960 resultados para Icp-oes


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The determination of Nb and Ta in Nb-Ta minerals was accomplished by slurry nebulization inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), using a clog-free V-groove ceramic nebulizer. Samples were first wet-ground to appropriate particle sizes with narrow size distribution and 90% of the particles in the slurry were smaller than 2.32 mu m in diameter. Subsamples were then dispersed in pH 9 aqueous solutions, and agitated in an ultrasonic bath for 15 min prior to analysis. Due to the lack of slurry standards matching well with the samples, calibration was simply carried out using aqueous solution standards. Results were compared with those obtained from a conventional fusion decomposition procedure and acid digestion procedures and a good agreement between the measured and referred values was obtained. The technique provided a good alternative for the rapid determination of Nb and/or Ta in their corresponding minerals.


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微生物与矿物间的相互作用是自然界中广泛发生的一种地质作用,微生物直接参与了自然界的物质循环,微生物对矿物风化作用的过程和机理与矿物种类、菌种及环境条件密切相关。目前还缺乏对矿物风化微观过程及风化过程中微生物生理生化特征的研究资料,随着分子生物学理论与技术的快速发展,用地球化学结合微生物学与分子生物学的理论和方法来综合研究微生物的矿物风化过程已成为可能。从分子水平和微观作用过程研究其风化过程与机理,理解微生物与矿物界面之间的相互作用及其反馈机制,是表生作用过程中生物地球化学的重要研究内容。 选用胶质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)、黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)和青霉(Penicillium sp.),以磷矿石和方解石为例,探讨实验条件下微生物对矿物的风化作用过程与机理。微生物对矿物风化作用具有能耗低、污染小和流程短等特点,充分利用这些特点是解决土壤中无效磷的有效利用、磷矿资源的开发以及减少环境污染等问题的有效途径,对矿产资源的可持续利用和建立健康的生态环境具有十分重要的意义。采用离子色谱、ICP-OES、XRD、TEM、EDS、2-DE、电子探针和MC-ICP-MS等分析测试手段,研究微生物对矿物的风化过程与机理,得到如下结果: (1) 在黑曲霉对磷矿石风化过程中,由黑曲霉生长引发的生物机械破坏作用和生物化学降解作用是对磷矿石风化的主要趋动力,包括菌丝生长对矿物的穿插作用以及机械剥蚀作用;此外,菌体及生物大分子形成生物膜覆盖在矿物表面形成易于发生生化降解的微环境,有机酸络合Ca生成次生矿物草酸钙促进了磷矿石的风化。磷矿石直接与菌体接触所发生的风化作用强于磷矿石装入透析袋中的间接风化作用。 (2) 在胶质芽孢杆菌对磷矿石的风化过程中,菌体及其胞外多糖类物质在矿粉表面形成生物膜、菌体生长、代谢产物及有机物的机械剥蚀破碎作用等是造成矿物风化的重要原因;磷矿石直接与菌体接触进行的风化作用强于磷矿石装入透析袋中的间接风化作用。 (3) 黑曲霉对磷矿石的风化作用强于胶质芽孢杆菌,两者对磷矿石进行风化时,生物物理风化作用是导致矿物风化的主要因素;胶质芽孢杆菌风化磷矿石的过程中没有草酸钙的产生。 (4) 胶质芽孢杆菌对磷矿石的风化过程中,菌体蛋白质的表达发生变化,蛋白质的量与质的变化与磷矿石的风化密切有关。磷矿石的加入导致菌体生理代谢途径改变以适应环境的变化,并分泌相关的蛋白质导致矿物的风化。 (5) 采用Sr同位素示踪研究黑曲霉与青霉对磷灰石和方解石混合物的风化差异。黑曲霉作用混合矿物的初期,培养液pH值相对较低,对其中方解石有风化作用;中后期由于pH值升高,对磷灰石有较强的风化作用,对磷灰石的风化是由黑曲霉产生的大分子有机物对磷灰石中Ca络合的结果。青霉与混合矿物发生相互作用时,在最初的很短时间内青霉对磷灰石有风化作用,但对方解石的风化作用却表现在整个风化作用时间段,相比而言,青霉对磷灰石的风化作用不明显。这种风化差异与真菌的生物学特性有关,并表现为微生物对矿物风化的选择性。 本项研究对进一步认识土壤植被生态系统中的磷循环规律和循环过程中微生物所起的作用,以及用微生物风化作用的方式促进磷矿资源开发利用具有重要理论和实际意义。


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Comparação de métodos titulométrico e espectrofotométrico de emissão ótica por plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) para a determinação de Ca, Mg e Al trocáveis em amostras de solos de referência, oriundas do Programa de Análise de Qualidade de Laboratórios de Fertilidade (PAQLF) que utilizam o método Embrapa. Comparação de métodos titulométrico e espectrofotométrico de emissão ótica por plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) para a determinação de Ca, Mg e Al trocáveis em amostras de solos de referência, oriundas do Programa de Análise de Qualidade de Laboratórios de Fertilidade (PAQLF) que utilizam o método Embrapa.