993 resultados para Incorporation studies
Acellular dermal matrices (ADM) are commonly used in reconstructive procedures and rely on host cell invasion to become incorporated into host tissues. We investigated different approaches to adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) engraftment into ADM to enhance this process. Lewis rat adipose-derived stem cells were isolated and grafted (3.0 × 10(5) cells) to porcine ADM disks (1.5 mm thick × 6 mm diameter) using either passive onlay or interstitial injection seeding techniques. Following incubation, seeding efficiency and seeded cell viability were measured in vitro. In addition, Eighteen Lewis rats underwent subcutaneous placement of ADM disk either as control or seeded with PKH67 labeled ASCs. ADM disks were seeded with ASCs using either onlay or injection techniques. On day 7 and or 14, ADM disks were harvested and analyzed for host cell infiltration. Onlay and injection techniques resulted in unique seeding patterns; however cell seeding efficiency and cell viability were similar. In-vivo studies showed significantly increased host cell infiltration towards the ASCs foci following injection seeding in comparison to control group (p < 0.05). Moreover, regional endothelial cell invasion was significantly greater in ASCs injected grafts in comparison to onlay seeding (p < 0.05). ADM can successfully be engrafted with ASCs. Interstitial engraftment of ASCs into ADM via injection enhances regional infiltration of host cells and angiogenesis, whereas onlay seeding showed relatively broad and superficial cell infiltration. These findings may be applied to improve the incorporation of avascular engineered constructs.
Incorporation of 1-alkylcarbonyloxymethylprodrugs of 5FU into poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles using nanoprecipitation methods gave increased loading efficiencies over that obtained using the parent drug substance. SEM studies revealed spherical nanoparticles of around 200 nm in diameter, corresponding well with measurements made using photon correlation spectroscopy. The C-7 prodrug gave the best mean loading of 47.23%, which compared favourably to 3.68% loading achieved with 5FU. Loading efficiency was seen to follow the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance in the homologue series, where increases in lipophilicities alone were not good predictors of loading. Drug release, in terms of resultant 5FU concentration, was monitored using a flow-through dissolution apparatus. Cumulative drug release from nanoparticles loaded with the C-5 prodrug was linear over 6h, with approximately 14% of the total available 5FU dose released and with no evidence of a burst effect. The flux profile of the C-5-loaded nanoparticles showed an initial peak in flux in the first sampling interval, but became linear for the remainder of the release phase. C-7-loaded nanoparticles released considerably less (4% in 6 h) with a similar flux pattern to that seen with the C-5 prodrug. The C-9-loaded nanoparticles released less than 1% of the available 5FU over 6 h, with a similar zero-order profile. The C7 prodrug was deemed to be the prodrug of choice, achieving the highest loadings and releasing 5FU, following hydrolysis, in a zero-order fashion over a period of at least 6 h. Given the lack of burst effect and steady-state flux conditions, this nanoparticulate formulation offers a better dosing strategy for sustained intravenous use when compared to that arising from nanoparticles made by direct incorporation of 5FU. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Esta tese descreve diversas estratégias preparativas assim como estudos de caracterização de nanocompósitos e outras nanoestruturas, para a análise em espectroscopia de Raman com intensificação por superfície (SERS). Em particular foi estudada a incorporação de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas de Ag e Au em matrizes poliméricas visando avaliar o potencial destes materiais como novos substratos para SERS na deteção de moléculas. O primeiro capítulo consiste numa revisão bibliográfica, onde é destacado o desenvolvimento de novos substratos para SERS utilizando nomeadamente nanopartículas de Ag, Au e Cu. Numa primeira fase, esta secção apresenta uma breve descrição sobre as propriedades plasmónicas dos metais utilizados e alguns conceitos básicos de espectroscopia de difusão de Raman. Posteriormente, descreve-se em mais detalhe o efeito de SERS, revendo-se sobretudo a química de materiais descrita em trabalhos recentes tendo em conta a sua utilização como novas plataformas para análise química por SERS. O capítulo 2 descreve a síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de poli(acrilato de butilo) obtidos através de polimerização in situ por miniemulsão na presença de nanopartículas de Ag. Os nanocompósitos Ag/PtBA foram investigados como novos substratos de SERS visando o desenvolvimento de novas plataformas versáteis para deteção molecular. Estudos como o efeito da temperatura, pH e pressão foram investigados, visando a compreensão do efeito da matriz polimérica na difusão/adsorção do analito (ácido tiossalicílico) na superfície metálica. No capítulo 3, os nanocompósitos de