981 resultados para Information Dissemination


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Recent advancement in wireless communication technologies and automobiles have enabled the evolution of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) which addresses various vehicular traffic issues like traffic congestion, information dissemination, accident etc. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) a distinctive class of Mobile ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an integral component of ITS in which moving vehicles are connected and communicate wirelessly. Wireless communication technologies play a vital role in supporting both Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication in VANET. This paper surveys some of the key vehicular wireless access technology standards such as 802.11p, P1609 protocols, Cellular System, CALM, MBWA, WiMAX, Microwave, Bluetooth and ZigBee which served as a base for supporting both Safety and Non Safety applications. It also analyses and compares the wireless standards using various parameters such as bandwidth, ease of use, upfront cost, maintenance, accessibility, signal coverage, signal interference and security. Finally, it discusses some of the issues associated with the interoperability among those protocols.


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Twitter has become a dependable microblogging tool for real time information dissemination and newsworthy events broadcast. Its users sometimes break news on the network faster than traditional newsagents due to their presence at ongoing real life events at most times. Different topic detection methods are currently used to match Twitter posts to real life news of mainstream media. In this paper, we analyse tweets relating to the English FA Cup finals 2012 by applying our novel method named TRCM to extract association rules present in hash tag keywords of tweets in different time-slots. Our system identify evolving hash tag keywords with strong association rules in each time-slot. We then map the identified hash tag keywords to event highlights of the game as reported in the ground truth of the main stream media. The performance effectiveness measure of our experiments show that our method perform well as a Topic Detection and Tracking approach.


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Cluster computation has been used in the applications that demand performance, reliability, and availability, such as cluster server groups, large-scale scientific computations, distributed databases, distributed media-on-demand servers and search engines etc. In those applications, multicast can play the vital roles for the information dissemination among groups of servers and users. This paper proposes a set of novel efficient fault-tolerant multicast routing algorithms on hypercube interconnection of cluster computers using multicast shared tree approach. We present some new algorithms for selecting an optimal core (root) and constructing the shared tree so as to minimize the average delay for multicast messages. Simulation results indicate that our algorithms are efficient in the senses of short end-to-end average delay, load balance and less resource utilizations over hypercube cluster interconnection networks.


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Agenda 21 may be considered the most significant programme of action influencing environmental policy for the Australian development and construction industry. The industry has remained one of the most rapidly expanding sectors; yet, we have seen the gradual process of exhausting natural resources and irreversible environmental degradation. Even with the introduction of numerous new environmental policies, it remains questionable as to whether real improvements have occurred across the industry. Legislative mechanisms to direct on-site environmental management appear deficient; information flows between participants along the supply chain appear to impact upon environmental management performance; and industry fragmentation remains compounded by ill-defined external, non-contractual supply chain influences that directly impact on contractual systems. Limited research has considered construction supply chain theory and environmental management particularly in reference to policy. The literature highlighted a need to develop a supply chain model which seeks to integrate chain actors and government regulators through holistic information management. The model assumes that fundamental to industry change is statutory control to mandate construction environmental management plans. However, industry change and subsequent environmental management rely upon effective information dissemination. The next stage involves model refinement, investigating barriers and enablers to widespread diffusion of such an innovative integrated environmental management system.


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Cyber violence and the antidote of cyber safety are fast becoming a global concern for governments, educational authorities, teachers, parents and children alike. Despite substantial funding for information dissemination on preventative strategies and the development of electronic responses to hinder perpetrators, the phenomenon of cyber violence has received little attention in the educational research literature. This review paper outlines the status on existing research into cyber violence. Documenting and summarizing the facts on the nature and extend of the issue will inform future debate. It also highlights the need for pre-service and in-service teacher education programs to prepare educators to manage this phenomenon.


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Data broadcasting in a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is the main method of information dissemination in many applications, in particular for sending critical information to all hosts. Finding an optimal broadcast tree in such networks is a challenging task due to the broadcast storm problem. The aim of this work is to propose a new genetic model using a fitness function with the primary goal of finding an optimal broadcast tree. Our new method, called Genetic Optimisation Model (GOM) alleviates the broadcast storm problem to a great extent as the experimental simulations result in efficient broadcast tree with minimal flood and minimal hops. The result of this model also shows that it has the ability to give different optimal solutions according to the nature of the network.


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This paper examines the role of information and communication technology (ICT) policies in shaping the participatory nature of local e-government. It suggests that civic involvement through e-government practices requires a combination of direct and indirect ICT policies (Cohen, van Geenhuizen and Nijkamp, 2005). Direct policies focus on ICT infrastructure development and enhance civic adoption and use of ICTs. ICTs also support policies indirectly through data organisation, information dissemination and the provision of spaces for discourse, deliberation and contributions to decision-making processes. Drawing from policy examples from Australia and the United Kingdom (UK), this paper suggests the need to combine federal guidance with local knowledge, while using policies to support ICTs and using ICTs to support policies. Such a cohesive and integrated policy relationship between federal and local government bodies is needed if local e-government is to advance to facilitate civic engagement.