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate how the release of fluoride from two compomers and a fluoridated composite resin was affected by exposure to KF solution. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two compomers (Dyract AP and Compoglass F) and one fluoridated composite (Wave) were prepared as discs (6 mm diameter and 2 mm thick), curing with a standard dental lamp. They were then stored in either water or 0.5% KF for 1 week, followed by placement in water for periods of 1 week up to 5 weeks total. Fluoride was determined with and without TISAB (to allow complexed and decomplexed fluoride to be determined), and other ion release (Na, Ca, Al, Si, P) was determined by ICP-OES. RESULTS: Specimens were found not to take up fluoride from 100 ppm KF solution in 24 h, but to release additional fluoride when stored for up to five weeks. Compomers released more fluoride cumulatively following exposure to KF solution (p<0.001), all of which was decomplexed, though initial (1 week) values were not statistically significant for Dyract AP. Other ions showed no variations in release over 1 week, regardless of whether the specimens were exposed to KF. Unlike the compomers, Wave showed no change in fluoride release as a result of exposure to KF. CONCLUSIONS: Compomers are affected by KF solution, and release more fluoride (but not other ions) after exposure than if stored in water.


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The bioavailability of soil arsenic (As) is determined by its speciation in soil solution, i.e., arsenite [As(III)] or arsenate [As(V)]. Soil bioavailability studies require suitable methods to cope with small volumes of soil solution that can be speciated directly after sampling, and thereby minimise any As speciation change during sample collection. In this study, we tested a self-made microcartridge to separate both As species and compared it to a commercially available cartridge. In addition, the diffusive gradient in thin films technique (DGT), in combination with the microcartridges, was applied to synthetic solutions and to a soil spiked with As. This combination was used to improve the assessment of available inorganic As species with ferrihydrite(FH)-DGT, in order to validate the technique for environmental analysis, mainly in soils. The self-made microcartridge was effective in separating As(III) from As(V) in solution with detection by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) in volumes of only 3 ml. The DGT study also showed that the FH-based binding gels are effective for As(III) and As(V) assessment, in solutions with As and P concentrations and ionic strength commonly found in soils. The FH-DGT was tested on flooded and unflooded As spiked soils and recoveries of As(III) and As(V) were 85–104% of the total dissolved As. This study shows that the DGT with FH-based binding gel is robust for assessing inorganic species of As in soils.


