977 resultados para Infrared spectral


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Using the Physical Vapor Transport method, single crystals of Cd2Re207 have been grown, and crystals of dimensions up to 8x6x2 mm have been achieved. X-ray diffraction from a single crystal of Cd2Re207 has showed the crystal growth in the (111) plane. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements were performed on ^^O and ^^O samples, however no difference was observed. Assigning the space group Fd3m to Cd2Re207 at room temperature and using structure factor analysis, the powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample was explained through systematic reflection absences. The temperatiure dependence of the resistivity measurement of ^^O has revealed two structural phase transitions at 120 and 200 K, and the superconducting transition at 1.0 K. Using Factor Group Analysis on three different structiures of Cd2Re207, the number of IR and Raman active phonon modes close to the Brillouin zone centre have been determined and the results have been compared to the temperature-dependence of the Raman shifts of ^^O and ^*0 samples. After scaling (via removing Bose-Einstein and Rayleigh scattering factors from the scattered light) all spectra, each spectrum was fitted with a number of Lorentzian peaks. The temperature-dependence of the FWHM and Raman shift of mode Eg, shows the effects of the two structurjil phase transitions above Tc. The absolute reflectance of Cd2Re207 - '^O single crystals in the far-infrared spectral region (7-700 cm~^) has been measured in the superconducting state (0.5 K), right above the superconducting state (1.5 K), and in the normal state (4.2 K). Thermal reflectance of the sample at 0.5 K and 1.5 K indicates a strong absorption feature close to 10 cm~^ in the superconducting state with a reference temperature of 4.2 K. By means of Kramers-Kronig analysis, the absolute reflectance was used to calculate the optical conductivity and dielectric function. The real part of optical conductivity shows five distinct active phonon modes at 44, 200, 300, 375, and 575 cm~' at all temperatures including a Drude-like behavior at low frequencies. The imaginary part of the calculated dielectric function indicates a mode softening of the mode 44 cm~' below Tc.


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Palladium and platinum complexes of pyridoxamine, pyridoxine and pyridoxal have been prepared. The structures of the complexes PtCI2PM.H20, trans-PdC12 (PN)2 and [PLH+ ]2[PtC16] 2- ,H20 have been determined by use of single crystal x-ray studies. The compounds PdC12PH, trans-PdC12 (PN) 2 , cis-PdCI2 (PN)2 and cis PdC12 (PL)2 were also studied by use of carbon-13 nmr spectroscopy. All the complexes have also been characterised by use of infrared spectral studies. In the complexes, PtCI2PM.H20 and PdC12PM, the ligand pyridoxamine is chela ted to the metal through the aminomethyl nitrogen and the phenolate oxygen atoms whereas in the complexes, trans-PdCI2 (PN)2' cis-PdCI2 (PN)2 and cis-PdC12 (PL)2 the vitamin B6 ligands are coordinated to the metal through the pyridine ring nitrogen. The compounds [PLH+ ]2[PtCI6] 2- .H20 and [PMH2] 2+ [PdCI4] 2- .H20have no direct metal-ligand bonding, In all the complexes, the metal maintains a square planar coordination except in [PLH +] 2[PtCI6] 2- ,H20 where the metal is octahedrally coordinated. PH pyridoxamine [PMH ] 2+ = diprotonated pyridoxamine 2 PN = pyridoxine PL pyridoxal PLH+ protonated pyridoxal


