859 resultados para Information Visualization Environment


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Space time cube representation is an information visualization technique where spatiotemporal data points are mapped into a cube. Information visualization researchers have previously argued that space time cube representation is beneficial in revealing complex spatiotemporal patterns in a data set to users. The argument is based on the fact that both time and spatial information are displayed simultaneously to users, an effect difficult to achieve in other representations. However, to our knowledge the actual usefulness of space time cube representation in conveying complex spatiotemporal patterns to users has not been empirically validated. To fill this gap, we report on a between-subjects experiment comparing novice users' error rates and response times when answering a set of questions using either space time cube or a baseline 2D representation. For some simple questions, the error rates were lower when using the baseline representation. For complex questions where the participants needed an overall understanding of the spatiotemporal structure of the data set, the space time cube representation resulted in on average twice as fast response times with no difference in error rates compared to the baseline. These results provide an empirical foundation for the hypothesis that space time cube representation benefits users analyzing complex spatiotemporal patterns.


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Space time cube representation is an information visualization technique where spatiotemporal data points are mapped into a cube. Fast and correct analysis of such information is important in for instance geospatial and social visualization applications. Information visualization researchers have previously argued that space time cube representation is beneficial in revealing complex spatiotemporal patterns in a dataset to users. The argument is based on the fact that both time and spatial information are displayed simultaneously to users, an effect difficult to achieve in other representations. However, to our knowledge the actual usefulness of space time cube representation in conveying complex spatiotemporal patterns to users has not been empirically validated. To fill this gap we report on a between-subjects experiment comparing novice users error rates and response times when answering a set of questions using either space time cube or a baseline 2D representation. For some simple questions the error rates were lower when using the baseline representation. For complex questions where the participants needed an overall understanding of the spatiotemporal structure of the dataset, the space time cube representation resulted in on average twice as fast response times with no difference in error rates compared to the baseline. These results provide an empirical foundation for the hypothesis that space time cube representation benefits users when analyzing complex spatiotemporal patterns.


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During the 18th Annual 2008 SAIL meeting at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, a suggestion was made for the need to digitize and make available through the Aquatic Commons some of the early documents related to the U.S. biological survey of Panama from 1910 to 1912. With SAIL’s endeavor, a new digital project was born and this presentation describes its process, beginning to final product. The main source consulted for determining copyright clear publications was: Heckadon-Moreno. 2004. Naturalists on the Isthmus of Panama: A hundred years of natural history on the biological bridge of the Americas. 1st English ed. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Republic of Panama. (Document contains 26 slides)


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A basic analysis of sources, dates, authors for an Environmental Science Laboratory based at waters edge. (22 powerpoint slides)


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During April 8th-10th, 2008, the Aliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) partner institutions, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) hosted a workshop entitled: "Hydrocarbon sensors for oil spill prevention and response" in Seward, Alaska. The main focus was to bring together 29 workshop participants-representing workshop managers, scientists, and technology developers - together to discuss current and future hydrocarbon in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors as they apply to oil spill prevention and response. [PDF contains 28 pages] Hydrocarbons and their derivatives still remain one of the most important energy sources in the world. To effectively manage these energy sources, proper protocol must be implemented to ensure prevention and responses to oil spills, as there are significant economic and environmental costs when oil spills occur. Hydrocarbon sensors provide the means to detect and monitor oil spills before, during, and after they occur. Capitalizing on the properties of oil, developers have designed in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors that absorb or reflect the electromagnetic energy at different spectral bands. Workshop participants identified current hydrocarbon sensors (in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors) and their overall performance. To achieve the most comprehensive understanding of oil spills, multiple sensors will be needed to gather oil spill extent, location, movement, thickness, condition, and classification. No single hydrocarbon sensor has the capability to collect all this information. Participants, therefore, suggested the development of means to combine sensor equipment to effectively and rapidly establish a spill response. As the exploration of oil continues at polar latitudes, sensor equipment must be developed to withstand harsh arctic climates, be able to detect oil under ice, and reduce the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for the U.S. to adopt a multi-agency cooperation for oil spill response, as the majority of issues surounding oil spill response focuses not on the hydrocarbon sensors but on an effective contingency plan adopted by all agencies. It is recommended that the U.S. could model contingency planning based on other nations such as Germany and Norway. Workshop participants were asked to make recommendations at the conclusion of the workshop and are summarized below without prioritization: *Outreach materials must be delivered to funding sources and Congressional delegates regarding the importance of oil spill prevention and response and the development of proper sensors to achieve effective response. *Develop protocols for training resource managers as new sensors become available. *Develop or adopt standard instrument specifications and testing protocols to assist manufacturers in further developing new sensor technology. *As oil exploration continues at polar latitudes, more research and development should be allocated to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection under ice.


