743 resultados para INDUSTRIAL SECTOR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Services Sector stands out increasingly as an important element of support to various sectors of the economy. The interactions between the Industrial Sector and Services Sector show a process of decentralization of certain functions of the industries at the expense of the specialization of strategic and critical sectors to the production of goods in specialized industries. Thus, this paper aims to address what is the importance of industrial services for industries in the industrial district of Rio Claro (SP), verifying the characteristics of services, demand and supply of these services and the industries they serve


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Recently, the environmental concern has grown due to the higher awareness about the availability and the importance of natural resources for survival on the Earth. So, laws and regulations were implemented aiming the environmental preservation. It has being developed new systems, technologies and techniques in order to minimize wastage of resources and minimize waste generation that may cause environmental impacts, in order to abide by the laws and regulations. These techniques and systems have been developed mostly for the industrial sector, because it’s one of the most responsible for the waste generation and impacts. One of the most employed systems is the environmental management, performed during the environmental diagnosis of the area/activity. So, this study aimed the environmental assessment and the establishment of proposals for the mitigation of the most significant environmental impacts generated in five industries of the Antonio Crepaldi industrial district – Presidente Prudente, in order to contribute to environmental issues and provide greater efficiency in the productive process of these industries... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The fierce competitiveness of the current market and the sophistication of customer requirements made the commitment to quality a need within organizations. The search for quality has been carried out by the adoption of quality management systems, a formal organization that should be present throughout the organization, from the initial identification of market needs to the satisfaction of customer requirements. The methodology most commonly used for this purpose is based on the requirements of ISO 9001, latest version of 2008. Considering this scenario, was developed a case study in a small company of the industrial sector with the development of a plan for the implementation of ISO 9001. The proposed methodology involved the construction of a theoretical framework on the subject and the development of a case study with a qualitative approach. Initially, was applied a questionnaire to the representative of the organization about the company's operating procedures, activity logs held, current documentation, planning and resource management for the construction of an assessment about the adequacy of the company needs to ISO 9001. Were obtained as results the characterization of production processes and organizational structure of the company and examples of policy and objectives of quality, performance indicators, document control, system for visualization of non-compliances, among others. Finally, the benefits of adopting a quality management system based on ISO 9001 requirements for the company and its environmental issues such as increased process efficiency, less waste and greater profitability, were pointed out, and the conditions for effective certification in the future


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This article evaluates the efficiency of Brazil's industrial sectors from 1996 to 2009, taking into account energy consumption and respective contributions to the country's economic and social aspects. This analysis used a mathematical programming method called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which enabled, from the SBM model and the window analysis, to evaluate the ability of industries to reduce energy consumption and fossil-fuel CO2 emissions (inputs), as well as to increase the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by sectors, the persons employed and personnel expenses (outputs). The results of this study indicated that the Textile sector is the most efficient industrial sector in Brazil, according to the variables used, followed by these sectors: Foods and Beverages, Chemical, Mining, Paper and Pulp, Nonmetallic and Metallurgical.


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This paper examines Myanmar's industrial policy, structure, and locations during the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market-oriented one throughout the 1990s and up to the present. After the military government assumed power in 1988, it abandoned the socialist centrally planned economic system and began instituting a market-oriented one through a series of liberalization and deregulation measures, although most of which have stalled since 1997 and remain half-way implemented. Against this background, it is rather surprising that the impact of these new policies of international trade, finance, regulations, licensing and ownership requirements on industrial structure and location in Myanmar has been poorly documented and examined to date. Some key issues to understanding the impact and effectiveness of the market-oriented policies during the last two decades in Myanmar remain to be answered: Have the new trade and industrial policies changed the industrial structure and organizational behavior in Myanmar? Have they improved the performance of Myanmar's industrial sector? Have they had any impact on industry location in Myanmar? This paper reviews the series of liberalization programs implemented under the military government?the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC)?and assesses their impact on industrial structure and its spatial distribution.


