995 resultados para ISO 9000 Series Standards
Actualmente las empresas salvadoreñas, están afrontando nuevos fenómenos económicos que afectan sus funciones, tal es el caso de la globalización y de los Tratados de Libre Comercio, que traen consigo la llegada de empresas de renombre mundial a los mercados nacionales, por lo que tienen ante sí el enorme reto de ofrecer nuevas razones a sus clientes para que sus productos y servicios sean los preferidos. Ante tal situación, lograr la calidad es una necesidad imperante para las empresas, es decir, que deben tener la capacidad de incrementar, consolidar y mantener su presencia en el mercado, ofreciendo productos y servicios que satisfagan las necesidades de los clientes. Por tal razón, el objetivo principal del presente estudio es investigar cómo se logrará la eficiencia en los servicios que ofrece la empresa IC CONSULTORÍA S.A. DE C.V. al certificar sus procesos, basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2000, para ello se debe conocer los beneficios y ventajas que se obtendrán al lograr su certificación y las obligaciones que se adquieren. Para realizar la investigación, se elaboró tres tipos de cuestionarios con base en la Norma ISO 9001:2000, los cuales fueron dirigidos a empleados, gerentes y clientes de la empresa IC CONSULTORÍA S.A. DE C.V., así también se utilizó la entrevista estructurada y la observación no participativa para evitar sesgo en la información recolectada. Toda esta recopilación de información, nos permitió conocer el nivel de calidad en la prestación de servicios que posee actualmente la empresa IC CONSULTORÍA S.A. DE C.V., las características que debe tener la empresa al certificarse, las dificultades y beneficios del proceso de certificación, debiendo comprender que todo esto debe realizarse con el fin de incrementar la calidad en los servicios ofrecidos y generar así la competitividad de la empresa a través de la Norma ISO 9001:2000.
Actualmente en las empresas que ofrecen un servicio, es necesario que estas desarrollen sistemas orientados a la calidad para brindar un servicio que cumplan con las expectativas de sus clientes. De acuerdo a lo antes expuesto se presenta el informe final del trabajo de graduación denominado “Propuesta de Normalización Aplicando ISO 9000 en la Prestación de Servicios a los Exportadores en el Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador” con el fin de que dicha institución asegure la eficiencia del servicio que les brinda a los exportadores en el Centro de Trámites de Exportación (CENTREX) cumpliendo con los diferentes requisitos que estos exigen. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se elaboraron tres instrumentos para recolectar información los cuales estaban dirigidos de la siguiente manera: el primero a la Alta Dirección del CENTREX, éste se encuentra estructurado bajo los apartados de la Norma ISO 9001:2000, el segundo a los exportadores activos (clientes) y el tercero al personal administrativo del CENTREX. Se seleccionó una muestra representativa de exportadores, para obtener las diferentes opiniones acerca del servicio que se les brinda. Como resultado se realizó el diagnóstico de la situación actual, el cual se ha estructurado de acuerdo al número de cuestionarios. Se logró identificar en los resultados de la encuesta fundamentada en los apartados de la Norma ISO 9001, que la Alta Dirección del CENTREX, necesitaba establecer un sistema orientado a la calidad para facilitar la actividad exportadora, basado en una normativa reconocida internacionalmente debido a que se relaciona con empresas e instituciones nacionales y extranjeras. Además se identificó que no cuentan con objetivos y política de calidad documentados, un organigrama que refleje las relaciones de autoridad y responsabilidad, no ha documentado la mayoría de procedimientos y no poseen ningún mecanismo que permita medir la satisfacción del cliente. También se denotó que la Alta Dirección no ha logrado establecer excelentes relaciones armoniosas entre el personal administrativo. Dicha situación permitió la realización de un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en donde se proponen los objetivos y política de la calidad, manual de calidad y los procedimientos principales, de soporte y medición, análisis y mejora cumpliendo así con los requisitos exigidos por la Norma ISO 9001:2000 para un sistema orientado a la calidad en donde su objeto principal es satisfacer las exigencias y necesidades de los clientes.
