Introduction This study compares virulence markers of Helicobacter pylori isolated from patients in 2 cities in the Brazilian Amazon. Methods The study analyzed 168 patients with chronic gastritis from Belém and 151 from Bragança, State of Pará, Brazil. Levels of bacterial DNA associated with cagA and vacA alleles were checked by PCR, and hematoxylin-eosin staining was used for histologic diagnosis. Results In Bragança 87% of patients were genotype s1m1 cagA-positive (s1m1 cagA+), compared with 76% in Belém. In samples from patients in both cities, there was an association between s1m1 cagA+ strains and gastric mucosal damage. Conclusions Both cities have a high frequency of s1m1 cagA+ strains of H. pylori.
RESUMO: A infecção por H. pylori, enquadra-se nas doenças infecciosas gastroduodenais e estima-se que mais de 50% da população mundial esteja infectada. A história natural da infecção por H. pylori, sofre interferências relacionadas com a genética do hospedeiro, a estirpe e as características da toxicidade da bactéria. Associam-se a estes factores, o tempo de exposição à infecção, assim como as condições sociais e higiéno-sanitárias. Paralelamente, o H. pylori é considerado o principal agente patogénico das doenças gastroduodenais. Este estudo teve como objectivo principal caracterizar a infecção por H. pylori em populações de Angola e sua avaliação como problema de Saúde Pública. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo dirigido a dois grupos populacionais, um constituído por indivíduos aparentemente saudáveis, sem queixas gástricas específicas, em ambiente de comunidade, Grupo I, e outro, Grupo II, constituído por doentes que acorreram ao serviço de Gastrenterologia do Hospital Militar Principal de Luanda (HMP). No que diz respeito ao estudo na comunidade a pesquisa de H. pylori foi realizada pelo método ELISA de pesquisa de antigénios nas fezes. Por sua vez, a nível hospitalar, os métodos de diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori foram: a endoscopia digestiva alta para a colheita de biópsias da mucosa gástrica destinadas ao exame anatomopatológico, ao exame citobacteriológico e aos métodos moleculares. Como método não invasivos foi utilizado o teste respiratório com ureia marcada. Grupo I: o diagnóstico da infecção por H. pylori, realizado pela pesquisa de antigénios deste microrganismo nas fezes, revelou uma frequência de 69,6% na população em estudo. Considerando em cada região, verificou-se que a região do Sambizanga possuía o valor mais elevado de frequência, 81,2%, seguida do Dinge com 79,5%, estatisticamente significativas (p 0,001). A avaliação da distribuição da frequência da infecção por grupo etário, revelou que os indivíduos com idade inferior a 15 anos, possuíam uma frequência de infecção de 63,5% e sendo de 76% nos indivíduos com idade superior a 15 anos. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a frequência da infecção por H. pylori nas regiões estudadas, é de 70% à excepção do Capulo, zona litoral em que não obstante as precárias condições de saneamento, a frequência da infecção por H. pylori é baixa. Grupo II: dos 309 doentes avaliados, verificou-se que 22 (7%), apresentavam uma mucosa normal e 287 (93%) uma mucosa alterada. A avaliação histológica das biópsias do antro, em 270 amostras de acordo com o Sistema de Sidney, em 235 (87,0%), revelou a presença de gastrite, 13 (4,8%) a presença de úlcera e em 9 (3,3%), uma lesão tumoral. A avaliação histológica da actividade nas 226 amostras do antro gástrico, verificou-se que 129 (57%) possuíam actividade e 97 (43%) não possuíam. O estudo das 255 biópsias do corpo, revelou em 212 (83,1%), a presença de lesões de gastrite, em 7 (2,7%), observaram-se lesões tumorais e 2 (0.8%) apresentaram úlcera. Dos 263 doentes avaliados histologicamente para pesquisa do H. pylori, 148 (58,2%) revelaram a presença positiva desta bactéria e 106 (41,7%) foram negativas. No que diz respeito à susceptibilidade aos macrólidos, do universo de 158 doentes com H. pylori positivo, 125 (79,1%) doentes apresentaram estirpes sensíveis aos macrólidos e 33 (20,9%) estirpes resistentes. Em relação aos factores de virulência, na avaliação conjunta dos dois factores de virulência estudados (cagA e vacA), em relação ao tipo de lesões encontradas na mucosa gástrica, verificou-se que dos 11 doentes com úlcera, 7 (63,6%), apresentavam uma estirpe cagA negativa, sendo 6 vacA s1 (85,7%), uma s2 e 4 (36,3%) com uma estirpe cagA positiva e vacA s1. Por sua vez dos 2 doentes com tumor, ambas as estirpes eram cagA negativas, sendo uma vacA s1 e outra vacA s2. Em relação aos factores de virulência nos doentes aos quais se diagnosticou úlcera e tumor apresentavam estirpe cagA negativa, vacAs1. Em relação ás lesões gástricas inflamatórias, os doentes com gastrite apresentavam cagA positivo. Do presente trabalho, em atenção aos