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This paper presents the design and results of the implementation of a model for the evaluation and improvement of maintenance management in industrial SMEs. A thorough review of the state of the art on maintenance management was conducted to determine the model variables; to characterize industrial SMEs, a questionnaire was developed with Likert variables collected in the previous step. Once validated the questionnaire, we applied the same to a group of seventy-five (75) SMEs in the industrial sector, located in Bolivar State, Venezuela. To identify the most relevant variables maintenance management, we used exploratory factor analysis technique applied to the data collected. The score obtained for all the companies evaluated (57% compliance), highlights the weakness of maintenance management in industrial SMEs, particularly in the areas of planning and continuous improvement; most SMEs are evaluated in corrective maintenance stage, and its performance standard only response to the occurrence of faults.


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El estado Bolívar con una superficie de 238.000 Km2 se encuentra ubicado al SE de Venezuela y su capital es Ciudad Bolívar. Ocupa el 26,24% de la superficie del territorio nacional. Ciudad Guayana es la principal región del desarrollo económico del estado siendo sede de las empresas básicas de los sectores siderúrgicos y del aluminio que se encargan de la extracción, procesamiento y transformación del mineral de hierro y de la transformación de la bauxita en aluminio primario. Además, cuenta con un gran potencial hidroeléctrico, garantizando el suministro de energía eléctrica para el funcionamiento de las empresas básicas, para el parque industrial de la región, así como para el desarrollo industrial, económico y social de la nación. Con relación al sector de la industria del mineral de hierro y del aluminio, las empresas destinan más del 60 por ciento de su producción al mercado internacional. A pesar de que el sector de las Pequeñas y Medianas Industrias (PYMIS) del estado Bolívar cuenta con un mercado cercano y seguro, no se le ha propiciado un desarrollo integral en términos de orientar sus esfuerzos en innovar en nuevos productos o mejoras de procesos. Debido a la falta del personal de investigación calificado, la escasa vinculación con centros de investigación, la baja inversión en investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación (I+D+i), la ausencia de la aplicación de una política pública de I+D+i y la desarticulación de los miembros del Sistema Regional de Innovación (SRI), constituyen los principales obstáculos para generar bienes y servicios con un alto valor agregado. Esta situación desequilibra y hace ineficiente el funcionamiento del SRI. La baja capacidad de las PYMIS del estado Bolívar en I+D+i, es una situación que impide generar por si sola nuevos productos o procesos para satisfacer las demandas del mercado regional. Por lo tanto, se requiere de la intervención y participación activa de la institución gubernamental responsable del diseño y aplicación de una política pública de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovación en las PYMIS, en su articulación y vinculación con los miembros del SRI. xiii El presente proyecto se planteó como objetivo diseñar una metodología de política pública de I+D+i para liderar, coordinar y direccionar el SRI del estado Bolívar, para el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación en el sector industrial y específicamente en las PYMIS. La presente tesis representa una investigación no experimental de tipo proyectivo que analiza la situación actual del Sistema Regional de Innovación del estado Bolívar. El análisis de los resultados se ha dividido en tres fases. En la primera se realizan diagnósticos por medio de encuestas de las PYMIS en materia de I+D+i, de los centros y laboratorios de investigación pertenecientes a las universidades de la región en el área de Materiales y de los sectores financieros público y privado. En dichas encuestas se evalúa el nivel de integración con los entes gubernamentales que definen y administran la política pública de I+D+i. En la segunda fase, con el diagnóstico y procesamiento de los resultados de la primera fase, se procede a desarrollar un análisis de las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas (FODA) del Sistema Regional de Innovación, permitiendo comprender la situación actual de la relación y vinculación de las PYMIS con los centros de investigación, instituciones financieras y entes gubernamentales. Con la problemática detectada, resultó necesario el diseño de estrategias y un modelo de gestión de política pública de I+D+i para la articulación de los miembros del SRI, para el apoyo de las PYMIS. En la tercera fase se diseña la metodología de política pública de I+D+i para fortalecer la innovación en las PYMIS. La metodología se representa a través de un modelo propuesto que se relaciona con las teorías de los procesos de innovación, con los modelos de sistemas de innovación y con las reflexiones y recomendaciones hechas por diferentes investigadores e instituciones de cooperación internacional referentes a la aplicación de políticas públicas de I+D+i para dinamizar la capacidad de innovación en el sector industrial. La metodología diseñada es comparada con diferentes modelos de aplicación de política pública de I+D+i. Cada modelo se representa en una figura y se analiza su xiv situación presente y la función que desempeña el ente gubernamental en la aplicación del enfoque de política