70 resultados para Intercostal
The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical use of the natural latex biomembrane in diaphragmatic injuries produced experimentally in rabbits. Fifteen healthy adult male and female New Zealand rabbits were employed. The rabbits were assigned to the experimental groups I, II, III, IV and V and analyzed on the 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th and 90th days post surgery, respectively. The surgical procedure consisted in the access to the diaphragm at the eighth right intercostal space, removal of a circle portion of approximately 1.5 cm in diameter following surgical repair with a latex membrane. Macroscopically, it was observed an excellent healing process during the experimental period. The clinical observations, complemented by the histological analysis, indicate that the latex membrane is useful for repair of traumatic inuries of the diaphragm of rabbits.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Em decorrência da alteração presente nas rupturas diafragmáticas ser de natureza anatômica, o tratamento cirúrgico é o único indicado. As abordagens cirúrgicas mais utilizadas são a laparotomia pela linha média e a toracotomia intercostal, porém, a correção cirúrgica pode ser dificultada, principalmente quando houver perda de tecido, evolução crônica, ou quando a lesão no músculo diafragma for extensa, necessitando de procedimentos cirúrgicos mais apropriados, tal como a utilização de implantes biológicos ou sintéticos. Os vários tipos de implantes e enxertos testados para reparar os defeitos no músculo diafragma obtiveram bons resultados e baixas taxas de mortalidade, sugerindo uma nova alternativa no reparo de defeitos diafragmáticos
The diameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta are useful measurements in dogs. These values can be easily measured by ultrasonographic exam, and variations of normality can be an important indicator of hepatic or extra-hepatic alterations. This study aimed to measure the diameter and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta inhealthy dogs, with normal corporal score, divided in groups according to the body weight, and assess whether the data are influenced by animal weight. Thirty dogs were examined and divided into three groups (Group A: ≤ 10 kg Group B: from 10.1 to 20.0 kg; Group C: ≥ 20.1 kg). To measure thediameters and areas of portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta, the animal was kept in left lateral decubitus position and the transducer was placed on the right lateral abdominal wall, at approximately the 10th or 11th intercostal space, in the porta hepatis region. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta were significantly lower for dogs in Group A with respect to other groups and the dogs from Groups B and C had similar results with each other. The diameters and areas of the portal vein, caudal vena cava and abdominal aorta may vary with the animal size, and reference values must be specific for small, medium and large dogs. Key words: abdominal vessels; area; diameter; measurement; ultrasonographic exam
Background: In the literature, there are several experimental models that induce scoliosis in rats; however, they make use of drugs or invasive interventions to generate a scoliotic curve. Objectives: To design and apply a non-invasive immobilization model to induce scoliosis in rats. Methods: Four-week old male Wistar rats (85 +/- 3.3 g) were divided into two groups: control (CG) and scoliosis (SG). The animals in the SG were immobilized by two vests (scapular and pelvic) made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and externally attached to each other by a retainer that regulated the scoliosis angle for twelve weeks with left convexity. After immobilization, the abdominal, intercostal, paravertebral, and pectoral muscles were collected for chemical and metabolic analyses. Radiographic reports were performed every 30 days over a 16-week period. Results: The model was effective in the induction of scoliosis, even 30 days after immobilization, with a stable angle of 28 +/- 5 degrees. The chemical and metabolic analyses showed a decrease (p<0.05) in the glycogenic reserves and in the relationship between DNA and total protein reserves of all the muscles analyzed in the scoliosis group, being lower (p<0.05) in the convex side. The values for the Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance indicated a resistance condition to insulin (p<0.05) in the scoliosis group (0.66 +/- 0.03), when compared to the control group (0.81 +/- 0.02). Conclusions: The scoliosis curvature remained stable 30 days after immobilization. The chemical and metabolic analyses suggest changes in muscular homeostasis during the induced scoliosis process.