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RÉSUMÉ - Les images satellitales multispectrales, notamment celles à haute résolution spatiale (plus fine que 30 m au sol), représentent une source d’information inestimable pour la prise de décision dans divers domaines liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles, à la préservation de l’environnement ou à l’aménagement et la gestion des centres urbains. Les échelles d’étude peuvent aller du local (résolutions plus fines que 5 m) à des échelles régionales (résolutions plus grossières que 5 m). Ces images caractérisent la variation de la réflectance des objets dans le spectre qui est l’information clé pour un grand nombre d’applications de ces données. Or, les mesures des capteurs satellitaux sont aussi affectées par des facteurs « parasites » liés aux conditions d’éclairement et d’observation, à l’atmosphère, à la topographie et aux propriétés des capteurs. Deux questions nous ont préoccupé dans cette recherche. Quelle est la meilleure approche pour restituer les réflectances au sol à partir des valeurs numériques enregistrées par les capteurs tenant compte des ces facteurs parasites ? Cette restitution est-elle la condition sine qua non pour extraire une information fiable des images en fonction des problématiques propres aux différents domaines d’application des images (cartographie du territoire, monitoring de l’environnement, suivi des changements du paysage, inventaires des ressources, etc.) ? Les recherches effectuées les 30 dernières années ont abouti à une série de techniques de correction des données des effets des facteurs parasites dont certaines permettent de restituer les réflectances au sol. Plusieurs questions sont cependant encore en suspens et d’autres nécessitent des approfondissements afin, d’une part d’améliorer la précision des résultats et d’autre part, de rendre ces techniques plus versatiles en les adaptant à un plus large éventail de conditions d’acquisition des données. Nous pouvons en mentionner quelques unes : - Comment prendre en compte des caractéristiques atmosphériques (notamment des particules d’aérosol) adaptées à des conditions locales et régionales et ne pas se fier à des modèles par défaut qui indiquent des tendances spatiotemporelles à long terme mais s’ajustent mal à des observations instantanées et restreintes spatialement ? - Comment tenir compte des effets de « contamination » du signal provenant de l’objet visé par le capteur par les signaux provenant des objets environnant (effet d’adjacence) ? ce phénomène devient très important pour des images de résolution plus fine que 5 m; - Quels sont les effets des angles de visée des capteurs hors nadir qui sont de plus en plus présents puisqu’ils offrent une meilleure résolution temporelle et la possibilité d’obtenir des couples d’images stéréoscopiques ? - Comment augmenter l’efficacité des techniques de traitement et d’analyse automatique des images multispectrales à des terrains accidentés et montagneux tenant compte des effets multiples du relief topographique sur le signal capté à distance ? D’autre part, malgré les nombreuses démonstrations par des chercheurs que l’information extraite des images satellitales peut être altérée à cause des tous ces facteurs parasites, force est de constater aujourd’hui que les corrections radiométriques demeurent peu utilisées sur une base routinière tel qu’est le cas pour les corrections géométriques. Pour ces dernières, les logiciels commerciaux de télédétection possèdent des algorithmes versatiles, puissants et à la portée des utilisateurs. Les algorithmes des corrections radiométriques, lorsqu’ils sont proposés, demeurent des boîtes noires peu flexibles nécessitant la plupart de temps des utilisateurs experts en la matière. Les objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés dans cette recherche sont les suivants : 1) Développer un logiciel de restitution des réflectances au sol tenant compte des questions posées ci-haut. Ce logiciel devait être suffisamment modulaire pour pouvoir le bonifier, l’améliorer et l’adapter à diverses problématiques d’application d’images satellitales; et 2) Appliquer ce logiciel dans différents contextes (urbain, agricole, forestier) et analyser les résultats obtenus afin d’évaluer le gain en précision de l’information extraite par des images satellitales transformées en images des réflectances au sol et par conséquent la nécessité d’opérer ainsi peu importe la problématique de l’application. Ainsi, à travers cette recherche, nous avons réalisé un outil de restitution de la réflectance au sol (la nouvelle version du logiciel REFLECT). Ce logiciel est basé sur la formulation (et les routines) du code 6S (Seconde Simulation du Signal Satellitaire dans le Spectre Solaire) et sur la méthode des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’épaisseur optique des aérosols (aerosol optical depth, AOD), qui est le facteur le plus difficile à corriger. Des améliorations substantielles ont été apportées aux modèles existants. Ces améliorations concernent essentiellement les propriétés des aérosols (intégration d’un modèle plus récent, amélioration de la recherche des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’AOD), la prise en compte de l’effet d’adjacence à l’aide d’un modèle de réflexion spéculaire, la prise en compte de la majorité des capteurs multispectraux à haute résolution (Landsat TM et ETM+, tous les HR de SPOT 1 à 5, EO-1 ALI et ASTER) et à très haute résolution (QuickBird et Ikonos) utilisés actuellement et la correction des effets topographiques l’aide d’un modèle qui sépare les composantes directe et diffuse du rayonnement solaire et qui s’adapte également à la canopée forestière. Les travaux de validation ont montré que la restitution de la réflectance au sol par REFLECT se fait avec une précision de l’ordre de ±0.01 unités de réflectance (pour les bandes spectrales du visible, PIR et MIR), même dans le cas d’une surface à topographie variable. Ce logiciel a permis de montrer, à travers des simulations de réflectances apparentes à quel point les facteurs parasites influant les valeurs numériques des images pouvaient modifier le signal utile qui est la réflectance au sol (erreurs de 10 à plus de 50%). REFLECT a également été utilisé pour voir l’importance de l’utilisation des réflectances au sol plutôt que les valeurs numériques brutes pour diverses applications courantes de la télédétection dans les domaines des classifications, du suivi des changements, de l’agriculture et de la foresterie. Dans la majorité des applications (suivi des changements par images multi-dates, utilisation d’indices de végétation, estimation de paramètres biophysiques, …), la correction des images est une opération cruciale pour obtenir des résultats fiables. D’un point de vue informatique, le logiciel REFLECT se présente comme une série de menus simples d’utilisation correspondant aux différentes étapes de saisie des intrants de la scène, calcul des transmittances gazeuses, estimation de l’AOD par la méthode des cibles obscures et enfin, l’application des corrections radiométriques à l’image, notamment par l’option rapide qui permet de traiter une image de 5000 par 5000 pixels en 15 minutes environ. Cette recherche ouvre une série de pistes pour d’autres améliorations des modèles et méthodes liés au domaine des corrections radiométriques, notamment en ce qui concerne l’intégration de la FDRB (fonction de distribution de la réflectance bidirectionnelle) dans la formulation, la prise en compte des nuages translucides à l’aide de la modélisation de la diffusion non sélective et l’automatisation de la méthode des pentes équivalentes proposée pour les corrections topographiques.