pública de I+D+i. El diseño de la metodología de política pública de I+D+i propuesta aportará nuevos conocimientos y podrá ser aplicado para apoyar el progreso de la I+D+i en las PYMIS de la región, como caso de estudio, con el fin de impulsar una economía más competitiva y reducir el grado de dependencia tecnológica. La metodología una vez evaluada podrá ser empleada en el contexto de la gran industria y en otras regiones de Venezuela y además, puede aplicarse en otros países con características similares en su tejido industrial. En la tesis doctoral se concluye que el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación en las PYMIS depende del diseño y aplicación de la política pública de I+D+i como elemento dinamizador y articulador del SRI del estado Bolívar. xv ABSTRACT The Bolivar state with an area of 238,000 km2 is located in the SE of Venezuela and its capital is Ciudad Bolivar. It occupies a surface which is 26.24% of the national territory. Ciudad Guayana is the main area of the state's economic development and the location of the corporate headquarters of the basic steel and aluminum sectors that are responsible for the extraction, processing and transformation of iron ore and bauxite processing for primary aluminum. It also has a great hydroelectric potential, ensuring the supply of electricity for the operation of enterprises, for the regional industrial park as well as for the industrial, economic and social development of the nation. With regard to the iron ore and aluminum industry, companies allocate more than 60 percent of their production to the international market. Although the sector of Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) of the Bolivar state has a secure market, it has not been led to an integral development in terms of targeting its efforts on innovating new products or improving processes. Due to the lack of qualified research staff, poor links with research centers, low investment in research, technological development and innovation (R & D & I), the absence of the implementation of a public policy for R & D & I and the dismantling of the members of the Regional Innovation System (RIS), are the main obstacles to generate goods and services with high added value. This situation makes the RIS unbalanced and inefficient. The low capacity of Bolivar state’s SMIs in R & D & I, is a situation that cannot generate by itself new products or processes to meet regional market demands. Therefore, it requires the active involvement and participation of the government institution responsible for the design and implementation of R & D & I public policy to boost the innovation capacity in SMIs, through the connection and integration with members of the RIS. This project is intended to design a methodology aimed at public policy for R & D & I to lead, coordinate and direct the RIS of Bolivar state, for the development of innovation capacity in the industrial sector and specifically in the SMIs. xvi This thesis is an experimental investigation of projective type which analyzes the current situation of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state. The analysis of the results is divided into three phases. In the first one, a diagnosis is performed through surveys of SMIs in R & D & I centers and research laboratories belonging to the universities of the region in the area of materials and public and private financial sectors. In such surveys the level of integration with government agencies that define and manage the public policy of R & D & I is assessed. In the second phase, with the diagnosis and processing of the results of the first phase, we proceed to develop an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the Regional Innovation System, allowing the comprehension of the current status of the relationship of SMIs with research centers, financial institutions and government agencies. With the problems identified it was necessary to design strategies and a model of public policy management of R & D & I for the articulation of the members of the RIS, to support the SMIs. In the third phase a public policy methodology for R & D & I is designed in order to strengthen innovation in SMIs. The methodology is shown through a proposed model that relates to the theories of the innovation process, with models of innovation systems and with the discussions and recommendations made by different researchers and institutions of international cooperation concerning the implementation of policies public for R & D & I to boost innovation capacity in the industrial sector. The methodology designed is compared with different models of public policy implementation for R & D & I. Each model is represented in a figure and its current situation and the role of the government agency in the implementation of the public policy approach to R & D & I is analyzed. The design of the proposed public policy methodology for R & D & I will provide new knowledge and can be applied to support the progress of R & D & I in the region’s SMIs, as a case study, in order to boost a more competitive economy and reduce the degree of technological dependence. After being evaluated the methodology can be used in the context of big industry and in other regions of Venezuela and can also be applied in other countries with similar characteristics in their industrial structure. xvii The thesis concludes that the development of the innovation capacity in SMIs depends on the design and implementation of the public policy for R & D & I as a catalyst and coordination mechanism of the Regional Innovation System of the Bolivar state.


