115 resultados para IPL
Introducción: Los resultados de la remoción de tatuajes con láser de sesión a sesión según los parámetros utilizados son limitados en la literatura. Objetivo: Evaluar los cambios en el aclaramiento de tatuajes y factores asociados posterior a una sesión con láser y los efectos adversos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio longitudinal retrospectivo de antes y después de 1 sesión de con láser para remoción de tatuajes, donde se determinaron parámetros del tratamiento, aclaramiento y efectos adversos. Resultados: Se evaluaron 35 pacientes para un total de 98 sesiones, fototipo de piel II y IV. Equipos utilizados laser Q-Switch Nd Yag 1064 (83.3%), láser Q-Switch Nd YAG 532(11.3%) y laser Q-Switch Rubí (4.1%). El aclaramiento posterior a la sesión de láser fue evaluado por dos evaluadores independientes, mostrando concordancia significativa (Kappa de 0.615, p<0.001), con aclaración en un 96% de los tatuajes después de la sesión de láser. (p< 0.001). Se encontraron cambios significativos entre la densidad de energía aplicada y las categorías de aclaramiento de la escala de 0 a 3, siendo a mayor densidad mayor el nivel de aclaramiento (p= 0.05). No se encontró asociación significativa entre el número de pases y el aclaramiento del tatuaje. Los efectos adversos fueron del 5.4%. Cicatriz 2%, hiperpigmentación 2% y hipopigmentación 1%. Conclusión: Posterior a una sesión de remoción de tatuajes con láser Q-Switch hay un aclaramiento significativo en un 96% asociado con la densidad de energía, a mayor densidad de energía mayor el nivel de aclaramiento y no al número de pases realizados.
OBJETIVOS: Determinar los factores pronóstico, cambios maculares morfológicos y de capa de fibras nerviosas ganglionares posterior a vitrectomía pars plana, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de antes y después (3y6 meses) de la vitrectomía pars plana (VPP) en pacientes con membrana epirretiniana, agujero macular, síndrome de tracción vítreo macular y opacidades vítreas no-inflamatorias. Se realizó seguimiento clínico y con tomografía de coherencia óptica. RESULTADOS: Grupo de 60 pacientes (mujeres 65.0%), edad promedio 65.45+9.49años y tiempo de enfermedad promedio 23+29.79meses. Las indicaciones de VPP (n=60ojos) fueron agujero macular (38.3%) y membrana epirretiniana (36.7%). Se encontró diferencia significativa entre grosor del complejo capa de células ganglionares (CCG)+capa plexiforme interna (CPI) inicial y 3 meses (p=0.039), correlación entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer y sexto mes (r=0.704,p<0.001) y grosor del complejo CCG+CPI al tercer mes con grosor foveal central (CFT) al tercer y sexto mes (r=–0.594,p<0.001 y r=–0.595,p=0.001). Mayores de 65años tenían menor grosor de CFNG a 6meses (r=-0.528,p=0.007). El grosor de CFNG promedio y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial fueron factores pronósticos de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP (r2=0.414,p=0.018, y r2=0.414,p=0.010). CONCLUSIÓN: El grosor de CFNG y la presencia de la zona elipsoide inicial tienen alta capacidad predictiva de buena agudeza visual al tercer mes de VPP, y, correlación inversa entre grosor del complejo CCG+CPI con CFT al tercer y sexto mes de VPP.
