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The electrochemical promotion of a platinum catalyst for ethylene oxidation on a dual chamber membrane reactor was studied. The catalyst was supported on a La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.803 membrane. Due the supporting membrane's electronic conductivity it is possible to promote the reaction by controlling the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane. Upon establishment of an oxygen potential difference across the membrane, oxygen species can migrate and spillover onto the catalyst surface, modifying the catalytic activity. Initial experiments showed an overall promotion of approximately one order of magnitude of the reaction rate of ethylene, under an oxygen atmosphere on the sweep side of the membrane reactor, as compared with the rate under an inert sweep gas. The reaction rate can keep its promoted state even after the flow of oxygen on the sweep side was interrupted. This behavior caused further promotion with every experiment cycle. The causes of permanent promotion and on demonstrating controllable promotion of the catalytic activity are presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA 11/12-17/2006).


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In the field of energy, natural gas is an essential bridge to a clean, low carbon, renewable energy era. However, natural gas processing and transportation regulation require the removal of contaminant compounds such as carbon dioxide (CO2). Regarding clean air, the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, specifically CO2, is of particular concern. Therefore, new costeffective, high performance technologies for carbon capture have been researched and the design of materials with the ability to efficiently separate CO2 from other gases is of vital importance.(...)


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An ion-conducting polymer wherein at least 80% of the repeat units comprise an ion-conducting region and a spacer region is disclosed. The ion-conducting region has an aromatic backbone of one or more aromatic groups, wherein at least one ion-conducting functional group is attached to each aromatic group. The spacer region has an aromatic backbone of at least four aromatic groups, wherein no ion-conducting functional groups are attached to the aromatic backbone. The polymer is suitable for use as a fuel cell membrane, and can be incorporated into membrane electrode assemblies.


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The use of ionic liquids (ILs) as electrolytes for electromechanical actuators based on polypyrroles (PPy's) is described. The composition of the electrolytes has a significant effect on the electrochemical properties of the PPy actuator and subsequently on actuator performance, improving cycle life and strain generated. The actuator performance in ionic liquid electrolytes is significantly better than that in traditional organic and aqueous electrolytes.


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Applications of polymers like polypyrrole and polythiophene often require interaction with an electrolyte consisting of solvent and dissolved salt. Ionic Liquids (ILs) are pure saits, fluid at room temperature, that form charged electrolytes. Pure l-Bu-3-Me-Imidazolium PF6 (BMI PF6) a hydrophobic IL that has a wide potential window, was used to investigate the electrochemistry ofpolypyrrole. Enhanced electrochemic~l stability of polypyrrole was obtained on repetitive redox cycling with respect to the equivalent propylene carbonate electrolyte with tetrabutylammonium hexaflurophosphate (TBA PF6) electrolyte.


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The synthesis of poly(pyrrole), poly(terthiophene), and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) with unusual fibrillar morphologies has been achieved by chemical polymerization in a biphasic ionic liquid/water system. Use of aqueous gold chloride as the oxidant, with the monomers dissolved in a hydrophobic ionic liquid, allows the polymerization to occur at the ionic liquid/water interface. The resultant conducting polymer fibrils are, on average, 50−100 nm wide and can be thousands of nanometers long. The polymers produced in this ionic liquid system are compared to those synthesized in a biphasic chloroform/water system.


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Conducting polymers containing incorporated gold or silver nanoparticles have been synthesized using ionic liquid solutions of gold chloride or silver nitrate. Use of the metal salts as the oxidant for monomers such as pyrrole and terthiophene allows the composites to be formed in one simple step, without the need for templates or capping agents. The incorporated metal nanoparticles are clearly visible by TEM, and the composites have been further analyzed by TGA, CV, UV-Vis, Raman, XPS and scanning TEM coupled with EDS analysis. Utilization of an ionic liquid allows the full oxidizing power of the gold chloride to be accessed, resulting in incorporation of metallic gold into the polymers.


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Choline dihydrogen phosphate ([N1.1.1.2OH]DHP) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dihydrogen phosphate ([C4mim]DHP) were synthesized as a new class of proton-conducting ionic plastic crystals. Both [N1.1.1.2OH]DHP and [C4mim]DHP showed solid–solid phase transition(s) and showed a final entropy of fusion lower than 20 J K−1 mol−1 which is consistent with Timmerman’s criterion for molecular plastic crystals. The ionic conductivity of [N1.1.1.2OH]DHP was in the range of 10−6 S cm−1–10−3 S cm−1 in the plastic crystalline phase. On the other hand, the ionic conductivity of [C4mim]DHP showed about 10−5 S cm−1 in the plastic crystalline phase. [N1.1.1.2OH]DHP showed one order of magnitude higher ionic conductivity than [C4mim]DHP in the temperature range where the plastic phase is stable.


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In this work, we investigated the oxygen permeation properties of barium bismuth iron oxide within the family of [Ba2−3xBi3x−1][Fe2xBi1−2x]O2+3x/2 for x = 0.17–0.60. The structure changed progressively from cubic to tetragonal and then to hexagonal as function of x in accordance with the different relative amounts of bismuth on A-site and B-site of ABO3−δ perovskite lattices. We found that the oxygen flux and electrical conductivity correlated strongly, and it was prevalent for the cubic structure (x = 0.33–0.40) which conferred the highest oxygen flux of 0.59 ml min−1 cm−2 at 950 °C for a disk membrane x = 0.33 with a thickness of 1.2 mm. By reducing the thickness of the disk membrane to 0.8 mm, the oxygen flux increased to 0.77 ml min−1 cm−2, suggesting both surface kinetics and ion diffusion controlled oxygen flux, though the former was more prominent at higher temperatures. For disk membranes x = 0.45–0.60, the perovskite structure changed to tetragonal and hexagonal, and the oxygen flux was insignificant below 900 °C, clearly indicating electron conduction properties only. However, for two compositions with relatively high bismuth content, e.g. x = 0.55 and 0.60, there was a sudden and significant rise of oxygen permeability above 900 °C, by more than one order of magnitude. These materials changed conduction behavior from metallic to semiconductor at around 900 °C. These results suggest the advent of mixed ionic electronic conducting properties caused by the structure transition as bismuth ions changed their valence states to compensate for the oxygen vacancies formed within the perovskite lattices.


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Oxygen production by air separation is of great importance in both environmental and industrial processes as most large scale clean energy technologies require oxygen as feed gas. Currently the conventional cryogenic air separation unit is a major economic impediment to the deployment of these clean energy technologies with carbon capture (i.e. oxy-fuel combustion ). Dense ceramic perovskite membranes are envisaged to replace the cryogenics and reduce O2 production costs by 35% or more; which can significantly cut the energy penalty by 50% when integrated in oxy-fuel power plant for CO2 capture. This paper reviews the current progress in the development of dense ceramic membranes for oxygen production. The principles, advantages or disadvantages, and the crucial problems of all kinds of membranes are discussed. Materials development, optimisation guidelines and suggestions for future research direction are also included. Some areas already previously reviewed are treated with less attention.


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The pH values near a planar dissociating membrane are studied under a mean field approximation using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and its linear form. The equations are solved in planar symmetry with the consideration that the charge density on the dissociating membrane surface results from an equilibrium process with the neighboring electrolyte. Results for the membrane dissociation degree are presented as a function of the electrolyte ionic strength and membrane surface charge density. Our calculations indicate that pH values have an appreciable variation within 2 nm from the membrane. It is shown that the dissociation process is enhanced due to the presence of bivalent ions and that pH values acquire better stability than in an electrolyte containing univalent ions.