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La tesis está centrada en el patrimonio industrial, y trata de ahondar en los temas enunciados en el título, Criterios de restauración, intervención y revitalización del patrimonio industrial (capítulo 1). La fábrica de gas de San Paolo en Roma (capítulo 2): En el primer capítulo, se profundiza en los criterios institucionalizados de actuación en el patrimonio, pero también se habla sobre la singularidad, los valores originales, estratificados en cada construcción y su contexto. Ello resume la intención de la doctoranda al entender la necesidad del análisis de cada obra en modo profundo, concreto y abierto a novedosos acercamientos, antes de su transformación. Al hablar de intervención frente a restauración, se aborda la conocida polémica que plantea el modo de acercarse al legado histórico. Parece necesario enunciar cómo se consideran en el trabajo estos términos. Mientras la restauración (como diría Cesare Brandi, constituye el momento metodológico del reconocimiento de la obra de arte en su consistencia física y en su doble polaridad estética e histórica, en orden a su transmisión al futuro) es una acción más restrictiva, que implica atención suma a la recuperación y conservación de los valores significativos y únicos del bien, en comunicación con un (posible) equipo interdisciplinar; por intervención se entiende aquí un desarrollo más personal y libre por parte del proyectista, en el que se produce un proceso dialéctico entre la preexistencia y el posicionamiento crítico adoptado a la hora de dar un obligado nuevo uso a ese bien. Es decir, el contraste está en el diferente reconocimiento de la materialidad física y sus significados. En torno a la restauración/intervención, se analizan las perspectivas de actuación en España e Italia, contrastando factores como la formación del arquitecto o el entorno laboral-cultural, y utilizando el método analítico comparativo de casos. Habría un tercer concepto: el de revitalización del patrimonio industrial, Éste hace referencia a su transformación, a sus usos más comunes y compatibles, a la redimensión artística que ha experimentado la arquitectura industrial gracias al arte contemporáneo y a su relación con la Modernidad. Por último, se enuncia en el título el caso de estudio, la Fábrica, que ocupa el segundo capítulo. Se trata de un enorme conjunto industrial singular semi abandonado en el confín del centro histórico, cuyo protagonista es un gran gasómetro, que la autora ha tenido la oportunidad de descubrir en su estancia en la Ciudad Eterna. Este barrio constituyó el primer y único sector industrial de la Roma moderna a inicios del siglo XX. Por varias causas históricas y voluntad política, la ciudad prácticamente no tuvo más desarrollo industrial que el área mencionada, donde se implantaron servicios y actividades de gran transformación (Matadero, Mercados Generales, Almacenes Fluviales, Central Montemartini o esta fábrica). A partir de 1920, se empezó a construir un tejido productivo que la llevó de la situación de posguerra al milagro económico. Frente al mito de la Roma monumental o de la Roma cotidiana, aparece el aspecto industrial como mito de la contemporaneidad. Sin embargo, esta ciudad es demasiado antigua como para convertirse en moderna, y su proceso industrial en contraste con su larga historia resulta breve. La inmediata relación de la fase industrial romana con el resultado de este desarrollo viene identificada con las instalaciones señaladas, más significativas por su excepcionalidad que por la duración del momento irrepetible que representan. Su presencia física perdura a pesar de su abandono, aisladas tras su muro perimetral y casi desconocidas. Esto las hace apetecibles para la especulación inmobiliaria y resultan un caso de estudio ideal para realizar un Plan de Intervención Global, en el que determinar una serie de intervenciones necesarias, usos compatibles y directrices para la ordenación del conjunto, coherentes con los conceptos manejados en el primer capítulo. ABSTRACT The thesis focuses on industrial heritage, delving into the topics listed in its title, Criteria for the restoration, intervention and revitalisation of industrial heritage (chapter 1). The San Paolo gas factory in Rome (chapter 2): Chapter one elaborates on the official criteria to take action on heritage, but also deals with the singularity and original values unique to each construction and its context. This underlines the PhD candidate’s intentions by understanding the need for an in-depth and specific analysis, open to novel approaches to each site before its transformation. When speaking of intervention, as opposed to restoration, we address the well-known controversy that stems