Ag/PtBA descritos anteriormente foram investigados detalhadamente como substratos para bio-deteção em SERS, usando a adenina como analito modelo. Os nanocompósitos foram submetidos a vários tratamentos pré-analíticos para a bio-deteção da adenina. Foram realizadas experiências nos sistemas Ag/PtBA de modo a obter informação sobre o efeito do pH na deteção deste analito em soluções aquosas diluídas. Os nanocompósitos poliméricos obtidos apresentam a vantagem de poderem ser processados utilizando tecnologia disponível. Pelo que o estudo das suas propriedades térmicas é especialmente relevante. Assim, a influência da incorporação de NPs inorgânicas na temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) do polímero PtBA foi investigada por meio de calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC) e os resultados são apresentados no capítulo 4. Estes estudos descrevem efeitos na Tg do PtBA quando analisado em nanocompósitos obtidos por diferentes métodos (métodos ex situ e in situ), contendo nanopartículas metálicas com diferentes distribuições de tamanho e presentes em quantidade variável na matriz polimérica. Estes estudos possibilitaram relacionar a influência das NPs metálicas na mobilidade das cadeias poliméricas com as propriedades térmicas observadas. O capítulo 5 descreve a preparação e caracterização de materiais compósitos de base polimérica (PtBA) e NPs de Au com morfologia de bastonetes (NRs). Estes materiais foram investigados como substratos para SERS tendo originado um bom sinal de SERS na análise de 2-2’-ditiodipiridina. Investigouse igualmente o efeito da variação da morfologia das NPs metálicas (esferas e bastonetes), a razão de aspecto (R.A.) dos bastonetes e o tipo de matriz polimérica (PtBA e PnBA) no sinal de SERS. No capítulo 6 é descrita a utilização da técnica de SERS como método alternativo para a monitorização de alterações morfológicas de coloides de NRs de Au. Os NRs de Au foram recolhidos em diferentes fases de oxidação promovida pela presença de K2S2O8 e a sua sensibilidade como substratos de SERS foi avaliada utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato (DTC) como analito modelo. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando as linhas de excitação a 1064 nm e 633 nm. Este estudo demonstrou que a sensibilidade dos NRs de Au como substratos de SERS diminui à medida que a sua R.A. diminui devido à competitividade do CTAB (estabilizante) e o DTC pela superfície dos NRs. É de salientar que este processo é acompanhado por um diferente comportamento em termos de adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. O capítulo 7 introduz um novo tipo de compósitos para SERS, utilizando matrizes biopoliméricas. Assim, descreve-se a preparação e caracterização de nanocompósitos de carragenano e NPs de Ag. Nesta secção é avaliada a utilização destes materiais como novos substratos para a análise em SERS, utilizando a 2-2’-ditiodipiridina como molécula modelo. Descrevem-se estudos pioneiros que procuram relacionar a dependência do sinal de SERS com a força do gel. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo sistemático aos nanobiocompósitos usados como substratos de SERS em diferentes condições analíticas e investigaram-se as suas propriedades reológicas. No capitulo 8 é descrita a investigação de nanocompósitos de Ag/Gelatina como substratos para SERS, utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato como analito modelo. Realizaram-se várias experiências para correlacionar a variação da força do gel com o aumento do sinal de SERS bem como a diferente adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. Ao longo desta dissertação são apresentados metodologias distintas para a preparação e obtenção de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros (sintéticos ou naturais) e NPs metálicas (Ag e Au). Esta investigação não só permitiu a síntese e estudo de novos substratos para SERS mas também a compreensão do efeito matriz/NPs metálicas no sinal de SERS e na formação de “hot spots”. Este trabalho contribui para o enriquecimento na área da Nanociência e Nanotecnologia demonstrando a eficácia e reprodutibilidade de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros como novos substratos para SERS. Embora as propriedades óticas apresentadas por estes materiais serem aqui direcionadas para a deteção molecular pela técnica de SERS, estes materiais podem ser investigados em outras área tecnológicas.
In the past few years, a considerable research effort has been devoted to the development of transformer digital models in order to simulate its behaviour under transient and abnormal operating conditions. Although many three-phase transformer models have been presented in the literature, there is a surprisingly lack of studies regarding the incorporation of winding faults. This paper presents a coupled electromagnetic transformer model for the study of winding inter-turn short-circuits. Particular attention will be given to the model parameters determination, for both healthy and faulty operating conditions. Experimental and simulation test results are presented in the paper, demonstrating the adequacy of the model as well as the methodologies for the parameters determination.
