983 resultados para Industrial wastes


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Some Ecological Factors Affecting the Input and Population Levels of Total and Faecal Coliforms and Salmonella in Twelve Mile Creek, Lake Ontario and Sewage Waters Near St. Catharines, Ontario. Supervisor: Dr. M. Helder. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of some ecological factors on sewage-Dorne bacteria in waters near St. Catharines, Ontario. Total and faecal coliform levels and the presence of Salmonella were monitored for a period of a year along with determination of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, nitrate N, total phosphate P and ammonium N. Bacteriological tests for coliform analysis were done according to APHA Standard Methods by the membrane filtration technique. The grab sampling technique was employed for all sampling. Four sample sites were chosen in the Port Dalhousie beach area to determine what bacteriological or physical relationship the sites had to each other. The sample sites chosen were the sewage inflow to and the effluent from the St. Catharines (Port Dalhousie) Pollution Control Plant, Twelve Mile Creek below the sewage outfall and Lake Ontario at the Lakeside Park beach. The sewage outfall was located in Twelve Mile Creek, approximately 80 meters from the creek junction with the beach and piers on Lake Ontario. Twelve Mile Creek normally carried a large volume of water from the WeIland Canal which was diverted through the DeCew Generating Station located on the Niagara Escarpment. An additional sample site, which was thought to be free of industrial wastes, was chosen at Twenty Mile Creek, also in the Niagara Region of Ontarioo 3 There were marked variations in bacterial numbers at each site and between each site, but trends to lower_numbers were noted from the sewage inflow to Lake Ontario. Better correlations were noted between total and faecal coliform population levels and total phosphate P and ammonium N in Twenty Mile Creek. Other correlations were observed for other sample stations, however, these results also appeared to be random in nature. Salmonella isolations occurred more frequently during the winter and spring months when water temperatures were minimal at all sample stations except the sewage inflow. The frequency of Salmonella isolations appeared to be related to increased levels of total and faecal coli forms in the sewage effluent. However, no clear relationships were established in the other sample stations. Due to the presence of Salmonella and high levels of total and faecal coliform indicator organisms, the sanitary quality of Lake Ontario and Twelve Mile Creek at the sample sites seemed to be impaired over the major portion of the study period.


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The use of industrial wastes rich in mineral nutrients and carbon sources to increase the final microalgal biomass and lipid yield at a low cost is an important strategy to make algal biofuel technology viable. Using strains from the microalgal collection of the Université de Montréal, this report shows for the first time that microalgal strains can be grown on xylose, the major carbon source found in wastewater streams from pulp and paper industries, with an increase in growth rate of 2.8 fold in comparison to photoautotrophic growth, reaching up to µ=1.1/day. On glycerol, growth rates reached as high as µ=1.52/day. Lipid productivity increased up to 370% on glycerol and 180% on xylose for the strain LB1H10, showing the suitability of this strain for further development for biofuels production through mixotrophic cultivation.