resultados obtidos no que concerne a prevalência em populações sem queixas gastrenterológicas, recomenda-se que o mesmo se possa vir a replicar numa abrangência maior, realizando-se, por exemplo, estudos comparativos de prevalência entre as populações residentes no litoral (beira-mar) e as do interior. Pelas características genotípicas de H. pylori, em correspondência com as lesões encontradas, após novos estudos mais abrangentes, recomenda-se a avaliação de uma terapêutica mais acessível para o doente e que seja de maior eficácia. Face à escassez de médicos especialistas em gastrenterologia em Angola e de meios de diagnóstico, recomenda-se um estudo mais alargado da eficácia do seguimento do doente dispéptico, conforme protocolo avaliado pelo Colégio da Especialidade de Gastrenterologia da Ordem dos Médicos de Angola e já em prática em algumas instituições de saúde.--------------------------- ABSTRACT: H.pylori infection, is part of the gastroduodenal infectious diseases and it is estimated that over 50% of the world population is infected. The natural history of H.pylori infection, is influenced by host genetic, strain type, of bacterial virulence factors, time of exposure to the infection, as well as social and hygienic-sanitary conditions. In parallel, H.pylori is considered the main pathogen of gastroduodenal diseases. This study's main objective was to characterize H.pylori infection in populations of Angola and its evaluation as a public health problem. This is a prospective study conducted in two population groups, one in community environment composed by healthy individuals without specific gastric complaints - Group I, and Group II consisting of patients who went to the Gastroenterology Service of the Hospital Military of Luanda (HMP). As regards to the study in the community detection of H.pylori was carried out by antigen search in faeces using ELISA method. At hospital level H.pylori infection diagnostic methods were: upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to obtain gastric mucosal biopsies for histology, culture and molecular methods. As a non-invasive breath test with labelled urea was used. Group I: the diagnosis of H.pylori infection, by antigens detection in faeces, revealed a frequency of 69.6% in the study population. Whereas in each region, it was found that the Sambizanga region had the highest frequency of positive cases, 81.2% , followed by Dinge with 79.5%, Funda with 78.7 and Capulo with 39.8% being differences statistically significant (p=0.001). The evaluation of the distribution of the infection frequency by age group, revealed that individuals younger than 15 years had a frequency of 63.5% and in individuals older than 15 years, 76%. This study showed that the frequency of H.pylori infection in the regions studied was 70% exception due to Capulo, a coastal zone where despite the poor sanitation conditions; the frequency of H.pylori infection is lower. Group II: from the 309 patients evaluated, it was found that 22 (7%) had a normal mucosa and 287 (93%) a modified mucosa. Histological evaluation of antrum biopsies in 270 samples according to the Sydney System revealed the presence of gastritis in 235 (87.0%), the presence of ulcers in 13 (4.8%) and a tumour in 9 (3 3%). Histological assessment of activity in the gastric antrum of 226 samples, revealed that 129 (57%) had activity and 97 (43%) did not. The evaluation of the 255 corpus biopsies showed in 212 (83.1%), the presence of lesions of gastritis, in 7 (2.7%) tumour lesions and in 2 (0.8%) an ulcer. Of the 263 patients histological evaluated for H.pylori, 148 (58.2%) revealed the presence of this bacteria and 106 (41.7%) were negative. As regards susceptibility to macrolides from the universe of 158 patients with H.pylori, 125 (79.1%) patients had macrolides susceptible strains and 33 (20.9%) resistant strains. Regarding virulence factors (vacA and cagA), it was found that from the 11 patients with ulcers, 7 (63.6%), had a cagA negative strain, being 6 vacA s1, (85.7%) one vacA s2 and 4 (36.3%) with a cagA positive strain vacA s1. Concerning the 2 patients with tumour, both strains were cagA negative, one vacA s1 and other vacA s2. Patients with ulcer and tumour had cagA negative strains vacAs1. From this work, considering the prevalence of H.pylori obtained in health population, it is recommended that the same study should be performed in larger scale to confirm these results. The results of H.pylori genotyping suggest that more comprehensive studies are needed. Given the reduce number gastroenterology specialist in Angola and the lack of diagnostics methods, we recommend a larger study of the effectiveness of follow-up the patient dyspeptic, according to the protocol assessed by the College of Gastroenterology Specialty of the Order of Doctors and Angola already in place in some health institutions.