This study aimed to uncover the incorporation of transformative pedagogies into the social studies curriculum. This educational approach aims to educate students about a variety of forms of oppression based on race, gender, sexuality, class, ethnicity, and culture, through the use of dialogue to uncover the students' understanding and personal experience with these concepts. This study examined the impact of discussing these topics in a grade 11 class of 22 White students (of various cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds). The teacher, Kelvin, and two of his students were interviewed and his class was observed on four occasions over a 2-week period. Based on the data I collected, I argue that a range of emancipatory teaching approaches should be used in critical classroom discourse. These different approaches emphasize the importance of critical thinking, the ability to recognize and combat oppression, the understanding and respect of different cultures, and the ability to recognize the impact of gender and sexuality on the past and present. These are life skills that extend beyond the curriculum (Freire, 1970; Giroux, 1988; hooks, 1994). This study fills a theory to practice gap in the research literature on transformative practice within Canadian contexts. The findings are important for several reasons. Firstly, they illustrated how the teacher's ideology and personal history affect hislher teaching and learning philosophies and approach to teaching. This has implications for the overall classroom environment, what students learn, and how teachers are trained. Secondly, this study provided a glimpse of what transformative pedagogy could look like from a pragmatic standpoint and demonstrated the complexity of using these multiple approaches in the classroom.
This qualitative case study explored 10 young female Shi’i Muslim Arabic-Canadian students’ experiences associated with wearing the Hijab (headscarf) within their home, community, and predominantly White Canadian public elementary school environments. The study integrated several bodies of scholarly theories in order to examine the data under a set of comprehensive lenses that more fully articulates and theorizes on the diversity of female Shi’i Muslim Canadian students’ experiences. These theories are: identity theories with a focus on religious identity and negative stereotypes associated with Muslims; feminism and the Hijab discourses; research pertaining to Muslims in school settings; and critical race theory. In order to readdress the dearth of information about Shi’is’ experiences in schools, this study provides an in-depth case study analysis in which the methodology strategies included 10 semi-structured in-depth interviews, 2 focus-group meetings, and the incorporation of the researcher’s fieldnotes. Data analysis revealed the following themes corresponding to participants’ experiences and values in their social worlds of home, community, and schools: (a) martyrdom and self-sacrifice as a means for social justice; (b) transformational meaning of the Hijab; (c) intersectionality between culture, religion, and gender; and (d) effects of visits “back home” on participants’ religious identities. Additional themes related to participants’ school experiences included: (a) “us versus them” mentality; (b) religious and complex secular dialogues; (c) absence of Muslim representations in monocultural schools; (d) discrimination; (e) remaining silent versus speaking out; and (f) participants’ strategies for preserving their identities. Recommendations are made to integrate Shi’i Muslim females’ identity within the context of Islam and the West, most notably in relation to: (a) the role of Muslim community in nondiverse settings as a space that advances and nurtures Shi’i Muslim identity; and (b) holistic and culturally responsive teaching that fosters respect of others’ religiosity and spirituality. This study makes new inroads into feminist theorizing by drawing conceptual links between these previously unknown connections such as the impact of the historical female exemplary role model and the ritual stories on the experiences of Muslim females wearing the Hijab.
This study concentrates the chemical properties of hydrazones due to its chelating capability and their pharmacological applications. Studies cover the preparation of different acid hydrazones and their structural studies and studies on their antimicrobial activity, synthesis and spectral characterization of different complexes of copper oxovanadium, manganese, nickel etc. Effect of incorporation of heterocyclic bases to the coordination sphere, change in the biological activity of acid hydrazones upon coordination, development of X-ray quality single crystals and its X-ray diffraction studies, studies on the redox behavior of the coordinated metal ions and correlation between the stereochemistry and biological activities.
