970 resultados para INGAAS QUANTUM DOTS


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There has been a lack of quick, simple and reliable methods for determination of nanoparticle size. An investigation of the size of hydrophobic (CdSe) and hydrophilic (CdSe/ZnS) quantum dots was performed by using the maximum position of the corresponding fluorescence spectrum. It has been found that fluorescence spectroscopy is a simple and reliable methodology to estimate the size of both quantum dot types. For a given solution, the homogeneity of the size of quantum dots is correlated to the relationship between the fluorescence maximum position (FMP) and the quantum dot size. This methodology can be extended to the other fluorescent nanoparticles. The employment of evolving factor analysis and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares for decomposition of the series of quantum dots fluorescence spectra recorded by a specific measuring procedure reveals the number of quantum dot fractions having different diameters. The size of the quantum dots in a particular group is defined by the FMP of the corresponding component in the decomposed spectrum. These results show that a combination of the fluorescence and appropriate statistical method for decomposition of the emission spectra of nanoparticles may be a quick and trusted method for the screening of the inhomogeneity of their solution.


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In the present work structural, magnetic and transport properties of InGaAs quantum wells (QW) prepared by MBE with an remote Mn layer are investigated. By means of high-resolution X-ray diffractometry the structure of the samples is analyzed. It is shown that Mn ions penetrate into the QW. Influence of the thickness of GaAs spacer and annealing at 286 ºС on the properties of the system is shown. It is shown that annealing of the samples led to Mn activation and narrowing of the Mn layer. Substantial role of 2D holes in ferromagnetic ordering in Mn layer is shown. Evidence for that is observation of maximum at 25 – 55 K on the resistivity temperature dependence. Position of maximum, which is used for quantitative assessment of the Curie temperature, correlates with calculations of the Curie temperature for structures with indirect interaction via 2D holes’ channel. Dependence of the Curie temperature on the spacer thickness shows, that creation of applicable spintronic devices needs high-precision equipment to manufacture extra fine structures. The magnetotransport measurements show that charge carrier mobility is very low. This leads to deficiency of the anomalous Hall effect. At the same time, magnetic field dependences of the magnetization at different temperatures demonstrate that systems are ferromagnetically ordered. These facts, most probably, give evidence of presence of the ferromagnetic MnAs clusters.


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Highly transparent, luminescent and biocompatible ZnO quantum dots were prepared in water, methanol, and ethanol using liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation technique without using any surfactant. Transmission electron microscopy analysis confirmed the formation of good crystalline ZnO quantum dots with a uniform size distribution of 7 nm. The emission wavelength could be varied by varying the native defect chemistry of ZnO quantum dots and the laser fluence. Highly luminescent nontoxic ZnO quantum dots have exciting application potential as florescent probes in biomedical applications.


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The overall focus of the thesis involves the synthesis and characterization of CdSe QDs overcoated with shell materials for various biological and chemical sensing applications. Second chapter deals with the synthesis and characterization of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS core shell QDs. The primary attention of this work is to develop a simple method based on photoinduced charge transfer to optimize the shell thickness. Synthesis of water soluble CdSe QDs, their cytotoxicity analysis and investigation of nonlinear optical properties form the subject of third chapter. Final chapter deals with development of QD based sensor systems for the selective detection of biologically and environmentally important analytes from aqueous media.


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Within current-density-functional theory, we have studied a quantum dot made of 210 electrons confined in a disk geometry. The ground state of this large dot exhibits some features as a function of the magnetic field (Beta) that can be attributed in a clear way to the formation of compressible and incompressible states of the system. The orbital and spin angular momenta, the total energy, ionization and electron chemical potentials of the ground state, as well as the frequencies of far-infrared edge modes are calculated as a function of Beta, and compared with available experimental and theoretical results.


