148 resultados para IFRS


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O estudo investiga os efeitos da adoção obrigatória das IFRS sobre a qualidade do ambiente informacional e confirma a hipótese de que os incentivos econômicos associados aos fatores institucionais são mais relevantes do que os padrões contábeis para explicar a qualidade do ambiente informacional. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 15 países que não passaram por reformas significativas na estrutura de enforcement legal, proporcionando uma estratégia de identificação econométrica mais robusta. Os países analisados adotaram as IFRS em momentos diferentes a partir de 2006. Foram utilizadas quatro métricas de qualidade dos accruals e três métricas de performance dos analistas para operacionalizar a variável dependente qualidade do ambiente informacional. Além disso, foram utilizadas como variáveis mediadoras diversas características institucionais com potencial de afetar os incentivos à elaboração e divulgação de demonstrações financeiras. Os resultados indicam que a adoção obrigatória das IFRS afetou de forma negativa a qualidade dos accruals e a performance dos analistas. No entanto, esses resultados são contingentes à qualidade da infraestrutura institucional da jurisdição que adotou as IFRS como modelo contábil obrigatório. Os efeitos das IFRS foram significativamente mais positivos (ou menos negativos) para os países com origem legal common law, estrutura de enforcement legal mais forte, mercado de capitais mais desenvolvido, menor diferença entre padrões contábeis locais e padrões internacionais, maior grau de liberdade econômica, menor corrupção percebida e instituições mais sólidas. Foram realizados testes de robustez para verificar a sensibilidade desses resultados. Os resultados permaneceram qualitativamente iguais após serem aplicados diferentes critérios de amostragem, controlados os efeitos da crise financeira de 2008 e levado em conta o possível efeito aprendizado dos responsáveis pela elaboração e análise das demonstrações financeiras no primeiro ano de adoção. O estudo contribui com a literatura da área de contabilidade financeira e com os órgãos reguladores da indústria contábil ao fornecer evidências de que a adoção obrigatória das IFRS, quando não acompanhada por reformas econômicas e institucionais, não causará os benefícios informacionais esperados


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International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been promoted as a global set of financial reporting standards that will help integrate global capital markets. We examine whether the mandatory European-wide adoption of IFRS in 2005 improved the forecast accuracy for foreign analysts relative to that of domestic analysts. We find that, on average, foreign analysts experience no incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts. However, we find that those foreign analysts who are familiar with IFRS do experience an incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts. We also find that this incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts is concentrated among firms domiciled in countries with both strong enforcement regimes and domestic accounting standards that differ significantly from IFRS. Our results highlight that both familiarity with IFRS and the quality of countries' enforcement environments play key roles in determining the extent to which IFRS adoption can reduce information asymmetry between foreign and domestic analysts.


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Prior research has shown that loan loss provisions are primarily used as a tool for earnings management and capital management by listed banks. Effective 2005 all listed companies in the European Union (EU) are required to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Adherence to IFRS, it is claimed, should enhance transparency of reporting practices relative to local General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The overall objective of this paper is to examine the impact of the implementation of IFRS on the use of loan loss provisions (LLPs) to manage earnings and capital. We use a sample of 91 EU listed commercial banks covering a period of 10 years (before and after implementation of IFRS). Since early adopters may have different incentives and motivations relative to those who adopt mandatorily, we dichotomize our sample into early and late adopters. Overall, we find that earnings management (using loan loss provisions) for both early and late adopters while significant over the estimation window is significantly reduced after implementation of IFRS. We also find that, for risky banks, earnings management behavior is more pronounced when compared to the less risky banks, but is significantly reduced in the post IFRS period. Capital management behavior by bank managers is not significant in both pre and post IFRS regimes. Overall, we conclude that the implementation of IFRS in the EU appears to have improved earnings quality by mitigating the tendency of bank managers of listed commercial banks to engage in earnings management using loan loss provisions.


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We are the first to examine the market reaction to 13 announcement dates related to IFRS 9 for over 5400 European listed firms. We find an overall positive reaction to the introduction of IFRS 9. The regulation is particularly beneficial to shareholders of firms in countries with weaker rule of law and a smaller divergence between local GAAP and IAS 39. Bootstrap simulations rule out the possibility that sampling error or data mining are driving our findings. Our main findings are also robust to confounding events and the extent of the media coverage for each event. These results suggest that investors perceive the new regulation as shareholder-wealth enhancing and support the view that stronger comparability across accounting standards of European firms is beneficial to international investors and outweighs the costs of poorer firm-specific information.


