116 resultados para Hysterectomy


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We report a case of a female patient that was referred to our service with progressive weakness and dyspnea. Three years ago, she had been submitted to hysterectomy and salpingo-oforectomy followed by adjuvant radiotherapy due to uterine cervix neuroendocrine tumor. Two-dimensional echocardiography showed a dense sessile mass in the right ventricle causing right and left ventricular filling restriction. Despite chemotherapy the patient died and necropsy confirmed metastases from neuroendocrine tumor to the right ventricle. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was undertaken to evaluate the association between the expression of CD31 in the tumor and the histopathologic findings in patients with carcinoma of the cervix. This study included prospectively 30 women, aged 46.6 +/- 10.7 years, with stage IB squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix submitted to radical hysterectomy from November 2001 to September 2002. Samples from the tumor were taken and immunohistochemically evaluated by a monoclonal antibody for CD31. Clinicopathologic characteristics such as stage, tumor size, grade of differentiation, lymphatic vascular space invasion (LVSI), parametrial involvement, and status of pelvic lymph nodes were also recorded. The clinical stage (FIGO) was IB1 in 22 patients (73.3%) and IB2 in 8 patients (26.7%). The expression of CD31 was significantly associated with tumor size and the presence of LVSI, but not with grade of differentiation and vaginal or parametrial involvement (P= 0.03, P= 0.032, P= 0.352, P= 0.208, and P= 0.242, respectively). on univariate analysis, the presence of pelvic lymph node metastasis was influenced by LVSI (P= 0.003) and CD31 expression (P= 0.032). However, on multivariate analysis, the presence of LVSI (P= 0.007) was the only independent predictor of pelvic lymph node metastasis. The CD31 expression in tumor is significantly associated with LVSI and tumor size in patients with early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix.


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Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos da histerectomia total abdominal (HTA) sobre o fluxo sangüíneo ovariano, em mulheres no menacme, por meio da dopplervelocimetria e ultra-sonografia transvaginal. Métodos: estudo prospectivo no qual foram incluídas 61 mulheres, com idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: G1, com 31 pacientes submetidas à HTA, e G2, com 30 mulheres normais não submetidas à cirurgia. Somente foram incluídas pacientes eumenorréicas, ovulatórias, não-obesas ou fumantes, sem cirurgias ou doenças ovarianas prévias. Avaliou-se o fluxo sangüíneo das artérias ovarianas, inicialmente e aos 6 e 12 meses, pelo índice de pulsatilidade (IP) na dopplervelocimetria, e o volume ovariano pela ultra-sonografia transvaginal (US). Para análise estatística empregou-se teste t pareado, análise de perfil, teste de Friedman e teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: na comparação estatística inicial os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às características epidemiológicas e quanto aos demais parâmetros avaliados neste estudo. Nas pacientes submetidas à histerectomia, observaram-se aos 6 e 12 meses aumento do volume ovariano ao US e diminuição do IP avaliado pela dopplervelocimetria (p<0,05), quando confrontadas ao controle. Aos 12 meses, em 8 das 31 pacientes pós-HTA (25,5%) verificou-se ocorrência de cistos ovarianos de aspecto benigno. No grupo controle não houve alteração de nenhum desses parâmetros. Conclusão: a redução do IP na dopplervelocimetria das artérias ovarianas sugere aumento do fluxo sangüíneo ovariano pós-histerectomia total abdominal em mulheres no menacme.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objetivos: avaliar a eficácia do acetato de medroxiprogesterona e do acetato de megestrol nas hiperplasias de endométrio. Métodos: foram incluídas, retrospectivamente 47 pacientes com sangramento uterino anormal, submetidas a curetagem uterina diagnóstica e/ou biópsia de endométrio, cujo achado histopatológico foi de hiperplasia de endométrio. Nas pacientes com hiperplasia sem atipia foi iniciado a terapêutica com acetato de medroxiprogesterona por via oral, na dose de 10 mg/dia durante 10-12 dias por mês. Nas com atipia, era utilizado o acetato de megestrol por via oral, dose de 160 mg/dia, uso contínuo. O período de tratamento variou de 3 a 18 meses. Biópsia de endométrio e/ou curetagem uterina de controle foram realizadas entre três e seis meses do início do tratamento e periodicamente para avaliar a resposta terapêutica. Resultados: foram analisadas 42 pacientes com hiperplasia endometrial sem atipia e cinco com atipia. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 49,5 ± 10,6 anos, sendo 70,2% com idade superior a 45 anos. O acetato de medroxiprogesterona foi eficaz em fazer regredir as hiperplasias sem atipias em 83,2% (35/42) e o acetato de megestrol em 80% (4/5) das hiperplasias com atipia. em 16,8% (7 casos) das hiperplasias sem atipia e em 20% (1 caso) das com atipia, ocorreu persistência das lesões, apesar do tratamento. em nenhum caso ocorreu progressão para câncer de endométrio, durante o período de seguimento que foi de 3 meses a 9 anos. No acompanhamento dessas pacientes, verificamos que 18 (38,3%) apresentaram amenorréia, em 12 (25,5%) ocorreu regularização do ciclo menstrual e 17 (36,2%) permaneceram com sangramento uterino anormal, sendo submetidas a histerectomia total abdominal. O exame anatomopatológico mostrou a persistência da lesão hiperplásica em oito casos, leiomioma em quatro, adenomiose em três, mio-hipertrofia uterina difusa em um caso e útero normal em outro, tendo havido regressão das lesões hiperplásicas nesses últimos nove casos. Conclusões: o tratamento das hiperplasias de endométrio com acetato de medroxiprogesterona e/ou acetato de megestrol, representa uma alternativa satisfatória para mulheres que desejam preservar o útero ou que tenham risco cirúrgico elevado. Entretanto, é necessário monitorização cuidadosa do endométrio, o que deve ser realizado pela avaliação dos sintomas, ultra-sonografia transvaginal e biópsia periódica.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A técnica de histerectomia vaginal possibilita menor tempo operatório e o uso do bloqueio do neuro-eixo, com os benefícios de melhor analgesia pós-operatória e menor resposta sistêmica ao procedimento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever as alterações hemodinâmicas decorrentes do posicionamento em litotomia exagerada em paciente cardiopata. RELATO do CASO: Paciente de 33 anos, G0P0A0, com história de sangramento uterino anormal e anemia. A ultra-sonografia evidenciava útero miomatoso com volume estimado de 420 cm³. Ela era portadora de trombofilia e miocardiopatia dilatada, com passado de dois acidentes vasculares encefálicos isquêmicos e dois infartos agudos do miocárdio. Foi monitorizada com pressão arterial invasiva e cateter de artéria pulmonar com medida de débito cardíaco contínuo. Realizada raquianestesia com bupivacaína hiperbárica e morfina. A paciente foi posicionada em litotomia exagerada sendo realizada histerectomia total pela técnica de Heaney e salpingectomia bilateral. Como intercorrência intra-operatória apresentou diminuição do índice cardíaco e aumento das pressões de câmaras direitas após o posicionamento, necessitando do uso de dobutamina. CONCLUSÕES: O posicionamento em litotomia exagerada pode ocasionar alterações hemodinâmicas que devem ser consideradas na escolha da técnica cirúrgica.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar através de infusão contínua de xilazina ou medetomidina associada à metotrimeprazina e buprenorfina, cetamina e midazolam, o grau de hipnose, miorrelaxamento e qualidade anestésica e a viabilidade cirúrgica, avaliando eventuais alterações paramétricas e qualidade de recuperação. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 cães fêmeas, adultas, hígidas (3 a 5 anos de idade) com peso corporal entre 7 e 15 quilos, escolhidas e distribuídas aleatoriamente de forma homogênea em 2 grupos de 10 animais cada, (n=10) sendo estes designados por Grupo 1 (G1), e Grupo 2 (G 2). em G1, os animais foram submetidos a um pré-tratamento com metotrimeprazina na dose de 1,0 mg/kg e buprenorfina na dose de 0,003mg/kg ou 3 µg/kg intravenoso. Decorridos 15 minutos, administrou-se cetamina na dose de 5,0 mg/kg e midazolam na dose de 0,2 mg/kg intravenoso. Imediatamente após a indução iniciou-se administração contínua, por um período de 30 minutos, da associação anestésica de midazolam 0,4 mg/kg/h, cetamina 20mg/kg/h e xilazina 1,0 mg/kg/h IV. em G 2 utilizou-se a mesma técnica empregada em G1 substituindo-se, a xilazina pela medetomidina na dose de 30µg/kg/h. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se em G1 bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro e segundo grau, período de recuperação mais longo além de menor qualidade. em G 2 observou-se bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro grau isolado e de ação fugaz. CONCLUSÕES: Ao se aplicar o método de infusão contínua, além da redução dos fármacos aplicados, evitaram-se efeitos colaterais permitindo uma recuperação mais tranqüila e isenta de excitações, ambos os protocolos permitiram a realização do ato cirúrgico (ovário-salpingo-histerectomia), causando uma redução da hipnose e um miorrelaxamento acentuado. A xilazina e a medetomidina apresentam um comportamento farmacodinâmico semelhante, porém com aspectos clínicos diferentes, as alterações eletrocardiográficas observadas em G 2 e em menor grau em G1 devem ser melhor estudadas.


