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Objectives: This study included two overarching objectives. Through a systematic review of the literature published between 1990 and 2012, the first objective aimed to assess whether insuring the uninsured would result in higher costs compared to insuring the currently insured. Studies that quantified the actual costs associated with insuring the uninsured in the U.S. were included. Based upon 2009 data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), the second objective aimed to assess and compare the self-reported health of populations with four different insurance statuses. The second part of this study involved a secondary data analysis of both currently insured and currently uninsured individuals who participated in the MEPS in 2009. The null hypothesis was that there were no differences across the four categories of health insurance status for self-reported health status and healthcare service use. The alternative hypothesis was that were differences across the four categories of health insurance status for self-reported health status and healthcare service use. Methods: For the systematic review, three databases were searched using search terms to identify studies that actually quantified the cost of insuring the uninsured. Thirteen studies were selected, discussed, and summarized in tables. For the secondary data analysis of MEPS data, this study compared four categories of health insurance status: (1) currently uninsured persons who will become eligible for Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) healthcare reforms in 2014; (2) currently uninsured persons who will be required to buy private insurance through the PPACA health insurance exchanges in 2014; (3) persons currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP; and (4) persons currently insured with private insurance. The four categories were compared on the basis of demographic information, health status information, and health conditions with relatively high prevalence. Chi-square tests were run to determine if there were differences between the four groups in regard to health insurance status and health status. With some exceptions, the two currently insured groups had worse self-reported health status compared to the two currently uninsured groups. Results: The thirteen studies that met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review included: (1) three cost studies from 1993, 1995, and 1997; (2) four cost studies from 2001, 2003, and 2004; (3) one study of disabilities and one study of immigrants; (4) two state specific studies of uninsured status; and (5) two current studies of healthcare reform. Of the thirteen studies reviewed, four directly addressed the study question about whether insuring the uninsured was more or less expensive than insuring the currently insured. All four of the studies provided support for the study finding that the cost of insuring the uninsured would generally not be higher than insuring those already insured. One study indicated that the cost of insuring the uninsured would be less expensive than insuring the population currently covered by Medicaid, but more expensive to insure than the populations of those covered by employer-sponsored insurance and non-group private insurance. While the nine other studies included in the systematic review discussed the costs associated with insuring the uninsured population, they did not directly compare the costs of insuring the uninsured population with the costs associated with insuring the currently insured population. For the MEPS secondary data analysis, the results of the chi-square tests indicated that there were differences in the distribution of disease status by health insurance status. As anticipated, with some exceptions, the uninsured reported lower rates of disease and healthcare service use. However, for the variable attention deficit disorder, the uninsured reported higher disease rates than the two insured groups. Additionally, for the variables high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and joint pain, the currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP group reported a lower rate of disease than the two currently insured groups. This result may be due to the lower mean age of the currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP group. Conclusion: Based on this study, with some exceptions, the costs for insuring the uninsured should not exceed healthcare-related costs for insuring the currently uninsured. The results of the systematic review indicated that the U.S. is already paying some of the costs associated with insuring the uninsured. PPACA will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans who are currently uninsured, as the individual mandate and insurance market reforms will require. Because many of the currently uninsured are relatively healthy young persons, the costs associated with expanding insurance coverage to the uninsured are anticipated to be relatively modest. However, for the purposes of construing these results, it is important to note that once individuals obtain insurance, it is anticipated that they will use more healthcare services, which will increase costs. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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In this paper, I analyze the role of longevity risk in Hungary in the public pension system and the life annuity segment of the life insurance market, which are two primary financial sectors of relevance to this special type of actuarial risk, using state-of-the- art econometric methodology. To this end, I present an overview and the mathematical background of several important current mortality forecasting techniques from the Lee–Carter model up to unifying paradigm of the Age–Period–Cohort family of models. After presenting the findings of a case study on the public pension system based on the paper of Bajk ́o, Maknics, T ́oth and V ́ekas, I conclude that longevity risk jeopardizes the sustainability of the Hungarian public pension system in the long run. In another case study, I present an analysis of the role of longevity risk in the pre- mium of private pension annuities, a relevant topic due to recent changes in a law on Hungarian voluntary pension funds, following an earlier analysis of M ́ajer and Kov ́acs. Based on the criterion on out-of-sample forecasting accuracy, I find that the Cairns–Blake– Dowd mortality forecasting model aimed specifically at modeling old-age mortality outperforms the Lee–Carter model applied by M ́ajer and Kov ́acs . Based on numerical results, I finally conclude that the role of longevity risk in the Hungarian life annuity mar- ket has increased significantly in the past decade and is likely to further increase in the future.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é compreender quais fatores influenciam no comprometimento de corretoras de seguros e seguradoras, e mais especificamente: a) medir e comparar os indicadores de comprometimento dos funcionários de corretoras de seguros e seguradoras em três dimensões (afetiva, instrumental e normativa); b) analisar quais os fatores que mais influenciam cada dimensão do comprometimento no setor de seguros; c) comparar as diferenças e semelhanças dos fatores que influenciam o comprometimento em seguradoras e em corretoras. O público-alvo é formado pelos profissionais do mercado de seguros que atuam em corretoras de seguros ou seguradoras. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas partes: quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados da pesquisa quantitativa foram colhidos por meio da escala do modelo multidimensional do comprometimento afetivo, instrumental e normativo (Meyer & Allen, 1991), aplicada em 188 participantes. Os dados da análise de comparação de médias pelo teste T-Student não apontaram diferença estatisticamente significativa. A segunda parte, qualitativa, envolveu 11 entrevistas com funcionários do setor a fim de identificar os motivos que levam os funcionários a desenvolver o comprometimento com cada um dos dois tipos de organizações do mercado de seguros. Os dados da pesquisa obtidos foram analisados utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo e resultaram no modelo de antecedentes do comprometimento organizacional do setor de seguros. Foi constatado que os antecedentes do comprometimento afetivo em corretoras de seguros são formados pelo clima organizacional, pela percepção de justiça e pelas políticas de recursos humanos, e que as políticas de recursos humanos predizem o comportamento instrumental. Nas seguradoras, constatou-se que os antecedentes do comprometimento afetivo são o clima organizacional, a percepção de suporte e as políticas de recursos humanos, e que as políticas de recursos humanos predizem os comprometimentos instrumental e normativo. Esses resultados contribuem significativamente para a gestão de pessoas do setor de seguros no Brasil.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a comunicação da ASF com os colaboradores e com a comunidade em geral. Para tal, identificaram-se ferramentas e ações na comunicação dirigida ao público interno e ao público em geral e, por fim, apresentaram-se campanhas e ações de comunicação. A ASF tem por missão assegurar o bom funcionamento do mercado segurador e dos fundos de pensões em Portugal, por forma a contribuir para a garantia da proteção dos tomadores de seguros, pessoas seguras, participantes e beneficiários. A falta de notoriedade, credibilidade e compreensão das funções desta entidade junto da comunidade em geral, nomeadamente dos consumidores, são os principais pontos fracos da sua estratégia de comunicação. Posto isto, criaram-se ações específicas para o público interno que, naturalmente, tiveram implicações diretas no público externo, e permitiram alcançar objetivos da ASF. Foram desenvolvidas atividades na revista de imprensa, nas plataformas de apoio à gestão, monotorização e análise dos dados media e da intranet, edição de materiais e organização de eventos, nomeadamente o aniversário da ASF. Também se participou no PNFF (Plano Nacional de Formação Financeira) e no processo da mudança da designação ISP (Instituto de Seguros de Portugal) para ASF (Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões) o que possibilitou à equipa de comunicação desenvolver novas e melhores estratégias. Por fim, considerou-se ainda que a ASF deveria implementar uma estratégia em que a imagem de qualidade do seu trabalho fosse do conhecimento público, ou seja, deverá primeiro ganhar notoriedade e depois desenvolver as associações pretendidas para a imagem que quer criar junto do público. A aproximação a escolas e aos jovens poderá ser uma forma interessante para atingir os objetivos da ASF, essencialmente junto do público externo; Abstract: The chief goal of the present thesis is to analyses the communication of the Insurance Supervisory Authority and Pension Fund (ASF) towards its collaborators and the community, in general. In order to achieve this purpose, the thesis identified the tools and actions of the communication developed for the internal public and the community, then, it identifies specific actionist presents specific actions of communication. ASF aims to ensure the proper functioning of insurance market and pension funds in Portugal, in order to contribute towards ensuring policyholders protection, insured persons, participants and beneficiaries. Under the new strategy implementation on behalf of insurance and pension funds consumers a form of communication was developed focused on promoting consumers understanding about the running of this sector. Specific actions for internal public were intensified, which, of course, have had direct implications on external public, largely achieving the ASF objectives. The main weaknesses of this entity’s communication strategy are the lack of notoriety, credibility and understanding of the functions. Activities have been developed within the management of the press review events, such as ASF’birthday. The participation in PNFF and the process of change to the new designation enabled the communication team to develop communication strategies. Concerning the analysis of ASF’s communication strategy, it is suggested that the company should implement a strategy in which the quality of its work is of public knowledge. This means that, first, it should gain notoriety and, then, it should develop associations between the brand and the public.


