990 resultados para Interact


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Cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) agonists usually induce dose-dependent biphasic effects on anxiety-related responses. Low doses induce anxiolytic-like effects, whereas high doses are ineffective or anxiogenic, probably due to activation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Type 1 (TRPV1) channels. In this study we have investigated this hypothesis by verifying the effects of the CB1/TRPV1 agonist ACEA injected into the prelimbic medial prefrontal cortex (PL) and the participation of endocannabinoids in the anxiolytic-like responses induced by TRPV1 antagonism, using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and the Vogel conflict test (VCT). Moreover, we verified the expression of these receptors in the PL by double labeling immunofluorescence. ACEA induced anxiolytic-like effect in the intermediate dose, which was attenuated by previous injection of AM251, a CB1 receptor antagonist. The higher and ineffective ACEA dose caused anxiogenic- and anxiolytic-like effects, when injected after AM251 or the TRPV1 antagonist 6-iodonordihydrocapsaicin (6-I-CPS), respectively. Higher dose of 6-I-CPS induced anxiolytic-like effects both in the EPM and the VCT, which were prevented by previous administration of AM251. In addition, immunofluorescence showed that CB1 and TRPV1 receptors are closely located in the PL These results indicate that the endocannabinoid and endovanilloid systems interact in the PL to control anxiety-like behavior. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Leptospira, the causative agent of leptospirosis, interacts with several host molecules, including extracellular matrix components, coagulation cascade proteins, and human complement regulators. Here we demonstrate that acquisition of factor H (FH) on the Leptospira surface is crucial for bacterial survival in the serum and that these spirochetes, besides interacting with FH, FH related-1, and C4b binding protein (C4BP), also acquire FH like-1 from human serum. We also demonstrate that binding to these complement regulators is mediated by leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins, previously shown to interact with fibronectin, laminin, collagen, elastin, tropoelastin, and fibrinogen. Factor H binds to Lig proteins via short consensus repeat domains 5 and 20. Competition assays suggest that FH and C4BP have distinct binding sites on Lig proteins. Moreover, FH and C4BP bound to immobilized Ligs display cofactor activity, mediating C3b and C4b degradation by factor I. In conclusion, Lig proteins are multifunctional molecules, contributing to leptospiral adhesion and immune evasion.


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[EN]A range of factors may affect the composition and abundance of macroalgae on subtidal rocky reefs. We experimentally determined the interactive effect of the occurrence of the long-spine sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, depth and sedimentation levels on macroalgal assemblage structure on eastern Atlantic rocky reefs. Specifically, we manipulated sea urchin densities (removal of all individuals vs. untouched controls at natural densities) on rocky reefs devoid of erect vegetation, and predicted (1) that removal of sea urchins would differently affect macroalgal assemblage structure between deep (16-18 m) and shallow (8-9 m) reef strata, and that (2) the effect of sea urchin removal on macroalgae would be altered under different scenarios of sedimentation (ambient vs. enhanced). Experimental circular plots (2 m in diameter) were set up at 3 locations at Gran Canaria (Canarian Archipelago), and were maintained and monitored every 4 wk for 1 y. At the end of the experimental period, the structure of the algal assemblages differed between urchin treatments and depth strata, with a larger cover of turf and bushlike algae where urchins were removed and at the shallow reef stratum. More important, differences in algal assemblage structure between urchin treatments were irrespective of sedimentation levels, but shifted from the shallow to the deep stratum. This interactive effect was, in turn, observed for bushlike algae, as a result of a larger magnitude of response (i.e., larger cover) in the shallow stratum relative to the deep stratum, but was not detected for either turf or crustose coralline algae. These results highlight the importance of sorne physical conditions (here, differences in depth) to interact with biotic processes (here, urchin abundance) to create patterns in the organization of subtidal and benthic assemblages