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This panel will discuss the research being conducted, and the models being used in three current coastal EPA studies being conducted on ecosystem services in Tampa Bay, the Chesapeake Bay and the Coastal Carolinas. These studies are intended to provide a broader and more comprehensive approach to policy and decision-making affecting coastal ecosystems as well as provide an account of valued services that have heretofore been largely unrecognized. Interim research products, including updated and integrated spatial data, models and model frameworks, and interactive decision support systems will be demonstrated to engage potential users and to elicit feedback. It is anticipated that the near-term impact of the projects will be to increase the awareness by coastal communities and coastal managers of the implications of their actions and to foster partnerships for ecosystem services research and applications. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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A colaboração de usuários em sites jornalísticos é um fenômeno crescente. Cada vez mais, a evolução tecnológica abre espaço para uma maior participação dos usuários no processo de construção da narrativa noticiosa. Nesse contexto, um olhar do design sobre os modelos colaborativos dos sites jornalísticos fornece subsídios para o entendimento deste fenômeno e para o aprofundamento em cada uma das etapas que compõe o processo colaborativo. Dessa forma, essa dissertação apresenta a análise teórica e prática dessas diferentes etapas, bem como das soluções de design aplicáveis aos modelos colaborativos, de maneira a estabelecer conceitos e diretrizes para a construção de modelos que otimizem o aproveitamento do conteúdo enviado por usuários e sua relação com o conteúdo editorial dos sites noticiosos.


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A quantificação colorimétrica da pele do rosto humano apresenta uma grande dispersão de valores. Esta dispersão varia de acordo com o espaço de cor (HSV ou YCbCr) adotado para a análise e quanto menor a dispersão mais adequado é o espaço ao reconhecimento facial. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a distribuição estatística da colorimetria de imagens de rostos digitalizadas. A análise poderá dizer se as coordenadas de cor, tais como saturação, matiz e valor podem auxiliar em técnicas de reconhecimento de faces. Como resultado da análise, espera-se concluir qual dos sistemas de coordenadas de cor (HSV ou YCbCr) é o mais adequado à aplicações em reconhecimento facial. Os resultados obtidos serão apresentados com fundamentação no design da informação. O grande número de amostras fotográficas disponíveis para análise (530) e o correto equilíbrio de iluminação, contraste e temperatura de cor constituem o principal diferencial desse trabalho.


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设计与实现面向领域应用的交互式信息可视化软件十分困难.缺乏统一的开发方法与支撑工具箱,为非专家用户提供对层次、网络、多维等数据类型的统一支持,对各种可视化技术与交互技术的统一支持,以及对信息可视化任务的统一支持.针对此问题,提出了一种模型驱动的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy.首先,提出了交互式信息可视化界面模型IIVM(interactive information visualization interface model);然后,提出了基于IIVM的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy,讨论了该方法的两个核心技术:IIVM建模与描述文件生成方法、系统自动生成方法.同时,给出了Daisy工具箱,包括Daisy建模工具、Daisy系统自动生成工具以及运行时框架与组件库.最后,给出了该开发方法与工具箱的应用实例.实例表明,该方法能够为交互式信息可视化开发的统一支撑方法问题提供一种有效的解决方案.


