928 resultados para Interactive Digital TV


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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This paper proposes a model of educative content structuring for interactive digital television programs. Its intent was to provide references for collaborative production processes and content organization in learning networks associated with university and educative television broadcasting services. The model defines terms, actors, events, environments, as well as content categories, classes and attributes, indicating criteria for their synchronic or asynchronic association in a dynamic television schedule. The model is presented in both descriptive and visual formats, with the use of conceptual maps. The results indicate that interactive use of digital television in education requires systematic content models covering communitarian participation in both media production and distribution processes, in order to enhance learning instruments beyond vertical, hierarchical and centralized communication sustained by traditional broadcast channels.


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This paper presents proposals for the use of interactivity in the telejournalism in an open television broadcaster and the consequences of this use. The issues raised here go beyond technical issues and also addresses issues of theoretical field. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to present interactive possibilities in television journalism as a way of providing this television format tools to keep up with technological changes in the field of production and sharing news. However, by using these tools, the television news is enabling reversal of two important hypotheses that describe the analog television journalism: Scheduling Hypothesis and the Spiral of Silence. To reach your main goal we used a theoretical framework relevant to the issues addressed here and a survey of some interactive applications for digital television developed specifically for TV newscast. From this instrument, we selected two sets of interactive features that can be employed, in general, newscasts, and how these features relate to the hypotheses of Scheduling and Spiral of Silence.


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“Virtual Studio” is a system developed for the creation of virtual sets, as well as any threedimensional virtual objects that can be digitally integrated to the scenes captured on a real television studio. Through techniques such as chroma-key, computer graphics , augmented reality and virtual reality is possible flexibility in producing content for digital TV, reduce cost and meet 12.485/2011 law, the Brazilian “Law of Pay TV”, which has among its objectives “to increase the production and circulation of diverse and quality Brazilian audiovisual content, generating jobs, income, royalties, professionalism and strengthening of national culture” (ANCINE , Brazilian Nacional Cinema Agency ). Based on this background, an overview of the benefits of using the technologies mentioned for the production of content for digital television is presented. This work involves the development of a system of Interactive Virtual Studio called ARSTUDIO per team of researchers from the Posgraduate Program in Digital Television: Information and Knowledge at UNESP, São Paulo State University in Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil.


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Virtual Studio is a system developed for the creation of virtual sets , as well as any three-dimensional virtual objects that can be digitally integrated to the scenes captured on a real television studio . Through techniques such as chroma-key , computer graphics , augmented reality and virtual reality is possible flexibility in producing content for digital TV , reduce cost and meet 12.485/2011 law , the Brazilian Law of Pay TV , which has among its objectives to increase the production and circulation of diverse and quality Brazilian audiovisual content, generating jobs, income , royalties, professionalism and strengthening of national culture (ANCINE , Brazilian Nacional Cinema Agency ). Based on this background , an overview of the benefits of using the technologies mentioned for the production of content for digital television is presented . This work involves the development of a system of Interactive Virtual Studio called ARSTUDIO per team of researchers from the Posgraduate Program in Digital Television: Information and Knowledge at UNESP , São Paulo State University in Bauru , State of São Paulo, Brazil .


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With the deployment of Digital TV in Brazil, there is a need to foment the development and production of interactive audiovisual quality content, especially for programs that present educational messages from the entertainment concept - defined as Edutertainment. The objective of this study is to propose application of the gamification as a link of communication to encourage and modify user behavior, through a narrative that encourages intrinsic motivation for learning and entertainment in this media. This paper points out that there are few models of screenplays for applications production, particularly educational, with simultaneous interactive applications for television flow or complementary programming content offered. For this reason, a special attention is given to the screenplay, by virtue of inserting in its construction, the elements that make up the mechanics and dynamics of games. As a result, is shown the entry "Gamification-iDTV", which defines these two scenarios, as well as the development of a modeling methodology of a content and process, supported by conceptual maps, wireframes and roadmaps, substantiating the conception and elaboration of screenplay's prototype with elements of gamification for educational programs and its interaction applications.