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Spillover processes (i.e. the migration of ionic species from the support to the catalyst and vice versa) are known to play a very important role in catalysis and electrocatalysis. These spillover processes can be influenced by impurities (pre-existing on the catalyst surface) and by the catalyst morphology that may differ as a result of the differences in catalyst manufacturing processes. This work investigates the influence of impurities present in three commercial platinum (Pt) precursors. The resulting platinum films studied here were supported on yttria-stabilised-zirconia (YSZ). It was found that the three different catalyst films contained a range of impurities (determined by ICP-OES) that appear to affect the oxygen charge transfer reaction as studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV). © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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En aquest treball es caracteriza per primera vegada la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica d'una metal·lotineïna (MT) de planta i es proposa un model de plegament per a les MTs de planta en general. Els resultat mostren que aquestes proteïnes poden tenir un paper molt important en la regulació de l'estat redox de les cèl·lules, probablement a través de la coordinació a Cu. Les MTs de planta són proteïnes molt desconegudes. Es postula que participen en l'homeòstasi del Cu i en la protecció contra l'estrès oxidatiu, però es desconeix la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i el plegament. En aquest treball s'han estudiat una metal·lotioneïna d'alzina surera, QsMT, aïllada d'una llibreria de cDNA de fel·lema. Els objectius concrets han estat: (1) estudiar l'expressió de QsMT i la resposta a l'estrès oxidatiu; (2) determinar la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica i la funcionalitat in vivo; (3) fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. L'expressió del gen s'ha estudiat mitjançant hibridació in situ en plàntules i en embrions d'alzina surera. QsMT s'expressa majoritàriament en cèl·lules amb fort estrès oxidatiu, associat a la síntesi de polifenols (suberització i lignificació) i a la senescència. També s'expressa en cèl·lules meristemàtiques, cèl·lules en divisió molt activa on la funció de les MTs podria estar relacionada amb el manteniment de l'estat redox. L'aplicació d'estrès oxidatiu exogen (H2O2 i paraquat) incrementa fortament l'expressió de QsMT en teixits amb expressió constitutiva, confirmant la regulació de l'expressió del gen per estrès oxidatiu. Per l'estudi de les propietats de coordinació metàl·lica es va expressar QsMT en cèl·lules d'E. coli en medi de cultiu suplementat amb Cu, Zn o Cd. Es van aïllar els agregats metàl·lics corresponents i es van analitzar mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques i espectromètriques (ICP-OES, ESI-MS i CD). Els resultats mostren que QsMT coordina de forma estable Cu (8 ions metàl·lics/molècula), Zn (4 ions de Zn/molècula) i Cd (6 ions de Cd/molècula), i adopta una estructura especialment quiral en coordinació a Cu. L'elevada capacitat quelant de la proteïna i la quiralitat de l'estructura indiquen que QsMT possiblement té preferència metàl·lica pel Cu i per tant una funció relacionada amb aquest metall in vivo. Estudis de complementació en llevat demostren que QsMT coordina Cu de forma funcional in vivo. En coordinació a Cd QsMT presenta una peculiaritat no observada fins ara en altres MTs: la participació d'ions sulfur en la formació de l'agregat metàl·lic incrementant la capacitat de coordinació metàl·lica (6 ions metàl·lics divalents de Cd enlloc de 4 ions de Zn). A més QsMT coordina Cd de forma funcional en llevat, i per tant la seva funció també podria estar relacionada amb la destoxicació de Cd en la planta. QsMT s'ha utilitzat com a model per fer una aproximació al plegament de les MTs de planta. Amb aquest objectiu vam dissenyar tres pèptids mutants derivats de QsMT: N25 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició amino-terminal, C18 corresponent a la zona rica en cisteïna en posició carboxil-terminal, i N25-C18 corresponent a les dues zones riques en cisteïna enllaçades per 4 glicines substituint la zona central de 39 aminoàcids. Es van expressar i estudiar aquests pèptids per les mateixes tècniques utilitzades en l'estudi de QsMT. Els resultats indiquen que QsMT es plega formant un sol agregat metàl·lic per la interacció de les dues zones riques en cisteïna. En aquest model la zona central d'enllaç, típica de les MTs de planta, no participa en la coordinació metàl·lica però és imprescindible per a la funció de la proteïna. El paper de la zona central podria variar en funció del metall que coordina, participant en el plegament i estructura de la proteïna quan coordina Zn i Cd i en la seva regulació i estabilització quan coordina Cu.