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A adoção dos métodos ágeis de gestão do desenvolvimento de software tem sido uma tendência mundial, considerando-se as empresas do setor de tecnologia. Empresas brasileiras atuando neste mercado não estão apartadas deste quadro, uma vez que o objetivo desses métodos é endereçar um cenário comum a qualquer uma dessas organizações: lidar com a dificuldade de modelar adequadamente os problemas usualmente complexos que são objetivo da construção de um software e com a mudança constante de requisitos que esta situação representa, potencializada ainda mais pela dinâmica frenética da disseminação da informação no século XXI, além de modificar um quadro crônico de fracassos e falhas no setor, visando entregar produtos de qualidade aos seus clientes com o máximo de velocidade. Aspectos internos como o aumento de produtividade e a redução de retrabalho também fazem parte dos objetivos de adoção destas metodologias. O presente estudo visa avaliar os aspectos humanos e culturais envolvidos e identificar a convergência entre as expectativas da empresa e dos empregados quando da adoção de métodos ágeis de gestão, a partir de pesquisa de campo que capturou as reações de um grupo de entrevistados à implantação desses métodos na Módulo Security Solutions, empresa brasileira de tecnologia e serviços, após dois anos de uso interno abrangente. Os resultados apontam para o sucesso da implantação, com reação positiva dos empregados, a despeito da necessidade de endereçamento de aspectos humanos para ajuste do modelo e do impacto negativo da cultura local e organizacional terem sido amplamente percebidos.


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This study discusses about the practice of communication in libraries from the appropriation of the resources of web 2.0, particularly social media, establishing from the aspects of mediatization new communication scenarios in their environments. Aims at understanding how in the contemporary society, the libraries, that symbolize traditional space in the search for information and knowledge, modify their contexts through technological resources involved in your scenario, and specifically checks as the process of mediatization is inserted into the communication practices and interaction of libraries, noting the relevance of the ownership of social media, especially twitter and facebook, by the libraries of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN. Use as methodological procedures, a theoretical approach concerning the conceptual research to investigate issues relating to social media, communication practice, mediatization and network society, and is characterized by being a descriptive exploratory research, of qualitative nature with adoption of the inductive method, using interviews and direct observation, analyzing reconfiguration scenario of university libraries located in UFRN. Thus, with the of the study, expected to be possible to give an overview of how to establish the use of social media in the scenario investigated by checking the new possibilities of communication, outreach services, information dissemination and interaction with user


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O artigo discute algumas questões relativas ao procedimento de revisão por pares na avaliação de originais submetidos a um periódico. Essa avaliação é aceita como necessária para assegurar a qualidade científica de artigos publicados, já que a integridade da literatura especializada é considerada essencial para o desenvolvimento da ciência. Entretanto, há críticas à revisão por pares, incluindo o longo tempo decorrido entre a entrega dos originais e a publicação, o tempo e a energia despendidos pelos autores e revisores, a subjetividade na avaliação e outros problemas que podem introduzir vieses na área. A Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, que adota a avaliação cega por pares, tem-se mostrado relativamente versátil. O tempo médio entre o recebimento dos originais e o aceite final, depois de passar pela revisão por pares e conseqüente ajuste por parte dos autores, é de cerca de cinco meses e meio. Na literatura especializada, encontram-se sugestões como a eliminação de avaliação e publicação de todos os textos submetidos, em meios eletrônicos, menos onerosos e mais versáteis, deixando que os próprios leitores façam a sua avaliação. A análise procedida conclui que a revisão por pares é necessária. Aponta a necessidade de se realizarem discussões sobre a própria avaliação, para que se desenvolvam procedimentos mais eficientes de controle de qualidade das publicações. Sugere que a avaliação efetiva é feita pela própria comunidade acadêmica, após a publicação, mediante reconhecimento coletivo do valor científico da publicação, na forma de impacto que pode causar sobre novas investigações e construção do conhecimento na área.


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Pervasive applications use context provision middleware support as infrastructures to provide context information. Typically, those applications use communication publish/subscribe to eliminate the direct coupling between components and to allow the selective information dissemination based in the interests of the communicating elements. The use of composite events mechanisms together with such middlewares to aggregate individual low level events, originating from of heterogeneous sources, in high level context information relevant for the application. CES (Composite Event System) is a composite events mechanism that works simultaneously in cooperation with several context provision middlewares. With that integration, applications use CES to subscribe to composite events and CES, in turn, subscribes to the primitive events in the appropriate underlying middlewares and notifies the applications when the composed events happen. Furthermore, CES offers a language with a group of operators for the definition of composite events that also allows context information sharing


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This paper describes an innovative approach to develop the understanding about the relevance of mathematics to computer science. The mathematical subjects are introduced through an application-to-model scheme that lead computer science students to a better understanding of why they have to learn math and learn it effectively. Our approach consists of a single one semester course, taught at the first semester of the program, where the students are initially exposed to some typical computer applications. When they recognize the applications' complexity, the instructor gives the mathematical models supporting such applications, even before a formal introduction to the model in a math course. We applied this approach at Unesp (Brazil) and the results include a large reduction in the rate of students that abandon the college and better students in the final years of our program.


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Purpose - The purpose of the paper is to provide information on wear debris on oil and vibration analysis as predictive maintenance techniques in reducer. Design/methodology/approach - The estate of a reducer is verified by analyzing the vibration and oil conditions of a test rig under well-designed conditions utilizing some predictive variables. Findings - According to the vibration and oil analysis it is found out what it was happening into the reducer without disassembling it. Practical implications - This paper demonstrates the use of oil debris analysis and vibration analysis as a technique that enhances preventive maintenance practices. The paper helps practitioners to utilize these techniques more effectively. Originality/value - This paper gives information about two predictive maintenance techniques with a test rig. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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