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This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with some studies in molecular mechanics Using spectroscopic data and has four chapters in it. Certain approximation methods for the evaluation of molecular force fields are herein developed The second part, which consists of the last two chaptcrs, deals with infrared spectral studies of ternary liquid systems and a polymer film prepared by glow discharge method.


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Eight new transition metal complexes of benzaldehyde-N(4)–phenylsemicarbazone have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, molar conductance, electronic and infrared spectral studies. In all the complexes, the semicarbazone is coordinated as neutral bidentate ligand. 1H NMR spectrum of [Zn(HL)2(OAc)2] shows that there is no enolisation of the ligand in the complex. The magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate that Cr(III), Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes are paramagnetic and Ni(II) is diamagnetic. The EPR spectrum of [Mn(HL)2(OAc)2] in DMF solution at 77K shows hyperfine sextet with low intensity forbidden lines lying between each of the two main hyperfine lines. The g values calculated for the [Cu(HL)2SO4] complex in frozen DMF, indicate the presence of unpaired electron in the dx2−y2 orbital. The metal ligand bonding parameters evaluated showed strong in-plane bonding and in-plane bonding. The ligand and complexes were screened for their possible antimicrobial activities.


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Recent laboratory observations and advances in theoretical quantum chemistry allow a reappraisal of the fundamental mechanisms that determine the water vapour self-continuum absorption throughout the infrared and millimetre wave spectral regions. By starting from a framework that partitions bimolecular interactions between water molecules into free-pair states, true bound and quasi-bound dimers, we present a critical review of recent observations, continuum models and theoretical predictions. In the near-infrared bands of the water monomer, we propose that spectral features in recent laboratory-derived self-continuum can be well explained as being due to a combination of true bound and quasi-bound dimers, when the spectrum of quasi-bound dimers is approximated as being double the broadened spectrum of the water monomer. Such a representation can explain both the wavenumber variation and the temperature dependence. Recent observations of the self-continuum absorption in the windows between these near-infrared bands indicate that widely used continuum models can underestimate the true strength by around an order of magnitude. An existing far-wing model does not appear able to explain the discrepancy, and although a dimer explanation is possible, currently available observations do not allow a compelling case to be made. In the 8–12 micron window, recent observations indicate that the modern continuum models either do not properly represent the temperature dependence, the wavelength variation, or both. The temperature dependence is suggestive of a transition from the dominance of true bound dimers at lower temperatures to quasibound dimers at higher temperatures. In the mid- and far-infrared spectral region, recent theoretical calculations indicate that true bound dimers may explain at least between 20% and 40% of the observed self-continuum. The possibility that quasi-bound dimers could cause an additional contribution of the same size is discussed. Most recent theoretical considerations agree that water dimers are likely to be the dominant contributor to the self-continuum in the mm-wave spectral range.


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The water vapour continuum is characterised by absorption that varies smoothly with wavelength, from the visible to the microwave. It is present within the rotational and vibrational–rotational bands of water vapour, which consist of large numbers of narrow spectral lines, and in the many ‘windows’ between these bands. The continuum absorption in the window regions is of particular importance for the Earth’s radiation budget and for remote-sensing techniques that exploit these windows. Historically, most attention has focused on the 8–12 μm (mid-infrared) atmospheric window, where the continuum is relatively well-characterised, but there have been many fewer measurements within bands and in other window regions. In addition, the causes of the continuum remain a subject of controversy. This paper provides a brief historical overview of the development of understanding of the continuum and then reviews recent developments, with a focus on the near-infrared spectral region. Recent laboratory measurements in near-infrared windows, which reveal absorption typically an order of magnitude stronger than in widely used continuum models, are shown to have important consequences for remote-sensing techniques that use these windows for retrieving cloud properties.


