458 resultados para Inertia
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The dynamic behavior of composite laminates is very complex because there are many concurrent phenomena during composite laminate failure under impact load. Fiber breakage, delaminations, matrix cracking, plastic deformations due to contact and large displacements are some effects which should be considered when a structure made from composite material is impacted by a foreign object. Thus, an investigation of the low velocity impact on laminated composite thin disks of epoxy resin reinforced by carbon fiber is presented. The influence of stacking sequence and energy impact was investigated using load-time histories, displacement-time histories and energy-time histories as well as images from NDE. Indentation tests results were compared to dynamic results, verifying the inertia effects when thin composite laminate was impacted by foreign object with low velocity. Finite element analysis (FEA) was developed, using Hill`s model and material models implemented by UMAT (User Material Subroutine) into software ABAQUS (TM), in order to simulate the failure mechanisms under indentation tests. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A mathematical model, numerical simulations and stability and flow regime maps corresponding to severe slugging in pipeline riser systems, are presented. In the simulations air and water were used as flowing fluids. The mathematical model considers continuity equations for liquid and gas phases, with a simplified momentum equation for the mixture, neglecting inertia. A drift-flux model, evaluated for the local conditions in the riser, is used as a closure law. The developed model predicts the location of the liquid accumulation front in the pipeline and the liquid level in the riser, so it is possible to determine which type of severe slugging occurs in the system. The numerical procedure is convergent for different nodalizations. A comparison is made with experimental results corresponding to a catenary riser, showing very good results for slugging cycle and stability and flow regime maps. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dynamic plastic response of a simply supported circular plate is analysed. Emphasis is given to the plate behaviour after it has broken free from the supports due to a local material failure. The theoretical rigid plastic analysis predicts various features of the response such as the time to failure, residual kinetic energy and the critical velocity at failure. The residual kinetic energy of the plate could be significant enough to cause secondary impact damage. It is shown that the shape of the plate changes after breaking free from the supports, which is important for forensic investigations. The solution for various cases were proven to be exact in the context of the upper and lower bounds theorems of the theory of plasticity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The exact vibration modes and natural frequencies of planar structures and mechanisms, comprised Euler-Bernoulli beams, are obtained by solving a transcendental. nonlinear, eigenvalue problem stated by the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM). To solve this kind of problem, the most employed technique is the Wittrick-Williams algorithm, developed in the early seventies. By formulating a new type of eigenvalue problem, which preserves the internal degrees-of-freedom for all members in the model, the present study offers an alternative to the use of this algorithm. The new proposed eigenvalue problem presents no poles, so the roots of the problem can be found by any suitable iterative numerical method. By avoiding a standard formulation for the DSM, the local mode shapes are directly calculated and any extension to the beam theory can be easily incorporated. It is shown that the method here adopted leads to exact solutions, as confirmed by various examples. Extensions of the formulation are also given, where rotary inertia, end release, skewed edges and rigid offsets are all included. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is well known that structures subjected to dynamic loads do not follow the usual similarity laws when the material is strain rate sensitive. As a consequence, it is not possible to use a scaled model to predict the prototype behaviour. In the present study, this problem is overcome by changing the impact velocity so that the model behaves exactly as the prototype. This exact solution is generated thanks to the use of an exponential constitutive law to infer the dynamic flow stress. Furthermore, it is shown that the adopted procedure does not rely on any previous knowledge of the structure response. Three analytical models are used to analyze the performance of the technique. It is shown that perfect similarity is achieved, regardless of the magnitude of the scaling factor. For the class of material used, the solution outlined has long been sought, inasmuch as it allows perfect similarity for strain rate sensitive structures subject to impact loads. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dynamic experiments in a nonadiabatic packed bed were carried out to evaluate the response to disturbances in wall temperature and inlet airflow rate and temperature. A two-dimensional, pseudo-homogeneous, axially dispersed plug-flow model was numerically solved and used to interpret the results. The model parameters were fitted in distinct stages: effective radial thermal conductivity (K (r)) and wall heat transfer coefficient (h (w)) were estimated from steady-state data and the characteristic packed bed time constant (tau) from transient data. A new correlation for the K (r) in packed beds of cylindrical particles was proposed. It was experimentally proved that temperature measurements using radially inserted thermocouples and a ring-shaped sensor were not distorted by heat conduction across the thermocouple or by the thermal inertia effect of the temperature sensors.