This thesis aims to develop new toughened systems for epoxy resin via physical and chemical modifications. Initially the synthesis of DGEBA was carried out and the properties compared with that of the commercial sample. Subsequently the modifier resins to be employed were synthesized. The synthesized resin were characterized by spectroscopic method (FTIR and H NMR), epoxide equivalent and gel permeation chromatography. Chemical modification involves the incorporation of thermoset resins such a phenolics, epoxy novolacs, cardanol epoxides and unsaturated polyester into the epoxy resin by reactive belnding. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends were studied. In the physical modification route, elastomers, maleated elastomers and functional elastomers were dispersed as micro-sized rubber phase into the continuous epoxy phase by a solution blending technique as against the conventional mechanical blending technique. The effect of matrix toughening on the properties of glass reinforced composites and the effect of fillers on the properties of commercial epoxy resin were also investigated. The blends were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, scanning electron microscopy and mechanical property measurements. Among the thermoset blends, substantial toughening was observed in the case of epoxy phenolic novolacs especially epoxy para cresol novolac (ECN). In the case of elastomer blending , the toughest blends were obtained in the case of maleic anhydride grafted NBR. Among functional elastomers the best results were obtained with CTBN. Studies on filled and glass reinforced composites employing modified epoxy as matrix revealed an overall improvement in mechanical properties
The present project was a systematic investigation of the physico-chemical properties and catalytic activity of some transition metal promoted sulphated zirconia systems. The characterisation and catalytic activity results were compared with that of pure Zr02 and simple sulphated zirconia systems. Sulphated zirconia samples were prepared by a controlled impregnation technique. In the case of metal incorporated systems, a single step impregnation was carried out using required amounts of sulphuric acid and metal salt solutions. As a preliminary step, optimisation of calcination temperature and sulphate content was achieved. For further studies, the optimised sulphate loading of 10 ml per gram of hydrous zirconium oxide and a calcination temperature of 700°C was employed. Metal incorporation had a positive influence on the physico-chemical properties. Vapour phase cumene conversion served as a test reaction for acidity. Some industrially important reactions like Friedel-Crafts reaction, phenol hydroxylation, nitration, etc. were selected to test the catalytic activity of the prepared systems.
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been an ever-attractive subject area for engineers and scientists alike because of its versatility in finding applications in useful devices. They find applications in a host of devices ranging from rudimentary devices like loud speakers to sophisticated gadgets like waveguides and Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAM).The one and only material in the realm of magnetism that has been at the centre stage of applications is ferrites and in that spinel ferrites received the lions share as far as practical applications are concerned.It has been the endeavour of scientists and engineers to remove obsolescence and improve upon the existing so as to save energy and integrate in to various other systems. This has been the hallmark of material scientists and this has led to new materials and new technologies.In the field of ferrites too there has been considerable interest to devise new materials based on iron oxides and other compounds. This means synthesising ultra fine particles and tuning its properties to device new materials. There are various preparation techniques ranging from top- down to bottom-up approaches. This includes synthesising at molecular level, self assembling,gas based condensation. Iow temperature eo-precipitation, solgel process and high energy ball milling. Among these methods sol-gel process allows good control of the properties of ceramic materials. The advantage of this method includes processing at low temperature. mixing at the molecular level and fabrication of novel materials for various devices.Composites are materials. which combine the good qualities of one or more components. They can be prepared in situ or by mechanical means by the incorporation of fine particles in appropriate matrixes. The size of the magnetic powders as well as the nature of matrix affect the processability and other physical properties of the final product. These plastic/rubber magnets can in turn be useful for various applications in different devices. In applications involving ferrites at high frequencies, it is essential that the material possesses an appropriate dielectric permittivity and suitable magnetic permeability. This can be achieved by synthesizing rubber ferrite composites (RFC's). RFCs are very useful materials for microwave absorptions. Hence the synthesis of ferrites in the nanoregirne.investigations on their size effects on the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties and the incorporation of these ferrites into polymer matrixes assume significance.In the present study, nano particles of NiFe204, Li(!5Fe2S04 and Col-e-O, are prepared by sol gel method. By appropriate heat treatments, particles of different grain sizes are obtained. The structural, magnetic and electrical measurements are evaluated as a function of grain size and temperature. NiFel04 prepared in the ultrafine regime are then incorporated in nitrile rubber matrix. The incorporation was carried out according to a specific recipe and for various loadings of magnetic fillers. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties, electrical properties and mechanical properties of these elastomer blends are carried out. The electrical permittivity of all the rubber samples in the X - band are also conducted.
Precipitated silica is the most promising alternative for carbon black in tyre tread compounds due to its improved performance in terms of rolling resistance and wet grip.But its poor processability is a serious limitation to its commercial application.This thesis suggests a novel route for the incorporation of silica in rubbers,i.e.,precipitation of silica in rubber latex followed by coagulation of the latex to get rubber-silica maseterbatch.Composites with in situ precipitated silica showed improved processability and mechanical properties,when compared to conventional silica composites.