Generalized cubes are a subclass of hypercube-like networks, which include some hypercube variants as special cases. Let theta(G)(k) denote the minimum number of nodes adjacent to a set of k vertices of a graph G. In this paper, we prove theta(G)(k) >= -1/2k(2) + (2n - 3/2)k - (n(2) - 2) for each n-dimensional generalized cube and each integer k satisfying n + 2 <= k <= 2n. Our result is an extension of a result presented by Fan and Lin [J. Fan, X. Lin, The t/k-diagnosability of the BC graphs, IEEE Trans. Comput. 54 (2) (2005) 176-184]. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Generalized honeycomb torus is a candidate for interconnection network architectures, which includes honeycomb torus, honeycomb rectangular torus, and honeycomb parallelogramic torus as special cases. Existence of Hamiltonian cycle is a basic requirement for interconnection networks since it helps map a "token ring" parallel algorithm onto the associated network in an efficient way. Cho and Hsu [Inform. Process. Lett. 86 (4) (2003) 185-190] speculated that every generalized honeycomb torus is Hamiltonian. In this paper, we have proved this conjecture. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The recursive circulant RC(2(n), 4) enjoys several attractive topological properties. Let max_epsilon(G) (m) denote the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of graph G induced by m nodes. In this paper, we show that max_epsilon(RC(2n,4))(m) = Sigma(i)(r)=(0)(p(i)/2 + i)2(Pi), where p(0) > p(1) > ... > p(r) are nonnegative integers defined by m = Sigma(i)(r)=(0)2(Pi). We then apply this formula to find the bisection width of RC(2(n), 4). The conclusion shows that, as n-dimensional cube, RC(2(n), 4) enjoys a linear bisection width. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The visual system is an important link between the animal and the environment, com profound influences on the habits and lifestyle in various habitats. Adaptive mechanismsto the temporal niche are present in the visual system of many vertebrates, involving changins in ocular dimensios and design, retinal cell distribution and organization of neurochemical circuits related to the retinal resolution or sensitivity. The sensory system of the eye is represented by the retina, whose organization is responsible by receipty, initial analysis, and transmission of the information to the brain. The knowledge of the position of the eyes in the head and the distribution of retinal cells allow to identify adaptive aspects of each species to its visual field, which is characteristic to the ecological niche it occupies. In this research, we study eye anatomical characteristics and retina neurochemical features of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a tipical Brazilian rodent from the suborder Hystricomorpha, family Caviidae. The rock cavy has lateral eyes well constitute bony orbit and well differentiated extrinsic muscle. The study of the descriptive and morphometric anatomy of the showed mean values of axial diameter 10.7±0,5mm and equatorial diameter 11.6±0.7mm. The pupil is slit shaped and the lens has mean axial diameter 5.4±0.03 mm, corresponding to ~45% of the axial diameter of the eye. The posterior nodal distance and the retinal magnification factor were estimated at 6.74 mm e 118 μm/grau, respectively. Flat mounts were processed for Nissl stain, and the topographic distribution of ganglion cells showed a moderate visual band, just below the optic disc, with higher density in the ventral retina. Retinal vertical sections and flat mounts were processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize tyrosine hydroxilase (TH) and thus two types of TH+ cells were detected. Type 1 cells had strong TH-immunoreactivity, the body cell varied from 120.047 to 269.373 μm2 stratifying in the sublamina 1 of the IPL. Type 2 cells were weakly TH-imunoreactive, had cell body located mostly in the IPL, varying from 54.848 to 177.142 μm2, constituting ~10% of the TH+ cells. Both cell types exhibited similar topographic distribution with higher density found in a horizontal band along of the naso-temporal axis in the dorsal retina. The total population of dopaminergic cells was 2,156±469,4 cells, occupying an average area of 198,164 μm2. The presence of cones and rods was detected by immunohistochemistry in vertical sections and flat mounts. S cones density is around 10 times smaller than L cones, with different degree of spatial organization. Other retinal neuronal populations of the rock cavy were also detected in vertical sections with specific markers. Comparative analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the rock cavy eye 12 suggest that it was designed to acquire higher sensitivity to light, at expense of image sharpness, compatible with a vision at mesopic conditions. Additionally, the distribution of the 2 subtypes of dopaminergic cells in a naso-temporal band in the dorsal retina seems suitable to a gain in sensitivity, coherent with an animal with predominantly crepuscular activity pattern
Background The clinical efficacy of intense pulsed light (IPL) in the treatment of poikiloderma of Civatte (PC) is well documented, but little is known about microscopic changes. Objective To analyze histopathologic findings on the necks of individuals with PC after IPL therapy. Materials and Methods Fourteen patients with PC on the neck underwent three monthly sessions of IPL. Biopsies and clinical photographs were taken before and 60 similar to days after treatment. A dermatopathologist analyzed histopathologic slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-van Gieson and Fontana-Masson or processed for CD-34 immunohistochemistry. The slides also underwent digital image analysis. Clinical results were based on the analysis of the pictures by three dermatologists and on patient satisfaction. Results Intense pulsed light treatment resulted in more-homogeneous melanin distribution; a greater number of fibroblasts and nonfragmented elastic fibers; and greater density (p similar to=similar to.01), color intensity (p similar to=similar to.02), number and thickness of the collagen bundles. No significant changes in vessels number or diameters were observed. Clinical results were positive in 92.9% of the cases. Conclusion IPL treatment of PC induced a more-homogeneous distribution of melanin and increased nonfragmented elastic fibers, collagen density, and intensity. These changes were related to clinical improvement.