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La production de biodiésel par des microalgues est intéressante à plusieurs niveaux. Dans le premier chapitre, un éventail de pour et contres concernant l’utilisation de microalgues pour la production de biocarburant sont ici révisés. La culture d’algues peut s'effectuer en utilisant des terres non-arables, de l’eau non-potable et des nutriments de base. De plus, la biomasse produite par les algues est considérablement plus importante que celle de plantes vasculaires. Plusieurs espèces on le contenu lipidique en forme de triacylglycérols (TAGs), qui peut correspondre jusqu'à 30% - 40% du poids sec de la biomasse. Ces proportions sont considérablement plus élevées que celui des huiles contenues dans les graines actuellement utilisées pour le biodiésel de première génération. Par contre, une production pratique et peu couteuse de biocarburant par des microalgues requiert de surpasser plusieurs obstacles. Ceci inclut le développement de systèmes de culture efficace à faible coût, de techniques de récupération requérant peu d’énergie, et de méthodes d’extraction et de conversion de l’huile non-dommageables pour l’environnement et peu couteuses. Le deuxième chapitre explore l'une des questions importantes soulevées dans le premier chapitre: la sélection d'une souche pour la culture. Une collection de souches de microalgues d'eau douce indigène au Québec a été établi et examiné au niveau de la diversité physiologique. Cette collection est composée de cent souches, que apparaissaient très hétérogènes en terme de croissance lorsque mises en culture à 10±2 °C ou 22±2 °C sur un effluent secondaire d’une usine municipale de traitement des eaux usées (EU), défini comme milieu Bold's Basal Medium (BBM). Des diagrammes de dispersion ont été utilisés pour étudier la diversité physiologique au sein de la collection, montrant plusieurs résultats intéressants. Il y avait une dispersion appréciable dans les taux de croissance selon les différents types de milieux et indépendamment de la température. De manière intéressante, en considérant que tous les isolats avaient initialement été enrichis sur milieu BBM, la distribution était plutôt symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, suggérant que l’enrichissement sur BBM n’a pas semblé biaiser la croissance des souches sur ce milieu par rapport aux EU. Également, considérant que les isolats avaient d’abord été enrichis à 22°C, il est assez surprenant que la distribution de taux de croissance spécifiques soit aussi symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, avec grossièrement des nombres égaux d’isolats de part et d’autre. Ainsi, l’enrichissement à 22°C ne semble pas biaiser les cellules vers une croissance à cette température plutôt que vers 10°C. Les diagrammes de dispersion obtenus lorsque le pourcentage en lipides de cultures sur BBM ont été comparées à des cultures ayant poussé sur EU soit à 10°C ou 22°C rendent évident que la production de lipides est favorisée par la culture sur EU aux deux températures, et que la production lipidique ne semble pas particulièrement plus favorisée par l’une ou l’autre de ces températures. Lorsque la collection a été examinée pour y déceler des différences avec le site d’échantillonnage, une analyse statistique a montré grossièrement que le même degré de diversité physiologique était retrouvé dans les échantillons des deux différents sites. Le troisième chapitre a poursuivi l'évaluation de la culture d'algues au Québec. L’utilisation de déchets industriels riches en nutriments minéraux et en sources de carbone pour augmenter la biomasse finale en microalgues et le produit lipidique à faible coût est une stratégie importante pour rendre viable la technologie des biocarburants par les algues. Par l’utilisation de souches de la collection de microalgues de l’Université de Montréal, ce rapport montre pour la première fois que des souches de microalgues peuvent pousser en présence de xylose, la source de carbone majoritairement retrouvée dans les eaux usées provenant des usines de pâte et papier, avec une hausse du taux de croissance de 2,8 fois par rapport à la croissance photoautotrophe, atteignant jusqu’à µ=1,1/jour. En présence de glycérol, les taux de croissance atteignaient des valeurs aussi élevées que µ=1,52/jour. La production lipidique augmentait jusqu’à 370% en présence de glycérol et 180% avec le xylose pour la souche LB1H10, démontrant que cette souche est appropriée pour le développement ultérieur de biocarburants en culture mixotrophe. L'ajout de xylose en cultures d'algues a montré certains effets inattendus. Le quatrième chapitre de ce travail a porté à comprendre ces effets sur la croissance des microalgues et la production de lipides. Quatre souches sauvages indigènes ont été obersvées quotidiennement, avant et après l’ajout de xylose, par cytométrie en flux. Avec quelques souches de Chlorella, l’ajout de xylose induisait une hausse rapide de l’accumulation de lipide (jusqu’à 3,3 fois) pendant les premières six à douze heures. Aux temps subséquents, les cellules montraient une diminution du contenu en chlorophylle, de leur taille et de leur nombre. Par contre, l’unique membre de la famille des Scenedesmaceae avait la capacité de profiter de la présence de cette source de carbone sous culture mixotrophe ou hétérotrophe sans effet négatif apparent. Ces résultats suggèrent que le xylose puisse être utilisé avant la récolte afin de stimuler l’augmentation du contenu lipidique de la culture d’algues, soit en système de culture continu ou à deux étapes, permettant la biorestauration des eaux usées provenant de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers. Le cinquième chapitre aborde une autre déché industriel important: le dioxyde de carbone et les gaz à effet de serre. Plus de la moitié du dioxyde de carbone qui est émis dans l'atmosphère chaque jour est dégagé par un processus stationnaire, soit pour la production d’électricité ou pour la fabrication industrielle. La libération de CO2 par ces sources pourrait être atténuée grâce à la biorestauration avec microalgues, une matière première putative pour les biocarburants. Néanmoins, toutes les cheminées dégagent un gaz différent, et la sélection des souches d'algues est vitale. Ainsi, ce travail propose l'utilisation d’un état de site particulier pour la bioprospection de souches d'algues pour être utilisé dans le processus de biorestauration. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation d'un processus d'enrichissement simple lors de l'étape d'isolement peut sélectionner des souches qui étaient en moyenne 43,2% mieux performantes dans la production de biomasse que les souches isolées par des méthodes traditionnelles. Les souches isolées dans ce travail étaient capables d'assimiler le dioxyde de carbone à un taux supérieur à la moyenne, comparées à des résultats récents de la littérature.


