury. Without adequate self-awareness, a person's motivation to participate in rehabilitation may be limited, which in turn can have an adverse effect on his or her functional outcome. For this reason, it is important that brain injury rehabilitation professionals, including occupational therapists, both understand this phenomenon and use assessment and treatment approaches aimed at improving clients' self-awareness. This article provides an overview of self-awareness, reviewing the distinction between intellectual and online awareness. The current role of occupational therapy in the assessment of self-awareness is highlighted and the guidelines for new assessments of self-awareness suitable for use in occupational therapy are explored.
Periodontal disease (PD) is widely known among veterinarians for its high prevalence and serious consequences to the dogs. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of PD in dogs that live in the micro-region of Viçosa, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Viçosa (HVT - Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa), as well as to assess how aware of this disease dog owners are. In order to do so, all dogs treated at the HVT from March 10th, 2009 to November 30th, 2009, on alternate days, had their oral cavities examined. Medical history data, such as age, type of food, main complaint and owner consent, halitosis, presence of dental calculus, inflammation and gingival recession and tooth loss, were collected. A prevalence of 88.67% was found for PD in dogs referred to the HVT, and 2.67% were referred due to this disease. Of all the owners who participated in the study, 43.83% knew about periodontal disease and of these 17.46% made use of some type of prevention or treatment. Therefore, periodontal disease is highly prevalent and the owners are not aware of the disease. Thus, a dog owner clarification program on periodontal disease is needed in the area where HVT-UFV operates.
Os comportamentos de ética empresarial têm sido questionados, com os recentes escândalos econômico-financeiros e as práticas de empresas e trabalhadores. Neste estudo, baseado em dados recolhidos por questionário, comparamos as perceções de ética de estudantes portugueses (N=109) e brasileiros (N=190) de Administração, expostos a um conjunto de cenários de ética e aceitabilidade de práticas comerciais, diante de duas dimensões culturais: a tolerância à ambiguidade e a antecipação das consequências futuras. Os resultados mostram diferenças significativas entre os brasileiros e os portugueses nas três dimensões, sendo os brasileiros mais tolerantes à ambiguidade e mais conscientes das consequências futuras dos seus atos, mas com maior propensão a comportamentos menos éticos. A perspetiva de ganhos mais imediatos parece sobrepor-se à incerteza e aos riscos a médio e longo prazos que a prática de comportamentos menos éticos pode acarretar. Concluímos com uma discussão ampla e pistas para investigação futura.
O ajustamento intercultural tem sido considerado fator determinante do sucesso em missões internacionais e o conceito-chave do modelo de ajustamento internacional de Black, Mendenhall e Oddou (1991a). O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o ajustamento intercultural de executivos japoneses expatriados. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com 37 executivos japoneses expatriados, em 21 empresas de diversos setores no Brasil. Apesar de a literatura considerar os expatriados japoneses exemplos de sucesso, devido às baixas taxas de falhas em missões internacionais, os resultados mostram que eles não se ajustam, pois recebem pouco ou nenhum treinamento intercultural, permanecem distantes dos locais, além de acumularem estresse no trabalho e não poderem falhar. Este artigo contribui para o melhor entendimento do construto do ajustamento intercultural e reforça a necessidade de rever o modelo de Black, Mendenhall e Oddou (1991a) para outras nacionalidades.
Orientador: Mestre Alberto Couto
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto
From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues sees interculturalism as movement, transit, travel, the dynamics between cultures. Contemporary intercultural travel is a global journey, a circumnavigation at the speed of light that underwrites all the comings and goings, the departures and arrivals, the transmissions and receptions that are implicit in this title. Hence, From Here to Diversity examines the motivations, characteristics and implications of cultural interactions in their perpetual movement, devoid of spatial or temporal borders, in a dangerous but stimulating indefinition of limits. In the contemporary intercultural dialogue, new voices are making themselves heard, as valuable sources of study: the voices of women; non-occidentals; the non-powerful; forgotten narratives of a past that was as intercultural as the present (after all, what is colonialism other than a perverse form of interculturality?); global entertainment; tourism; oral literature; diaries; mythical narratives; the cinema; ethnography; new teachings, among so many others. Because this project is also intercultural at its source and subject, From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues adds to the coherence of the project by including contributions from the most wide-ranging backgrounds and nationalities, without fear of the alterity that, after all, we propose to study.