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection with common antibiotics is typically recommended for several digestive conditions, including peptic ulcers. However, reports of resistant H. pylori isolates are increasing, and unfortunately, these do not respond to currently available therapeutic regimens. We report the case of a 31-year-old woman with two peptic ulcers in the duodenal antrum. An H. pylori strain was isolated, and tested for antibiotic resistance using agar dilution and disk diffusion. The isolated strain was found to be resistant to all seven antibiotics that were tested. Therefore, constant monitoring for antibiotic resistance should be performed prior to initiating antibiotic therapy.
Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR), serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7%) and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85%) was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) (in the antrum) cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.
INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic resistance is the main factor that affects the efficacy of current therapeutic regimens against Helicobacter pylori. This study aimed to determine the rates of resistance to efficacy clarithromycin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, levofloxacin and metronidazole among H. pylori strains isolated from Turkish patients with dyspepsia. METHODS: H. pylori was cultured from corpus and antrum biopsies that were collected from patients with dyspeptic symptoms, and the antimicrobial susceptibility of H. pylori was determined using the E-test (clarithromycin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, metronidazole and levofloxacin) according to the EUCAST breakpoints. Point mutations in the 23S rRNA gene of clarithromycin-resistant strains were investigated using real-time PCR. RESULTS: A total of 98 H. pylori strains were isolated, all of which were susceptible to amoxicillin and tetracycline. Of these strains, 36.7% (36/98) were resistant to clarithromycin, 35.5% (34/98) were resistant to metronidazole, and 29.5% (29/98) were resistant to levofloxacin. Multiple resistance was detected in 19.3% of the isolates. The A2143G and A2144G point mutations in the 23S rRNA-encoding gene were found in all 36 (100%) of the clarithromycin-resistant strains. Additionally, the levofloxacin MIC values increased to 32 mg/L in our H. pylori strains. Finally, among the clarithromycin-resistant strains, 27.2% were resistant to levofloxacin, and 45.4% were resistant to metronidazole. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that treatment failure after clarithromycin- or levofloxacin-based triple therapy is not surprising and that metronidazole is not a reliable agent for the eradication of H. pylori infection in Turkey.
Even though the seroprevalence of H. pylori may be high in the normal population, a minority develops peptic ulcer. Colonization of the gastric mucosa by more pathogenic vacA strains of H. pylori seems to be associated with enhanced gastric inflammation and duodenal ulcer. H. pylori genotyping from positive CLOtests was developed to determine the vacA genotypes and cagA status in 40 duodenal ulcer patients and for routine use. The pathogenic s1b/ m1/ cagA genotype was the most frequently occurring strain (17/42.5%); only two (5%) patients presented the s2/ m2 genotype, the less virulent strain. Multiple strains were also detected in 17 (42.5%) patients. Multiple strains of H. pylori colonizing the human stomach have been underestimated, because genotyping has been performed from cultures of H. pylori. We concluded that genotyping of H. pylori from a positive CLOtest had the advantages of reducing the number of biopsies taken during endoscopy, eliminating the step of culturing H. pylori, and assuring the presence of H. pylori in the specimen being processed.