Paw edema was induced in male Wistar rats (200-250 g) by intraplantar (ipl) administration of 2.5 mu g endotoxin (Etx). Etx, like carrageenin, produced two distinct edema formation phases, an early phase (75 min) followed by a late phase (7 h). We showed that the edema formation in the early phase was antagonized by dipyrone (80 mg/kg, ip) and indomethacin (1 mg/kg, ip) by 52% and 55%, respectively, and that the late phase was resistant to these drugs. These results suggest that in the early phase prostaglandins appear to be involved in the process. However, the activation of the kinin cascade leading to the release of other mediators may be involved in the increase of edema in the late phase. To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether the release of nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the mechanism of endotoxin-induced rat paw edema during the late phase, using N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (50 mu g, ipl) as inhibitor of NO synthase and L-arginine (1 mg, ipl) as substrate of NO synthase. The paw edema induced by Etx was inhibited by L-NAME by 56% and increased by L-arginine by 81%. Furthermore, L-arginine given in combination with L-NAME completely reversed the inhibition of Etx-induced edema produced by L-NAME. These results support the hypothesis that in the late phase NO production is associated with the edema evoked by Etx.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Amakrinzellen sind hemmende Interneurone der Netzhaut. Sie exprimieren erregende, ionotrope Glutamat-Rezeptoren und hemmende Glyzin- bzw. GABA-Rezeptoren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Glyzinrezeptoren von Amakrinzellen mit Hilfe der „Patch Clamp“ Technik in Wildtyp- und Glyzin-Rezeptor Knock-out-Mäusen (Glra1spd-ot, Glra2-/-, Glra3-/-) untersucht. In Schnitten und Ganzpräparaten von akut isolierten Netzhäuten wurden Glyzin-induzierte und spontane inhibitorische postsynaptische Ströme (sIPSCs) gemessen. Die Untersuchungen beschränkten sich auf eine Gruppe von Amakrinzellen, die sich durch ein relativ kleines Dendritenfeld auszeichnen, das alle Schichten der IPL durchzieht. Dabei wurden die Ströme von zwei Typen von Amakrinzellen, den AII-Zellen und den NF-Zellen, miteinander verglichen. Alle untersuchten Amakrinzellen reagierten mit einem Stromfluss über die Membran, wenn Glyzin appliziert wurde. Bei AII-Zellen war die Amplitude des Stromes bei der Glra3-/--Maus um etwa 50 % reduziert, während bei den anderen Mauslinien kein Unterschied zum Wildtyp festgestellt wurde. Bei NF-Zellen wurde nur ein geringer Unterschied der Stromamplituden zwischen Wildtyp und Mutanten gefunden. Er war am deutlichsten bei der Glra2-/--Maus. Picrotoxinin ist ein effektiver Antagonist von homomeren Glyzinrezeptoren, während heteromere Glyzinrezeptoren relativ unempfindlich sind. Die Wirkung von Picrotoxinin war bei allen untersuchten Zellen ähnlich und reduzierte die Glyzinantwort um etwa 25 - 30 %. Dieser Effekt war unabhängig von der Mauslinie. Amakrinzellen exprimieren also zum Großteil heteromere Rezeptoren Zur Untersuchung der synaptischen Glyzinrezeptoren der Amakrinzellen wurden die spontanen inhibitorischen postsynaptischen Ströme dieser Zellen gemessen und deren Amplituden und Kinetiken bestimmt. Dabei unterschieden sich die Zeitkonstanten der Deaktivierungs/Desensitivierungskinetik (τw) von AII- und NF-Zellen, wohingegen die Aktivierungszeit nicht voneinander abwich. Spontane IPSCs, die von AII-Amakrinzellen abgeleitet wurden, hatten eine mittlere Zeitkonstante von τ = 11 ms und streuten zwischen 5 und 30 ms. Die Zeitkonstanten der sIPSCs von NF-Amakrinzellen lagen zwischen 10 und 50 ms und wiesen eine mittlere Zeitkonstante von τw = 27 ms auf. Die unterschiedlichen Zeitkonstanten spiegeln die Zusammensetzung der α-Untereinheiten des Glyzinrezeptors wider. AII-Zellen in der Glra1-/-- und in der Glra2-/--Maus hatten vergleichbare Zeitkonstanten wie die AII-Zellen im Wildtyp. Bei der Glra3-/--Maus konnten bei 50 untersuchten AII-Amakrinzellen keine sIPSCs gemessen werden. Dies und die Ergebnisse der Glyzin-induzierten Ströme von AII-Zellen lassen darauf schließen, dass die glyzinergen Synapsen dieser Zellen bevorzugt die α3-Untereinheit enthalten. Bei NF-Amakrinzellen konnte kein Unterschied zwischen Wildtyp-, Glra1spd-ot- und Glra3-/--Mäusen festgestellt werden. Dagegen zeigten die sIPSCs der NF-Amakrinzellen der Glra2-/--Maus signifikant längere Zeitkonstanten. Der Mittelwert verlängerte sich von 27 ms auf 69 ms und es war eine breitere Streuung mit Zeitkonstanten zwischen 15 und 200 ms zu sehen. Die glyzinergen Synapsen der NF-Zellen enthalten vor allem die α2-Untereinheit des Glyzinrezeptors. Die Zeitkonstanten der sIPSCs sind unabhängig von der Verteilung ihrer jeweiligen Amplituden, und zwischen Wildtyp- und KO-Mäusen wurden keine Unterschiede in den Amplituden der sIPSCs beobachtet. Während der Untersuchungen wurden sporadisch noch weitere Amakrinzellen, vor allem „widefield“- (WF) Zellen abgeleitet. Die Verteilungen der Zeitkonstanten der sIPSCs dieser Zellen streuten zwischen 8 und über 100 ms. Dabei wurden Zeitkonstanten gemessen, die noch langsamer waren als die von NF-Amakrinzellen und bei einigen WF-Zellen wurden mittlere Zeitkonstanten von mehr als 50 ms beobachtet. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unterschiedliche Klassen von Amakrinzellen verschiedene α-Untereinheiten des Glyzinrezeptors in den Synapsen exprimieren. Dies hat Auswirkung auf die Kinetik der glyzinergen Hemmung bei diesen Zellen und lässt darauf schließen, dass sie bei der zeitlichen Modulation der Lichtsignale unterschiedliche Aufgaben haben.