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随着计算技术的发展,使海量信息得以存在并迅猛增长。近年来商务智能、生物信息学、社会网络分析等新兴应用领域的迅速发展,对海量信息的有效利用提出了迫切的要求。我们正处于信息爆炸的时代,纷繁复杂的信息给人们理解、查询和获取知识带来沉重的负担。信息可视化通过对抽象信息提供计算机支持的、交互式的、可视化的表示形式,不断增强人们对于复杂信息的认知能力,成为人们解释现象、发现规律、辅助决策的强有力工具。 人机交互是信息可视化的重要研究领域。然而,对于信息可视化中的人机交互的研究仍存在以下挑战:一是传统的信息可视化研究主要关注数据转换过程并以可视编码为核心,缺乏从人的角度出发对任务进行全面分析,对于新出现的交互任务提供的理论支持不足,需要对传统信息可视化模型予以扩展。二是针对海量信息在小界面中的可视化与交互问题,如何为用户提供真正符合认知规律的新的交互式可视化技术,使用户能够高效地进行交互探索以洞悉知识。三是针对领域应用中的非专家用户需要构建具有个性化用户界面的交互式信息可视化系统的问题,如何提供一套统一的开发方法。本文正是从上述问题出发,围绕着信息可视化中的交互技术,从理论、方法与应用等方面展开研究。 本文首先论述了信息爆炸带来的挑战以及信息可视化的发展趋势,继而对信息可视化、人机交互、模型驱动架构等相关研究进行了综述。在此基础上构建了交互式信息可视化框架,建立了交互式信息可视化的用户界面模型IIVM。然后,针对海量信息在小界面中的可视化与交互问题,提出了嵌套圆鱼眼视图技术、基于嵌套圆鱼眼视图的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术、基于网络关注度模型的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术。针对非专家用户构建具有个性化用户界面的交互式信息可视化应用的问题,提出了基于模型IIVM的交互式信息可视化系统开发方法Daisy。最后,将上述研究成果应用于制造企业交互式信息可视化系统与计算机文件系统的开发,给出了两个应用实例。 本文的创新点主要包括: 1. 构建了一个交互式信息可视化框架。 本文在信息可视化的经典模型基础上对其进行扩展,构建了一个交互式信息可视化框架。该框架从用户、任务、信息三个方面对信息可视化进行描述,深入分析了信息的转换过程、任务的层次树模型、用户的认知规律,并讨论了三者之间相互影响的关系。该框架提炼了信息可视化中人的特征、计算机表示的信息的特征以及相互之间的关系,能够为信息可视化中的人机交互理论提供支撑。 2. 建立了交互式信息可视化的用户界面模型IIVM。 本文围绕着交互式信息可视化框架中的用户的特征、任务的特征、信息的特征及其相互之间的关系,基于Puerta提出的基于模型的界面开发通用框架中的界面模型,建立了交互式信息可视化的用户界面模型IIVM。讨论了IIVM的抽象组成元素即用户模型、任务模型、领域信息模型,以及具体组成元素即可视化表征模型与对话模型,建立了各个模型间的映射关系,并给出了IIVM的形式化定义。IIVM能够有效地描述具有个性化用户界面的交互式信息可视化系统。 3. 提出了两种新的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术。 针对海量信息在小界面中的可视化与交互问题,在认知心理学规律基础上,提出了嵌套圆鱼眼视图技术;提出了一种基于嵌套圆鱼眼视图的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术;提出了一种基于网络关注度模型的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术。实验结果表明:上述方法能够有效解决在小界面内对海量信息的交互式可视化的问题,具有较高任务完成效率和用户满意度。 4. 提出了一种基于模型的交互式信息可视化系统开发方法Daisy。 提出了一种基于模型IIVM的交互式信息可视化系统开发方法Daisy。描述了该方法的软件生命周期,论述了其中两项关键技术:IIVM建模与描述文件生成方法、系统自动生成方法。讨论了支撑该方法的Daisy平台的体系结构,给出了Daisy工具箱。实验表明,该方法可以为非专家用户构建交互式信息可视化的特定领域应用提供一种有效的解决方案。 5. 基于上述研究成果完成了制造业交互式信息可视化系统和计算机文件可视化系统等两个实际系统的开发。 将研究成果应用于两个系统。一方面,将Daisy方法及Focus+Context交互可视化技术应用于制造业领域,构建了制造业企业交互式信息可视化系统。实例表明,Daisy能够面向非专家用户、为交互式信息可视化系统的开发提供一种统一的解决方案。另一方面,将基于嵌套圆鱼眼视图的Focus+Context交互式可视化技术应用于计算机文件系统,开发了基于嵌套圆的计算机文件可视化系统。应用实例表明,本文研究成果既具有理论价值又具有应用价值。


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以鞍钢冷轧厂计算机集成制造系统开发为背景 ,介绍了基于Client/Server方式 ,以OR ACLE为后台数据库的财务管理系统的设计与实现。运用软件工程和数据库理论 ,结合ORACLERDBMS的特点 ,并对实现方法做了比较全面地论述。最后 ,探讨了通向财务信息集成的途径


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The UK government started the UK eUniversities project in order to create a virtual campus for online education provisions, competing in a global market. The UKeU (WWW.ukeu.com) claims to "have created a new approach to e-learning" which "opens up a range of exciting opportunities for students, business and industry worldwide" to obtain both postgraduate and undergraduate qualifications. Although there has been many promises about the e-learning revolution using state-of-the-art multimedia technology, closer scrutiny of what is being delivered reveals that many of the e-learning models currently being used are little more than the old text based computer aided learning running on a global network. As part of the UKeU project a consortium of universities have been involved in developing a two year foundation degree from 2004. We look at the approach taken by the consortium in developing global e-learning provisions and the problems and the pitfalls that lay ahead.