from the different ways of approaching historical heritage. It seems necessary to explain how these terms are interpreted in this piece of work. Whereas restoration (as Cesare Brandi would say, constitutes the methodological moment in which the work of art is appreciated in its material form and in its historical and aesthetic duality, with a view to transmitting it to the future) is a more restrictive action, demanding the utmost attention to the recovery and preservation of the piece of heritage’s defining and exceptional values, (ideally) in communication with a interdisciplinary team. By intervention, we hereby understand a more personal and free procedure carried out by the designer in which a dialectical process takes place between preexistence and the critical stance taken in order to give that good a much needed new use. That is, contrast lies in the different recognition of physical materiality and its meanings. As for the restoration/intervention dilemma, the different courses of action followed in Spain and Italy will be analysed, contrasting the architects’ training, the labourcultural environment and taking an analytical comparative case study method. There is a third concept: the revitalisation of industrial heritage, which refers to its transformation, its most common and compatible uses, the artistic redimensioning that industrial architecture has experienced thanks to contemporary art, and its relationship with Modernity. Lastly, the title refers to the case study, i.e., the analysis of the Factory, which makes up chapter 2. It is an enormous and semiabandoned peerless industrial complex on the edge of the historical city centre whose main landmark is a huge gasometer, which the author had the chance to discover during her stay in the Eternal City. This district made up the first and only industrial sector in the modern Rome of the early 20th century. Due to a number of reasons, both historical and political, barely no further industrial development took place in the city beyond the mentioned area, where processing services and activities were set up (Slaughterhouse, General Markets, Riverside Warehouses, Montemartini Power Plant or the said factory). In the 1920s began the construction of the productive fabric that raised the city from its postwar plight to the economic miracle. As opposed to the myth of monumental Rome and daily-life Rome, this industrial Rome rose as contemporaneity’s myth. However, this city is too ancient to become modern, and its industrial process strikes us as brief when confronted with its long history. The close relationship between Rome’s industrial stage and the consequences of this development is best represented by the aforementioned facilities, more relevant due to their uniqueness than the length of the once-in-a-lifetime moment they represent. Their physical presence lives on despite abandonment and isolation, as they stand vastly unknown behind their perimeter walls. This renders them appealing to property speculators, becoming an ideal case study for the creation of a Global Intervention Plan in which to determine a series of necessary actions, compatible uses and directives, all of them consistent with the concepts dealt with in chapter 1. RIASSUNTO La tesi è focalizzata sul patrimonio industriale e cerca di approfondire le tematiche contenute nel titolo, Criteri di restauro, intervento e rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale (capitolo 1). La Fabbrica del gas di San Paolo a Roma (capitolo 2): Nel primo capitolo vengono presi in esame i criteri istituzionalizzati di attuazione nel patrimonio, ma si parla anche della unicità, i valori originali, stratificati in ogni costruzione ed il suo contesto. Questo riassume l’intenzione della dottoranda di capire la necessità dell’analisi di ogni opera in modo profondo, concreto e aperto a nuovi approcci, prima della sua trasformazione. Nel parlare di intervento versus restauro, si affronta la famosa polemica che considera il modo di avicinarsi all’eredità storica. Appare necessario precisare come questi termini sono considerati in questo lavoro. Mentre il restauro (come direbbe Cesare Brandi, costituisce il momento metodologico del riconoscimento dell’opera d’arte nella sua consistenza fisica e nella duplice polarità estetica e storica, in vista della sua trasmissione nel futuro) è un’azione più restrittiva, e quindi implica massima attenzione al recupero e conservazione dei valori significativi ed unici del bene, in comunicazione con una (eventuale) squadra interdisciplinare; per intervento si intende qui un processo più personale e libero del progettista, nel quale si produce uno sviluppo dialettico tra la preesistenza e la posizione critica adottata quando si