949 resultados para Independence Wars


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Of late, there has been a growth in cultural expression about climate change – with the rise of climate fiction (‘cli-fi’); art and photography responding to changes in nature; musical anthems about climate change; plays and dramas about climate change; and environmental documentaries, and climate cinema. Drawing comparisons to past controversies over cultural funding, this paper considers the cultural wars over climate change. This article considers a number of cultural fields. Margaret Atwood made an important creative and critical contribution to the debate over climate change. The work examines Ian McEwan's novel, Solar, a tragi-comedy about authorship, invention, intellectual property, and climate science. After writing a history of Merchants of Doubt, Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway have experimented with fiction – as well as history. This article focuses upon artistic works about climate change. It analyses James Balog’s work with the Extreme Ice Survey, which involved photography of glaciers under retreat in a warming world. The work was turned into a documentary called Chasing Ice. It also considers the artistic project of 350.org 'to transform the human rights and environmental issues connected to climate change into powerful art that gets people to stop, think and act.' The paper examines musical storytelling in respect of climate change. The paper explores dramatic works about climate change including Steve Waters' The Contingency Plan, Stephen Emmott's Ten Billion, and Andrew Bovell's When the Rain Stops Falling and Hannie Rayson’s Extinction. The paper also examines the role of documentary film-making. It also considers the cinematographic film, Beasts of the Southern Wild. Such a survey will enable a consideration of the larger question of whether creative art about climate change matters; and whether it is deserving of public funding.


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Research into boards traditionally focuses on independent monitoring of management, with studies focused on the effect of board independence on firm performance. This thesis aims to broaden the research tradition by consolidating prior research and investigating how agents may circumvent independent monitoring. Meta-analysis of previous board independence-firm performance studies indicated no systematic relationship between board independence and firm performance. Next, a series of experiments demonstrated that the presentation of recommendations to directors may bias decision making irrespective of other information presented and the independence of the decision maker. Together, results suggest that independence may be less important than the agent's motivation to misdirect the monitoring process.


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The steady-state kinetic constants for the catalysis of CO2 hydration by the sulfonamide-resistant and testosterone-induced carbonic anhydrase from the liver of the male rat has been determined by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The turnover number was 2.6 ± 0.6 × 103 s− at 25 °C, and was invariant with pH ranging from 6.2 to 8.2 within experimental error. The Km at 25 °C was 5 ± 1 mImage , and was also pH independent. These data are in quantitative agreement with earlier findings of pH-independent CO2 hydration activity for the mammalian skeletal muscle carbonic anhydrase isozyme III. The turnover numbers for higher-activity isozymes I and II are strongly pH dependent in this pH range. Thus, the kinetic status of the male rat liver enzyme is that of carbonic anhydrase III. This finding is consistent with preliminary structural and immunologic data from other laboratories.


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This study aimed to assist in developing a more effective framework for regulating auditor independence practice in Iran, a non-IFRS country with an Islamic legal system. It investigated the following general research question: In order to increase auditor independence in a non-IFRS country with an Islamic legal system, what are the potential indicators of threats to auditor independence, and how should a regulator prioritise addressing these threats?


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The research offers a deeper understanding of how objects currently facilitate social interaction and physical activity for older adults living independently. It uses this awareness to develop, from a human perspective, considerations for the design of internet connected objects that provide novel ways of maintaining contact with loved ones. The research found that people invest emotional attachment to objects and objects foster emotional responses in people. Objects can facilitate feeling connected to another however the relationship is a result of time and repeated interaction. Recreating this connection/relationship digitally is not as simple as attaching a hyperlink.


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It is shown, in the composite fermion models studied by 't Hooft and others, that the requirements of Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly matching and n-independence are sufficient to fix the indices of composite representations. The third requirement, namely that of decoupling relations, follows from these two constraints in such models and hence is inessential.


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Obverse: 200 Lirot silver coin, emblem of the State of Israel. Reverse: stylized lettering of the word 'peace' from olive branch's leaves.


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Obverse: 200 Lirot silver coin. Reverse: Letters of the word 'peace' made out of the olive branch leaves.


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On January 26, 2011, grocery retailer Coles fired the first salvo in what would soon be dubbed the “supermarket price wars” by reducing the price of its own-brand milk to A$1 per litre. Woolworths immediately responded. In the three years since, grocery prices have been tumbling, with 85 cent bread being the latest “sacrificial lamb”. This period of intense competition has brought about not just lower grocery prices, but a senate enquiry, and increasing media and analyst interest.


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Background: Hospitalised older adults often experience a decline in physical functioning and mobility in the lead up to (or during) an acute hospital admission. During acute illness and hospitalisation, older adults may also experience a decline or fluctuation in their cognitive functioning. Previous studies have demonstrated that patients with or without reduced cognitive functioning on admission to subacute inpatient rehabilitation have considerable potential to improve their physical functioning and quality of life.


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This article examines the nature of good and evil through the prism of Star Wars, arguing that the ostensible dichotomy between the ‘good’ Jedi and the ‘evil’ Sith is false, and instead both the Jedi and the Sith engage in violence, which is evil. Anakin Skywalker then arrives as the Christ-figure who becomes evil and ‘dies’ to destroy the old rigid law of the letter adhered to by the Jedi, before resurrecting and sacrificing himself to defeat the Sith transgressors. As Milbank argues, the act of selfless love by Anakin as the Christ-figure therefore produces the good, the end of violent conflict which is ontological peace, and institutes the law of love which leads to life and peace.


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'Water Wars' is one of three new performance works that were a component of Kathryn Kelly's PhD by Performance at the University of Queensland: 'Pedagogy of Dramaturgy: A Practice Framework to train Dramaturgs." Kathryn Kelly was engaged as a dramaturg on each performance work, and each is the basis of case study material used in the training program developed as part of the PhD.


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This essay examines how, given the close historical and cul-tural ties which exist between Australia and the United Kingdom (including Scotland), the Scottish independence referendum was reported, analysed and made sense of in the Australian media. The analysis is based on mainstream news coverage (online and print media) produced in Australia and accessed from the internet between January 2012 and the end of September 2014 (two weeks after the referendum on September 18). A total of 95 items were included in the sample, which does not include broadcast news coverage or specialist current affairs periodicals. The online sites of broadcasters such as the ABC and SBS were included in the sam-ple. The great majority of these items were published in the run-up to polling day, in August and September 2014, with spikes in the frequency of item around particular events such as the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. to the fore will be relevant for years to come.


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This Chapter considers the geopolitical conflicts in respect of intellectual property, trade, and climate change in the TRIPS Agreement 1994 under the World Trade Organization (WTO). In particular, it focuses upon debates in the TRIPS Council on the topic of patent law and clean energy in 2013 and 2014. The chapter highlights the development agenda of a number of developing countries who are keen for access to clean energy to combat climate change and global warming. It also considers the mixed contributions of members of the BRICS/ BASIC group – including Brazil, India, China, and South Africa. This chapter highlights the intellectual property maximalist position of a number of developed countries on intellectual property, climate change, and trade. Seeking to overcome this conflict and stalemate, this Chapter puts forward both procedural and substantial reform options in respect of intellectual property, trade, and climate change in the TRIPS Council and the WTO. It also flags that the TRIPS Agreement 1994 could well be displaced by the rise of mega-regional trade agreements – such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).