Background and objectives: Longitudinal, prospective, randomized, blinded Trial to assess the influence of pleural drain (non-toxic PVC) site of insertion on lung function and postoperative pain of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting in the first three days post-surgery and immediately after chest tube removal. Method: Thirty six patients scheduled for elective myocardial revascularization with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were randomly allocated into two groups: SX group (subxiphoid) and IC group (intercostal drain). Spirometry, arterial blood gases, and pain tests were recorded. Results: Thirty one patients were selected, 16 in SX group and 15 in IC group. Postoperative (PO) spirometric values were higher in SX than in IC group (p < 0.05), showing less influence of pleural drain location on breathing. PaO2 on the second PO increased significantly in SX group compared with IC group (p < 0.0188). The intensity of pain before and after spirometry was lower in SX group than in IC group (p < 0.005). Spirometric values were significantly increased in both groups after chest tube removal. Conclusion: Drain with insertion in the subxiphoid region causes less change in lung function and discomfort, allowing better recovery of respiratory parameters.
Hyperprolactinemia is a common cause of menstrual disturbances affecting young women. There is a diversity of causes, from physiological, such as pregnancy, to pharmacological and pathological, such as hypothyroidism. Renal and hepatic failure, intercostal nerve stimulation by trauma or surgery, prolactinomas, other tumors in the hypothalamus-pituitary region, as well as macroprolactinemia can also be considered. Identifying the correct cause is important to establish the correct treatment. Should all these causes be ruled out and pituitary imaging revealed as negative, idiopathic hyperprolactinemia is therefore diagnosed. In symptomatic patients, treatment with dopaminergic agonists is indicated. As for the asymptomatic hyperprolactinemic individuals, macroprolactinemia should be screened, and once it is detected, there is no need for pituitary imaging study or for dopaminergic agonist use. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97: 2211-2216, 2012)
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudo longitudinal, prospectivo, aleatório e encoberto para avaliar a influência do local de inserção do dreno pleural, de PVC atóxico, na função pulmonar e na dor pós-operatória dos pacientes submetidos à revascularização do miocárdio nos três primeiros dias pós-cirúrgicos e logo após a retirada do dreno. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Trinta e seis pacientes escalados para cirurgia eletiva de revascularização do miocárdio, com uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC), em dois grupos: grupo SX (dreno subxifoide) e grupo IC (dreno intercostal). Feitos registros espirométricos, da gasometria arterial e da dor. RESULTADOS: Trinta e um pacientes analisados, 16 no grupo SX e 15 no grupo IC. O grupo SX apresentou valores espirométricos maiores do que o grupo IC (p < 0,05) no pós-operatório (PO), denotando menor influência do local do dreno na respiração. A PaO2 arterial no segundo PO aumentou significantemente no grupo SX quando comparada com o grupo IC (p < 0,0188). A intensidade da dor no grupo SX, antes e após a espirometria, era menor do que no grupo IC (p < 0,005). Houve aumento significativo dos valores espirométricos em ambos os grupos após a retirada do dreno pleural. CONCLUSÃO: A inserção do dreno na região subxifoide altera menos a função pulmonar, provoca menos desconforto e possibilita uma melhor recuperação dos parâmetros respiratórios.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A neuralgia pós-herpética (NPH) é a dor que permanece após o desaparecimento do episódio agudo de herpes zoster. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o tratamento da dor da NPH em paciente transplantado pulmonar. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 73 anos, transplantado pulmonar há três anos, em uso de imunossupressores. Desenvolveu quadro de herpes zoster há um ano, com vesículas no oitavo espaço intercostal do hemitórax direito (HTD). O tratamento foi efetivo com ganciclovir; entretanto, o paciente evoluiu com dor em queimação, intensa, constante, com piora no último mês, com intensidade pela escala visual numérica (EVN) de 9, mesmo com uso de 600 mg/dia de gabapentina. Ao exame físico apresentava uma lesão avermelhada no HTD, hiperestésica. Foi instituído tratamento com gabapentina (900 mg), amitriptilina (25 mg), dipirona (8 g) e oxicodona (20 mg) ao dia. Feita a aplicação de laser de baixa intensidade (LBI) diariamente por uma semana, seguido de tratamento com amitriptilina tópica a 4%. A intensidade da dor diminuiu para 5. A frequência de aplicação do LBI diminuiu para uma vez a cada dois dias com melhora significativa com EVN entre 1 e 2. Teve alta hospitalar, com 25 mg/dia de amitriptilina oral e amitriptilina tópica a 4%. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do LBI e da amitriptilina tópica foi eficaz para remissão do quadro doloroso.