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Soft clays known for their high compressibility, low stiffness and low shear strength are always associated with large settlement. In place soil treatment using calcium-based stabilizers like lime and cement is a feasible solution to readdress strength deficiencies and problematic shrink/swell behaviour of unstable subgrade soils. Out of these, lime has been proved unambiguously as the most effective and economical stabilising agent for marine clays. Lime stabilisation creates long-term chemical changes in unstable clay soils to create strong, but flexible, permanent structural layers in foundations and other pavement systems. Even though calcium-based stabilizers can improve engineering properties of soft clays, problems can arise when they are used in soils rich in sulphates. It is possible for marine clays to be enriched with sulphates, either by nature or due to the discharge of nearby industrial wastes containing sulphates. The presence of sulphates is reported to adversely affect the cation exchange and pozzolanic reactions of cement and lime treated soil systems. The anions of sulphates may combine with the available calcium and alumina, and form insoluble ettringite in the soil system. Literature on sulphate attack in lime treated marine clays reports that formation of ettringite in lime-sodium sulphate-clay system is capable of adversely affecting the engineering behavior of marine clays. Only very few studies have been conducted on soft marine clays found along the coastal belt of Kerala and that too, is limited to Cochin marine clays. The studies conducted also have the limitation that the strength behaviour of lime stabilised clay was investigated only for one year. Practically no data pertaining to long term adverse effects likely to be brought about by sulphates on the strength and compressibility characteristics of Cochin marine clays is available. The overriding goal of this investigation was thus to examine the effectiveness of lime stabilisation in Cochin marine clays under varying sulphate contents. The study aims to reveal the changes brought about by varying sulphate contents on both physical and engineering properties of these clays stabilised by lime and the results for various curing periods up to two years is presented in this thesis. Quite often the load causing an unacceptable settlement may be less than the load required to cause shear failure and therefore attempt has been made in this research to highlight sulphate induced changes in both the compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays. The study also aimed at comparing the available IS methods for sulphate quantification and has attempted to determine the threshold level of sulphate likely make these clays vulnerable by lime stabilisation. Clays used in this study were obtained from two different sites in Kochi and contained sulphate in two different concentrations viz., 0.5% and 0.1%. Two different lime percentages were tried out, 3% and 6%. Sulphate content was varied from 1% to 4% by addition of reagent grade sodium sulphate. The long term influence of naturally present sulphate is also investigated. X-ray diffraction studies and SEM studies have been undertaken to understand how the soil-lime reactions are affected in the presence of sodium sulphate. Natural sulphate content of 0.1% did not seem to have influenced normal soil lime reactions but 0.5% sulphate could induce significant changes adversely in both compressibility and strength behaviour of lime treated clays after long duration. Compressibility is seen to increase drastically with increasing sulphate content suggesting formation of ettringite on curing for longer periods. Increase in compression index and decrease in bond strength with curing period underlined the adverse effects induced in lime treated marine clays by the presence of sulphates. Presence of sulphate in concentrations ranging from 0.5 % to 4% is capable of adversely affecting the strength of lime treated marine clays. Considerable decrease is observed with increasing concentrations of sulphate. Ettringite formation due to domination of sodium ions in the system was confirmed in mineralogical studies made. Barium chloride and barium hydroxide is capable of bringing about beneficial changes both in compressibility and strength characteristics of lime treated Cochin marine clays in the presence of varying concentrations of sulphate and is strongly influenced by curing time. Clay containing sodium sulphate has increased strength values when either of barium compounds was used with lime ascompared with specimens treated with lime only. Barium hydroxide is observed to remarkably increase the strength as compared to barium chloride,when used in conjunction with lime to counteract the effect of sulphate.