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Since 2005, European-listed companies have been required to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We examine whether value relevance increased following the introduction of IFRS, using a sample of 3,721 companies listed on five European stock exchanges: Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, London, and Milan. We find mixed evidence of an increase in value relevance. However, the influence of earnings on share price increased following the introduction of IFRS in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, while the influence of book value of equity decreased (except for the United Kingdom). © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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This book provides a practical guide for accountants working in practice or in business faced with the complexity of moving to adopt IFRS-based financial reporting. The book offers not only an overview of the regulatory framework and the requirements to produce IFRS-compliant financial statements but also guidance on developing an implementation strategy including project management, identifying and responding to challenges, dealing with change management and communication with external stakeholders.


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On 28 July 2010, the Nigerian Federal Executive Council approved January 1, 2012 as the effective date for the convergence of Nigerian Statement of Accounting Standards (SAS) or Nigerian GAAP (NG-GAAP) with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). By this pronouncement, all publicly listed companies and significant public interest entities in Nigeria were statutorily required to issue IFRS based financial statements for the year ended December, 2012. This study investigates the impact of the adoption of IFRS on the financial statements of Nigerian listed Oil and Gas entities using six years of data which covers three years before and three years after IFRS adoption in Nigeria and other African countries. First, the study evaluates the impact of IFRS adoption on the Exploration and Evaluation (E&E) expenditures of listed Oil and Gas companies. Second, it examines the impact of IFRS adoption on the provision for decommissioning of Oil and Gas installations and environmental rehabilitation expenditures. Third, the study analyses the impact of the adoption of IFRS on the average daily Crude Oil production cost per Barrel. Fourth, it examines the extent to which the adoption and implementation of IFRS affects the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of listed Oil and Gas companies. The study further explores the impact of IFRS adoption on the contractual relationships between Nigerian Government and Oil and Gas companies in terms of Joint Ventures (JVs) and Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) as it relates to taxes, royalties, bonuses and Profit Oil Split. A Paired Samples t-test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and Gray’s (Gray, 1980) Index of Conservatism analyses were conducted simultaneously where the accounting numbers, financial ratios and industry specific performance measures of GAAP and IFRS were computed and analysed and the significance of the differences of the mean, median and Conservatism Index values were compared before and after IFRS adoption. Questionnaires were then administered to the key stakeholders in the adoption and implementation of IFRS and the responses collated and analysed. The results of the analyses reveal that most of the accounting numbers, financial ratios and industry specific performance measures examined changed significantly as a result of the transition from GAAP to IFRS. The E&E expenditures and the mean cost of Crude Oil production per barrel of Oil and Gas companies increased significantly. The GAAP values of inventories, GPM, ROA, Equity and TA were also significantly different from the IFRS values. However, the differences in the provision for decommissioning expenditures were not statistically significant. Gray’s (Gray, 1980) Conservatism Index shows that Oil and Gas companies were more conservative under GAAP when compared to the IFRS regime. The Questionnaire analyses reveal that IFRS based financial statements are of higher quality, easier to prepare and present to management and easier to compare among competitors across the Oil and Gas sector but slightly more difficult to audit compared to GAAP based financial statements. To my knowledge, this is the first empirical research to investigate the impact of IFRS adoption on the financial statements of listed Oil and Gas companies. The study will therefore make an enormous contribution to academic literature and body of knowledge and void the existing knowledge gap regarding the impact and implications of IFRS adoption on the financial statements of Oil and Gas companies.