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Trypanosoma brucei and related pathogens transcribe most genes as polycistronic arrays that are subsequently processed into monocistronic mRNAs. Expression is frequently regulated post-transcriptionally by cis-acting elements in the untranslated regions (UTRs). GPEET and EP procyclins are the major surface proteins of procyclic (insect midgut) forms of T. brucei. Three regulatory elements common to the 3' UTRs of both mRNAs regulate mRNA turnover and translation. The glycerol-responsive element (GRE) is unique to the GPEET 3' UTR and regulates its expression independently from EP. A synthetic RNA encompassing the GRE showed robust sequence-specific interactions with cytoplasmic proteins in electromobility shift assays. This, combined with column chromatography, led to the identification of 3 Alba-domain proteins. RNAi against Alba3 caused a growth phenotype and reduced the levels of Alba1 and Alba2 proteins, indicative of interactions between family members. Tandem-affinity purification and co-immunoprecipitation verified these interactions and also identified Alba4 in sub-stoichiometric amounts. Alba proteins are cytoplasmic and are recruited to starvation granules together with poly(A) RNA. Concomitant depletion of all four Alba proteins by RNAi specifically reduced translation of a reporter transcript flanked by the GPEET 3' UTR. Pulldown of tagged Alba proteins confirmed interactions with poly(A) binding proteins, ribosomal protein P0 and, in the case of Alba3, the cap-binding protein eIF4E4. In addition, Alba2 and Alba3 partially cosediment with polyribosomes in sucrose gradients. Alba-domain proteins seem to have exhibited great functional plasticity in the course of evolution. First identified as DNA-binding proteins in Archaea, then in association with nuclear RNase MRP/P in yeast and mammalian cells, they were recently described as components of a translationally silent complex containing stage-regulated mRNAs in Plasmodium. Our results are also consistent with stage-specific regulation of translation in trypanosomes, but most likely in the context of initiation.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have defined over 150 genomic regions unequivocally containing variation predisposing to immune-mediated disease. Inferring disease biology from these observations, however, hinges on our ability to discover the molecular processes being perturbed by these risk variants. It has previously been observed that different genes harboring causal mutations for the same Mendelian disease often physically interact. We sought to evaluate the degree to which this is true of genes within strongly associated loci in complex disease. Using sets of loci defined in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Crohn's disease (CD) GWAS, we build protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks for genes within associated loci and find abundant physical interactions between protein products of associated genes. We apply multiple permutation approaches to show that these networks are more densely connected than chance expectation. To confirm biological relevance, we show that the components of the networks tend to be expressed in similar tissues relevant to the phenotypes in question, suggesting the network indicates common underlying processes perturbed by risk loci. Furthermore, we show that the RA and CD networks have predictive power by demonstrating that proteins in these networks, not encoded in the confirmed list of disease associated loci, are significantly enriched for association to the phenotypes in question in extended GWAS analysis. Finally, we test our method in 3 non-immune traits to assess its applicability to complex traits in general. We find that genes in loci associated to height and lipid levels assemble into significantly connected networks but did not detect excess connectivity among Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) loci beyond chance. Taken together, our results constitute evidence that, for many of the complex diseases studied here, common genetic associations implicate regions encoding proteins that physically interact in a preferential manner, in line with observations in Mendelian disease.


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VE-cadherin is the essential adhesion molecule in endothelial adherens junctions, and the regulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation is thought to be important for the control of adherens junction integrity. We show here that VE-PTP (vascular endothelial protein tyrosine phosphatase), an endothelial receptor-type phosphatase, co-precipitates with VE-cadherin, but not with beta-catenin, from cell lysates of transfected COS-7 cells and of endothelial cells. Co-precipitation of VE-cadherin and VE-PTP required the most membrane-proximal extracellular domains of each protein. Expression of VE-PTP in triple-transfected COS-7 cells and in CHO cells reversed the tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cadherin elicited by vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2). Expression of VE-PTP under an inducible promotor in CHO cells transfected with VE-cadherin and VEGFR-2 increased the VE-cadherin-mediated barrier integrity of a cellular monolayer. Surprisingly, a catalytically inactive mutant form of VE-PTP had the same effect on VE-cadherin phosphorylation and cell layer permeability. Thus, VE-PTP is a transmembrane binding partner of VE-cadherin that associates through an extracellular domain and reduces the tyrosine phosphorylation of VE-cadherin and cell layer permeability independently of its enzymatic activity.


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BACKGROUND: Neutrophils polarize and migrate in response to chemokines. Different types of membrane microdomains (rafts) have been postulated to be present in rear and front of polarized leukocytes and disruption of rafts by cholesterol sequestration prevents leukocyte polarization. Reggie/flotillin-1 and -2 are two highly homologous proteins that are ubiquitously enriched in detergent resistant membranes and are thought to shape membrane microdomains by forming homo- and hetero-oligomers. It was the goal of this study to investigate dynamic membrane microdomain reorganization during neutrophil activation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show now, using immunofluorescence staining and co-immunoprecipitation, that endogenous flotillin-1 and -2 colocalize and associate in resting spherical and polarized primary neutrophils. Flotillins redistribute very early after chemoattractant stimulation, and form distinct caps in more than 90% of the neutrophils. At later time points flotillins accumulate in the uropod of polarized cells. Chemotactic peptide-induced redistribution and capping of flotillins requires integrity and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not involve Rho-kinase dependent signaling related to formation of the uropod. Both flotillin isoforms are involved in the formation of this membrane domain, as uropod location of exogenously expressed flotillins is dramatically enhanced by co-overexpression of tagged flotillin-1 and -2 in differentiated HL-60 cells as compared to cells expressing only one tagged isoform. Flotillin-1 and -2 associate with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in resting and in stimulated neutrophils as shown by colocalization and co-immunoprecipitation. Neutrophils isolated from PSGL-1-deficient mice exhibit flotillin caps to the same extent as cells isolated from wild type animals, implying that PSGL-1 is not required for the formation of the flotillin caps. Finally we show that stimulus-dependent redistribution of other uropod-located proteins, CD43 and ezrin/radixin/moesin, occurs much slower than that of flotillins and PSGL-1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that flotillin-rich actin-dependent membrane microdomains are importantly involved in neutrophil uropod formation and/or stabilization and organize uropod localization of PSGL-1.