Quality related problems have become dominant in the seafood processing industry in Kerala. This has resulted in the rejection of seafood sent from India to many destinations. The latest being the total block listing of seafood companies from India from being exported to Europe and partial block listing by the US. The quality systems prevailed in the seafood industry in India were outdated and no longer in use in the developed world. According to EC Directive discussed above all the seafood factories exporting to European countries have to adopt HACCP. Based on this, EIA has now made HACCP system mandatory in all the seafood processing factories in India. This transformation from a traditional product based inspection system to a process control system requires thorough changes in the various stages of production and quality management. This study is conducted by the author with to study the status of the existing infrastructure and quality control system in the seafood industry in Kerala with reference to the recent developments in the quality concepts in international markets and study the drawbacks, if any, of the existing quality management systems in force in the seafood factories in Kerala for introducing the mandatory HACCP concept. To assess the possibilities of introducing Total Quality Management system in the seafood industry in Kerala in order to effectively adopt the HACCP concept. This is also aimed at improving the quality of the products and productivity of the industry by sustaining the world markets in the long run.
At national and European levels, in various projects, data products are developed to provide end-users and stakeholders with homogeneously qualified observation compilation or analysis. Ifremer has developed a spatial data infrastructure for marine environment, called Sextant, in order to manage, share and retrieve these products for its partners and the general public. Thanks to the OGC and ISO standard and INSPIRE compliance, the infrastructure provides a unique framework to federate homogeneous descriptions and access to marine data products processed in various contexts, at national level or European level for DG research (SeaDataNet), DG Mare (EMODNET) and DG Growth (Copernicus MEMS). The discovery service of Sextant is based on the metadata catalogue. The data description is normalized according to ISO 191XX series standards and Inspire recommendations. Access to the catalogue is provided by the standard OGC service, Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW 2.0.2). Data visualization and data downloading are available through standard OGC services, Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS). Several OGC services are provided within Sextant, according to marine themes, regions and projects. Depending on the file format, WMTS services are used for large images, such as hyperspectral images, or NcWMS services for gridded data, such as climatology models. New functions are developped to improve the visualization, analyse and access to data, eg : data filtering, online spatial processing with WPS services and acces to sensor data with SOS services.
O pretexto da implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade numa empresa de produção de fundos copados, constitui pretexto para provocar uma análise mais profunda e fundamentada do tema e objetivo para este projeto. Entender um conceito tão subjetivo como o de qualidade afigura-se como necessidade primária para o início da reflexão. Percorremos em seguida a história do conceito desde a Europa Medieval até à revolução na qualidade que acabaria por acontecer no Japão após a II Guerra Mundial. A qualidade como a entendemos hoje deve-se ainda a contributos de personalidades que identificaram vários métodos que surgiram ao longo do tempo e que foram melhorando o conceito, de entre as quais se referem três: William Deming, Joseph Moses Juran e Philip B. Crosby. Em seguida reflete-se acerca do impacto real da implementação da ISO 9000, recorrendo ao estudo de Olivier Boiral, que fornece uma aproximação bastante real dos benefícios da implementação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade. Ainda no segundo capítulo analisamos a importância do processo de certificação, concluindo que a tarefa extra de uma organização externa certificar o SGQ constitui indubitavelmente uma forma de manter o sistema rigoroso e disciplinado. No terceiro capítulo, “ISO 9001:2008 VERSUS ISO 9001:2015”, analisamos em detalhe as principais alterações da futura norma ISO 9001:2015 relativamente à iISO 9001:2008: introdução do “pensamento baseado no risco”; enfase dado à abordagem por processos; enfase