969 resultados para Initial Public Offering


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This study is an exploration into the choice of independent accountants made by industrial initial public offering (IPO) companies in Australia between the years 1994 to 2004. The aim of this research is to determine which companies are more likely to use one of the Top 5 accountancy firms and in so doing we seek to offer some insight into understanding the likelihood of IPQ companies adopting the services of the big accounting firms. Our findings show, as predicted, that the majority of industrial IPO companies, and particularly the larger companies, used one of the Top 5 accountancy firms as their independent accountant. However, unexpected was that certain industry types were less likely to hire a Top 5 accounting finn for their independent accounting services compared to other industry categories. Our studies also found that after the year 2000 a smaller percentage of companies used independent accountants than between 1994 and 1999. Many factors contribute to the selection of an independent accountant and this paper provides some understanding of identified factors and the influence that they have over the choice of independent accountants by industrial company IPOs.


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The extremely high A-share underpricing in China's primary market provides us with a very interesting area of empirical research. Previous studies on China's IPO underpricing have been suggestive, but inconclusive. A significant decline in A-share underpricing is found in 2003 relative to previous years (and much less than that recorded in the literature to date). We examine the validity of previous A-share underpricing models, reported in the literature, and find a statistically significant structural break in the data during 2003 when these models are specified. We further explore conflicts of interest in the Chinese IPO market and specify an alternative model to further examine this change in observed market behavior. Our results suggest that a contract with high underwriter's fee leads to less A-share underpricing. Our results also suggest that the asymmetric information hypothesis does not apply in the Chinese IPO market in 2003. Overpricing by the secondary market and the trading activity on the first trading day are the main functions of the A-share underpricing. This study has important implications such as guiding the Chinese government policy regarding the regulations of initial public offering.


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The study investigates the relationship between auditing services provided to 213 listed firms over a period from 1996 to 2000 by reputable (or tier 1) and non-reputable (non-tier 1) audit firms and the initial returns at listing. We use market adjusted initial return to reflect the firm’s choice of auditor during the initial public offering (IPO’s). The findings show that there is an inclination for listed firms to engage tier 1 audit firms, probably due to management’s intention of signal the firm’s favorable private information and credibility and integrity of reported financial information and ultimately increasing their chances of getting listed. The findings alos show that there is no significant difference in the initial returns of IPO’s firms irrespective of the reputation of auditors. However, there is a significant difference in the initial return of main and second board firms at listing whether firms are either audited by Tier 1 or non-Tier 1 audit firms. Firms that had upward switch showed higher returns, inconsistent with the auditor reputation hypothesis. This results, however, could be biased by the large number of new firms that did not switch auditors at listing, probably due to lack of time to make changes before listing, and/or have engaged tier 1 auditors at incorporation in anticipation of listing. However, the findings showed significant higher returns for second board firms relative to main board firms. These results do not support the widely held view that firms that seek listing do switch auditors prior to their listing for positive market signalling. The results indicate that auditor’s reputation is not an important determinant of the IPO’s initial return.


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This thesis examines earnings management in the Australian initial public offering (IPO) market. In general, the results show that Australian IPO firms do engage in earnings management at the offer date. There is sufficienct evidence to suggest that firms that manage earnings at the offer date suffer poorer long-run performance.


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Research Question/Issue: This study examines the relevance of currently accepted best practice recommendations regarding board structure on the survival likelihood of new economy initial public offering companies. We argue that industry context determines governance outcomes. Research Findings/Insights: We study 125 Australian new economy firms listed between 1994 and 2002. Each firm is tracked until the end of 2007 for monitoring their survival. We find that board independence is associated with an increase in the likelihood of corporate survival. We also find that the benefits of board independence increase at a decreasing rate. Theoretical/Academic Implications: The standard best practice recommendation of board independence stems from the monitoring role of directors and is based on agency theory. The results from our study suggest that the recommendation regarding board independence does not work well for new economy firms. While the agency theory based model implies a monotonic relation between board independence and performance, our research suggests that the relationship is nonlinear. This variation occurs because of increased monitoring costs faced by outsiders due to higher information asymmetry and complexity of new economy firms. Our empirical results suggest that inside directors play a complementary role to outsiders in mitigating firm failure. Practitioner/Policy Implications: Our research offers insights to policy makers who are interested in setting best practice standards regarding board structure. Our research suggests that firm/industry characteristics play a crucial role in determining the optimal board structure. In firms/industries where outsiders face significantly higher information processing costs, insiders can play a valuable complementary role to outsiders in enhancing the effectiveness of the board. Thus future hard or soft regulations related to board structure should consider industry context.


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We examine the relationship between investment banks' initial public offering (IPO) market shares and their prior IPO underpricing in the new IPO market for China-based companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. To gain expertise in Chinese business practices, investment banks have the incentive to obtain business in this new IPO market by providing high offer prices to the issuer, leading to less underpricing and less money on the table. We hypothesize and find that the less an investment bank underprices Chinabased company IPOs, the greater its subsequent market share of China-based company IPOs in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Furthermore, this relationship is driven by a bank's initial China-based company IPO deals. These results suggest that in new IPO markets, investment banks' initial market shares, obtained through lower underpricing, help them grow their market shares in later periods, possibly through the expertise gained in the initial business.