deve dare un nuovo uso di quel bene. Vale a dire che il contrasto risiede nel diverso riconoscimento della materialità fisica e i loro significati. Intorno al restauro / intervento, si analizzano le prospettive di attuazione in Spagna e Italia, contrastando diversi fattori come la formazione dell’architetto o l’ambiente lavorativo-culturale, ed impiegando il metodo analitico comparativo dei casi. Ci sarebbe un terzo concetto: quello della rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale. Questo fa riferimento alla sua trasformazione, ai suoi usi più comuni e compatibili, al ridimensionamento artistico vissuto dall’archeologia industriale grazie all’arte contemporanea ed al suo rapporto con la Modernità. In ultimo, si enuncia nel titolo il caso di studio, ovvero l’analisi della Fabbrica, che occupa il secondo capitolo. Si tratta di un enorme complesso industriale semi-abbandonato al confine con il centro storico, il cui protagonista è un grande gasometro, che l’autrice ha avuto modo di scoprire durante il suo soggiorno nella Città Eterna. Questo quartiere costituì il primo e unico moderno settore industriale della Roma moderna all’inizio del Novecento. Per diverse ragioni storiche e volontà politiche, la città praticamente non ha subito ulteriore sviluppo industriale oltre l’area citata, dove si impiantarono servizi e attività di grande trasformazione (Mattatoio, Mercati Generali, Magazzini Generali, Centrale Montemartini o questa fabbrica). Dal 1920, si inizió a costruire un tessuto prodottivo che portò la città dalla situazione post-bellica al miracolo economico. Di fronte al mito della Roma monumentale o della Roma quotidiana, appare questa Roma industriale come mito della contemporaneità. Tuttavia, questa città è troppo antica per diventare moderna, ed il suo processo industriale in contrasto con la sua lunga storia risulta breve. Il rapporto diretto della fase industriale romana con il risultato di questo sviluppo viene identificato con gli impianti segnalati, più significativi per la loro unicità che per la durata del momento irripetibile che rappresentano. La loro presenza fisica perdura nonostante l’abbandono, isolati dietro il loro muro di cinta e quasi sconosciuti. Questo li rende auspicabile per la speculazione immobiliare e sono un caso ideale per eseguire un Piano di Intervento Globale, che determini una serie di interventi necessari, usi compatibili e linee guida per la pianificazione del tutto, in linea con i concetti utilizzati nel primo capitolo.


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Despite renewed interest in an EU industrial policy, the concept remains particularly elusive because it has no universal definition. This paper relies on a broad and inclusive definition of industrial policy proposed by Warwick (in an OECD working paper) to provide a clearer picture of what the concept encompasses when applied to the EU. It therefore includes an original visual taxonomy of the EU policies that constitute industrial policy. It can serve as a guiding framework for reflecting on industrial policy in the EU. The proposed framework holds a key lesson: coherence of action across different policy fields and across different levels of governance is essential at EU, national and regional levels. The framework provided in this paper constitutes a high-level reminder of the range of policies and associated instruments that should ideally be streamlined throughout the EU for maximum impact when any industrial sector, technology or task is promoted by the EU.


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This article discusses the Carbon Credit Trading Market in Brazil and opportunities for technological development and innovation related. The international trade in carbon credits becomes a source of opportunities for developing countries because of the Clean Development Mechanism. Committed to reduce polluting levels from 2008 to 2012, and ahead, industrialized countries started to seek ecological solutions internally or compensatory actions such as buying carbon credits from low-emission countries. This strategy brought up a brand-new industrial sector that still requires productive structures and a solid international commercialization system. This is a qualitative study, based on documentary research, referring to the Brazilian territory. The data obtained point out a set of efforts such as researching and developing products and processes environment friendly. Other findings indicate opportunities to expand Green Economy Sector through supporting a set of newborn firms such as waste management and recycling, in addition to other actions that reinforce sustainable development opportunities to the country and, at the end, to the world.