dado à “gestão da mudança”; “gestão do conhecimento”; “direção estratégica”, integrando os sistemas de gestão e da qualidade; a determinação de que todas as normas que integram um sistema de gestão seguirão um novo formato, chamado “high-level structure” como definido no Anexo SL; e enfase ainda dado à consideração do feedback de todos os processos e stakeholders envolvidos. Seguidamente, no capítulo “Apresentação da “Empresa Lda””, apresenta-se a empresa alvo deste caso de estudo, uma indústria metalomecânica que fabrica fundos copados para o mercado nacional e internacional. Analisadas as principais alterações entre a atual e a futura norma, no capítulo “SGQ Proposto Assente na Futura Norma ISO 9001:2015” propõem-se alterações ao sistema já implementado anteriormente com base na aceitação da futura ISO 9001:2015 e alterações que esta prevê. Os processos e procedimentos que representem mais tempo e custo serão 6 identificados, assim como aqueles que poderão ser mais rapidamente adaptados para que o SGQ seja assim otimizado e mais adaptado aos recursos disponíveis. Para esta reflexão e desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia recorre-se a vários instrumentos: estabelecem-se objetivos, efectua-se a análise SWOT, uma análise FMEA, a Análise de Gestão do Conhecimento e finalmente a Análise das Partes Interessadas. Em conjunto com as propostas de ações referidas nas análises anteriores descrevem-se de seguida as propostas de ação de intervenção nos fluxogramas. Os processos e procedimentos que aqui se destacam são aqueles que se consideram poderem constituir impacto eficaz e que vão ao encontro daquilo que é proposto na nova norma ISO 9001:2015, tendo em conta as principais alterações vistas anteriormente.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Diplomityö tehtiin julkisivuelementtejä valmistavalle Joutsenen Elementti Oy:lle. Työn tavoitteena oli pk- yrityksen toiminnan kehittäminen vastaamaan uudistuvaa SFS ISO 9001- laadunhallintajärjestelmästandardia sekä ratkaisujen etsiminen kehitystyön aikana ilmitulleisiin ongelmiin. Tarkoituksena oli rakentaa sertifiointikelpoinen laatujärjestelmä osaksi yrityksen jokapäiväistä toimintaa lisäämään sekä toiminnan tehokkuutta että kilpailukykyä.Uudistuva ISO 9000- standardisarja ei suinkaan romuta vielä voimassa olevaa versiota, vaan täydentää ja järjestää sitä ymmärrettävämmäksi kokonaisuudeksi. Laadunhallintajärjestelmästandardin vaatimusten tehokas ja oikeanlainen noudattaminen auttaa yritystä lisäämään sekä toimintansa tehokkuutta että kilpailukykyä. Tehokas kehitystyö vaatii kuitenkin onnistuakseen johdon täydellisen sitoutumisen ja tuen lisäksi motivoituneen henkilökunnan. Parhaiten kehitystyö onnistuu, kun se lähtee yrityksen omista tarpeista ja pystytään suorittamaan ilman ulkoisia tai aikataulu paineita. Näin yritys voi keskittyä oman toimintansa parantamiseen ja tätä kautta lisätä arvoaan myös asiakkaiden silmissä, ilman sertifikaattiakin. Pelkän mainosarvon takia hankittu sertifikaatti eli kolmannen osapuolen antama todistus standardinmukaisesta toiminnasta tuokin yritykselle useimmiten enemmän haittaa kuin hyötyä. Joutseno Elementti Oy.n toiminta kartoitettiin nykytilananalyysin muodossa, joka toi-mi pohjana kehitystyön aloittamiselle. Nykytilan analyysi tehtiin pääasiassa haastatteluihin ja muutamaan kirjalliseen kyselyyn pohjautuen. Varsinainen kehittämistyö aloitettiin tutustumalla laadunhallintajärjestelmä standardeihin ja kirjallisuuteen. Työn aikana toimintaa muokattiin vastaamaan standardin vaatimuksia ja samalla kehitettiin nykytilan analyysin pohjalta ilmenneiden ongelmakohtien toimintaa. Työn tuloksena syntyi dokumentoitu SFS ISO 9001:2000 mukainen laatujärjestelmä, jonka päädokumenttina toimii laatukäsikirja. Lisäksi toteutettiin kehitystoimenpiteitä lisäämään
In Brazil , the construction industry is on an upward trend, mainly by the housing shortage , and yet there are few builders that take a Quality Management System ( QMS ) to improve the quality of its services and processes . The ISO 9001 standards are guidelines for an effective QMS and this certificate is recognized worldwide as a seal of quality standard. This paper will describe and analyze the implementation of a QMS in a small construction company of Guaratinguetá - SP, identifying best practices and major difficulties , besides proposing preparatory recommendations for other companies that seek the ISO 9000 certification. Access to company’s data made the nonconformities and the customer satisfaction research analysis possible, and a questionnaire and unstructured interviews allowed a deeper understanding of the situation. Despite this ISO 9000 QMS not being fully implemented, the company has already conquered some improvements in document control, project planning, process traceability and established focus on customer