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Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification using radioisotopic lymphatic mapping with technetium-99 m-labeled phytate in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer.Methods. Between July 2001 and February 2003, 56 patients with cervical cancer 1160 stage I (it 53) or stage 11 (it 3) underwent sentinel lymph node detection with preoperative lymphoscintigraphy (Te-99m-labeled phytate injected into the uterine cervix, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock, at a dose of 55-74 MBq in a volume of 0.8 ml) and intratoperative lymphatic mapping with a handheld gamma probe, Radical hysterectomy was aborted in three cases because parametrial invasion was found intraoperatively and we performed only sentinel node resection. The remaining 53 patients underwent radical hysterectomy with complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, Sentinel nodes were detected using a handheld gamma-probe and removed for pathological assessment during the abdominal radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy.Results. One or more sentinel nodes were detected in 52 out of 56 eligible patients (92.8%). A total of 120 SLNs were detected by lymphoscintigraphy (mean 2.27 nodes per patient) and intraoperatively by gamma probe, Forty-four percent of SLNs were found in the external iliac area, 39% in the obturator region, 8.3% in interiliae region, and 6.7),) in the common iliac area. Unilateral sentinel nodes were found in thirty-one patients (59%). The remaining 21 patients (4100 had bilateral sentinel nodes, Microscopic nodal metastases were confirmed in 17 (32%) cases. In 10 of these patients, only SLNs had metastases. The 98 sentinel node.,, that were negative on hematoxylin and eosin were submitted to cytokeratin immunohistochemical analysis. Five (5.1%) micrometastases were identified with this technique. The sensitivity of the sentinel node was 82.3% (CI 95% - 56.6-96.2) and the negative predictive value was 92.1% (CI 95% 78.6 98.3) the accuracy of sentinel node in predicting the lymph node status was 94.2%,Conclusion. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and intraoperative lymphatic mapping with Tc-99-labeled phytate are effective in identifying sentinel nodes in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy and to select women in whom lymph node dissection call be avoided. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report an unusual case of a 37-year-old woman who presented in 1980 with a serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. The patient refused any treatment and the patient was lost to follow-up for 6 years. After this period of time she returned with an extremely large, cutaneous, cauliflower-type of metastasis located in the lower abdominal wall and measuring 20 x 20 cm. She received two courses of chemotherapy treatment consisting of intraperitoneal cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and intravenous epirubicin (50 mg/m2) every 3 weeks. After the second course of chemotherapy she received cobalt radiotherapy (5000 cGy). Subsequently, she received four more courses of chemotherapy with dramatic remission of the cutaneous metastasis. Shortly after chemotherapy, the patient underwent a laparotomy consisting of the resection of the abdominal wall including the cutaneous metastasis completed by total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. The patient is well after the surgery and without any evidence of residual disease after 6 years of follow up. This description illustrates a rare example of ovarian cancer with skin metastases and favorable outcome. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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Objectives: Diffuse uterine myohypertrophy (DUMH) is a condition clinically diagnosed by the presence of uterine bleeding, homogeneous and diffuse uterine enlargement, and absence of any myoendometrial cause of bleeding. Since the morphologic criteria for the diagnosis of this entity are still controversial, this study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation and the morphologic findings of the cases of DUMH presenting at the University Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, Methods: We retrospectively studied 43 consecutive patients with DUMH submitted to hysterectomy (test group) and compared the findings with those obtained from 28 patients submitted to hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (control group). There were no significant differences in age, weight or height between the two groups. Results: the uterine weight of the DUMH group (mean +/- S.D. 157.4 +/- 46.4 g) was significantly heavier than that of the control group (99.5 +/- 35.4 g) and myometrial thickness was significantly greater in the DUMH group (2.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than in the control group (1.9 +/- 0.4 cm). No positive correlation was observed between increased uterine weight and parity, but there was a positive correlation between uterine weight and myometrial thickness. on the basis of the present study, we suggest that the diagnosis of DUMH be made clinically and in cases of uterine weight greater than or equal to 120 g and myometrial thickness greater than or equal to 2.0 cm. In addition, 10 cases of each group were analyzed by morphometry to evaluate interstitial fibrosis and myometrial hypertrophy. The data showed that the increase in uterine weight in DUMH is caused by enlargement of individual myometrial fibers rather than accumulation of interstitial collagen. Conclusion: Discriminant analysis to estimate the diagnostic significance of a number of clinical and pathologic variables (age, parity, uterine weight and morphometric parameters) was able to differentiate cases of DUMH from controls in 100% of the patients.