Ultrasound (US) is an emerging imaging technique in interventional pain management. The main advantages are the identification of soft tissues, vessels, and nerves, without exposing patients and personnel to radiation, the possibility to perform continuous imaging, and the visualization of the fluid injected in a real-time fashion. Possible applications are nerve blocks of the cervical and lumbar zygapophysial joints, stellate ganglion block, intercostal nerve blocks, occipital nerve blocks, blocks of the inguinal nerves, peripheral nerve blocks of the extremities, blocks of painful stump neuromas, caudal epidural injections, and injections of tender points. US may also be used for destructive procedures, such as cryoanalgesia, radiofrequency lesions, or chemical neurolysis. The increasing published data available suggest that US has a potential usefulness in interventional pain management, but also limitations. There is still a need for clinical trials investigating efficacy and safety of US-guided pain procedures. Until these studies are made, fluoroscopy or computed tomography remain the gold standard for most interventional pain procedures.
INTRODUCTION: It has been suggested that infants dynamically regulate their tidal flow and end-expiratory volume level. The interaction between muscle activity, flow and lung volume in spontaneously sleeping neonates is poorly studied, since it requires the assessment of transcutaneous electromyography of respiratory muscles (rEMG) in matched comparison to lung function measurements. METHODS: After determining feasibility and repeatability of rEMG in 20 spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates, we measured the relative impact of intercostal and diaphragmatic EMG activity in direct comparison to the resulting tidal flow and FRC. RESULTS: We found good feasibility, repeatability and correlation of timing indices between rEMG activity and flow. The rEMG amplitude was significantly dependent on the resistive load of the face mask. Diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity commenced prior to the onset of flow and remained active during the expiratory cycle. The relative contribution of intercostal and diaphragmatic activity to flow was variable and changed dynamically. CONCLUSION: Using matched rEMG, air flow and lung volume measurements, we have found good feasibility and repeatability of intercostal and diaphragm rEMG measurements and provide the first quantitative measures of the temporal relationship between muscle activity and flow in spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates. Lung mechanical function is dynamically regulated and adapts on a breath to breath basis. So, non-invasive rEMG measurements alone or in combination with lung function might provide a more comprehensive picture of pulmonary mechanics in future studies. The data describing the timing of EMG and flow may be important for future studies of EMG triggered mechanical ventilation.
Notwithstanding non-robotic, thoracoscopic preparation of the internal mammary artery (IMA) is a difficult surgical task, an appropriate experimental training model is lacking. We evaluated the young domestic pig for this purpose. Four domestic female pigs (30-40 kg body weight) were used for this study. Bilateral thoracoscopic preparation of the IMA was carried out under continuous, pressure controlled CO(2) insufflation. A 30 degrees rigid thoracoscope was inserted through a 10-mm port in the 5th/6th intercostal space (ICS) dorsally to the posterior axillary line. The dissection instrument (Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel) was inserted (5-mm port) in the 7th ICS at the posterior axillary line and the endo-forceps (5-mm port) in the 5th ICS at the posterior axillary line. Thoracoscopic IMA preparation in pig resulted more difficult than in man. A total of seven IMAs were prepared in their full intrathoracic length. A change in the preparation technique (lateral detachment of the endothoracic muscle) improved the safety of the procedure, allowing all four respective IMAs to be prepared safely, while the initial technique ensued an injury for 2 out of 3 vessels. The described young domestic pig model is suitable for experimental training of bilateral thoracoscopic IMA preparation.