Purpose – Castings defects are usually easy to characterize, but to eradicate them can be a difficult task. In many cases, defects are caused by the combined effect of different factors, whose identification is often difficult. Besides, the real non-quality costs are usually unknown, and even neglected. This paper aims to describe the development of a modular tool for quality improvement in foundries, and its main objective is to present the application potential and the foundry process areas that are covered and taken into account. Design/methodology/approach – The integrated model was conceived as an expert system, designated Qualifound, which performs both qualitative and quantitative analyses. For the qualitative analyses mode, the nomenclature and the description of defects are based on the classification suggested by the International Committee of the Foundry Technical Association. Thus, a database of defects was established, enabling one to associate the defects with the relevant process operations and the identification of their possible causes. The quantitative analysis mode deals with the number of produced and rejected castings and includes the calculation of the non-quality costs. Findings – The validation of Qualifound was carried out in a Portuguese foundry, whose quality system had been certified according to the ISO 9000 standards. Qualifound was used in every management area and it was concluded that the application had the required technological requisites to provide the necessary information for the foundry management to improve process quality. Originality/value – The paper presents a successful application of an informatics tool on quality improvement in foundries.
According to Wright [1] certification of products and processes began during the 1960’s in the manufacturing industry, as a tool to control and assure the quality/conformity of products and services provided by suppliers to customers/consumers. Thus, the series of ISO 9000 was published first time, in 1987 and it was been created with a flexible character, to be reviewed periodically. Later, were published others normative references, which highlight the ISO 14001 in 1996 and OHSAS 18001 in 1999. This was also, the natural sequence of the certification processes in the organizations, i.e., began with the certification of quality management systems (QMS) followed by the environmental management systems (EMS) and after for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). Hence, a high percentage of organizations with an EMS, in accordance with the ISO 14001, had also implemented, a certified QMS, in accordance with ISO 9001. At first the implementation of a QMS was particularly relevant in high demanding activity sectors, like the automotive and aeronautical industries, but it has rapidly extended to every activity sector, becoming a common requisite of any company worldwide and a factor of competitiveness and survival. Due to the increasingly demanding environmental legislation in developed countries, companies nowadays are required to seriously take into consideration not only environmental aspects associated to the production chain itself, but also to the life cycle of their products.
No mundo atual, as empresas têm que ser cada vez mais competitivas. Para poder concorrer e ser competitivo em qualquer mercado do mundo, é mandatório ter um produto da melhor qualidade e ao melhor preço, mediante o público-alvo a que este se destina, uma vez que a população está cada vez melhor informada e mais exigente. Para obtenção de um produto final de melhor qualidade, são necessárias a qualificação e bemestar da mão-de-obra, assim como de todos os restantes intervenientes, assim como, produtos de qualidade, sempre com o objetivo de fornecer um melhor produto ao cliente. Como modelo padronizado de gestão de qualidade surge a ISO 9000, passível de ser utilizado por qualquer organização, que ao longo dos tempos tem recebido alterações sempre numa perspetiva de melhoria, como a própria norma nos aconselha. O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar e implementar a ISO 9000 (no caso, a sua versão mais recente ISO 9001:2008) numa empresa de construção civil com todos os seus requisitos, podendo assim verificar, na prática, em que moldes se concretiza a aplicação da ISO 9000 à referida área. A norma em questão é implementada numa empresa de construção civil real, na vertente de construção de edificações, sediada em Recife, PE – Brasil. Assim, nesta dissertação, abordar-se-á e implementar-se-á um modelo de organização para uma empresa de construção civil, segundo a Norma ISO 9001:2008, na sua versão Brasileira ANBT NBR ISO 9001:2008.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios