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A presente investigação situa-se na área da integração da Educação Profissional com Educação Básica na Modalidade de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA) e busca a compreensão das vivências dos estudantes do curso no Câmpus Rio Grande que integra o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS-RG). Faz parte também dos objetivos identificar as contribuições do curso para a socialização desses estudantes e os significados atribuídos ao curso. Em função da elevada taxa de evasão, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com estudantes que não concluíram o curso. A hermenêutica filosófica constitui-se na epistemologia que ancora teoricamente a abordagem metodológica. A Análise Textual Discursiva foi a metodologia qualitativa adotada para a análise do material empírico constituído centralmente pelas histórias contadas pelos estudantes. Eles contam sua passagem pelo PROEJA, desde o ingresso até a sua evasão. Foram produzidos dados quantitativos além de levantamentos para conhecer o contexto da trajetória escolar dos estudantes. Esses elementos subsidiaram a análise qualitativa das informações. Como resultados foram encontradas: uma taxa de evasão geral da ordem de 57%. Nos dois primeiros módulos ocorreu 87 % de toda a evasão do curso. Em todo o período de oferecimento do curso, ou seja sete anos, apenas três estudantes concluíram o mesmo. Pela análise qualitativa, emergiram cinco categorias que tratam: a) do ingresso no PROEJA e dos desencontros nesse processo; b) do estudante com suas peculiaridades, dificuldades e significados; c) do ser professor no PROEJA; d) do curso pelo viés da formação integrada; e) dos componentes constituintes da evasão. Como conclusões a pesquisa aponta para a inadequação do curso em seus diversos aspectos. Reforça que a construção curricular adaptada de um curso existente foi um equívoco. A formação dos professores e gestores promoveu a proposta de um curso repleto de contradições. Mesmo com todos os distanciamentos, o curso promoveu um ensino de qualidade na formação humana e por isso os estudantes desenvolveram sentimentos positivos quanto ao curso. Promoveu os estudantes a novas oportunidades na sua vida social, inclusive com ingresso na universidade. A tese geral aponta para a potencialidade do PROEJA do Câmpus Rio Grande, na transformação da realidade do sujeito, apesar do alto índice de evasão e da inadequação do curso.