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Slavic and German colonization of the southern Baltic between the 8th and 15th centuries A.D. is well-documented archaeologically and historically. Despite the large number of pollen profiles from Poland, few palaeoecological studies have examined the ecological impact of a process that was central to the expansion of European, Christian, societies. This study aims to redress this balance through multiproxy analysis of lake sediments from Radzyń Chełminski, Northern Poland, using pollen, element geochemistry (Inductively Coupled-Optical Emission Spectroscopy [ICP-OES]), organic content, and magnetic susceptibility. The close association between lake and medieval settlements presents the ideal opportunity to reconstruct past vegetation and land-use dynamics within a well-documented archaeological, historical, and cultural context. Three broad phases of increasing landscape impact are visible in the pollen and geochemical data dating from the 8th/9th, 10th/11th, and 13th centuries, reflecting successive phases of Slavic and German colonization. This involved the progressive clearance of oak-hornbeam dominated woodland and the development of an increasingly open agricultural landscape. Although the castles and towns of the Teutonic Order remain the most visible signs of medieval colonization, the palynological and geochemical data demonstrate that the major phase of woodland impact occurred during the preceding phase of Slavic expansion; Germans colonists were entering a landscape already significantly altered.


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Background Many biominerals form from amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), but this phase is highly unstable when synthesised in its pure form inorganically. Several species of earthworm secrete calcium carbonate granules which contain highly stable ACC. We analysed the milky fluid from which granules form and solid granules for amino acid (by liquid chromatography) and functional group (by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy) compositions. Granule elemental composition was determined using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). Mass of ACC present in solid granules was quantified using FTIR and compared to granule elemental and amino acid compositions. Bulk analysis of granules was of powdered bulk material. Spatially resolved analysis was of thin sections of granules using synchrotron-based μ-FTIR and EMPA electron microprobe analysis. Results The milky fluid from which granules form is amino acid-rich (≤ 136 ± 3 nmol mg−1 (n = 3; ± std dev) per individual amino acid); the CaCO3 phase present is ACC. Even four years after production, granules contain ACC. No correlation exists between mass of ACC present and granule elemental composition. Granule amino acid concentrations correlate well with ACC content (r ≥ 0.7, p ≤ 0.05) consistent with a role for amino acids (or the proteins they make up) in ACC stabilisation. Intra-granule variation in ACC (RSD = 16%) and amino acid concentration (RSD = 22–35%) was high for granules produced by the same earthworm. Maps of ACC distribution produced using synchrotron-based μ-FTIR mapping of granule thin sections and the relative intensity of the ν2: ν4 peak ratio, cluster analysis and component regression using ACC and calcite standards showed similar spatial distributions of likely ACC-rich and calcite-rich areas. We could not identify organic peaks in the μ-FTIR spectra and thus could not determine whether ACC-rich domains also had relatively high amino acid concentrations. No correlation exists between ACC distribution and elemental concentrations determined by EMPA. Conclusions ACC present in earthworm CaCO3 granules is highly stable. Our results suggest a role for amino acids (or proteins) in this stability. We see no evidence for stabilisation of ACC by incorporation of inorganic components.