Purpose – the aim of this paper is to analyse the diffusion and efficiency of ISO 9001 on different sectors of activity Design/methodology/approach – for that purpose, a holistic an integrative theoretical approach was based on the scope of the Contingency theory, the Institutional theory and the Resources-Based View (RBV). This theorethical perspective was used in a broad empirical study, using a qualitative and quantitative methodology, concerning Portuguese companies from different sectors of activity. Findings – according to the findings from both perspectives, a ranked combination of the named theoretical frame was constructed. Research limitations/implications – as to the analysis of the efficiency of ISO 9000, one of the limitations of this study lays in the consideration of just two sectors of activity, and another relates to its domestic geographical placement. Practical implications – this study used the ISO 9001 structure for the interviews and this has revealed very useful for the organizations to grasp the matters inquired. Originality/value – a relevant contribution to the state of art is achieved through the considered theoretical scope of analysis
All organisations make some contribution to the degradation of the environment through their use of resources and production of waste. Environmental management systems (EMS) standards can provide a tool for companies to systematically reduce their environmental impacts. ISO 14001 was published in 1996. This fitted in with plans of the case study company to take proactive action in this area, even though there was no legislative requirement for them to do so. As EMS implementation was a new area at the time, appropriate methodologies were developed to address different aspects of the implementation, and ISO 14001 was successfully implemented in the company. The results of the primary research included: ♦ Drawing up a methodology for identifying and interpreting the environmental legislation that may have an impact on the organisation and compiling a register of such regulations. ♦ Developing a robust methodology for assessing significant environmental aspects and impacts and applying this to the software company. ♦ Establishing objectives and targets for those aspects identified as significant and implementing environmental management programmes to meet these. ♦ Developing an internal environmental audit procedure based on auditing against the significant aspects. ♦ Integrating areas of the EMS with the existing quality management system in order to avoid duplication of effort. ♦ Undergoing an external assessment process in order to achieve certification of the system. The thesis concludes that the systematic approach defined in ISO 14001 provided a mechanism that the organisation was able to adopt to bring about improvement in its environmental performance. The system was based on a thorough evaluation of the organisation's significant environmental aspects in order to bring about a reduction in its negative impacts. The ISO 14001 requirement for continual improvement is the key driver of the system, and this is what differentiates it from ISO 9000.
Työn tavoitteena on laatia laadunhallintajärjestelmä ja laatukäsikirja kauppakeskus H-taloon ISO 9001:2000 standardia hyväksi käyttäen. Käsikirjassa kuvataan mahdollisimman yksinkertaisesti toimintaa ohjaavat periaatteet eli yrityksen laatupolitiikka, yrityksen eri prosessit, menettelyohjeet ja laadun toteamiseksi tarvittavat mittarit. Perimmäisenä tarkoituksena on käynnistää jatkuvan parantamisen prosessi ja näin parantaa kauppakeskuksen pitkän tähtäimen suorituskykyä. Työn teoreettisessa osassa tutustutaan laadun merkitykseen ja palveluliiketoiminnan logiikkaan. Keskeisenä teoriana käytetään odotetun ja koetun laadun muodostamaa koettua kokonaislaatua, jota sovelletaan kauppakeskusympäristöön. Lopuksi tutustutaan ISO 9000 standardisarjaan. Seuraavassa osassa H-talon tarjoamien toimitilapalveluiden nykytilaa kartoitetaan kauppakeskuksen yrittäjille tehdyssä kyselyssä. Kysely toteutettiin kauppakeskusympäristöön muokatulla odotetun ja koetun palvelun laadun eroa mittaavalla SERVQUAL-mentelmällä. Lisäksi apuna käytettiin kriittisten tapahtumien menetelmää. Lopuksi laaditaan runko kauppakeskuksen laadunhallintajärjestelmään ja pohditaan toimenpiteitä järjestelmän käyttöön ottamiseksi ja kehittämiseksi. Kauppakeskuksen laatukäsikirja esitetään liitteenä.