975 resultados para Iberians -- Religion -- 6th century B.C.-3th century B.C.
Metalwork, Anglo-Saxon, 6C; 3 55/64 in.x 1 27/32 in.; repoussé, cloisonné; gold, glass and garnet
Glass, Anglo-Saxon, 5C; 10 7/16 in.x 3 15/32 in.; glass, greenish with everted rim and self-colored trails around the body
Sutton Hoo, England; 5 5/16 in.x 11 47/64 in.; champlevé, inlaid, gilt, silver, gold, copper alloy
Latin tile preceded by title in Greek.
1st report never published by the state; an extract from it is given in the Transactions of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania, v. 1, p. 240-243. A brief summary of the 2d report was published in the Tennessee House journal for 1833, p. 303-305. A 10th report was presented to the House in 1850 and printed, but no copy of it can now be found.--cf. L.C. Glenn, in American geologist, v. 35, no. 2, p. 82-89.
Greek and French in parallel columns.
Includes indexes.
Table des matiéres: t. 4, p. [385]-440.
Back Row: Chris Ashton, Tim Murphy, Paul Schmidt, Jim Boccher, Mike Elston, Mike Gittleson, Bobby Morrison, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Mike Bajakian, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk
8th Row: Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. James Carpenter, Todd Mossa, Jason Clyne, Andre Bell-Watkins, Kyle Bierlein, Ryan Parini, Sean Merrill, Rick Brandt, Caene Turner, Luke Perl, Andy Stelskal, Michael Williams, Bob Bland, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Mark Borgman, Kevin Undeen, Jim Schneider
7th Row: Tim Bracken, Zia Combs, Kevin Dudley, Zack Kaufman, Calvin Bell, Kolby Wells, Roy Manning, Adam Finley, D.J. Belcher, Josh Blackman, Jermaine Gonzales, Sean Cassidy, Andy Christopfel, Mike Kasiborski, Ross Kesler, Ross Mann, Brian Lafer, Charles Young
6th Row: Jon Shaw, Brandon Williams, Carl Diggs, Andy Brown, Dave Pearson, Courtney Morgan, John Spytek, David Baas, Jim Fisher, Tyler Ecker, Jeff Gaston, Alain Kashama, Larry Stevens, Chris Perry, Phil Brabbs, Joe Ghannam, Jeff Rich
5th Row: Ryan Beard, Brent Cummings, Jeremy LeSueur, Grant Bowman, Shantee Orr, Travis DeMeester, Phil Brackins, Tony Pape, John Navarre, Demeterius Solomon, Norman Boebert, Michael Kaselitz, B.J. Askew, Andy Mignery, Tyrece Butler, Brian Smalls
4th Row: Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Joe Sgroi, Evan Coleman, Blake Nasif, Justin Fargas, Larry Foote, John Wood, Kirk Moundros, Dwight Mosley, Stephen Baker, Julius Curry, Scott Panique, Tad Van Pelt, Ronald Bellamy, Cato June, Charles Drake
3rd Row: Aaron Richards, Cyle Young, Victor Hobson, Hayden Epstein, Dan Rumishek, Shawn Lazarus, Deitan Dubuc, Bennie Joppru, Joe Denay, Dave Petruziello, Drew Henson, David Terrell, Marquise Walker, Dave Armstrong, Bob Fraumann, Mike Manning, Jeremy Miller
2nd Row: Tommy Jones, P.J. Cwayna, Anthony Jordan, Bill Seymour, Shawn Thompson, Ben Mast, Jonathan Goodwin, Eric Warner, Kurt Anderson, Eric Brackins, Gary Rose, Eric Rosel, Brodie Killian, Rudy Smith, Dan Williams
Front Row: Jeff Del Verne, DeWayne Patmon, Eric Wilson, Maurice Williams, Jeff Backus Steve Hutchinson, Lloyd Carr, Anthony Thomas, David Brandt, Jake Frysinger, James Whitley, Andy Sechler, Cory Sargent
Top Row: Chris Ashton, Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Brad Labadie, Jim Boccher, Mike Gittleson, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Hermann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Stan Parrish, Bobby Morrison, Mike Bajakian, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk
8th Row: Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. James Carpenter, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Kevin Tolbert, Jason Chesney, Kyle Beirlein, Che' Foster, Andre' Bell-Watkins, Jim Schneider, Kelly Cox, Mark Ouimet, Brian Resutek, Taylor Morgan, Kent Karwoski, Kevin Undeen
7th Row: Rick Brandt, Braylon Edwards, Lawrence Reid, Adam Stenavich, Sean Sanderson, Alex Ofili, Tim Massaquoi, Pierre Woods, Matt Lentz, Dan Simelis, Leo Henige, Earnest Shazor, Mike Mandich, Joey Sarantos, Scott McClintock, Marlin Jackson, Derek Bell, David Schoonover, Bob Bland.
