975 resultados para Inner Filter Effect


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Cold atmospheric-pressure plasma jets have recently attracted enormous interest owing to numerous applications in plasma biology, health care, medicine, and nanotechnology. A dedicated study of the interaction between the upstream and downstream plasma plumes revealed that the active species (electrons, ions, excited OH, metastable Ar, and nitrogen-related species) generated by the upstream plasma plume enhance the propagation of the downstream plasma plume. At gas flows exceeding 2 l/min, the downstream plasma plume is longer than the upstream plasma plume. Detailed plasma diagnostics and discharge species analysis suggest that this effect is due to the electrons and ions that are generated by the upstream plasma and flow into the downstream plume. This in turn leads to the relatively higher electron density in the downstream plasma. Moreover, high-speed photography reveals a highly unusual behavior of the plasma bullets, which propagate in snake-like motions, very differently from the previous reports. This behavior is related to the hydrodynamic instability of the gas flow, which results in non-uniform distributions of long-lifetime active species in the discharge tube and of surface charges on the inner surface of the tube.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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A strip of Whatman filter paper (α-cellulose) dipped in an aqueous solution of dihydrazinium phosphate, (N2H5)2HPO4(DHP), and dried, carbonized without flame when ignited. The observed flame retardancy of DHP on α-cellulose has been studied using TG, DTA and mass spectrometry. Dihydrazinium phosphate appears to catalyze the dehydration of α-cellulose, minimizing the depolymerization which produces flammable tars, with the formation of water and char. Flame retardancy of DHP is compared with that of diammonium phosphate and phosphoric acid.


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It is shown that the use of a coarsely quantized binary digital hologram as a matched filter on an optical computer does not degrade signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) appreciably.


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Administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or ovine LH to immature rats primed with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) stimulated the rate of synthesis of polyadenylic acid (poly A)-rich RNA in the ovaries. The rate of total RNA synthesis was not affected significantly by hormone treatment, whereas protein synthesis was enhanced. The increase in the rate of synthesis of poly(A)-rich RNA in the ovaries could be inferred as induction of messenger RNA synthesis after the hormone treatment. The poly(A)-rich nature of the isolated RNA was established by oligo(dT)–cellulose chromatography, binding to Millipore filter disks and hydridization with [3H]polyuridylic acid. The level of cyclic AMP in the ovaries of such rats was also raised after administration of LH, the increase coincided with the increase in the rate of synthesis of poly(A)-rich RNA. The implications of these results are discussed in the light of the biochemical basis of luteinization and the action of LH.


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Experiments were conducted in water and wind tunnels on spheres in the Reynolds number range 6 x 10(3) to 6.5 x 10(5) to study the effect of natural ventilation on the boundary layer separation and near-wake Vortex shedding characteristics. In the subcritical range of Re (<2 x 10(5)), ventilation caused a marginal downstream shift in the location of laminar boundary layer separation; there was only a small change in the vortex shedding frequency. In the supercritical range (Re > 4 x 10(5)), ventilation caused a downstream shift in the mean locations of boundary layer separation and reattachment; these lines showed significant axisymmetry in the presence of venting. No distinct vortex shedding frequency was found. Instead, a dramatic reduction occurred in the wake unsteadiness at all frequencies. The reduction of wake unsteadiness is consistent with the reduction in total drag already reported. Based on the present results and those reported earlier, the effects of natural ventilation on the flow past a sphere can be categorized in two broad regimes, viz., weak and strong interaction regimes. In the weak interaction regime (subcritical Re), the broad features of the basic sphere are largely unaltered despite the large addition of mass in the near wake. Strong interaction is promoted by the closer proximity of the inner and outer shear layers at supercritical Re. This results in a modified and steady near-wake flow, characterized by reduced unsteadiness and small drag.


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Introduction Dicalcium strontium propionate (DCSP) undergoes a ferroelectric phase transition at about 28 1.5 K, with the spontaneous polarization occurring along the tetragonal C-axis.1 Takashige et al.2,3 have recently reported ferroelectricity in annealed samples of dicalcium lead propionate (DCLP) in the range 191 K to 331 K. The removal of the inner biasing field by annealing has been known in the case of DCLP3 and DCSP.4 Because of the possible dependence of the inner biasing field on the particle size, a study of the temperature dependence of the dielectric behaviour of the powdered samples of these compounds was undertaken.


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Positions of potential energy minima for spherical monatomic sorbates in zeolite NaY have been identified for different sizes of the sorbate. It is found that for small sorbates (sigma less than or equal to 4.96 Angstrom) there are only six adsorption sites per alpha-cage, which are located close to the inner surface of the alpha-cage. For larger sorbates, additional sites of comparable energies appear close to the 12-ring window which forms the bottleneck for intercage diffusion. Minimum energy paths between these sites have been computed. These suggest that the barriers for both intracage and intercage site-to-site migrations are comparable and decrease with increase in sorbate size. Earlier simulation studies on the diffusion of monatomic sorbates in zeolites indicated that there is a dramatic change in the nature of dependence of D on sorbate size around 4.96 Angstrom, for zeolite NaY. Therefore, the present results suggest that the dependence of D on sorbate size and the changes in the potential energy landscape are correlated. The sorbate-zeolite system is characterized by a flatter potential energy landscape when the sorbate size is large. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)51110-0].