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Footemineite, ideally Ca2Mn2+square Mn22+Be4(PO4)(6)(OH)(4)-6H(2)O, triclinic, is a new member of the roscherite group. It occurs on thin fractures crossing quartz-microcline-spodumene pegmatite at the Foote mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Associated minerals are albite, analcime, eosphorite, siderite/rhodochrosite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, quartz, milarite, and pyrite. Footemineite forms prismatic to bladed generally rough to barrel-shaped crystals up to about 1.5 mm long and I mm in diameter. Its color is yellow, the streak is white, and the luster is vitreous to slightly pearly. Footemineite is transparent and non-fluorescent. Twinning is simple, by reflection, with twin boundaries across the length of the crystals. Cleavage is good on {0 (1) over bar1}) and {100}. Density (calc.) is 2.873 g/cm(3). Footemineite is biaxial (-), n(alpha) = 1.620(2), n(beta) = 1.627(2), n(gamma) = 1.634(2) (white light). 2V(obs) = 80 degrees, 2V(calc) = 89.6 degrees. Orientation: X boolean AND b similar to 12 degrees, Y boolean AND c similar to 15 degrees, Z boolean AND a similar to 15 degrees. Elongation direction is c, dispersion: r > v or r < v, weak. Pleochroism: beta (brownish yellow) > alpha = gamma (yellow). Mossbauer and IR spectra are given. The chemical composition is (EDS mode electron microprobe, Li and Be by ICP-OES, Fe3+:Fe2+ y Mossbauer, H2O by TG data, wt%): Li2O 0.23, BeO 9.54, CaO 9.43, SrO 0.23, BaO 0.24, MgO 0.18, MnO 26.16, FeO 2.77, Fe2O3 0.62, Al2O3 0.14, P2O5 36.58, SiO2 0.42, H2O 13.1, total 99.64. The empirical formula is (Ca1.89Sr0.03Ba0.02)Sigma(1.94)(Mn-0.90(2+)square(0.10))Sigma(1.00)(square 0.78Li0.17Mg0.05) Sigma(1.00)(Mn3.252+Fe0.432+ Fe0.093+Al0.03)Sigma(3.80) Be-4.30(P5.81Si0.08O24)[(OH)3.64(H2O)0.36]Sigma(4.00)center dot 6.00H(2)O . The strongest reflection peaks of the powder diffraction pattern [d, angstrom (1, %) (hkl)] are 9.575 (53) (010), 5.998 (100) (0 (1) over bar1), 4.848 (26) (021), 3.192 (44) (210), 3.003 (14) (0 (2) over bar2), 2.803 (38) ((1) over bar 03), 2.650 (29) ((2) over bar 02), 2.424 (14) (231). Single-crystal unit-cell parameters are a = 6.788(2), b = 9.972(3), c = 10.014(2) A, (x = 73.84(2), beta = 85.34(2), gamma = 87.44(2)degrees,V = 648.74 angstrom(3), Z = 1. The space group is P (1) over bar. Crystal structure was refined to R = 0.0347 with 1273 independent reflections (F > 2(5). Footemineite is dimorphous with roscherite, and isostructural with atencioite. It is identical with the mineral from Foote mine described as ""triclinic roscherite."" The name is for the Foote mine, type locality for this and several other minerals.


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In the present study, cadmium and lead in the muscle, lung, liver and kidney of dolphins (Sotalia guianensis and Stenella clymene) of the Bahia coast in the northwest of Brazil were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were digested using a diluted oxidant mixture (HNO(3) + H(2)O(2)) with a microwave heating program performed in five steps. The optimized temperatures and chemical modifier for the pyrolysis and atomization were 700 degrees C, 1400 degrees C and Pd plus Mg for Cd, and 900 degrees C, 1800 degrees C and NH(4)H(2)PO(4) for Pb, respectively. Characteristic masses and limits of detections (n = 20, 3 sigma) for Cd and Pb were 1.6 and 9.0 pg and 0.82 ng g(-1) and 0.50 ng g(-1), respectively. Repeatability ranged from 0.87 to 8.22% for Cd and 4.31 to 8.09% for Pb. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level when compared with the ICP OES methods. Addition and recovery tests were also performed and the results ranged between 87 and 112% for both elements. Samples of cetacean Dolphinidae (S. guianensis and S. clymene) were analyzed, and the higher concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 46.2 mu g g(-1) for Cd and 0.04 to 0.47 mu g g(-1) for Pb in liver, and from 0.133 to 277 mu g g(-1) for Cd in the kidney. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The physical and chemical characteristics of peat were assessed through measurement of pH, percentage of organic matter, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and quantitative analysis of metals by ICP OES. Despite the material showed to be very acid in view of the percentage of organic matter, its CEC was significant, showing potential for retention of metal ions. This characteristic was exploited by coupling a peat mini-column to a flow system based on the multicommutation approach for the in-line copper concentration prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Cu(II) ions were adsorbed at pH 4.5 and eluted with 0.50 mol L(-1) HNO(3). The influence of chemical and hydrodynamic parameters, such as sample pH, buffer concentration, eluent type and concentration, sample flow-rate and preconcentration time were investigated. Under the optimized conditions, a linear response was observed between 16 and 100 