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A dissertação tem como objetivo analisar dois aspectos do processo de bookbuilding nas emissões de debêntures no mercado brasileiro. O primeiro aspecto é verificar se o underwriter utiliza, a exemplo do que ocorre no Initial Public Offering (IPO) de ações, o poder discricionário nas alocações das debêntures entre os investidores. O segundo consiste em encontrar as características, tanto do emissor quanto do investidor, que influenciam na eficiência do bidder no processo de bookbuilding. Para realizar os testes empíricos foi utilizada uma base de dados composta por 40 books1 (totalizando 727 bids) fornecidos por um banco de investimento.Verifica-se que o underwriter não beneficia nenhum investidor na alocação final das debêntures. Essa afirmação fica evidenciada quando se calcula a diferença entre alocação final (efetivamente recebida pelo investidor) e alocação teórica (estimada com base no método pro-rata) para os 27 books (totalizando 557 bids) que apresentam demanda superior a oferta. A diferença é nula para 96.6% da amostra, sendo que das 19 observações não nulas, 15 possuem diferença absoluta de uma debênture entre a alocação teórica e a final, resultado explicado em função do arredondamento das alocações.Contrariando a teoria de leilão de titulos públicos, onde autores, como Scott and Wolf (1979), defendem que os investidores devem utilizar o step bid como estratégia ótima de bid, este trabalho verificou que no caso de bookbuilding de debêntures no mercado brasileiro, os investidores usuários de step bid posssuem menos chances de ter seu bid atendido plenamente pelo underwriter. Quando o investidor é um gestor de recursos de terceiros (asset management), aumenta-se a possibilidade de ter sua demanda atendida. O maior sucesso do asset management no bookbuilding deve-se às peculiaridades do mercado brasileiro: (i) somente investidores locais participam dos bookbuilding, já que investidores estrangeiros possuem preferência e incentivos por títulos públicos; (ii) gestores de recursos de terceiros representam 75% da demanda por debêntures; (iii) o mercado de gestão de recursos é concentrado: os 5 maiores gestores concentram 60% da indústria. Com isso os gestores de recursos podem desenvolver uma expertise própria, já que são os principais demandadores e frequentemente participam dos bookbuilding. As características do emissor também influenciam no desempenho dos bidders: as debêntures de baixo e médio risco aumentam a possibilidade do bidder ter seu pedido atendido na íntegra. Além disso, como era esperado, quanto maior for a demanda do título, mais dificil é para o investor conseguir a quantidade desejável.


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O presente trabalho analisa a aplicabilidade dos regimes de responsabilidade civil para indenizar os investidores por danos decorrentes de infrações do coordenador líder de oferta pública de ações. A responsabilização desse agente tem por base o dever de agir com elevado padrão de diligência para: (i) assegurar a qualidade das informações; (ii) divulgar informações de forma que permita o investidor tomar uma decisão fundamentada; e (iii) atuar em conformidade com o princípio da boa-fé. Para tanto, serão estudados os regimes de responsabilidade civil subjetiva, fundado na conduta culposa do coordenador líder, e de responsabilidade objetiva, com base no Código de Defesa do Consumidor e no risco da atividade de intermediação financeira em ofertas públicas de ações. Pretende-se, por fim, identificar o regime mais apropriado para a reparação de danos dos investidores.


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The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the main factors that determine the first-day return and the Flipping activity in Brazilian IPOs, taking into account expected results according to national and international researches. The data base encompasses IPOs that took place between May 2004 and February 2011, summing up to 129 IPOs and approximately R$ 128 billion offering. The first-day return, which means the “money left on the table”, was on average 4.6% taking into consideration the issue price, while the Flipping activity totalized R$ 7.2 billion, meaning 5.6% of the offering. The first-day return was analyzed before and after the first trade, and evidences were found supporting (a) the exogenous determination of the issue price, (b) the opening price dependence of prospectus disclosure and of other variables, observable previously to the bookbuilding process, and (c) the cascade behavior of investors in the pricing after the first trade, particularly driven by the underwriter behavior. In regards to the Flipping, it was notorious depending on how much the IPO succeeded, being concentrated in and homogeneous along the first-day, despite the intense negotiation in the first minute. As a general contribution to literature, it was concluded that Information Asymmetry Theory arguments are not sufficient to explain the first-day Underpricing and the Flipping, being necessary arguments based on Behavioral Finance adapted to an intraday perspective.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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This paper aims to present a study on the development of the real state market in Brazil. The analysis starts from the historical perspective, since the establishment of bases in that market until today's perspective, initial public offering of real state companies. In addition to this analysis, is also intended to discuss the several forms of financing real estate currently available in the Brazilian real estate market. Finally, and perhaps the most important part, analyze the IPO of 15 companies in the industry, held in 2007, notably through comparative graphical analysis, noting the factors that influence stock returns of these companies


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This paper analyses the time series behaviour of the initial public offering (IPO) market using an equilibrium model of demand and supply that incorporates the number of new issues, average underpricing, and general market conditions. Model predictions include the existence of serial correlation in both the number of new issues and the average level of underpricing, as well as interactions between these variables and the impact of general market conditions. The model is tested using 40 years of monthly IPO data. The empirical results are generally consistent with predictions.