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Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of the uterus. Extrauterine locations of this neoplasm, excluding metastases or local extension, are even more unusual and are usually associated with the presence of endometriosis. The authors report a case of endometrial stromal sarcoma presenting as a vaginal wall nodule, without any sign of primary uterine tumor after extensive evaluation or presence of endometriosis. The morphology, immunohistochemical profile, differential diagnoses, and pathogenesis are discussed, as well as a review of the literature on this issue. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effects of premedicating cats with saline, xylazine or medetomidine before anaesthetising them with propofol-sevoflurane were compared. Twenty-four cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight to receive either 0.25 ml of saline, 0.50 mg/kg of xylazine or 0.02 mg/kg of medetomidine intravenously, and anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with sevoflurane. Medetomidine produced a greater reduction in the induction dose of propofol and fewer adverse postoperative effects than saline or xylazine. Hypoxaemia was observed after induction with propofol in the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine, but not in the cats given medetomidine. The cats treated with medetomidine and xylazine developed profound bradycardia. The blood pressure of the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine decreased, but the blood pressure of the cats premedicated with medetomidine was maintained. The cats premedicated with saline took longer to recover from anaesthesia than the other two groups.


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Objectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate the association between the telomerase activity in the tumor and clinicopathological findings in patients with stage IB-IIA (FIGO) carcinoma of the cervix. Methods: Thirty-eight patients with carcinoma of the cervix submitted to radical hysterectomy were prospectively from January 1998 to November 2001. Samples from the tumor were taken and analyzed by the telomerase PCR-TRAP-ELISA kit. Clinicopathological characteristics such as age, stage, tumor size, grade of differentiation, lymphatic vascular space invasion (LVSI), parametrial involvement and status of pelvic lymph nodes were also recorded. Results: Patient's mean age was 49.3 ± 1.99 years (29-76 years). The clinical stage (FIGO) was IB in 35 patients (92.1%) and IIA in 3 patients (7.9%). The histological classification identified squamous cell carcinoma in 33 patients (86.8%) and adenocarcinoma in 5 patients (13.2%). There was no association between age, clinical stage, histological classification, tumor size, grade of differentiation and presence of LVSI with tumoral telomerase activity. The telomerase activity was not associated with the presence of vaginal involvement (P = 0.349), parametrium involvement (P = 0.916), pelvic lymph node metastasis (P = 0.988) or tumoral recurrence (P = 0.328) in patients with carcinoma of the cervix. Conclusions: Telomerase activity in the tumor is not associated with clinicopathological findings or tumor recurrence in patients with early stage cervical carcinoma. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.


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Purpose: Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is one of the most devastating surgical complications that can occur in women. The primary cause remains an abdominal hysterectomy. Approach to this condition can be transvaginal or transabdominal. Laparoscopic repair of VVF may be an alternative approach to this treating rare condition. We present seven cases of VVF treated with transperitoneal laparoscopic technique and our results. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 7 women ranging from 37 to 74 years in age (mean age 52.8 years) at our institution who underwent laparoscopic transperitoneal repair of VVF between February 2004 and March 2006. Etiology of the VVF, surgical technique, operative time, length of hospital stay, and complications were reviewed. Results: Six of the seven VVFs we repaired laparoscopically resulted from gynecologic procedures, and one patient presented with a VVF after a ureterolithotripsy. Mean operative time ranged from 130 to 420 minutes (mean 280 minutes), and mean hospital stay was 7 days. In one patient conversion to open surgery was necessary due to prolonged operative time. Two complications occurred a urinary tract infection in one patient and an inferior limb compartment syndrome in another. Conclusion: Transvaginal laparoscopic repair of VVF is feasible and safe and provides excellent results. It is a good alternative to the abdominal approach. However, advanced laparoscopic skills are mandatory. © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.