Visual imagery – similar to visual perception – activates feature-specific and category-specific visual areas. This is frequently observed in experiments where the instruction is to imagine stimuli that have been shown immediately before the imagery task. Hence, feature-specific activation could be related to the short-term memory retrieval of previously presented sensory information. Here, we investigated mental imagery of stimuli that subjects had not seen before, eliminating the effects of short-term memory. We recorded brain activation using fMRI while subjects performed a behaviourally controlled guided imagery task in predefined retinotopic coordinates to optimize sensitivity in early visual areas. Whole brain analyses revealed activation in a parieto-frontal network and lateral–occipital cortex. Region of interest (ROI) based analyses showed activation in left hMT/V5+. Granger causality mapping taking left hMT/V5+ as source revealed an imagery-specific directed influence from the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Interestingly, we observed a negative BOLD response in V1–3 during imagery, modulated by the retinotopic location of the imagined motion trace. Our results indicate that rule-based motion imagery can activate higher-order visual areas involved in motion perception, with a role for top-down directed influences originating in IPL. Lower-order visual areas (V1, V2 and V3) were down-regulated during this type of imagery, possibly reflecting inhibition to avoid visual input from interfering with the imagery construction. This suggests that the activation in early visual areas observed in previous studies might be related to short- or long-term memory retrieval of specific sensory experiences.
Previous studies on motion perception revealed motion-processing brain areas sensitive to changes in luminance and texture (low-level) and changes in salience (high-level). The present functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study focused on motion standstill. This phenomenon, occurring at fast presentation frequencies of visual moving objects that are perceived as static, has not been previously explored by neuroimaging techniques. Thirteen subjects were investigated while perceiving apparent motion at 4 Hz, at 30 Hz (motion standstill), isoluminant static and flickering stimuli, fixation cross, and blank screen, presented randomly and balanced for rapid event-related fMRI design. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the occipito-temporal brain region MT/V5 increased during apparent motion perception. Here we could demonstrate that brain areas like the posterior part of the right inferior parietal lobule (IPL) demonstrated higher BOLD-signal during motion standstill. These findings suggest that the activation of higher-order motion areas is elicited by apparent motion at high presentation rates (motion standstill). We interpret this observation as a manifestation of an orienting reaction in IPL towards stimulus motion that might be detected but not resolved by other motion-processing areas (i.e., MT/V5).
OBJECTIVE Neuro-imaging studies have suggested that the ability to imitate meaningless and meaningful gestures may differentially depend on superior (SPL) and inferior (IPL) parietal lobule. Therefore, we hypothesized that imaging-guided neuro-navigated continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) over left SPL mainly affects meaningless and over left IPL predominantly meaningful gestures. METHODS Twelve healthy subjects participated in this study. High resolution structural MRI was used for imaging guided neuro-navigation cTBS. Participants were targeted with one train of cTBS in three experimental sessions: sham stimulation over vertex and real cTBS over left SPL and IPL, respectively. An imitation task, including 24 meaningless and 24 meaningful gestures, was performed 'offline'. RESULTS cTBS over both left IPL and SPL significantly interfered with gestural imitation. There was no differential effect of SPL and IPL cTBS on gesture type (meaningless versus meaningful). CONCLUSIONS Our findings confirm that left posterior parietal cortex plays a predominant role in gestural imitation. However, the hypothesis based on the dual route model suggesting a differential role of SPL and IPL in the processing of meaningless and meaningful gestures could not be confirmed. SIGNIFICANCE Left SPL and IPL play a common role within the posterior-parietal network in gestural imitation regardless of semantic content.