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O trabalho aborda questões sobre a produção e composição da imagem em alta definição na TV Digital HDTV. Por meio dos dados levantados na literatura específica, impressa e eletrônica, e com entrevistas com profissionais da área e observações da programação disponível em HDTV na cidade de São Paulo puderam ser analisadas as imagens e composição visual que advém com a TV Digital de alta definição e interativa. Para tanto, a produção da imagem em alta definição precisa atender a dois tipos de público: o que assiste a transmissão digital e o que ainda continuará assistindo no sistema analógico com baixa percepção para os detalhes visuais. Os resultados demonstraram duas questões fundamentais e interdependentes: as práticas de produção, materiais cenográficos e processos de composição dos elementos da imagem precisam ser atualizados segundo as novas características tecnológicas e que o processo de implantação da TV Digital no Brasil deve ser revisto, com correções de prazos e das políticas adotadas sob o risco de se atrasar todo o processo de produção de conteúdo e da imagem em alta definição para este suporte.


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Essa pesquisa discorre sobre possibilidades e entraves na aplicação do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Interativa Terrestre (SBTVDI-T) nos Sistemas de Ensino a Distância (EAD) de nível superior. Justifica-se a importância da pesquisa pelas especulações que o nascimento do SBTVDI gera quanto a suas contribuições tecnológicas, algumas delas voltadas especificamente para o sistema de ensino. Objetiva-se coletar e analisar as possibilidades e impasses da nova tecnologia em relação a EAD de nível superior, considerando a visão dos profissionais envolvidos na implantação da nova TV brasileira. A metodologia da dissertação está composta de pesquisas documentais e bibliográficas que fundamentam a televisão digital brasileira, interatividade e EAD relacionadas com entrevistas em profundidade com os desenvolvedores e pesquisadores da nova tecnologia, sistematizadas pelo método da análise interpretativa. Concluí-se que TV digital pode ser aliada à EAD, independente do grau de ensino, mas ainda é inconclusiva sua participação específica na convergência entre as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) disponíveis.


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Advertisements(Ads) are the main revenue earner for Television (TV) broadcasters. As TV reaches a large audience, it acts as the best media for advertisements of products and services. With the emergence of digital TV, it is important for the broadcasters to provide an intelligent service according to the various dimensions like program features, ad features, viewers’ interest and sponsors’ preference. We present an automatic ad recommendation algorithm that selects a set of ads by considering these dimensions and semantically match them with programs. Features of the ad video are captured interms of annotations and they are grouped into number of predefined semantic categories by using a categorization technique. Fuzzy categorical data clustering technique is applied on categorized data for selecting better suited ads for a particular program. Since the same ad can be recommended for more than one program depending upon multiple parameters, fuzzy clustering acts as the best suited method for ad recommendation. The relative fuzzy score called “degree of membership” calculated for each ad indicates the membership of a particular ad to different program clusters. Subjective evaluation of the algorithm is done by 10 different people and rated with a high success score.


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Analisa o debate político relativo à implantação da TV digital no Brasil, tendo como referência a audiência pública da Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática da Câmara dos Deputados, realizada em 31 de janeiro de 2006, com a participação do ministro das Comunicações, Hélio Costa. Parte-se do pressuposto de que o Congresso Nacional exerceu relevante papel no debate relativo ao tema, mas não exerceu nenhuma influência na escolha do modelo de TV digital, rendendo-se à proposta do Executivo que, por sua vez, acatou o projeto de interesse dos empresários do setor. Constata-se que existem pelo menos três fantasmas que perseguem as empresas brasileiras de televisão: 1) a possibilidade de um novo marco regulatório para o setor de radiodifusão; 2) o aumento da concorrência; e 3) e a ameaça do fim do broadcast, o sistema de difusão de informações utilizado pelo rádio e pela televisão, em que há apenas um emissor e diversos receptores simultaneamente.


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To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.


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The literature reports research efforts allowing the editing of interactive TV multimedia documents by end-users. In this article we propose complementary contributions relative to end-user generated interactive video, video tagging, and collaboration. In earlier work we proposed the watch-and-comment (WaC) paradigm as the seamless capture of an individual`s comments so that corresponding annotated interactive videos be automatically generated. As a proof of concept, we implemented a prototype application, the WACTOOL, that supports the capture of digital ink and voice comments over individual frames and segments of the video, producing a declarative document that specifies both: different media stream structure and synchronization. In this article, we extend the WaC paradigm in two ways. First, user-video interactions are associated with edit commands and digital ink operations. Second, focusing on collaboration and distribution issues, we employ annotations as simple containers for context information by using them as tags in order to organize, store and distribute information in a P2P-based multimedia capture platform. We highlight the design principles of the watch-and-comment paradigm, and demonstrate related results including the current version of the WACTOOL and its architecture. We also illustrate how an interactive video produced by the WACTOOL can be rendered in an interactive video environment, the Ginga-NCL player, and include results from a preliminary evaluation.