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IFRS 9 Financial instruments presents the classification and measurement, the impairment and the hedge accounting requirements for accounting of financial instruments. The standard was set by the International Accounting Standards Board to replace IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement on 1 January 2018. Hence, the long-criticized and complexly experienced requirements for accounting of financial instruments will undergo the most significant reform. This thesis addresses anticipated effects of IFRS 9, focusing on the challenges the new classification and measurement requirements bring forth in the case organization Kesko. This thesis was conducted as an action research, in which, a case study method was applied. The thesis was conducted with a twofold manner, which involved general analysis of IFRS 9 and further covered distinct ambitions related to the case organization. For the general part, empirical data was gathered by interviewing two IFRS experts from KPMG and PwC, while the interviews within the case organization constituted for the case study. Further, the literature on the IFRS 9 was such scant that the theoretical examination was merged with the IFRS experts’ quotations that also strived to contribute to the overall objective of reinforcing the body of research related to the subject. This thesis indicates that IFRS 9 will most fundamentally reform the impairment and the hedge accounting requirements of financial instruments. Regard to impairment, the changes are anticipated to increase the amount of loan-loss provisions, whereas the relaxed hedge accounting requirements are expected to encourage more companies to commence the application of hedge accounting. The thesis provides empirical support on that the term business model for managing financial assets, introduced in IFRS 9, is ably hard to comprehend and remains ambiguous. It goes on to argue that the most prominent issue in defining the business model for managing financial assets is the limits set in IFRS 9 for selling financial assets. In consideration of Kesko, this thesis finds that the key effects of IFRS 9 are anticipated to be the reshaping of the organization’s treasury policy and further examination of the possibility to apply hedge accounting for foreign exchange derivatives. What is more, the thesis presumes that complying the requirements of IFRS 9 Kesko will apply the hold to collect and sell model for managing financial assets in future.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan johdon harkinnanvaraisuutta tuloksenjärjestelyn mahdollistajana IFRS-kontekstissa tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta. Tuloksenjärjestely ilmenee silloin, kun johto käyttää harkinnanvaraisuutta taloudellisessa raportoinnissa ja muuttaa raportointia sellaiseksi, joka ei vastaa yrityksen sen hetkistä taloudellista suoriutumista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada selville, miten harkinnanvaraisuuden oikeellisuudesta voidaan varmentua IFRS-raportointia noudattavissa, suomalaisissa yhtiöissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarjota uutta tietoa IFRS:n sisältämästä harkinnanvaraisuudesta nojautumalla tilintarkastajan näkökulmaan. Tämän tavoitteena on lisätä informaatiota puutteellisesta näkökulmasta, millä avataan myös aikaisempien tutkimustuloksien ristiriitaa liittyen tuloksenjärjestelyn harjoittamisen mahdollisuuksiin IFRS-kontekstissa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on saada selville, miten johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuutta voidaan kyseenalaistaa. Tuloksenjärjestelyä käsittävä tutkimus on lähes poikkeuksetta kvantitatiivista keskittyen tilinpäätöksistä johdettuihin, yleistettäviin tilastollisiin analyyseihin. Tuloksenjärjestelyn on kuitenkin todettu olevan aiempaa tiedettyä monimuotoisempi ilmiö, joka edellyttää kvantitatiivisten menetelmien sijaan kvalitatiivista lähestymistapaa. Tämä tutkielma keskittyykin tutkimaan tuloksenjärjestelyä laadullisin menetelmin käyttämällä toiminta-analyyttista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto muodostuu puolestaan neljästä puolistrukturoidusta yksilöhaastattelusta. Kaikki haastateltavat työskentelevät KHT-tilintarkastajina yhdessä Suomen suurimmassa tilintarkastusorganisaatiossa. Tämä tutkimus vahvistaa aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia, joiden mukaan IFRS-standardit edellyttävät runsaasti johdon harkintaa. Lisäksi tässä tutkielmassa todetaan, että arvionvaraisten erien tarkastamiseen on useita eri tapoja. Mikään näistä ei kuitenkaan tarjoa tilintarkastajille absoluuttista vastausta siitä, onko harkintaa käytetty asianmukaisella tavalla. Tämän vuoksi tilintarkastajat joutuvatkin usein tasapainottelemaan johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuuden suhteen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa havaitaan, että tilintarkastajien kynnys lähteä kyseenalaistamaan johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuutta on korkea. Ensimmäiseksi tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä tilintarkastajien merkityksestä harkinnanvaraisten erien tarkastamisessa. Tutkielman mukaan harkinnanvaraiset erät eivät nimittäin ole aiemman tietämyksen tapaan pelkästään alttiita johdon subjektiivisille näkemyksille, vaan niiden tarkastaminen edellyttää myös tilintarkastajilta subjektiivista tulkintaa. Toiseksi tämä tutkimus tuo uutuusarvoa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin nostamalla esiin tilintarkastajien kokeman riskin asiakasmenetyksistä osana harkinnanvaraisten erien tarkastamista ja kyseenalaistamista.


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Talouden globalisaation seurauksena yhä useammat yritykset hakevat kansainvälistä rahoitusta toiminnalleen, mistä johtuen kasvava joukko rahoittajia sijoittaa kotimaansa ulkopuolella toimiviin yrityksiin. Tällaisten sijoittajien on kyettävä luotettavasti vertailemaan eri maissa toimivia yrityksiä ja niiden taloudellista informaatiota keskenään. IFRS-standardien tarkoituksena on synnyttää kansainvälisesti vertailukelpoisia tilinpäätöksiä yrityksen kotimaasta riippumatta. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on esitetty, että IFRS-standardeihin siirtymisen jälkeenkin yrityksen kotimaan taloudellisen raportoinnin kulttuuri ja käytännöt näkyvät kyseisen yrityksen IFRS-tilinpäätöksissä, mikä johtaa tilinpäätösten vertailukelpoisuuden heikentymiseen. Tutkimuksissa on tunnistettu erilaisia tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat kansallisten erityispiirteiden säilymiseen eri maiden IFRS-tilinpäätöksissä. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia venäläisen IFRS-raportoinnin erityispiirteitä sekä laatia teoreettinen viitekehys venäläisen IFRS-raportoinnin erityispiirteiden muodostumisesta. Tässä tutkielmassa käytetään käsiteanalyyttista tutkimusotetta. Tarkoituksena on aikaisemman tutkimuksen pohjalta laatia IFRS-raportoinnin kansallisten erityispiirteiden muodostumisen yleinen viitekehys, jonka avulla tarkastellaan venäläistä IFRS-raportointia ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tarkastelun pohjalta laaditaan hypoteeseja, joita käytetään avauksena asiantuntijahaastattelussa. Tarkastelun ja tehdyn asiantuntijahaastattelun pohjalta esitetään lopullinen jalostunut viitekehys venäläisen IFRS-raportoinnin erityispiirteiden muodostumisesta. Tutkielman tuloksena esitetyssä viitekehyksessä tunnistetaan kahden tasoisia tekijöitä venäläisen IFRS-raportoinnin erityispiirteiden muodostumisessa: motiiveja ja mahdollisuuksia. Erityispiirteiden muodostumiseen liittyviä motiiveja löytyy esimerkiksi Venäjän talousjärjestelmästä ja verotusjärjestelmästä. Tunnistettuja motiiveja ovat valtiojohtoinen markkinatalous, laillisen toimintaympäristön epävarmuus, verotuksen ja kirjanpidon yhteys sekä konservatismi ja salailu kirjanpidon arvoina. Venäläisen IFRS-raportoinnin erityispiirteitä mahdollistavia tekijöitä ovat väärinymmärrykset standardien tulkinnoissa, eri versioiden käyttäminen IFRS-standardeista sekä IFRS-standardien mahdollistama raportoijan oman harkinnan käyttö. Viimeisenä mainittu tekijä tunnistettiin erityisen merkittävänä erityispiirteiden muodostumisessa. Sen kautta venäläisen taloudellisen raportoinnin kulttuuriin liittyvät tekijät kuten verotuksen vaikutus kirjanpitoon voi näkyä myös yritysten lopullisissa IFRS-tilinpäätöksissä.