A low frequency of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa of patients with alkaline gastritis has been reported. At the same time, it can be noted that the growth of bacteria can be inhibited by bile acids. We studied 40 patients with chronic gastritis related to Helicobacter pylori in order to determine the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on this infection. Diagnoses of the infection and the inflammatory process were obtained by histologic study of gastric biopsies collected during endoscopy. Two groups were studied: group I received ursodeoxycholic acid - 300 mg/day, and group II received the placebo, twice a day, both for 28 days. The colonization by Helicobacter pylori and the intensity of the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate were determined before (time 1) and after (time 2) treatment. Ursodeoxycholic acid had no effect on the Helicobacter pylori infection. A significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum mucosa was observed in patients from group I, when we compared not only times 1 and 2 but also groups I and II. However, this was not the case with the body mucosa. We concluded that ursodeoxycholic acid had no action on the colonization by Helicobacter pylori or on the polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate, but it caused a significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum.
Triple therapy is accepted as the treatment of choice for H. pylori eradication. In industrialized countries, a proton pump inhibitor plus clarithromycin and amoxicillin or nitroimidazole have shown the best results. Our aims were: 1. To study the eradication rate of the association of a proton pump inhibitor plus tinidazole and clarithromycin on H. pylori infection in our population. 2. To determine if previous treatments, gender, age, tobacco, alcohol use, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) change the response to therapy. METHODS: Two hundred patients with peptic ulcer (upper endoscopy) and H. pylori infection (histology and rapid urease test - RUT) were included. A proton pump inhibitor (lansoprazole 30 mg or omeprazole 20 mg), tinidazole 500 mg, and clarithromycin 250 mg were dispensed twice a day for a seven-day period. Eradication was assessed after 10 to 12 weeks of treatment through histology and RUT. RESULTS: The eradication rate of H. pylori per protocol was 65% (128/196 patients). This rate was 53% for previously treated patients, rising to 76% for not previously treated patients, with a statistical difference p<0.01. No significant difference was observed regarding sex, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and NSAID use, but for elderly patients the difference was p = 0.05. Adherence to treatment was good, and side effects were mild. CONCLUSIONS: A proton pump inhibitor, tinidazole, and clarithromycin bid for seven days resulted in H. pylori eradication in 65% of the patients. Previous treatments were the main cause of treatment failure.
PURPOSE: To determine the eradication rate of an ultra-short treatment schedule for Helicobacter pylori infection in a population with peptic ulcers, using omeprazole, secnidazole, and azithromycin in a once-daily dose for 3 days. METHODS: Thirty patients with peptic ulcer diagnosed by upper endoscopy and for Helicobacter pylori infection by rapid urease test and histologic examination received omeprazole 40 mg, secnidazole 1000 mg, and azithromycin 500 mg, administered once daily for 3 days. A follow-up exam was performed 12 weeks after the end of the treatment. Patients who were negative for Helicobacter pylori infection by rapid urease test and histologic examination were considered cured. RESULTS: Patients were predominantly female, and the mean age was 50 years. Duodenal peptic ulcer was found in 73% of the patients. Eradication was achieved in 9 of the 28 (32%) patients as determined from the follow-up endoscopic exam. The eradication rate by intention to treat was 30%. Side effects were present in 3% of the patients, and compliance to treatment was total. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the low rate of side effects and good compliance, the eradication index was low. A possible drawback of this therapy is that it reduces the efficacy of macrolide and nitroimidazole compounds in subsequent treatments.