Postural control was studied when the subject was kneeling with erect trunk in a quiet posture and compared to that obtained during quiet standing. The analysis was based on the center of pressure motion in the sagittal plane (CPx), both in the time and in the frequency domains. One could assume that postural control during kneeling would be poorer than in standing because it is a less natural posture. This could cause a higher CPx variability. The power spectral density (PSD) of the CPx obtained from the experimental data in the kneeling position (KN) showed a significant decrease at frequencies below 0.3 Hz compared to upright (UP) (P < 0.01), which indicates less sway in KN. Conversely, there was an increase in fast postural oscillations (above 0.7 Hz) during KN compared to UP (P < 0.05). The root mean square (RMS) of the CPx was higher for UP (P < 0.01) while the mean velocity (MV) was higher during KN (P < 0.05). Lack of vision had a significant effect on the PSD and the parameters estimated from the CPx in both positions. We also sought to verify whether the changes in the PSD of the CPx found between the UP and KN positions were exclusively due to biomechanical factors (e.g., lowered center of gravity), or also reflected changes in the neural processes involved in the control of balance. To reach this goal, besides the experimental approach, a simple feedback model (a PID neural system, with added neural noise and controlling an inverted pendulum) was used to simulate postural sway in both conditions (in KN the pendulum was shortened, the mass and the moment of inertia were decreased). A parameter optimization method was used to fit the CPx power spectrum given by the model to that obtained experimentally. The results indicated that the changed anthropometric parameters in KN would indeed cause a large decrease in the power spectrum at low frequencies. However, the model fitting also showed that there were considerable changes also in the neural subsystem when the subject went from standing to kneeling. There was a lowering of the proportional and derivative gains and an increase in the neural noise power. Additional increases in the neural noise power were found also when the subject closed his eyes.
The linear relationship between work accomplished (W-lim) and time to exhaustion (t(lim)) can be described by the equation: W-lim = a + CP.t(lim). Critical power (CP) is the slope of this line and is thought to represent a maximum rate of ATP synthesis without exhaustion, presumably an inherent characteristic of the aerobic energy system. The present investigation determined whether the choice of predictive tests would elicit significant differences in the estimated CP. Ten female physical education students completed, in random order and on consecutive days, five art-out predictive tests at preselected constant-power outputs. Predictive tests were performed on an electrically-braked cycle ergometer and power loadings were individually chosen so as to induce fatigue within approximately 1-10 mins. CP was derived by fitting the linear W-lim-t(lim) regression and calculated three ways: 1) using the first, third and fifth W-lim-t(lim) coordinates (I-135), 2) using coordinates from the three highest power outputs (I-123; mean t(lim) = 68-193 s) and 3) using coordinates from the lowest power outputs (I-345; mean t(lim) = 193-485 s). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that CPI123 (201.0 +/- 37.9W) > CPI135 (176.1 +/- 27.6W) > CPI345 (164.0 +/- 22.8W) (P < 0.05). When the three sets of data were used to fit the hyperbolic Power-t(lim) regression, statistically significant differences between each CP were also found (P < 0.05). The shorter the predictive trials, the greater the slope of the W-lim-t(lim) regression; possibly because of the greater influence of 'aerobic inertia' on these trials. This may explain why CP has failed to represent a maximal, sustainable work rate. The present findings suggest that if CP is to represent the highest power output that an individual can maintain for a very long time without fatigue then CP should be calculated over a range of predictive tests in which the influence of aerobic inertia is minimised.