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There are a number of genes involved in the regulation of functional process in marine bivalves. In the case of pearl oyster, some of these genes have major role in the immune/defence function and biomineralization process involved in the pearl formation in them. As secondary filter feeders, pearl oysters are exposed to various kinds of stressors like bacteria, viruses, pesticides, industrial wastes, toxic metals and petroleum derivatives, making susceptible to diseases. Environmental changes and ambient stress also affect non-specific immunity, making the organisms vulnerable to infections. These stressors can trigger various cellular responses in the animals in their efforts to counteract the ill effects of the stress on them. These include the expression of defence related genes which encode factors such as antioxidant genes, pattern recognition receptor proteins etc. One of the strategies to combat these problems is to get insight into the disease resistance genes, and use them for disease control and health management. Similarly, although it is known that formation of pearl in molluscs is mediated by specialized proteins which are in turn regulated by specific genes encoding them, there is a paucity of sufficient information on these genes.In view of the above facts, studies on the defence related and pearl forming genes of the pearl oyster assumes importance from the point of view of both sustainable fishery management and aquaculture. At present, there is total lack of sufficient knowledge on the functional genes and their expressions in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Hence this work was taken up to identify and characterize the defence related and pearl forming genes, and study their expression through molecular means, in the Indian pearl oyster Pinctada fucata which are economically important for aquaculture at the southeast coast of India. The present study has successfully carried out the molecular identification, characterization and expression analysis of defence related antioxidant enzyme genes and pattern recognition proteins genes which play vital role in the defence against biotic and abiotic stressors. Antioxidant enzyme genes viz., Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), glutathione peroxidise (GPX) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were studied. Concerted approaches using the various molecular tools like polymerase chain reaction (PCR), random amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), molecular cloning and sequencing have resulted in the identification and characterization of full length sequences (924 bp) of the Cu/Zn SOD, most important antioxidant enzyme gene. BLAST search in NCBI confirmed the identity of the gene as Cu/Zn SOD. The presence of the characteristic amino acid sequences such as copper/zinc binding residues, family signature sequences and signal peptides were found out. Multiple sequence alignment comparison and phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences using bioinformatics tools like BioEdit,MEGA etc revealed that the sequences were found to contain regions of diversity as well as homogeneity. Close evolutionary relationship between P. fucata and other aquatic invertebrates was revealed from the phylogenetic tree constructed using SOD amino acid sequence of P. fucata and other invertebrates as well as vertebrates


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L'article presenta una visió global de la problemàtica dels residus industrials des d'una doble perspectiva que destaca el caràcter socioterritorial dels impactes, associats a la seva presència en el medi, i els conflictes que s'esdevenen entorn a les opcions de gestió actualment vigents. Després d'examinar els residus en relació amb la producció industrial, i la producció i 'eliminació', dels residus industrials des de la dimensió territorial, es fa un repàs de les polítiques de gestió, sobre la base de diferents països productors, i s'estudien les implicacions sociopolítiques dels models de gestió, tot centrant-se en l'analisi de les iniciatives ciutadanes alemanyes i de les mobilitzacions a Catalunya en resposta al 'Pla Director per a la Gestió dels Residus Industrials a Catalunya'. A les conclusions s'enceta una reflexió a l'entorn de la recerca en Geografia Humana i l'anàlisi dels residus industrials, i es plantegen les implicacions teòriques i epistemològiques de cara a una visió social dels problemes ambientals