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit estimated as 3 mu g L(-1) at the 99.7% confidence level and an enrichment factor of 16. The relative standard deviation was estimated as 3.3% (n = 20). The mini-column was used for at least 100 sampling cycles without significant variation in the analytical response. Recoveries from copper spiked to lake water or groundwater as well as concentrates used in hemodialysis were in the 97.3-111 % range. The results obtained for copper determination in these samples agreed with those achieved by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this present work a method for the determination of Ca, Fe, Ga, Na, Si and Zn in alumina (Al(2)O(3)) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) with axial viewing is presented. Preliminary studies revealed intense aluminum spectral interference over the majority of elements and reaction between aluminum and quartz to form aluminosilicate, reducing drastically the lifetime of the torch. To overcome these problems alumina samples (250 mg) were dissolved with 5 mL HCl + 1.5 mLH(2)SO(4) + 1.5 mL H(2)O in a microwave oven. After complete dissolution the volume was completed to 20 mL and aluminum was precipitated as Al(OH)(3) with NH(3) (by bubbling NH(3) into the solution up to a pH similar to 8, for 10 min). The use of internal standards (Fe/Be, Ga/Dy, Zn/In and Na/Sc) was essential to obtain precise and accurate results. The reliability of the proposed method was checked by analysis of alumina certified reference material (Alumina Reduction Grade-699, NIST). The found concentrations (0.037%w(-1) CaO, 0.013% w w(-1) Fe(2)O(3), 0.012%w w(-1)Ga(2)O(3), 0.49% w w(-1) Na(2)O, 0.014% w w(-1) SiO(2) and 0.013% w w(-1) ZnO) presented no statistical differences compared to the certified values at a 95% confidence level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coconut water is a natural isotonic, nutritive, and low-caloric drink. Preservation process is necessary to increase its shelf life outside the fruit and to improve commercialization. However, the influence of the conservation processes, antioxidant addition, maturation time, and soil where coconut is cultivated on the chemical composition of coconut water has had few arguments and studies. For these reasons, an evaluation of coconut waters (unprocessed and processed) was carried out using Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Zn, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, malate, and ascorbate concentrations and chemometric tools. The quantitative determinations were performed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and capillary electrophoresis. The results showed that Ca, K, and Zn concentrations did not present significant alterations between the samples. The ranges of Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, PO (4) (3-) , and SO (4) (2-) concentrations were as follows: Cu (3.1-120 A mu g L(-1)), Fe (60-330 A mu g L(-1)), Mg (48-123 mg L(-1)), Mn (0.4-4.0 mg L(-1)), PO (4) (3-) (55-212 mg L(-1)), and SO (4) (2-) (19-136 mg L(-1)). The principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were applied to differentiate unprocessed and processed samples. Multivariated analysis (PCA and HCA) were compared through one-way analysis of variance with Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test, and p values less than 0.05 were considered to be significant.


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Microwave-assisted sample preparation using diluted nitric acid solutions is an alternative procedure for digesting organic samples. The efficiency of this procedure depends on the chemical properties of the samples and in this work it was evaluated by the determination of crude protein amount. fat and original carbon. Soybeans grains, bovine blood. bovine muscle and bovine viscera were digested in a cavity-microwave oven using oxidant mixtures in different acid concentrations. The digestion efficiency was evaluated based on the determination of residual carbon content and element recoveries using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). In order to determine the main residual organic compounds, the digests were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR). Subsequently, studies concerning separation of nitrobenzoic acid isomers were performed by ion pair reversed phase liquid chromatography using a C18 stationary phase, water:acetonitrile:methanol (75:20:5, v/v/v) +0.05% (v/v) TFA as mobile phase and ultraviolet detection at 254 nm. Sample preparation based on diluted acids proved to be feasible and a recommendable alternative for organic sample digestion, reducing both the reagent volumes and the variability of the residues as a result of the process of decomposition. It was shown that biological matt-ices containing amino acids, proteins and lipids in their composition produced nitrobenzoic acid isomers and other organic compounds after cleavage of chemical bonds. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.