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The longitudinal dipole response of a quantum dot has been calculated in the far-infrared regime using local-spin-density-functional theory. We have studied the coupling between the collective spin and density modes as a function of the magnetic field. We have found that the spin dipole mode and single-particle excitations have a sizable overlap, and that the magnetoplasmon modes can be excited by the dipole spin operator if the dot is spin polarized. The frequency of the dipole spin edge mode presents an oscillation which is clearly filling factor (v) related. We have found that the spin dipole mode is especially soft for even-n values. Results for selected numbers of electrons and confining potentials are discussed.


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We have carried out a systematic analysis of the transverse dipole spin response of a large-size quantum dot within time-dependent current density functional theory. Results for magnetic fields corresponding to integer filling factors are reported, as well as a comparison with the longitudinal dipole spin response. As in the two-dimensional electron gas, the spin response at high-spin magnetization is dominated by a low-energy transverse mode.


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We have employed time-dependent local-spin density-functional theory to analyze the multipole spin and charge density excitations in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots. The on-plane transferred momentum degree of freedom has been taken into account, and the wave-vector dependence of the excitations is discussed. In agreement with previous experiments, we have found that the energies of these modes do not depend on the transferred wave vector, although their intensities do. Comparison with a recent resonant Raman scattering experiment [C. Schüller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2673 (1998)] is made. This allows us to identify the angular momentum of several of the observed modes as well as to reproduce their energies


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We have investigated the structure of double quantum dots vertically coupled at zero magnetic field within local-spin-density functional theory. The dots are identical and have a finite width, and the whole system is axially symmetric. We first discuss the effect of thickness on the addition spectrum of one single dot. Next we describe the structure of coupled dots as a function of the interdot distance for different electron numbers. Addition spectra, Hund's rule, and molecular-type configurations are discussed. It is shown that self-interaction corrections to the density-functional results do not play a very important role in the calculated addition spectra


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A density-functional self-consistent calculation of the ground-state electronic density of quantum dots under an arbitrary magnetic field is performed. We consider a parabolic lateral confining potential. The addition energy, E(N+1)-E(N), where N is the number of electrons, is compared with experimental data and the different contributions to the energy are analyzed. The Hamiltonian is modeled by a density functional, which includes the exchange and correlation interactions and the local formation of Landau levels for different equilibrium spin populations. We obtain an analytical expression for the critical density under which spontaneous polarization, induced by the exchange interaction, takes place.


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We study the spectrum and magnetic properties of double quantum dots in the lowest Landau level for different values of the hopping and Zeeman parameters by means of exact diagonalization techniques in systems of N=6 and 7 electrons and a filling factor close to 2. We compare our results with those obtained in double quantum layers and single quantum dots. The Kohn theorem is also discussed.


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The role of effective mass and dielectric mismatches on chemical potentials and addition energies of many-electron multishell quantum dots (QDs) is explored within the framework of a recent extension of the spin density functional theory. It is shown that although the gross electronic density is located in the wells of these multishell QDs, taking position-dependent effective mass and dielectric constant into account can lead to the appearance of relevant differences in chemical potential and addition energies as compared to standard calculations in which the effective mass and the dielectric constant of the well is assumed for the whole multishell structure.


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In general, linear- optic, thermo- optic and nonlinear- optical studies on CdSe QDs based nano uids and their special applications in solar cells and random lasers have been studied in this thesis. Photo acous- tic and thermal lens studies are the two characterization methods used for thermo- optic studies whereas Z- scan method is used for nonlinear- optical charecterization. In all these cases we have selected CdSe QDs based nano uid as potential photonic material and studied the e ect of metal NPs on its properties. Linear optical studies on these materials have been done using vari- ous characterization methods and photo induced studies is one of them. Thermal lens studies on these materials give information about heat transport properties of these materials and their suitability for applica- tions such as coolant and insulators. Photo acoustic studies shows the e ect of light on the absorption energy levels of the materials. We have also observed that these materials can be used as optical limiters in the eld of nonlinear optics. Special applications of these materials have been studied in the eld of solar cell such as QDSSCs, where CdSe QDs act as the sensitizing materials for light harvesting. Random lasers have many applications in the eld of laser technology, in which CdSe QDs act as scattering media for the gain.