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A importância das micro e pequenas empresas na economia brasileira já é sentida desde há muito tempo, pois esse segmento é fundamental na geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Apesar da importância econômica, ainda persiste um elevado grau de descontinuidade nas mesmas, o que lhes outorga dificuldades de transporem os dois primeiros e mais críticos anos de existência. Esta pesquisa visa identificar os fatores determinantes da sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas do setor industrial na cidade de Santos. A relevância do estudo se intensifica em decorrência da cidade de Santos estar vivenciando um momento de desenvolvimento econômico impulsionado pelas descobertas de petróleo na camada do pré-sal. Isso poderá aumentar ainda mais o número de criação de MPEs, principalmente no setor industrial, e que provavelmente necessitarão de informações nas quais possam se espelhar. O estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário baseado em quatro dimensões: empreendedorismo, ambiental, recursos financeiros e organização interna. A pesquisa apresentou como principais fatores de sobrevivência o tempo dedicado à empresa; a adequação dos produtos a demanda; a capacidade de assumir riscos e a liderança do gestor. A amostra de estudo foi definida por conveniência, constituída de MPEs pertencentes ao setor econômico industrial, pois é o mais aderente à cadeia de exploração de petróleo. Foram consideradas as empresas que ultrapassaram os dois primeiros anos de existência, de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de sobrevivência adotado pelo SEBRAE (2011).


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O presente estudo disserta sobre o papel da indústria, com foco nos fabricantes de televisores e sua participação na implantação e desenvolvimento da TV Digital no Brasil, como os primeiros atores desse cenário a apontar o norte para a viabilização de um modelo de negócio para a Televisão Digital (TVD) e Televisão Digital Interativa (TVDI): a TV Conectada e a TV Inteligente. Faz um levantamento histórico do tema desde o Governo FHC, passando pelo Governo Lula até o atual Governo Dilma. O texto apresenta os desafios técnico, político e econômico dessa implementação. Pretende identificar os acertos e enganos dos atores envolvidos nesse cenário, montado para a implementação do sistema digital da TV brasileira. Ressalta os interesses, nem sempre harmônicos, de todos os envolvidos: do capital, com foco no lucro; do governo, com seus acordos políticos, muitas vezes contrapondo ao cumprimento de seu papel de representante dos interesses da maioria da população brasileira; e da dinâmica científico tecnológico-industrial, que necessita de campo fértil, propício e contínuo para se desenvolver.(AU)


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Faced with a future of rising energy costs there is a need for industry to manage energy more carefully in order to meet its economic objectives. A problem besetting the growth of energy conservation in the UK is that a large proportion of energy consumption is used in a low intensive manner in organisations where they would be responsibility for energy efficiency is spread over a large number of personnel who each see only small energy costs. In relation to this problem in the non-energy intensive industrial sector, an application of an energy management technique known as monitoring and targeting (M & T) has been installed at the Whetstone site of the General Electric Company Limited in an attempt to prove it as a means for motivating line management and personnel to save energy. The objective energy saving for which the M & T was devised is very specific. During early energy conservation work at the site there had been a change from continuous to intermittent heating but the maintenance of the strategy was receiving a poor level of commitment from line management and performance was some 5% - 10% less than expected. The M & T is concerned therefore with heat for space heating for which a heat metering system was required. Metering of the site high pressure hot water system posed technical difficulties and expenditure was also limited. This led to a ‘tin-house' design being installed for a price less than the commercial equivalent. The timespan of work to achieve an operational heat metering system was 3 years which meant that energy saving results from the scheme were not observed during the study. If successful the replication potential is the larger non energy intensive sites from which some 30 PT savings could be expected in the UK.