939 resultados para Incremental Clustering


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The traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) is not able to represent both the structure and the content of XML documents. This paper introduces a novel method of representing XML documents in a Tensor Space Model (TSM) and then utilizing it for clustering. Empirical analysis shows that the proposed method is scalable for large-sized datasets; as well, the factorized matrices produced from the proposed method help to improve the quality of clusters through the enriched document representation of both structure and content information.


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This paper proposes the use of eigenvoice modeling techniques with the Cross Likelihood Ratio (CLR) as a criterion for speaker clustering within a speaker diarization system. The CLR has previously been shown to be a robust decision criterion for speaker clustering using Gaussian Mixture Models. Recently, eigenvoice modeling techniques have become increasingly popular, due to its ability to adequately represent a speaker based on sparse training data, as well as an improved capture of differences in speaker characteristics. This paper hence proposes that it would be beneficial to capitalize on the advantages of eigenvoice modeling in a CLR framework. Results obtained on the 2002 Rich Transcription (RT-02) Evaluation dataset show an improved clustering performance, resulting in a 35.1% relative improvement in the overall Diarization Error Rate (DER) compared to the baseline system.


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Dealing with product yield and quality in manufacturing industries is getting more difficult due to the increasing volume and complexity of data and quicker time to market expectations. Data mining offers tools for quick discovery of relationships, patterns and knowledge in large databases. Growing self-organizing map (GSOM) is established as an efficient unsupervised datamining algorithm. In this study some modifications to the original GSOM are proposed for manufacturing yield improvement by clustering. These modifications include introduction of a clustering quality measure to evaluate the performance of the programme in separating good and faulty products and a filtering index to reduce noise from the dataset. Results show that the proposed method is able to effectively differentiate good and faulty products. It will help engineers construct the knowledge base to predict product quality automatically from collected data and provide insights for yield improvement.


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This chapter will introduce Australia’s Dennis family – a case of ‘incremental entrepreneurship’ in the business transition from the first to the second generation. Following the second generation’s formal involvement and ownership in the business, Dennis Family Corporation (DFC) undertook a major professionalization process to formalize the family business and ensure its continued success. The members of the second generation have successfully sustained the entrepreneurial spirit of their family business (albeit in a different style), adding value to the firm in an ‘incremental’ manner. Throughout the chapter there will be a strong emphasis on the family element of DFC and the roles that each family member has played. Bert Dennis, as the founder and incumbent leader of the firm, has witnessed major changes to the business he built from the ground up. His children, in particular his son Grant Dennis as the primary next generation issue champion, have seen the changes from another perspective – ensuring the business remains within the family into the second generation and beyond. The professionalization process was sparked by a commitment from the second generation to continue to ‘make a real go’ of the family business rather than simply liquidating and distributing the assets. The dedication of all the family members to this objective has ensured the success of this process, and ultimately, the longevity of the firm. Although DFC has become more ‘professional’, it has not lost its entrepreneurial character; rather, it has improved the ways in which entrepreneurialism is fostered and pursued in the company. In essence, this case outlines how the implementation of appropriate governance and management practices has allowed the Dennis family to overcome the challenges and maximize the opportunities associated with owning and operating a multigenerational family fi rm. From a theoretical perspective, this case uses the concepts of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) (Lumpkin and Dess 1996) and the resource- based view (RBV) (Habbershon and Williams 1999; Barney 1991; Wernerfelt 1984) to demonstrate how the fi rm has leveraged its familiness to foster an enduring spirit of entrepreneurship and to maintain a sustained competitive advantage.


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Road asset managers are overwhelmed with a high volume of raw data which they need to process and utilise in supporting their decision making. This paper presents a method that processes road-crash data of a whole road network and exposes hidden value inherent in the data by deploying the clustering data mining method. The goal of the method is to partition the road network into a set of groups (classes) based on common data and characterise the class crash types to produce a crash profiles for each cluster. By comparing similar road classes with differing crash types and rates, insight can be gained into these differences that are caused by the particular characteristics of their roads. These differences can be used as evidence in knowledge development and decision support.