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[1] Remotely sensed, multiannual data sets of shortwave radiative surface fluxes are now available for assimilation into land surface schemes (LSSs) of climate and/or numerical weather prediction models. The RAMI4PILPS suite of virtual experiments assesses the accuracy and consistency of the radiative transfer formulations that provide the magnitudes of absorbed, reflected, and transmitted shortwave radiative fluxes in LSSs. RAMI4PILPS evaluates models under perfectly controlled experimental conditions in order to eliminate uncertainties arising from an incomplete or erroneous knowledge of the structural, spectral and illumination related canopy characteristics typical for model comparison with in situ observations. More specifically, the shortwave radiation is separated into a visible and near-infrared spectral region, and the quality of the simulated radiative fluxes is evaluated by direct comparison with a 3-D Monte Carlo reference model identified during the third phase of the Radiation transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise. The RAMI4PILPS setup thus allows to focus in particular on the numerical accuracy of shortwave radiative transfer formulations and to pinpoint to areas where future model improvements should concentrate. The impact of increasing degrees of structural and spectral subgrid variability on the simulated fluxes is documented and the relevance of any thus emerging biases with respect to gross primary production estimates and shortwave radiative forcings due to snow and fire events are investigated.


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In the last years the number of industrial applications for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) environments has significantly increased. Optical tracking systems are an important component of AR/VR environments. In this work, a low cost optical tracking system with adequate attributes for professional use is proposed. The system works in infrared spectral region to reduce optical noise. A highspeed camera, equipped with daylight blocking filter and infrared flash strobes, transfers uncompressed grayscale images to a regular PC, where image pre-processing software and the PTrack tracking algorithm recognize a set of retro-reflective markers and extract its 3D position and orientation. Included in this work is a comprehensive research on image pre-processing and tracking algorithms. A testbed was built to perform accuracy and precision tests. Results show that the system reaches accuracy and precision levels slightly worse than but still comparable to professional systems. Due to its modularity, the system can be expanded by using several one-camera tracking modules linked by a sensor fusion algorithm, in order to obtain a larger working range. A setup with two modules was built and tested, resulting in performance similar to the stand-alone configuration.


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As condições meteorológicas são determinantes para a produção agrícola; a precipitação, em particular, pode ser citada como a mais influente por sua relação direta com o balanço hídrico. Neste sentido, modelos agrometeorológicos, os quais se baseiam nas respostas das culturas às condições meteorológicas, vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados para a estimativa de rendimentos agrícolas. Devido às dificuldades de obtenção de dados para abastecer tais modelos, métodos de estimativa de precipitação utilizando imagens dos canais espectrais dos satélites meteorológicos têm sido empregados para esta finalidade. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo utilizar o classificador de padrões floresta de caminhos ótimos para correlacionar informações disponíveis no canal espectral infravermelho do satélite meteorológico GOES-12 com a refletividade obtida pelo radar do IPMET/UNESP localizado no município de Bauru, visando o desenvolvimento de um modelo para a detecção de ocorrência de precipitação. Nos experimentos foram comparados quatro algoritmos de classificação: redes neurais artificiais (ANN), k-vizinhos mais próximos (k-NN), máquinas de vetores de suporte (SVM) e floresta de caminhos ótimos (OPF). Este último obteve melhor resultado, tanto em eficiência quanto em precisão.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Titan has clouds, rain and lakes-like Earth-but composed of methane rather than water. Unlike Earth, most of the condensable methane (the equivalent of 5 m depth globally averaged(1)) lies in the atmosphere. Liquid detected on the surface (about 2 m deep) has been found by radar images only poleward of 50 degrees latitude(2,3), while dune fields pervade the tropics(4). General circulation models explain this dichotomy, predicting that methane efficiently migrates to the poles from these lower latitudes(5-7). Here we report an analysis of near-infrared spectral images(8) of the region between 20 degrees N and 20 degrees S latitude. The data reveal that the lowest fluxes in seven wavelength bands that probe Titan's surface occur in an oval region of about 60 x 40 km(2), which has been observed repeatedly since 2004. Radiative transfer analyses demonstrate that the resulting spectrum is consistent with a black surface, indicative of liquid methane on the surface. Enduring low-latitude lakes are best explained as supplied by subterranean sources (within the last 10,000 years), which may be responsible for Titan's methane, the continual photochemical depletion of which furnishes Titan's organic chemistry(9).