6th Row: Tim Bracken, Zia Combs, Luke Perl, Jeremy Read, Ross Kesler, Andy Stejskal, Kyle Ealey, Pat Massey, David Spytek, Josh Blackman, Sean Cassidy, Kolby Wells, Markus Curry, David Underwood, Brian Lafer, Charles Young III, Troy Nienberg.
5th Row: Brent Cummings, Roy Manning, Zach Kaufman, Kevin Dudley, Jermaine Gonzales, Alain Kashama, David Baas, Jim Fisher, Jeff Gaston, Phil Brabbs, Andy Christopfel, Emmanuel Casseus, Adam Finley, Larry Stevens, Calvin Bell, Chris Perry.
4th Row: Brandon Williams, Jon Shaw, Courtney Morgan, Dave Pearson, Grant Bowman, Tyrece Butler, Phil Brackins, Tony Pape, Demeterius Solomon, John Navarre, Norman Heuer, Spencer Brinton, Andy Mignery, John Spytek, Carl Diggs, Charles Drake, Jeremy LeSueur.
3rd Row: Joe Sgroi, Travis DeMeester, Scott Panique, Blake Nasif, Kirk Moundros, Steven Baker, Deitan Dubuc, Shawn Lazarus, Dave Petruziello, Bennie Joppru, John Wood, Dave Armstrong, B.J. Askew, Shantee Orr, Ronald Bellamy, Tad VanPelt.
2nd Row: Aaron Richards, Michael Manning, Jeremy Miller, Anthony Jordan, Gary Rose, Eric Rosel, Kurt Anderson, Joe Denay, Victor Hobson, Dan Rumishek, Julius Curry, Cato June, Rudy Smith, Brody Killian, P.J. Cwayna.
Front Row: Todd Howard, Hayden Epstein, Marquise Walker, Ben Mast, Jake Frysinger, Jonathan Goodwin, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Eric Brackins, Larry Foote, Shawn Thompson, Bill Seymour, Evan Coleman, Walter Cross.
Top Row: (20 Staff) Andy Godek, Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Brad Labade, Mark Collins, Mike Gittleson, Steve Morrison, Ron English, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, Scot Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Scot Loeffler, Jim Boccher, Max Glowacki, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk
8th Row: (18 Staff) Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. James Carpenter, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Kevin Tolbert, Kyle Bierlein, Jason Chesney, Dan Geraci, Kolby Wells, Dan Simelis, Matt Kernen, Jim Schneider, Senior Manager Devon Wilson, Taylor Morgan, Kyle Zink, Kevin Undeen, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland.
7th Row: (13 players) Kyle Myers, David Hull, Craig Moore, Ross Ryan, Garrett Rivas, Brandent Englemon, Will Paul, Prescott Burgess, Anton Campbell, Jerome Jackson, Quinton McCoy, Matt Wilde, Jeff Jansen.
6th Row: (19) Alijah Bradley, Mike Carl, Ryan Mundy, Leon Hall, Turner Booth, Jeff Kastl, Paul Sarantos, Clayton Richard, Shawn Crable, Jake Long, Adam Kraus, Patrick Sharrow, Lamarr Woodley, Jim Presley, David Schoonover, Mike Kaselitz, Mark Spencer, B.J. Opong-Owusu, Joseph Leoni.
5th Row: (18) Chris Matsos, Willis Barringer, Darnell Hood, Jason Avant, Steve Breaston, Matt Studenski, Derek Bell, Rondell Biggs, Kevin Murphy, Reuben Riley, Dave Harris, Mike Mandich, Carl Tabb, Brian Thompson, Pierre Rembert, Jacob Stewart, Obinna Oluigbo, Jonathan Borden.
4th Row: (19) Luke Perl, David Underwood, Lawrence Reid, Joey Sarantos, Alex Ofili, Matt Gutierrez, Mark Bihl, Tom Berishaj, Tyler Ecker, Mike Kolodziej, Gabriel Watson, Jeremy Van Alstyne, Larry Harrison, Scott McClintock, Marlin Jackson, Markus Curry, Jeremy Read, Brian Lafer.