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Pk-yritykset ovat nousseet merkittäväksi puheenaiheeksi viime vuosina niiden työllistävän vaikutuksen vuoksi. Iso osa uusista työpaikoista on syntynyt pk-yrityksiin eikä suuriin yrityksiin. Samalla kansainvälistymiskehitys on ollut aikamme suurimpia muutosvoimia, jotka vaikuttavat talouselämään. Kansainvälistymällä yritykset ovat saaneet uusia väyliä hankkia rahoitusta, laajentaneet ja monipuolistaneet asiakaskuntaansa ja hankkineet skaalaetuja. Kansainvälisyys aiheuttaa haasteita yritysten taloudelliselle raportoinnille, joten pk-yrityksille luotiin pk-IFRS –standardisto. Sen tarkoituksena on parantaa vertailukelpoisuutta eri maista tulevien yritysten välillä ja keventää raportoinnin raskautta. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitettiin, miten pk-IFRS:n soveltaminen vaikuttaa tilinpäätösten tekijöihin ja käyttäjiin. Tutkielma alkaa teoria-osuudesta, jossa käytiin läpi tuoreita tutkimuksia, minkä pohjalta esiin nousseita kysymyksiä käyttäen tehtiin empiria-osuudessa analysoitava haastattelu. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että tutkijoiden ja haastateltavan näkemykset pk-IFRS:tä ovat pääosin samanlaiset. Pk-IFRS:n ongelmia on sen lyhyys, mikä aiheuttaa tulkintaongelmia ja monimutkaisuus, joka kuormittaa raportoijan resursseja. Pk-yritykset toimivat useimmin vain kotimaassa, jolloin hyödyt jäävät rajallisiksi. Pienemmissä pk-yrityksissä tilinpäätöksiä käyttäviä sidosryhmiä on vähän, jolloin käyttäjien saamat hyödyt ovat pienet. Kuitenkin käypään arvoon arvostus ja tiedon annon vaatimukset voivat helpottaa rahoituksen saantia joillekin yrityksille, jos pk-IFRS:ää aletaan soveltaa samalla tavalla joka maassa ja yrityksessä.


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Worldwide convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), ongoing since 2002, is a requirement if international comparability between publicly listed companies is to be ensured. Convergence is examined from the point of view of regulators, accountants, and users of financial information. For this purpose, data on 534 companies from the global automotive industry is used. This paper concludes that worldwide convergence is mostly being effective. Its triumph, however, varies depending on the set of accounting standards being compared to IFRS. Options within IFRS, national tax regulation, cultural differences, different company strategies and country resistance are found to hinder convergence.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Programa MultiInstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, 2016.