El sistema inmune del huésped dirige a los linfocitos T cooperadores o helper (Th) activados a madurar hacia linfocitos Th1 o Th 2 según el antígeno específico estimulante. Los linfocitos Th1 son responsables de estimular la respuesta inmune celular e inducir el cambio del isotipo de las inmunoglobulinas (Ig) de los linfocitos B hacia la síntesis de IgG1 e IgG3. En contraste, los linfocitos Th2 inducen respuesta humoral con cambio de isotipo de las Igs a la producción de IgE e IgG4, isotipos involucrados en la respuesta alérgica y con mínimo rol en la defensa contra microorganismos. Las inflamaciones crónicas de la mucosa ocular pueden ser causadas por alergias, infecciones, traumatismos o mixtas. En estudios previos en niños de 3 a 5 meses de edad con infecciones conjuntivales crónicas o recurrentes y asociadas a dacrioestenosis congénita hemos determinado que los procesos infecciosos inducen una respuesta hacia isotipos de Igs mediados por linfocitos Th2 (IgE e IgG4) no protectivos y asociados con alergia. En adultos, una minoría de los casos de inflamaciones conjuntivales crónicas o recurrentes se asocian con niveles elevados de IgE en lágrimas, presencia de eosinófilos en la citología conjuntival y diagnóstico clínico de alergia. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los pacientes que manifiestan esta enfermedad no tienen diagnóstico clínico de alergia pero muestran niveles bajos de IgE e IgG en lágrimas, ausencia de eosinófilos y presencia de microorganismos en sus conjuntivas. En base a estos hallazgos surge el interrogante respecto a ¿cuál es el motivo de los niveles bajos de IgE en la respuesta inmune local a estos patógenos que en forma crónica y recurrente agreden las conjuntivas de estos pacientes? Y ¿por qué la respuesta de IgG en baja concentración no los defiende? Por lo expuesto, el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar la inmunidad inespecífica sistémica y la específica de la superficie ocular de pacientes adultos con infecciones conjuntivales crónicas o recurrentes para caracterizar la respuesta de linfocitos Th1/Th2. Además, analizar el efecto del estrés y deficiencias nutricionales sobre la respuesta inmune local y sistémica. Estos estudios permitirán determinar modificaciones de la inmunidad ocular y caracterizar el perfil de la respuesta inmune. La identificación del tipo de respuesta inmune afectada permitirá la detección de pacientes con predisposición a esta patología y por ello, ayudar a prevenir y en algunos casos, a revertir este proceso recurrente; lo que constituirá un valioso aporte a programas de prevención de enfermedades oculares.
La visión jerárquica de la respuesta inmune, en la cual las células no específicas de la respuesta innata son las primeras reclutadas al sitio del daño, antes que se desarrolle la respuesta inmune específica adaptativa, ha cambiado. Primero, la respuesta innata es mucho más específica que lo reconocido hasta ahora y segundo, las células del sistema innato de defensa constituyen un nexo con el sistema adaptativo, modulándola en el curso de una respuesta inmune. Este complejo patrón de interacciones se ha evidenciado recientemente con las funciones de los neutrófilos. La contribución de los neutrófilos a la respuesta inmunitaria antiparasitaria reside, fundamentalmente, en tres atributos. 1) su patrón de migración, 2) su capacidad fagocítica y 3) su arsenal de mecanismos microbicidas. El objetivo principal de este proyecto de investigación es investigar el efecto de antígenos parasitarios sobre la apoptosis, activación y producción de citocinas por neutrófilos y analizar las vías de activación de la muerte celular en neutrófilos cultivados con antígneos parasitarios. Para ello, en neutrófilos provenientes de individuos sanos se evaluará la apoptosis de estas células luego de su incubación con antígenos solubles y particulados de protozoos y helmintos. Además, se evaluará la expresión de distintos antígenos de superficie, se cuantificarán mediadores solubles pro-inflamatorios en los sobrenadantes de los cultivos y se evaluarán proteínas pro-apoptóticas y anti-apoptóticas en neutrófilos cultivados con antígenos parasitarios. En el contexto de la respuesta inmune innata frente a parásitos, sean protozoos o helmintos, intestinales o extraintestinales, es necesario evaluar el impacto de las infecciones parasitarias en la sobrevida de los neutrófilos y en la capacidad de estas células para liberar mediadores solubles lo que permitirá ampliar el conocimiento sobre su rol en procesos infecciosos.