930 resultados para Information technologies


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Vaccinology is a combinatorial science which studies the diversity of pathogens and the human immune system, and formulations that can modulate immune responses and prevent or cure disease. Huge amounts of data are produced by genomics and proteomics projects and large-scale screening of pathogen-host and antigen-host interactions. Current developments in computational vaccinology mainly support the analysis of antigen processing and presentation and the characterization of targets of immune response. Future development will also include systemic models of vaccine responses. Immunomics, the large-scale screening of immune processes which includes powerful immunoinformatic tools, offers great promise for future translation of basic immunology research advances into successful vaccines.


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The questions of distributed systems development based on Java RMI, EJB and J2EE technologies and tools are rated. Here is brought the comparative analysis, which determines the domain of an expedient demand of the considered information technologies as applied to the concrete distributed applications requirements.


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Computer modeling is a perspective method for optimal design of prosthesis and orthoses. The study is oriented to develop modular ankle foot orthosis (MAFO) to assist the very frequently observed gait abnormalities relating the human ankle-foot complex using CAD modeling. The main goal is to assist the ankle- foot flexors and extensors during the gait cycle (stance and swing) using torsion spring. Utilizing 3D modeling and animating open source software (Blender 3D), it is possible to generate artificially different kind of normal and abnormal gaits and investigate and adjust the assistive modular spring driven ankle foot orthosis.


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The purpose of the current paper is to present the developed methodology of viable model based enterprise management, which is needed for modern enterprises to survive and growth in the information age century. The approach is based on Beerâs viable system model and uses it as a basis of the information technology implementation and development. The enterprise is viewed as a cybernetic system which functioning is controlled from the same rules as for every living system.


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The activities of the Institute of Information Technologies in the area of automatic text processing are outlined. Major problems related to different steps of processing are pointed out together with the shortcomings of the existing solutions.


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Strategic management is a special kind of managerial activity dealing with long-term development and growth of the enterprise. Therefore it has specific information needs and uses various information technologies different than used in the operational and middle-level management processes. In the current paper we present an information technologies' classification according to the phases of strategic management process and extract these information technologies which are of crucial importance for the successful strategic management.


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We investigate digitalization and security of the Bulgarian and Indian cultural artifacts in multimedia archive. In the paper we describe project implementation and methods for intellectual property protection that are result of bilateral cultural and scientific cooperation between research-workers in India and Bulgaria.


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In this paper we try to present how information technologies as tools for the creation of digital bilingual dictionaries can help the preservation of natural languages. Natural languages are an outstanding part of human cultural values and for that reason they should be preserved as part of the world cultural heritage. We describe our work on the bilingual lexical database supporting the Bulgarian-Polish Online dictionary. The main software tools for the web- presentation of the dictionary are shortly described. We focus our special attention on the presentation of verbs, the richest from a specific characteristics viewpoint linguistic category in Bulgarian.


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The paper describes the creation and content of the digital archive of photographs, films and materials from fieldwork (interviews, surveys, and observations) of students from the Information Funds of the Cultural and Historical Heritage program at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria. The text discusses the educational opportunities of the archive, and the plans for publishing it as CD and for conversion into an electronic archive on the Internet.


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Background: The Medical Education Partnership Initiative, has helped to mitigate the digital divide in Africa. The aim of the study was to assess the level of access, attitude, and training concerning meaningful use of electronic resources and EBM among medical students at an African medical school. Methods: The study involved medical students at the University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences, Harare. The needs assessment tool consisted of a 21-question, paper-based, voluntary and anonymous survey. Results: A total of 61/67 (91%), responded to the survey. 60% of the medical students were â˜third-year medical studentsâ. Among medical students, 85% of responders had access to digital medical resources, but 54% still preferred printed medical textbooks. Although 25% of responders had received training in EBM, but only 7% found it adequate. 98% of the participants did not receive formal training in journal club presentation or analytical reading of medical literature, but 77 % of them showed interest in learning these skills. Conclusion: Lack of training in EBM, journal club presentation and analytical reading skills have limited the impact of upgraded technology in enhancing the level of knowledge. This impact can be boosted by developing a curriculum with skills necessary in using EBM.


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Ce mémoire présente les recherches et réflexions entourant la conception dâune application à base dâontologie dédiée au e-recrutement dans le domaine des services de dotation de personnel en technologies de lâinformation à lâère du Web Social. Cette application, nommée Combine, vise essentiellement à optimiser et enrichir la Communication Médiée par Ordinateur (CMO) des acteurs du domaine et utilise des concepts issus du paradigme technologique émergent quâest le Web sémantique. Encore très peu discuté dans une perspective CMO, le présent mémoire se propose donc dâexaminer les enjeux communicationnels relatifs à ce nouveau paradigme. Il présente ses principaux concepts, dont la notion dâontologie qui implique la modélisation formelle de connaissances, et expose le cas de développement de Combine. Il décrit comment cette application fut développée, de lâanalyse des besoins à lâévaluation du prototype par les utilisateurs ciblés, tout en révélant les préoccupations, les contraintes et les opportunités rencontrées en cours de route. Au terme de cet examen, le mémoire tend à évaluer de manière critique le potentiel de Combine à optimiser la CMO du domaine dâactivité ciblé. Le mémoire dresse au final un portrait plutôt favorable quant à la perception positive des acteurs du domaine dâutiliser un tel type dâapplication, et aussi quant aux nets bénéfices en frais dâInteractions Humain-Ordinateur (IHO) quâelle fait miroiter. Il avertit toutefois dâune certaine exacerbation du problème dit « dâengagement ontologique » à considérer lors de la construction dâontologies modélisant des objets sociaux tels que ceux dont le monde du recrutement est peuplé.