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We have integrated the basic psychological needs approach from self-determination theory with motive disposition theory in order to enhance the prediction of flow experience in sports. We hypothesize that an environment that enables people to fulfill their basic psychological needs for competence and social relatedness results in flow. Additionally, we assume that the effect of competence need satisfaction is moderated by the achievement motive and that the effect of need-for-relatedness satisfaction is moderated by the affiliation motive. Four studies show the expected positive effects of need satisfaction on flow and further confirm that high achievement and affiliation-motivated individuals benefit more from competence and relatedness sports environments, respectively, than individuals low in these motives.


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Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan in Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Plenum Press, New York, 1985) suggests that certain experiences, such as competence, are equally beneficial to everyone’s well-being (universal hypothesis), whereas Motive Disposition Theory (McClelland in Human motivation. Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1985) predicts that some people, such as those with a high achievement motive, should benefit particularly from such experiences (matching hypothesis). Existing research on motives as moderators of the relationship between basic need satisfaction and positive outcomes supports both these seemingly inconsistent views. Focusing on the achievement motive, we sought to resolve this inconsistency by considering the specificity of the outcome variables. When predicting domain-specific well-being and flow, the achievement motive should interact with felt competence. However, when it comes to predicting general well-being and flow, felt competence should unfold its effects without being moderated by the achievement motive. Two studies confirmed these assumptions indicating that the universal and matching hypotheses are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.


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Conditioned stimulus pathway protein 24 (Csp24) is a beta-thymosin-like protein that is homologous to other members of the family of beta-thymosin repeat proteins that contain multiple actin binding domains. Actin co-precipitates with Csp24 and co-localizes with it in the cytosol of type-B photoreceptor cell bodies. Several signal transduction pathways have been shown to regulate the phosphorylation of Csp24 and contribute to cellular plasticity. Here, we report the identification of the adapter protein 14-3-3 in lysates of the Hermissenda circumesophageal nervous system and its interaction with Csp24. Immunoprecipitation experiments using an antibody that is broadly reactive with several isoforms of the 14-3-3 family of proteins showed that Csp24 co-precipitates with 14-3-3 protein, and nervous systems stimulated with 5-HT exhibited a significant increase in co-precipitated Csp24 probed with a phosphospecific antibody as compared with controls. These results indicate that post-translational modifications of Csp24 regulate its interaction with 14-3-3 protein, and suggest that this mechanism may contribute to the control of intrinsic enhanced excitability.


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BACKGROUND The presence of social support has been associated with decreased stress responsiveness. Recent animal studies suggest that the neuropeptide oxytocin is implicated both in prosocial behavior and in the central nervous control of neuroendocrine responses to stress. This study was designed to determine the effects of social support and oxytocin on cortisol, mood, and anxiety responses to psychosocial stress in humans. METHODS In a placebo-controlled, double-blind study, 37 healthy men were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test. All participants were randomly assigned to receive intranasal oxytocin (24 IU) or placebo 50 min before stress, and either social support from their best friend during the preparation period or no social support. RESULTS Salivary free cortisol levels were suppressed by social support in response to stress. Comparisons of pre- and poststress anxiety levels revealed an anxiolytic effect of oxytocin. More importantly, the combination of oxytocin and social support exhibited the lowest cortisol concentrations as well as increased calmness and decreased anxiety during stress. CONCLUSIONS Oxytocin seems to enhance the buffering effect of social support on stress responsiveness. These results concur with data from animal research suggesting an important role of oxytocin as an underlying biological mechanism for stress-protective effects of positive social interactions.


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The present research examined the prediction of school students' grades in an upcoming math test via their minimal grade goals (i.e., the minimum grade in an upcoming test one would be satisfied with). Due to its significance for initiating and maintaining goal-directed behavior, self-control capacity was expected to moderate the relation between students' minimal grade goals and their actual grades. Self-control capacity was defined as the dispositional capacity to override or alter one's dominant response tendencies. Prior to a scheduled math test, 172 vocational track students indicated their minimal grade goal for the test and completed a measure of self-control capacity. The test grade was assessed at a second time of measurement. As expected, minimal grade goals more strongly predicted the actual test grades the higher the students' self-control capacity. Implications can be seen in terms of optimizing the prediction and advancement of academic performance.