We derive a general thermo-mechanical theory for particulate materials consisting of granules of arbitrary whose material points possess three translational and three independent rotational degrees of freedom. Additional field variables are the translational and rotational granular temperatures, the kinetic energies shape and size. The kinematics of granulate is described within the framework of a polar continuum theory of the velocity and spin fluctuations respectively and the usual thermodynamic temperature. We distinguish between averages over particle categories (averages in mass/velocity and moment of inertia/spin space, respectively) and particle phases where the average extends over distinct subsets of particle categories (multi phase flows). The relationship between the thermal energy in the granular system and phonon energy in a molecular system is briefly discussed in the main body of the paper and discussed in detail in the Appendix A. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Rapid shoulder movement is preceded by contraction of the abdominal muscles to prepare the body for the expected disturbance to postural equilibrium and spinal stability provoked by the reactive forces resulting from the movement. The magnitude of the reactive forces is proportional to the inertia of the limb. The aim of the study was to investigate if changes in the reaction time latency of the abdominal muscles was associated with variation in the magnitude of the reactive forces resulting from variation in limb speed. Fifteen participants performed shoulder flexion at three different speeds (fast, natural and slow). The onset of EMG of the abdominal muscles, erector spinae and anterior deltoid (AD) was recorded using a combination of fine-wire and surface electrodes. Mean and peak velocity was recorded for each limb movement speed for five participants. The onset of transversus abdominis (TrA) EMG preceded the onset of AD in only the fast movement condition. No significant difference in reaction time latency was recorded between the fast and natural speed conditions for all muscles. The reaction time of each of the abdominal muscles relative to AD was significantly delayed with the slow movement compared to the other two speeds. The results indicate that the reaction time latency of the trunk muscles is influenced by limb inertia only with limb movement below a threshold velocity.
Severe sepsis and septic shock have long been a challenge in intensive care because of their common occurrence, high associated costs of care, and significant mortality. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) was developed in an attempt to address clinical inertia in the adoption of evidence-based strategies. The campaign relies on worldwide support from professional societies and has gained consensus on the management of patients with severe sepsis. The guidelines have subsequently been deployed into two bundles, with each bundle component sharing a common relationship in time. The widespread adoption of such evidence-based practice in clinical care has been disappointingly slow despite the quantifiable benefits regarding mortality. In Brazil, a country of continental dimensions with a heterogeneous population and unequal access to health services, this reality is no different. From 2004 to 2007, four prospective studies were published describing the country`s reality. In the multicenter Promoting Global Research Excellence in Severe Sepsis (PROGRESS) Study, the in-hospital mortality rate was higher in Brazil when compared with other countries: 56% against 30% in developed countries and 45% in other developing countries. During these 2.5 years of the campaign in Brazil, 43 hospitals have been receiving the necessary training to put in practice the recommended measures in all Brazilian regions, except for the North. The idea of the campaign is based on a 25% reduction in the relative risk of death from severe sepsis and septic shock within 5 years in the SSC-participating Brazilian hospitals. Ideally, the mortality rate should come to a 41.2% level subject to the 2009 deadline. This article aims to describe the actual scenario of the SSC implementation in Brazilian institutions and to report on some initiatives that have been used to overcome barriers.
This chapter explores the impact of innovation technologies such as simulation, modelling, and rapid prototyping on engineering practice. Innovation technologies help redefine the role of engineers in the innovation process, creating a new division of innovative labour both with and across organizations. This chapter also explores the boundaries of experimentation and inertia within particular domains of problem-solving to create new opportunities and value.
There has been limited investigation of parturition in the bitch and there is little information published on clinical and obstetrical examination other than opinion and anecdote. While there are substantial data on haemodynamic and vascular changes during normal parturition in humans, little is known about the physiological events in the dog. This study was aimed at maternal haemodynamic changes occurring during normal parturition and to investigate how these were modified in bitches with dystocia (DYST) treated either medically or via assisted delivery and caesarean operation. Three groups of 10 bitches were investigated; those with normal parturition, those with DYST corrected by manipulative assistance or caesarean operation and those with uterine inertia treated by oxytocin administration. Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, electrocardiogram and blood glucose concentration were measured pre-partum, intra-partum, immediately after parturition and 1 h later. Heart rate was high at all times throughout the study and the majority of bitches had normal sinus rhythm. Blood pressure was generally within the normal range, and although systolic and diastolic blood pressure was highest during the intra-partum period and sometimes during the immediate post-partum period, there were no significant differences between groups. All bitches had blood glucose concentrations within the normal range throughout the study although pre-partum concentrations were statistically lower than many of the other time periods. The study provides useful physiological data that will facilitate monitoring and clinical management of bitches throughout normal parturition and DYST.