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This paper proposes an innovative instance similarity based evaluation metric that reduces the search map for clustering to be performed. An aggregate global score is calculated for each instance using the novel idea of Fibonacci series. The use of Fibonacci numbers is able to separate the instances effectively and, in hence, the intra-cluster similarity is increased and the inter-cluster similarity is decreased during clustering. The proposed FIBCLUS algorithm is able to handle datasets with numerical, categorical and a mix of both types of attributes. Results obtained with FIBCLUS are compared with the results of existing algorithms such as k-means, x-means expected maximization and hierarchical algorithms that are widely used to cluster numeric, categorical and mix data types. Empirical analysis shows that FIBCLUS is able to produce better clustering solutions in terms of entropy, purity and F-score in comparison to the above described existing algorithms.


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We propose to use the Tensor Space Modeling (TSM) to represent and analyze the user’s web log data that consists of multiple interests and spans across multiple dimensions. Further we propose to use the decomposition factors of the Tensors for clustering the users based on similarity of search behaviour. Preliminary results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) based clustering.


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Purpose: Web search engines are frequently used by people to locate information on the Internet. However, not all queries have an informational goal. Instead of information, some people may be looking for specific web sites or may wish to conduct transactions with web services. This paper aims to focus on automatically classifying the different user intents behind web queries. Design/methodology/approach: For the research reported in this paper, 130,000 web search engine queries are categorized as informational, navigational, or transactional using a k-means clustering approach based on a variety of query traits. Findings: The research findings show that more than 75 percent of web queries (clustered into eight classifications) are informational in nature, with about 12 percent each for navigational and transactional. Results also show that web queries fall into eight clusters, six primarily informational, and one each of primarily transactional and navigational. Research limitations/implications: This study provides an important contribution to web search literature because it provides information about the goals of searchers and a method for automatically classifying the intents of the user queries. Automatic classification of user intent can lead to improved web search engines by tailoring results to specific user needs. Practical implications: The paper discusses how web search engines can use automatically classified user queries to provide more targeted and relevant results in web searching by implementing a real time classification method as presented in this research. Originality/value: This research investigates a new application of a method for automatically classifying the intent of user queries. There has been limited research to date on automatically classifying the user intent of web queries, even though the pay-off for web search engines can be quite beneficial. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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In the last few years we have observed a proliferation of approaches for clustering XML docu- ments and schemas based on their structure and content. The presence of such a huge amount of approaches is due to the different applications requiring the XML data to be clustered. These applications need data in the form of similar contents, tags, paths, structures and semantics. In this paper, we first outline the application contexts in which clustering is useful, then we survey approaches so far proposed relying on the abstract representation of data (instances or schema), on the identified similarity measure, and on the clustering algorithm. This presentation leads to draw a taxonomy in which the current approaches can be classified and compared. We aim at introducing an integrated view that is useful when comparing XML data clustering approaches, when developing a new clustering algorithm, and when implementing an XML clustering compo- nent. Finally, the paper moves into the description of future trends and research issues that still need to be faced.


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In this conceptual article, we extend earlier work on Open Innovation and Absorptive Capacity. We suggest that the literature on Absorptive Capacity does not place sufficient emphasis on distributed knowledge and learning or on the application of innovative knowledge. To accomplish physical transformations, organisations need specific Innovative Capacities that extend beyond knowledge management. Accessive Capacity is the ability to collect, sort and analyse knowledge from both internal and external sources. Adaptive Capacity is needed to ensure that new pieces of equipment are suitable for the organisation's own purposes even though they may have been originally developed for other uses. Integrative Capacity makes it possible for a new or modified piece of equipment to be fitted into an existing production process with a minimum of inessential and expensive adjustment elsewhere in the process. These Innovative Capacities are controlled and coordinated by Innovative Management Capacity, a higher-order dynamic capability.


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Recently, Software as a Service (SaaS) in Cloud computing, has become more and more significant among software users and providers. To offer a SaaS with flexible functions at a low cost, SaaS providers have focused on the decomposition of the SaaS functionalities, or known as composite SaaS. This approach has introduced new challenges in SaaS resource management in data centres. One of the challenges is managing the resources allocated to the composite SaaS. Due to the dynamic environment of a Cloud data centre, resources that have been initially allocated to SaaS components may be overloaded or wasted. As such, reconfiguration for the components’ placement is triggered to maintain the performance of the composite SaaS. However, existing approaches often ignore the communication or dependencies between SaaS components in their implementation. In a composite SaaS, it is important to include these elements, as they will directly affect the performance of the SaaS. This paper will propose a Grouping Genetic Algorithm (GGA) for multiple composite SaaS application component clustering in Cloud computing that will address this gap. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to handle multiple composite SaaS reconfiguration placement in a dynamic Cloud environment. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and the scalability of the GGA.