877 resultados para Inclusão em Educação


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo tem por objeto as Representações Sociais de egressos do curso de Licenciatura em Biologia do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará – IFPA acerca de sua formação docente na perspectiva da inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiências. A problemática se orientou com foco nas representações sociais anunciadas pelos professores sobre sua formação para a inclusão. O Objetivo principal do estudo foi Analisar o processo de construção das Representações Sociais de egressos de licenciaturas do IFPA sobre sua formação docente com vistas à inclusão. A Metodologia seguiu a abordagem qualitativa – descritiva – interpretativa – analítica com a intenção de ouvir o que esses professores têm a dizer sobre a inclusão de alunos especiais, assim como essas representações se constroem e qual o reflexo delas na ação do indivíduo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo e teve como finalidade aprofundar nosso conhecimento sobre o assunto estudado. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 10 professores egressos oriundos do campo das ciências naturais que aceitaram participar desse estudo. Os dados da pesquisa foram coletados por meio do questionário para a realização do levantamento socioeconômico, da entrevista na modalidade semi-estruturada com a intenção de apreender os discursos verbais dos professores que foram tomados como a fonte reveladora das representações sociais; e Técnica da Associação Livre de Palavras que teve como objetivo destacar imagens relevantes das possíveis representações dos docentes. Para a compreensão dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo categorial na perspectiva de Bardin. Ao analisarmos os dados que os sujeitos entrevistados apresentaram considerando as unidades de sentido sobre determinados aspectos que permeiam a Formação Docente e Educação Inclusiva, destacamos questões dialéticas como as relações entre inclusão e exclusão, afetividade e conhecimento, teoria e prática, assim como apontamentos conflitantes que sinalizam determinadas angústias profissionais. Desta forma os resultados mostram que as representações dos professores acerca do objeto de estudo apresentam-se de forma variada, revelando a necessidade de redimensionamento de ações pedagógicas, profissionais e estruturais e estão aliadas às crenças, às convenções e à tradição que ao longo da história e da cultura educacional vem reforçando a imagem do aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais, associada à concepção de deficiência e de aluno que foge ao modelo estabelecido pela sociedade. A pesquisa ainda revela representações sociais que permeiam as construções psicossociais sobre formação e Educação Inclusiva, indicando que entre os valores e os conhecimentos priorizados para pensar e, conseqüentemente agir estão fortemente vinculados aceitação das diferenças a partir de ações solitárias, ou seja, de um protagonismo individual.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A Política Educacional de Inclusão constituiu-se no objeto de investigação, tendo como recorte histórico os marcos legais e as ações desencadeadas pelo poder público, que visavam garantir aos portadores de necessidades especais o direito constitucional à educação, a partir dos anos 1990. A Constituição Federal de 1988 assevera o atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino (art. 208, III) e, posteriormente, a LDBEN 9.394/96, por meio do art. 3o, inciso I e do art. 4 o inciso III e do CAPÍTULO V Da Educação Especial (com três artigos) ratificou e disciplinou os dispositivos constitucionais. Além desses documentos basilares, foram editadas outras medidas legais com o objetivo de disciplinar a questão, além de programas e ações propostas pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão (SECADI), que substituiu, a partir de 2004, a Secretaria de Educação Especial (SEESP). Os sistemas de ensino, em âmbito estadual e municipal, também procuraram disciplinar a questão da inclusão na rede regular de ensino dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Partindo dessa constatação inicial, uma questão passou a nortear o trabalho: quais as medidas, ações e programas desencadeados pelo poder público municipal para o cumprimento dos preceitos expressos na CF/88, na LDBEN 9.394/96 e na legislação correlata? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as atuais políticas públicas de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades especiais na rede regular de ensino, verificando junto ao sistema municipal de educação de Rio Claro/SP quais medidas, ações e programas que foram desencadeados a partir da década de 1990. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Special education and inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in regular classrooms of public schools has being widely discussed in academic and political areas. From Salamanca Declaration signed in 1994, which established that the education of people with special needs should be guaranteed by public system, being offered within regular classrooms said. Along the inclusion process, has been observed an increasingly difficult for teachers to work with these special students. This difficulty comes from an incomplete or inadequate formation, resulting in an education that is not always inclusive. The present work aims to investigate what are the motivational factors that lead teachers, working in public schools, to seek continuing courses of formation in specialized educational services, and what are the possible impediments that eschew them from seeking such courses. Data were collected through questionnaires given to elementary school teachers, from public schools in the city of Rio Claro- SP. With their answer, it could be identified what are the motivational factors of the quest for continuing formation, as well as facts that obstruct this specialization. It could be observed that there is a need for constant training of the education professionals, for them to be able to appropriate of the inclusion as a pedagogical approach, not just a law and far from reality