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The insurance industry discharges a critical role in the Australian economy and is a significant part of the Australian financial services market. The industry relies upon intermediaries, the principal types being brokers and agents, to promote, arrange and distribute their products and services in the market. The pivotal role that they play in this context and sensitivities associated with the consumer oriented products, such as house and contents insurance, has ensured close regulatory attention. Of particular importance was the passage of the Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Act 1984 (Cth), a comprehensive attempt to address the responsibilities of intermediaries as well as particular problem areas associated with the handling of money. However, with the introduction of financial services and market reform early in the new millennium this insurance intermediary specific regulatory approach was abandoned in favour of a market-wide strategy; that is, market reform was based upon across-the-board licensing, disclosure, conduct and fairness standards, and all financial products and services are now regulated at a generic level under Ch 7 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). This article briefly explores the categories of insurance intermediaries and the relevant distinctions between them but focuses mainly upon the regulatory context in which they operate. This context transcends a strictly legal framework as the regulatory body, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has sought to inform and guide the market through Policy Statements and Regulatory Guides. The usefulness of these guides as an adjunct to the legislation in explaining the scope and operation of regulatory framework is examined. In addition, the article looks at the self-regulatory and dispute resolution practices in this area and their impact. In conclusion an assessment of this across-the-board regulatory regime is advanced.