Studies on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of composites based on spinel ferrites
This thesis mainly deals with the preparation and studies on magnetic composites based on spinel ferrites prepared both chemically and mechanically. Rubber ferrite composites (RFC) are chosen because of their mouldability and flexibility and the ease with which the dielectric and magnetic properties can be manipulated to make them as useful devices. Natural rubber is chosen as the Matrix because of its local availability and possible value addition. Moreover, NR represents a typical unsaturated nonpolar matrix. The work can be thought of as two parts. Part l concentrates on the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on y-Fe203. Part 2 deals with the preparation and characterization of RFCs containing Nickel zinc ferrit In the present study magnetic nanocomposites have been prepared by ionexchange method and the preparation conditions have been optimized. The insitu incorporation of the magnetic component is carried out chemically. This method is selected as it is the easiest and simplest method for preparation of nanocomposite. Nanocomposite samples thus prepared were studied using VSM, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Iron content estimation, and ESR spectroscopy. For the preparation of RFCs, the filler material namely nickel zinc ferrite having the general formula Ni)_xZnxFez04, where x varies from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.2 have been prepared by the conventional ceramic techniques. The system of Nil_xZn"Fe204 is chosen because of their excellent high frequency characteristics. After characterization they are incorporated into the polymer matrix of natural rubber by mechanical method. The incorporation is done according to a specific recipe and for various Loadings of magnetic fillers and also for all compositions. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties and dielectric properties of these composites are evaluated. The ac electrical conductivity of both ceramic nickel zinc ferrites and rubber ferrite composites are also calculated using a simple relation. The results are correlated.
In the present study, nano particles of NiFe3O4, I_.l()5Feg5O4 and CoFegO4 are prepared by sol gel method. By appropriate heat treatments, particles of different grain sizes are obtained. The structural, magnetic and electrical measurements are evaluated as a function of grain size and temperature. NiFe3O4 prepared in the ultrafine regime are then incorporated in nitrile rubber matrix. The incorporation was carried out according to a specific recipe and for various loadings of magnetic fillers. The cure characteristics, magnetic properties, electrical properties and mechanical properties of these elastomer blends are carried out. The electrical permittivity of all the rubber samples in the X — band are also conducted
This study was designed to test the feasibility of integrating in situ, single species exposures and biomarker analysis into microcosm studies. Experimental ponds were dosed with pirimiphos methyl (PM) and lindane. C. riparius fourth instar larvae were deployed for 48 h on nine separate occasions during the study period before and after treatment. Surviving larvae were analysed for acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE). Survival and biomarker data were compared to chironomid assemblage analysis by monitoring insects emerging from the microcosms. Survival of chironomids within the in situ systems commenced on day + 16 after treatment with 31.6% and 53.3% survival in the lindane and PM treated ponds, respectively. In contrast, the first emergence from the microcosms occurred on days + 27, in respect to lindane, and + 59 for the PM treated ponds. Thus the in situ bioassay was able to demonstrate gradual reduction in toxicity within the sediment before this was evident from macroinvertebrate monitoring. Significant ACNE inhibition was only detected on exposure to PM. Levels decreased from 75% on day + 16 to 26% by day +29. The biomarker analysis confirmed that, by the end of the study, the insecticide was no longer exerting an effect. We discuss how the use of in situ bioassays could also aid comparison of microcosm studies by adding a standardized dimension. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 296 and at 339 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied over the pressure range 10-200 Torr with SF6 as bath gas. The second-order rate constants obtained were pressure dependent, indicating that the reaction is a third-body assisted association process. Rate constants at 339 K were about half those at 296 K. Isotope effects, k(H)/k(D), were small averaging 1.076 0.080, suggesting no involvement of H- (or D-) atom transfer in the rate determining step. RRKM modeling was undertaken based on a transition state appropriate to formation of the expected zwitterionic donoracceptor complex, H2Si...OH2. Because the reaction is close to the low pressure (third order) region, it is difficult to be definitive about the activated complex structure. Various structures were tried, both with and without the incorporation of rotational modes, leading to values for the high-pressure limiting (i.e., true secondorder) rate constant in the range 9.5 x 10(-11) to 5 x 10(-10) cm(3) molecule' s(-1). The RRKM modeling and mechanistic interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G2 and G3 levels. The results are compared and contrasted with the previous studies.