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An inventory of heavy metal inputs (Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, Cr, As and Hg) to agricultural soils in England and Wales in 2000 is presented, accounting for major sources including atmospheric deposition, sewage sludge, livestock manures, inorganic fertilisers and lime, agrochemicals, irrigation water, industrial by-product 'wastes' and composts. Across the whole agricultural land area, atmospheric deposition was the main source of most metals, ranging from 25 to 85% of total inputs. Livestock manures and sewage sludge were also important sources, responsible for an estimated 37-40 and 8-17% of total Zn and Cu inputs, respectively. However, at the individual field scale sewage sludge, livestock manures and industrial wastes could be the major source of many metals where these materials are applied. This work will assist in developing strategies for reducing heavy metal inputs to agricultural land and effectively targeting policies to protect soils from long-term heavy metal accumulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study of the chemical and physical properties of cashew nut shell ash for use in cement materials. Ash occupies a prominent place among agro-industrial wastes, as it is derived from energy generation processes. Several types of ash have pozzolanic reactivity, and might be used as replacement material for cement, resulting in less energy waste and lower cost. This work aimed to investigate the physical and chemical properties of the cashew nut shell ash (CNSA), by performing the following measurement tests: chemical analysis, bulk density, specific mass, leaching and solubilization process, X-ray diffraction (XrD), specific surface area (BET) and pozzolanicity analysis with cement and lime. The results indicate a low reactivity of CNSA and the presence of heavy metals, alkalis and phenol.


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The single cell gel eletrophoresis or the comet assay was established in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. For detecting DNA damage in circulating hemocytes, adult snails were irradiated with single doses of 2.5. 5, 10 and 20 Gy of Co-60 gamma radiation. Genotoxic effect of ionizing radiation was detected at all doses as a dose-related increase in DNA migration. Comet assay in B. glabrata demonstrated to be a simple, fast and reliable tool in the evaluation of genotoxic effects of environmental mutagens. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The movement of chemicals through the soil to the groundwater or discharged to surface waters represents a degradation of these resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications are associated with this form of pollution. The chemicals of interest include nutrients, pesticides, salts, and industrial wastes. Recent studies have shown that current models and methods do not adequately describe the leaching of nutrients through soil, often underestimating the risk of groundwater contamination by surface-applied chemicals and overestimating the concentration of resident solutes. This inaccuracy results primarily from ignoring soil structure and nonequilibrium between soil constituents, water, and solutes. A multiple sample percolation system (MSPS), consisting of 25 individual collection wells, was constructed to study the effects of localized soil heterogeneities on the transport of nutrients (NO−3, Cl−, PO3−4) in the vadose zone of an agricultural soil predominantly dominated by clay. Very significant variations in drainage patterns across a small spatial scale were observed (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.001 indicating considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and nutrient leaching. Using data collected from the multiple sample percolation experiments, this paper compares the performance of two mathematical models for predicting solute transport, the advective-dispersion model with a reaction term (ADR), and a two-region preferential flow model (TRM) suitable for modelling nonequilibrium transport. These results have implications for modelling solute transport and predicting nutrient loading on a larger scale.


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The environmental impacts, caused by the solid residues generation, are an often quoted concern nowadays. Some of these residues, which are originated from different human activities, can be fully reused, reducing the effects of the poor waste management on the environment. During the salt production process, the first formed crystals are discarded as industrial waste. This is mainly made of gypsum that is a calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). The gypsum in question may go through a calcination process due to the plaster (CaSO4.0,5H2O) production and then the application on the cement industry. Considering the necessity of development and application for these industrial wastes, this paper aims to analyze the plaster, called Salgesso, from the gypsum that was generated during the salt production, and its use viability on the civil construction industry in order to create environmental and economical benefits. For characterization, the following experiments were performed: X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDS. The following tests were also performed to obtain the mechanical characteristics: Thinness Modulus, Unit Mass, Setting Time and Compressive Resistance. Three commercial plasters used on civil construction were taken as references. All of these tests were performed according to the current standards. It was noticed that although there were some conflicting findings between the salt and commercial plasters in all of the studied properties, the Salgesso has its values within the standard limits. However, there is the possibility to improve them by doing a more effective calcination process. Three commercial plasters, used in construction, were used as reference material. All tests were performed according to standards in force. It was observed that although some tests present conflicting findings between the salt and gypsum plasters commercial properties in all of the studied Salgesso have values within the limits imposed by the standard, but can be improved simply by calcination process more effective


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)