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Modern PWM inverter output voltage has high dv/dt, which causes problems such as voltage doubling that can lead to insulation failure, ground currents that results in electromagnetic interference concerns. The IGBT switching device used in such inverter are becoming faster, exacerbating these problems. This paper proposes a new procedure for designing the LC clamp filter. The filter increases the rise time of the output voltage of inverter, resulting in smaller dv/dt. In addition suitable selection of resonance frequency gives LCL filter configuration with improved attenuation. By adding this filter at output terminal of inverter which uses long cable, voltage doubling effect is reduced at the motor terminal. The design procedure is carried out in terms of the power converter based per unit scheme. This generalizes the design procedure to a wide range of power level and to study optimum designs. The effectiveness of the design is verified by computer simulation and experimental measurements.


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Three-dimensional (3D) resolution improvement in multi-photon multiple-excitation-spot-optical microscopy is proposed. Specially designed spatial filter is employed for improving the overall 3D resolution of the imaging system. An improvement up to a factor of 14.5 and sub-femto liter volume excitation is achieved. The system shows substantial sidelobe reduction (<4%) due to the non-linear intensity dependence of multiphoton process. Polarization effect on x-oriented and freely rotating dipoles shows dramatic change in the field distribution at the focal-plane. The resulting point-spread function has the ability to produce several strongly localized polarization dependent field patterns which may find applications in optical engineering and bioimaging.


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The application of electromagnetic field in the context of bacteria associated infections on biomaterial surfaces has not been extensively explored. In this work, we applied a moderate intensity static magnetic field (100 mT) to understand the adhesion and growth behavior of both gram positive (S. epidermidis) and gram negative bacteria (E. coli) and also to investigate bactericidal/bacteriostatic property of the applied electromagnetic field. An in-house built magnetometer was used to apply static homogeneous magnetic field during a planned set of in vitro experiments. Both the sintered hydroxyapatite (HA) and the control samples seeded with bacteria were exposed to the magnetic field (100 mT) for different timescale during their log phase growth. Quantitative analysis of the SEM images confirms the effect of electromagnetic field on suppressing bacterial growth. Furthermore, cell integrity and inner membrane permeabilization assays were performed to understand the origin of such effect. The results of these assays were statistically analyzed to reveal the bactericidal effect of magnetic field, indicating cell membrane damage. Under the investigated culture conditions, the bactericidal effect was found to be less effective for S. Epidermidis than E. coli. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012:100B:12061217, 2012.


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Closed-form expressions for the propagation characteristics of coupled microstrip lines with a symmetrical aperture in the ground plane are derived. Expressions for the regular microstrip coupled lines have been modified using physical insights to incorporate the effect of the aperture. The accuracy of these expressions has been verified by full-wave simulations and compared with conformal mapping analysis. These expressions are accurate within 5% for a substrate whose thickness varies from 0.2 to 1.6mm and permittivity in the range of 210. Designing a broadband filter based on planar multi-conductor coupled lines with aperture in the ground plane is demonstrated in this paper using the proposed expressions for its practical use.


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Low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies form a major class of galaxies, and are characterized by low disc surface density and low star formation rate. These are known to be dominated by dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we study the role of the dark matter halo on the grand-design, m = 2, spiral modes in a galactic disc by carrying out a global mode analysis in the WKB approximation. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is used to determine how many discrete global spiral modes are permitted. First, a typical superthin, LSB galaxy UGC 7321 is studied by taking only the galactic disc, modelled as a fluid; and then the disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We find that both cases permit the existence of global spiral modes. This is in contrast to earlier results where the inclusion of dark matter halo was shown to nearly fully suppress local, swing-amplified spiral features. Although technically global modes are permitted in the fluid model as shown here, we argue that due to lack of tidal interactions, these are not triggered in LSB galaxies. For comparison, we carried out a similar analysis for the Galaxy, for which the dark matter halo does not dominate in the inner regions. We show that here too the dark matter halo has little effect, hence the disc embedded in a halo is also able to support global modes. The derived pattern speed of the global mode agrees fairly well with the observed value for the Galaxy.


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Oversmoothing of speech parameter trajectories is one of the causes for quality degradation of HMM-based speech synthesis. Various methods have been proposed to overcome this effect, the most recent ones being global variance (GV) and modulation-spectrum-based post-filter (MSPF). However, there is still a significant quality gap between natural and synthesized speech. In this paper, we propose a two-fold post-filtering technique to alleviate to a certain extent the oversmoothing of spectral and excitation parameter trajectories of HMM-based speech synthesis. For the spectral parameters, we propose a sparse coding-based post-filter to match the trajectories of synthetic speech to that of natural speech, and for the excitation trajectory, we introduce a perceptually motivated post-filter. Experimental evaluations show quality improvement compared with existing methods.


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This paper investiges the effect of pipe diameter on flow pattern transition boundary in oil water vertical flows, and proposes a model to determine the maximum inner diameter (D_{infty s}) of a pipe in which the slug flow would not occur When pipe inner diameter D>D_{infty s}, only bubble flow exists, while D