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Proceso del Competitor and Market Report para cubrir las necesidades de información de la Alta Dirección de Zurich Insurance plc, para la unidad de negocio Global Corporate (GC) en la región de Europa Medio Oriente y África (EMEA) “ El Competitor and Market Report surge de la situación de desinformación en la que los altos directivos y los representantes de CD&M GCiEMEA de cada país se encuentran. Este trabajo consiste en estudiar todo el proceso de creación del Competitor and Market Report, empezando por la identificación del problema, búsqueda de soluciones e implementación y puesta en marcha de la solución. Este proceso nos obligara a inventariar y analizar los estudios que hasta el momento la empresa de seguros Zurich Insurance Ltd, recibía procedentes de fuentes externas o de distintos departamentos que rara vez estaban coordinados en la producción de estos informes. Analizaremos cuales son las áreas de información que estos informes no cubren. El proceso nos obligara a realizar un trabajo de campo. Haremos entrevistas que nos ayudaran a comprender mejor las necesidades de información de los altos directivos. A partir de los resultados anteriores se justificará la creación del Competitor and Market Report, y se estudiará todo el proceso de creación y puesta en marcha de un informe que cubra las necesidades anteriores.


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This article examines the ways in which insurance companies modified their investment policies during the interwar years, arguing that this period marked the start of the transition from ‘traditional’ to ‘modern’ investment practice. Economic and financial conditions raised considerable doubts regarding the suitability of traditional insurance investments, while competitive conditions forced insurance offices to seek higher-yielding assets. These pressures led to a considerable increase in the proportion of new investment devoted to corporate securities, including ordinary shares. Meanwhile new insurance investment philosophies began to be advocated, which accorded both legitimacy and importance to the role of ordinary shares in insurance portfolios.


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During the late nineteenth century, sales of life insurance products in Australia increased at a rapid rate. An investigation of the way in which life insurance products were targeted to the consumers provides insights not only into the marketing approaches, but also the changing nature of the mutual organization. This article uses a “stages” approach to analyze the evolution of the marketing message. The experience of Australian mutual insurers suggests that marketing strategies, as with other types of organizational skills, evolve in response to both the prevailing business environment and the ability of the firm to acquire and implement new knowledge and ways of conducting business.


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In this work we discuss the secondary market for life insurance policies in the United States of America. First, we give an overview of the life settlement market: how it came into existence, its growth prospects and the ethical issues it arises. Secondly, we discuss the characteristics of the different life insurance products present in the market and describe how life settlements are originated. Life settlement transactions tend to be long and complex transactions that require the involvement of a number of parties. Also, a direct investment into life insurance policies is fraught with a number of practical issues and entails risks that are not directly related to longevity. This may reduce the efficiency of a direct investment in physical policies. For these reasons, a synthetic longevity market has evolved. The number of parties involved in a synthetic longevity transaction is typically smaller and the broker-dealer transferring the longevity exposure will be retaining most or all of the risks a physical investment entails. Finally, we describe the main methods used in the market to evaluate life settlement investments and the role of life expectancy providers.


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This paper studies the empirical effects of risk classification in the mandatory third-party motor insurance of Germany following the European Union’s directive to de-regulate insurance tariffs of 1994. We find evidence that inefficient risk categories had been selected while potentially efficient information was dismissed. Risk classification did generally not improve the efficiency of contracting or the composition of insureds in this market. These findings are partly explained by the continuing existence of institutional restraints in this market such as compulsory fixed coverage and unitary owner insurance.


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Prepared by Paul L. Burgess and Jerry L. Kingston.