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Learning the written language has been the subject of research and study of various sciences in recent decades, in the same way that inclusion in regular education of students with disabilities such as autism, also has been the subject of discussions in the academic and even political. However, it can be observed that these two topics are disjointed, despite the importance of ownership of the system of writing by students with autism, because that would be a way to facilitate social interaction, which is the principal difficulty of this students. This research intend to describe the inclusion process of a student with autism into a common room of the initial years, in a public school, observing which are the strategies used by the teacher in the literacy process, as well as analyze the collaborative process developed by the researcher. The methodology was a qualitative and collaborative research, the kind of case study. The participants were a teacher and her students, from the cycle I of Primary School of a public school, among which, one is diagnosed with autism. The instruments used to the data’s analysis were interviews, with the teacher and the mother of the student with autism; the written productions of the student during the research; camp diary; and the observations made during the research. To the interventions, were used alternative practices, including material production (a mobile alphabet and a album of photos), that make more easy the process of literacy, The results showed the great difficulty in performing the interventions in a collaborative process, considering that in the observations, it was found that the practices of this teacher were traditional, and also there was no planning, on her part, content to be deal with the students. Otherwise, related to the development of the autism student’s written language, it could be seen like a breakthrough, have in...


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This work is situated in the universe of resource rooms with a focus on the teachinglearning disabled students with low vision and visual in two cities of São Paulo. The paper discusses theoretically the historical emergence of these rooms, the deployment in the State of São Paulo and its importance within the context of school inclusion of students with visual impairments. Its purpose is to conduct a general survey of the operating conditions of the rooms from the perspective of the teacher of students. The results verified the contribution of this service as a complementary tool of the ordinary classroom, the use of specific instructional materials and overall educational performance of students. The results indicate that this type of specialized care while receiving criticism, does not promote segregation, but what about the educational needs of these students, who despite the lack of vision, school performance is equal to or better than the other students in the classroom common, it all depends on family support, and dedication to studies by the student. Research has shown students satisfied with the services provided in the resource room, as well as integration and good relationships between teachers and students. We could also highlight the importance of specific training and mastery of knowledge by the teacher to work with the visually impaired person. At the end the results were sent to the schools of this research object of study so that it can contribute to effective work in the educational process for visually impaired students in resource rooms


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The inclusive classroom, focused on individual differences, it is becoming more frequent and constant within mainstream schools. For this practice to be successful, there must be a different work by teachers, methodology, teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials. Thus, the teacher who works directly with students with disabilities, find factors that facilitate and hinder this practice, making it essential to study of such factors, so we can understand and contribute to assessment and implementation of strategies to minimize the need that this pedagogical practice imposes. This varying needs, from the simple as using different materials to work in the classroom to the broader and more complex, as the reform in schools. Thus, these aimed to survey and analyze the conceptions of teachers on facilitating and hindering aspects of the schooling of students with disabilities in the regular classroom as well as check their training needs. The method used was ruled a quantitative approach to data collection was through a closed questionnaire containing 35 questions with Likert scale. The study included 904 teachers who underwent a course of Improvement in Inclusive Educational Practices, the same was applied when students entered the course, but had not had contact with the course content. The result showed that most teachers agree that all students with disabilities have behavior problem, dividing the assertion that the disabled student disrupts the class of the colleague who has a disability. It is also believed that in the view of most participants, students with disabilities are not able to study and that the inclusion of students with disabilities is hampered by...


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE