Since the 1990s, regular comparisons of gamma-ray spectrometry in Switzerland were organized to improve laboratory abilities to measure the radioactivity in the environment and food stuffs at typical routine levels. The activity concentration of the test samples and the evaluation of the associated uncertainties remained each year the main required test result. Over the years, the comparisons used certified reference solutions as well as environmental samples. The aim of this study is to research the effect of the comparisons on measurement quality. An analysis of the seven last interlaboratory comparisons revealed that the Swiss measurement capability is up to date. In addition, the results showed that the participants now have an improved evaluation of the uncertainties associated with their measurement.
Aquest projecte és la continuació d'un estudi pilot finançat per l'Institut Català de les Dones (U/01-6). Es va anar incrementant la grandària de la mostra -avaluant les característiques del maltractament, la simptomatologia, la personalitat i la seva percepció de la relació de parella-, fins que el 2003 -i gràcies a l'ajut del Departament de Benestar i Família-, dins la Fundació Vidal i Barraquer es va crear un servei d'assistència pública especialitzat en atendre dones maltractades (UNADOM); lloc on durant el 2006 hem desenvolupat el treball que ara presentem. L'objectiu general d'aquest estudi transversal consistia en analitzar la situació psicosocial d'un grup de dones maltractades que acudien a la UNADOM, afegint com a element novedós l'avaluació dels estils d'enfrontament que les dones fan servir després de l'experiència abusiva viscuda. Els instruments utilitzats són l'MCMI-II (Millon, 1999), la DAS (Spanier, 1976), el COPE (Carver et al., 1989) i una adaptació de l’Entrevista Semiestructurada sobre Maltractament Domèstic (Echeburúa et al., 1994). Es recull informació d'un total de 50 dones, 17 de les quals han completat la mesura sobre l'enfrontament. Els resultats indiquen que les escales de personalitat que apareixen més alterades són l'esquizoide, la dependent i l'evitativa, i que aquestes són coherents amb les actituds defensives i les estratègies d'enfrontament predominants de les dones de la mostra. A nivell clínic, i segons l’experiència assistencial, es conclou amb la importància de realitzar entrevistes exploratòries acurades ja que això facilita la indicació terapèutica més adient i la focalització de l'ajuda.
This paper has three principal objectives. First, to review the level of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Tanzania over the last two to three decades, and to place this into an economic context. This review includes some comparisons with the experience of Ghana and Uganda. Second, to discuss three major issues for the Tanzanian aid: the position of ODA as budget support, corruption, and alignment with the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Third, to review the literature on the Tanzanian aid experience, including a range of official evaluation reports produced by the Tanzanian government and by the donor community. The conclusions, broadly, are that ODA has been at a sustained high level for most of the period reviewed, funding a significant amount of government development expenditure, and that economic growth has been strong, with poverty reduction ‘flat-lining’ in Tanzania but being significant in Ghana and Uganda. Experience with budget support in Tanzania has been mixed, corruption continues as a major concern, and improvements to public finance management have been difficult to achieve. In this context governance adjustments come slowly, requiring patience on the part of both recipient governments and the ODA donor community.
This study investigated the direction of effects of temporal and downward social comparisons on self-rated health in very old age. Self-rated health can either reinforce or hinder comparison processes. In the framework of the Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest Old, individuals aged 80 to 84 at baseline were interviewed and followed longitudinally for 5 years. Multilevel analyses were used to test the relative importance of temporal and social comparisons on self-rated health evaluations synchronically and diachronically (with a time lag of 12 to 18 months) as well as the direction of these relative influences. Results indicate that (a) at the synchronic level, continuity temporal comparisons have more impact than downward social comparisons on self-rated health; (b) both types of comparison had an independent and positive effect on self-rated health at the diachronic level; (c) self-rated health has an independent synchronic effect on both types of comparison and an independent diachronic effect in temporal comparison.
Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta del concepte de la persona. Es contempla el concepte de la persona al llarg de la història i en l’actualitat. Se explica la metafísica de la persona des de un plànol antropològic, sobretot la incomunicabilitat que defineix la persona i el concepte de la dignitat que va lligat a ella. Es demostra la paradoxa del ser personal que és alhora incomunicable i interrelacionat amb altres persones pel mitjà de la comunicació, és a dir, que posseïx una bipolaritat entre l’autonomia i la dependència. Es conclou que la comunicació és el producte de l’amor, de les relacions amistoses, de la família i de l’educació. Finalment, se explicita el cas de la incomunicació que es basa en els conceptes moderns sobre la persona, sobretot des de un plànol psicològic.
Power is a fundamental force in social relationships and is pervasive throughout various types of interactions. Although research has shown that the possession of power can change the powerholder, the full extent of power's consequences on individuals' decision making capabilities and social interactions within organizations is not fully understood. The goal of this paper is to review, synthesize, and critique the literature on power with a focus on its organizational and managerial implications. Specifically, we propose a definition of power that takes into account its three defining characteristics-having the discretion and means to enforce one's will-and summarize the extant literature on how power influences individuals' thoughts, emotions, and actions both in terms of prosocial and antisocial outcomes. In addition, we highlight important moderators of power and describe ways in which it can be studied in a more rigorous manner by examining methodological issues and pitfalls with regard to its measurement and manipulation. We also provide future research directions to motivate and guide the study of power by management scholars. Our desire is to present a thorough and parsimonious account of power's influence on individuals within an organizational context, as well as provide a foundation that scholars can build upon as they continue to make consequential contributions to the study of power.
This paper presents reflexions about statistical considerations on illicit drug profiling and more specifically about the calculation of threshold for determining of the seizure are linked or not. The specific case of heroin and cocaine profiling is presented with the necessary details on the target profiling variables (major alkaloids) selected and the analytical method used. Statistical approach to compare illicit drug seizures is also presented with the introduction of different scenarios dealing with different data pre-treatment or transformation of variables.The main aim consists to demonstrate the influence of data pre-treatment on the statistical outputs. A thorough study of the evolution of the true positive rate (TP) and the false positive rate (FP) in heroin and cocaine comparison is then proposed to investigate this specific topic and to demonstrate that there is no universal approach available and that the calculations have to be revaluate for each new specific application.
Chromosomal studies were carried on six larval populations of Simulium (Chirostilbia) pertinax from different locations in Brazil. Larvae were collected in the states of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Polytene chromosome map comparisons within and among populations showed no differences in banding pattern, except for some limited polymorphism (secondary NOR and four band polymorphisms). There were no chromosomal variations associated with the resistance or susceptibility of the larvae to temephos. The chromosomal homosequentiality found among the six populations suggests that S. pertinax may be a monomorphic species.
Neutrality tests in quantitative genetics provide a statistical framework for the detection of selection on polygenic traits in wild populations. However, the existing method based on comparisons of divergence at neutral markers and quantitative traits (Q(st)-F(st)) suffers from several limitations that hinder a clear interpretation of the results with typical empirical designs. In this article, we propose a multivariate extension of this neutrality test based on empirical estimates of the among-populations (D) and within-populations (G) covariance matrices by MANOVA. A simple pattern is expected under neutrality: D = 2F(st)/(1 - F(st))G, so that neutrality implies both proportionality of the two matrices and a specific value of the proportionality coefficient. This pattern is tested using Flury's framework for matrix comparison [common principal-component (CPC) analysis], a well-known tool in G matrix evolution studies. We show the importance of using a Bartlett adjustment of the test for the small sample sizes typically found in empirical studies. We propose a dual test: (i) that the proportionality coefficient is not different from its neutral expectation [2F(st)/(1 - F(st))] and (ii) that the MANOVA estimates of mean square matrices between and among populations are proportional. These two tests combined provide a more stringent test for neutrality than the classic Q(st)-F(st) comparison and avoid several statistical problems. Extensive simulations of realistic empirical designs suggest that these tests correctly detect the expected pattern under neutrality and have enough power to efficiently detect mild to strong selection (homogeneous, heterogeneous, or mixed) when it is occurring on a set of traits. This method also provides a rigorous and quantitative framework for disentangling the effects of different selection regimes and of drift on the evolution of the G matrix. We discuss practical requirements for the proper application of our test in empirical studies and potential extensions.
Aim. Stressful life events are an important contributor to the onset and course of depression. Coping strategies and interpersonal patterns have been found to mediate the effects of stress [1]. Methods. This study examined the relationship between coping patterns and interpersonal interactions in early psychotherapy sessions of 25 female patients with major depression. Transcripts were rated for coping patterns using the Coping Patterns Rating Scale (CPRS; [2]). Interpersonal patterns were assessed using the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB; [3]). Results. Significant correlations were found between coping patterns and markers of interpersonal functioning in selected contexts. Discussion. The implications of these findings in understanding an important aspect of vulnerability to depression and enhancing treatment outcome are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D deficiency is frequent in the general population and might be even more prevalent among populations with kidney failure. We compared serum vitamin D levels, vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency status, and vitamin D level determinants in populations without chronic kidney disease (CKD) and with CKD not requiring renal dialysis. DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, multicenter, population-based study conducted from 2010 to 2011. Participants were from 10 centers that represent the geographical and cultural diversity of the Swiss adult population (≥15 years old). INTERVENTION: CKD was defined using estimated glomerular filtration rate and 24-hour albuminuria. Serum vitamin D was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Statistical procedures adapted for survey data were used. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: We compared 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and the prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency (serum 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL) in participants with and without CKD. We tested the interaction of CKD status with 6 a priori defined attributes (age, sex, body mass index, walking activity, serum albumin-corrected calcium, and altitude) on serum vitamin D level or insufficiency/deficiency status taking into account potential confounders. RESULTS: Overall, 11.8% (135 of 1,145) participants had CKD. The 25(OH)D adjusted means (95% confidence interval [CI]) were 23.1 (22.6-23.7) and 23.5 (21.7-25.3) ng/mL in participants without and with CKD, respectively (P = .70). Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency was frequent among participants without and with CKD (75.3% [95% CI 69.3-81.5] and 69.1 [95% CI 53.9-86.1], P = .054). CKD status did not interact with major determinants of vitamin D, including age, sex, BMI, walking minutes, serum albumin-corrected calcium, or altitude for its effect on vitamin D status or levels. CONCLUSION: Vitamin D concentration and insufficiency/deficiency status are similar in people with or without CKD not requiring renal dialysis.
This report describes how Iowa compares to other states in the nation. To promote consistency, the Iowa totals and the other states’ information have been taken entirely from the FBI’s national publication called Crime in the United States; 1999. The Iowa information in Crime in the United States; 1999 is based upon actual summary totals for selected reporting jurisdictions and produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, F.B.I. These Iowa totals cannot be compared to the 1999 Incident-Based Iowa Uniform Crime Reports, which are based on actual totals for all reporting Iowa law enforcement jurisdictions.
This report describes how Iowa compares to other states in the nation. To promote consistency, the Iowa totals and the other states’ information have been taken entirely from the FBI’s national publication called Crime in the United States; 2000. The Iowa information in Crime in the United States; 2000 is based upon actual summary totals for selected reporting jurisdictions and produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, F.B.I. These Iowa totals cannot be compared to the 2000 Incident-Based Iowa Uniform Crime reports, which are based on actual totals for all reporting Iowa law enforcement jurisdictions.
This report describes how Iowa compares to other states in the nation. To promote consistency, the Iowa totals and the other states’ information have been taken entirely from the FBI’s national publication called Crime in the United States; 2001. The Iowa information in Crime in the United States; 2001 is based upon actual summary totals for selected reporting jurisdictions and produced by the U.S. Department of Justice, F.B.I. These Iowa totals cannot be compared to the 2001 Incident-Based Iowa Uniform Crime Reports, which are based on actual totals for all reporting Iowa law enforcement jurisdictions.