963 resultados para Information Filtering, Pattern Mining, Relevance Feature Discovery, Text Mining


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This paper presents methods based on Information Filters for solving matching problems with emphasis on real-time, or effectively real-time applications. Both applications discussed in this work deal with ultrasound-based rigid registration in computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. In the first application, the usual workflow of rigid registration is reformulated such that registration algorithms would iterate while the surgeon is acquiring ultrasound images of the anatomy to be operated. Using this effectively real-time approach to registration, the surgeon would then receive feedback in order to better gauge the quality of the final registration outcome. The second application considered in this paper circumvents the need to attach physical markers to bones for anatomical referencing. Experiments using anatomical objects immersed in water are performed in order to evaluate and compare the different methods presented herein, using both 2D as well as real-time 3D ultrasound.


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This paper discusses an document discovery tool based on formal concept analysis. The program allows users to navigate email using a visual lattice metaphor rather than a tree. It implements a virtual file structure over email where files and entire directories can appear in multiple positions. The content and shape of the lattice formed by the conceptual ontology can assist in email discovery. The system described provides more flexibility in retrieving stored emails than what is normally available in email clients. The paper discusses how conceptual ontologies can leverage traditional document retrieval systems.


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Adaptive information filtering is a challenging research problem. It requires the adaptation of a representation of a user’s multiple interests to various changes in them. We investigate the application of an immune-inspired approach to this problem. Nootropia, is a user profiling model that has many properties in common with computational models of the immune system that have been based on Franscisco Varela’s work. In this paper we concentrate on Nootropia’s evaluation. We define an evaluation methodology that uses virtual user’s to simulate various interest changes. The results show that Nootropia exhibits the desirable adaptive behaviour.


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Existe una cantidad enorme de información en Internet acerca de incontables temas, y cada día esta información se expande más y más. En teoría, los programas informáticos podrían beneficiarse de esta gran cantidad de información disponible para establecer nuevas conexiones entre conceptos, pero esta información a menudo aparece en formatos no estructurados como texto en lenguaje natural. Por esta razón, es muy importante conseguir obtener automáticamente información de fuentes de diferentes tipos, procesarla, filtrarla y enriquecerla, para lograr maximizar el conocimiento que podemos obtener de Internet. Este proyecto consta de dos partes diferentes. En la primera se explora el filtrado de información. La entrada del sistema consiste en una serie de tripletas proporcionadas por la Universidad de Coimbra (ellos obtuvieron las tripletas mediante un proceso de extracción de información a partir de texto en lenguaje natural). Sin embargo, debido a la complejidad de la tarea de extracción, algunas de las tripletas son de dudosa calidad y necesitan pasar por un proceso de filtrado. Dadas estas tripletas acerca de un tema concreto, la entrada será estudiada para averiguar qué información es relevante al tema y qué información debe ser descartada. Para ello, la entrada será comparada con una fuente de conocimiento online. En la segunda parte de este proyecto, se explora el enriquecimiento de información. Se emplean diferentes fuentes de texto online escritas en lenguaje natural (en inglés) y se extrae información de ellas que pueda ser relevante al tema especificado. Algunas de estas fuentes de conocimiento están escritas en inglés común, y otras están escritas en inglés simple, un subconjunto controlado del lenguaje que consta de vocabulario reducido y estructuras sintácticas más simples. Se estudia cómo esto afecta a la calidad de las tripletas extraídas, y si la información obtenida de fuentes escritas en inglés simple es de una calidad superior a aquella extraída de fuentes en inglés común.


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It is a big challenge to clearly identify the boundary between positive and negative streams. Several attempts have used negative feedback to solve this challenge; however, there are two issues for using negative relevance feedback to improve the effectiveness of information filtering. The first one is how to select constructive negative samples in order to reduce the space of negative documents. The second issue is how to decide noisy extracted features that should be updated based on the selected negative samples. This paper proposes a pattern mining based approach to select some offenders from the negative documents, where an offender can be used to reduce the side effects of noisy features. It also classifies extracted features (i.e., terms) into three categories: positive specific terms, general terms, and negative specific terms. In this way, multiple revising strategies can be used to update extracted features. An iterative learning algorithm is also proposed to implement this approach on RCV1, and substantial experiments show that the proposed approach achieves encouraging performance.


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Term-based approaches can extract many features in text documents, but most include noise. Many popular text-mining strategies have been adapted to reduce noisy information from extracted features; however, text-mining techniques suffer from low frequency. The key issue is how to discover relevance features in text documents to fulfil user information needs. To address this issue, we propose a new method to extract specific features from user relevance feedback. The proposed approach includes two stages. The first stage extracts topics (or patterns) from text documents to focus on interesting topics. In the second stage, topics are deployed to lower level terms to address the low-frequency problem and find specific terms. The specific terms are determined based on their appearances in relevance feedback and their distribution in topics or high-level patterns. We test our proposed method with extensive experiments in the Reuters Corpus Volume 1 dataset and TREC topics. Results show that our proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models.


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Many data mining techniques have been proposed for mining useful patterns in databases. However, how to effectively utilize discovered patterns is still an open research issue, especially in the domain of text mining. Most existing methods adopt term-based approaches. However, they all suffer from the problems of polysemy and synonymy. This paper presents an innovative technique, pattern taxonomy mining, to improve the effectiveness of using discovered patterns for finding useful information. Substantial experiments on RCV1 demonstrate that the proposed solution achieves encouraging performance.


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With the overwhelming increase in the amount of texts on the web, it is almost impossible for people to keep abreast of up-to-date information. Text mining is a process by which interesting information is derived from text through the discovery of patterns and trends. Text mining algorithms are used to guarantee the quality of extracted knowledge. However, the extracted patterns using text or data mining algorithms or methods leads to noisy patterns and inconsistency. Thus, different challenges arise, such as the question of how to understand these patterns, whether the model that has been used is suitable, and if all the patterns that have been extracted are relevant. Furthermore, the research raises the question of how to give a correct weight to the extracted knowledge. To address these issues, this paper presents a text post-processing method, which uses a pattern co-occurrence matrix to find the relation between extracted patterns in order to reduce noisy patterns. The main objective of this paper is not only reducing the number of closed sequential patterns, but also improving the performance of pattern mining as well. The experimental results on Reuters Corpus Volume 1 data collection and TREC filtering topics show that the proposed method is promising.


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A big challenge for classification on text is the noisy of text data. It makes classification quality low. Many classification process can be divided into two sequential steps scoring and threshold setting (thresholding). Therefore to deal with noisy data problem, it is important to describe positive feature effectively scoring and to set a suitable threshold. Most existing text classifiers do not concentrate on these two jobs. In this paper, we propose a novel text classifier with pattern-based scoring that describe positive feature effectively, followed by threshold setting. The thresholding is based on score of training set, make it is simple to implement in other scoring methods. Experiment shows that our pattern-based classifier is promising.


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Topic modelling has been widely used in the fields of information retrieval, text mining, machine learning, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel model, Pattern Enhanced Topic Model (PETM), which makes improvements to topic modelling by semantically representing topics with discriminative patterns, and also makes innovative contributions to information filtering by utilising the proposed PETM to determine document relevance based on topics distribution and maximum matched patterns proposed in this paper. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of PETM by using the TREC data collection Reuters Corpus Volume 1. The results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art term-based models and pattern-based models.


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With the explosion of information resources, there is an imminent need to understand interesting text features or topics in massive text information. This thesis proposes a theoretical model to accurately weight specific text features, such as patterns and n-grams. The proposed model achieves impressive performance in two data collections, Reuters Corpus Volume 1 (RCV1) and Reuters 21578.