3rd Row: (16) Brent Cummings, Charles Young III, Ross Mann, Braylon Edwards, Leo Henige, Tim Massaquoi, Matt Lentz, Zia Combs, Pat Massey, Jim Fisher, Pierre Woods, Earnest Shazor, Adam Stenavich, Andy Stejskal, Ross Kesler, Troy Nienberg.
2nd Row: (15) Phil Brabbs, Roy Manning, Andy Christopfel, Calvin Bell, David Baas, Larry Stevens, Alain Kashama, Demeterius Solomon, Spencer Brinton, Jeff Gaston, Adam Finley, Jermaine Gonzales, Zach Kaufman, Kevin Dudley, Tim Bracken.
Front Row: (13): Jon Shaw, Andy Mignery, Jeremy LeSueur, Courtney Morgan, Tony Pape, John Navarre, Lloyd Carr, Carl Diggs, Norman Heuer, Chris Perry, Grant Bowman, Dave Pearson, Tyrece Butler.
Top row: Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Kevin Tolbert, Mike Gittleson, Sam Sword, Steve Morrison, Ron English, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Scot Loeffler, Mike DeBord, Mark Collins, Brad Labadie, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk
8th Row: Ryan Krach, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Dan Geraci, Chris Floyd, Thomas Guynes, Dan Simelis, Zia Combs, Joe Leoni, senior manager Brandon Greer, senior manager Jeff Clancy, Matt Kernen, Jim Schneider, Gene Skidmore, Taylor Morgan, Kyle Zink, Kevin Undeen, Rick Brandt Bob Bland, Tom Burpee.
7th Row: Kevin Norris, Jason Eldridge, Chris Graham, Doug Dutch, Keston Cheatham, Will Johnson, Grant DeBenedictis, Jon Saigh, Tim Jamison, Marques Walton, Chip Cartwright, Landon Smith, Jason Gingell.
6th Row: Michael Hart, Ross Ryan, Charles Stewart, Jamar Adams, Adrian Arrington, Chad Henne, Jeremy Ciulla, Brent Gallimore, Alan Branch, Alex Mitchell, Mike Massey, Chris Rogers, Max Martin, Roger Allison, Morgan Trent, Kyle Plummer, James Bloomsburgh
5th Row: Leon Hall, Jerome Jackson, Dan Moore, David Hull, Ryan Mundy, Turner Booth, Lamarr Woodley, Patrick Sharrow, Shawn Crable, Adam Kraus, Will Paul, Jeff Kastl, Matt Wilde, Max Pollock, Anton Campbell, Brandent Englemon, Craig Moore
4th Row: Alijah Bradley, Darnell Hood, Mark Spencer, Willis Barringer, Pierre Rembert, Jason Avant, Carl Tabb, Dave Harris, Prescott Burgess, Jake Long, Clayton Richard, Brian Thompson, Rondell Biggs, Steve Breaston, Obi Oluigbo, Mike Carl, B.J. Opong-Owusu, Garrett Rivas
3rd Row: Chris Matsos, David Schoonover, Mike Mandich, Rueben Riley, Matt Gutierrez, Mark Bihl, Kevin Murphy, Tyler Ecker, Mike Kolodziej, Gabriel Watson, Jeremy Van Alstyne, Derek Bell, Larry Harrison, Paul Sarantos, Matt Studenski, Jacob Stewart
2nd Row: Ross Mann, Jeremy Read, Lawrence Reid, Scott McClintock, Leo Henige, Earnest Shazor, Matt Lentz, Pat Massey, Pierre Woods, Adam Stenavich, Tim Massaquoi, Alex Ofili, Joey Sarantos, Troy Nienberg, Grant Mason.
Front Row: David Underwood, Jermaine Gonzales, Adam Finley, Roy Manning, Spencer Brinton, David Baas, Lloyd Carr, Marlin Jackson, Braylon Edwards, Jim Fisher, Kevin Dudley, Markus Curry, Tim Bracken.
8th Row: Larry Martin, Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Kevin Tolbert, Mike Gittleson, Mark Elder, Sam Sword, Ron English, Steve Stripling, Jim Herrmann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Scot Loeffler, Mike Debord, Terry Heffernan, Brad Labadie, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk.
7th Row: Ryan Krach, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Eric Boso, Andy Lewandowski, Brad Rosenwasser, Gene Skidmore, Jim Schneider, Dave Ablauf, Kevin Undeen, Brent Pantaleo, Dan Cetnar, Kyle Zink, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland.
6th Row: Eric Van Beek, Tim North, Brandon Harrison, Mister Simpson, Brandon Logan, Antonio Bass, Eugene Germany, David Moosman, Tim McAvoy, Cory Zirbel, Laterryal Savoy, Carson Butler, Andre Criswell, Jason Former, Mario Manningham, Chris Richards, Kevin Norris, Ohene Opong Owusu, Matt McCay, Ben Wright
5th Row: Jason Eldridge, Kevin Grady, James Bloomsburgh, Kyle Plummer, Terrance Taylor, Sean Griffin, Kyle Myers, Chris McLaurin, Justin Schifano, Mark Ortmann, Jon Saigh, Zoltan Mesko, Johnny Sears, James Mckinney, Tyrone Jordan, James Logan, Landon Smith, Craig Moore.
4th Row: Doug Dutch, Morgan Trent, Mark Spencer, Dan Moore, Charles Stewart, Chip Cartwright, Turner Booth, Brent Gallimore, Jeremy Ciulla, Grant Debenedictis, Alex Mitchell, Will Johnson, Tim Jamison, Mike Massey, Max Pollock, Ross Ryan, Marques Walton, John Thompson, Mike Carl
3rd Row: Garrett Rivas, Mike Hart, Chris Graham, Chad Henne, Adrian Arrington, Jeff Kastl, Brad Cischke, Pat Sharrow, Adam Kraus, Jake Long, Alan Branch, Will Paul, Paul Sarantos, Matt Wilde, Jamar Adams, Max Martin, Brandent Englemon, Anton Campbell, B.J. Opong Owusu.
2nd Row: Alijah Bradley, Darnell Hood, Ryan Mundy, Steve Breaston, Carl Tabb, LaMarr Woodley, Matt Gutierrez, Shawn Crable, Mike Kolodziej, Tyler Ecker, Jeremy Van Alstyne, Rondell Biggs, Prescott Burgess, Mark Bihl, Willis Barringer, Obi Oluigbo, Leon Hall, Jerome 'Jackson.
Front Row: Jason Avant, Brian Thompson, Dave Harris, Scott Mcclintock, Gabe Watson, Matt Lentz, Pat Massey, Lloyd Carr, Tim Massaquoi, Pierre Woods, Adam Stenavich, Leo Henige, Rueben Riley, David Schoonover, Grant Mason.
"This volume, like its two predecessors ['The unity of western civilization' and 'Progress'] arises from a course of lectures delivered at a summer school at Woodbrooke, near Birmingham, in August, 1919."
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons associated with parents' choices of specific types of private schools. The researcher hoped to determine if there were any significant differences in the reasons parents reported for enrolling their child in a specific private school. Studies in the past have explored why parents choose private schools. This study focused on why parents chose a specific type of private school, what were the variables involved, and were there any significant differences in the motivation of parents with children enrolled in different types of private schools.^ The study gathered data using a survey instrument which centered on 14 variables generally associated with the choice of private schools. The survey asked parents to rate the variables using a Likert type scale. The Likert rating was used because it does not require respondents to choose between variables. The general areas of emphasis were (a) academics, (b) religion and values/morals, (c) nurturing educational environment, and (d) proximity and convenience of the school. The survey also gather qualitative data in the form of comments volunteered by over a third of the respondents.^ The survey was mailed to 560 randomly selected families from 30 private high schools in a 50 mile radius of Miami, Florida. The 10 high schools, represented five types of private schools, Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Independent, Jewish, and Fundamentalist Christian. After four mailings a total of 401 surveys were returned for a rate 72%.^ Significant differences appeared as the data was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD pairwise analysis. The variables showing significant differences between types of schools were (a) quality of instruction, (b) commitment of teachers, (c) emphasis on religion, (d) small class size, (e) well-defined academic goals, (f) proximity of the school's location, (g) preparation for desired secondary schools/colleges, and (h) convenience of school's operating schedule.^ Parents appeared to have specific reasons for choosing a particular private school. They appeared to look for a school that would satisfy the special needs of their child and would be compatible with their own values, morals, and personal philosophy. ^