989 resultados para Hygrothermal conditioning


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How memory is organized within neural networks is a fundamental question in neuroscience. We used Pavlovian fear conditioning to study the discrete organization patterns of neurons activated in an associative memory paradigm. In Pavlovian fear conditioning a neutral stimulus, such as an auditory tone, is temporally paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a foot shock...


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The neural basis of Pavlovian fear conditioning is well understood and depends upon neural processes within the amygdala. Stress is known to play a role in the modulation of fear-related behavior, including Pavlovian fear conditioning. Chronic restraint stress has been shown to enhance fear conditioning to discrete and contextual stimuli; however, the time course and extent of restraint that is essential for this modulation of fear learning remains unclear. Thus, we tested the extent to which a single exposure to 1 hr of restraint would alter subsequent auditory fear conditioning in rats.


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In the Hebbian postulate, transiently reverberating cellular ensembles can sustain activity to facilitate temporal coincidence detection. Auditory fear conditioning is believed to be formed in the lateral amygdala (LA), by way of plasticity at auditory input synapses on principal neurons. To evaluate the contribution of LA cellular ensembles in the formation of conditioned fear memories, we investigated the LA micro-circuitry by electrophysiological and anatomical approaches. Polysynaptic field potentials evoked in the LA by stimulation of auditory thalamus(MGm/PIN) or auditory cortical (TE3) afferents were analyzed in vitro and in vivo. In vivo, two potentials were identified following stimulation of either pathway. In vitro, these multiple potentials were revealed by adding 75uM Picrotoxin or 30uM Bicuculine, with the first potential peaking at 15-20 ms, followed by two additional potentials at 20 – 25 and 30 – 35 ms, respectively. These data show single stimulation events can result in multiple synchronized excitatory events within the lateral amygdala. In order to determine underlying mechanisms of auditory signal propagation, LA principal neuron axon collateral trajectory patterns and morphology were analyzed. Neurons were found to have local axon collaterals that are topographically organized. Each axon collateral within the LA totaled 14.1 ± 2.73mm, had 29.8 ± 9.1 branch points and 1870.8 ± 1035 boutons (n=9). Electrophysiological and anatomical data show that a network of extensive axon collaterals within the LA may facilitate preservation of auditory afferent signals.


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During Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning a previously neutral auditory stimulus (CS) gains emotional significance through pairing with a noxious unconditioned stimulus (US). These associations are believed to be formed by way of plasticity at auditory input synapses on principal neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). In order to begin to understand how fear memories are stored and processed by synaptic changes in the LA, we have quantified both the entire neural number and the sub-cellular structure of LA principal neurons.We first used stereological cell counting methods on Gimsa or GABA immunostained rat brain. We identified 60,322+/-1408 neurons in the LA unilaterally (n=7). Of these 16,917+/-471 were GABA positive. The intercalated nuclei were excluded from the counts and thus GABA cells are believed to represent GABAergic interneurons. The sub-nuclei of the LA were also independently counted. We then quantified the morphometric properties of in vitro electrophysiologically identified principal neurons of the LA, corrected for shrinkage in xyz planes. The total dendritic length was 9.97+/-2.57mm, with 21+/-4 nodes (n=6). Dendritic spine density was 0.19+/-0.03 spines/um (n=6). Intra-LA axon collaterals had a bouton density of 0.1+/-0.02 boutons/um (n=5). These data begin to reveal the finite cellular and sub-cellular processing capacity of the lateral amygdala, and should facilitate efforts to understand mechanisms of plasticity in LA.


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Auditory fear conditioning is dependent on auditory signaling from the medial geniculate (MGm) and the auditory cortex (TE3) to principal neurons of the lateral amygdala (LA). Local circuit GABAergic interneurons are known to inhibit LA principal neurons via fast and slow IPSP's. Stimulation of MGm and TE3 produces excitatory post-synaptic potentials in both LA principal and interneurons, followed by inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Manipulations of D1 receptors in the lateral and basal amygdala modulate the retrieval of learned association between an auditory CS and foot shock. Here we examined the effects of D1 agonists on GABAergic IPSP's evoked by stimulation of MGm and TE3 afferents in vitro. Whole cell patch recordings were made from principal neurons of the LA, at room temperature, in coronal brain slices using standard methods. Stimulating electrodes were placed on the fiber tracts medial to the LA and at the external capsule/layer VI border dorsal to the LA to activate (0.1-0.2mA) MGm and TE3 afferents respectively. Neurons were held at -55.0 mV by positive current injection to measure the amplitude of the fast IPSP. Changes in input resistance and membrane potential were measured in the absence of current injection. Stimulation of MGm or TE3 afferents produced EPSP's in the majority of principal neurons and in some an EPSP/IPSP sequence. Stimulation of MGm afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -2.30 ± 0.53 mV and stimulation of TE3 afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -1.98 ± 1.26 mV. Bath application of 20μM SKF38393 increased IPSP amplitudes to -5.94 ± 1.62 mV (MGm, n=3) and-5.46 ± 0.31 mV (TE3, n=3). Maximal effect occurred <10mins. A small increase in resting membrane potential and decrease in input resistance were observed. These data suggest that DA modulates both the auditory thalamic and auditory cortical inputs to the LA fear conditioning circuit via local GABAergic circuits. Supported by NIMH Grants 00956, 46516, and 58911.


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Deposition of good quality thin films of Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LiCoO2), by sputtering is preceded by target conditioning, which dictates the surface composition, morphology and electrochemical performance of the deposited film. Sputtering from a Virgin target surface, results in films with excess of the more reactive elements. The concentration of these reactive elements in the films decreases until the system reaches a steady state after sufficient sputtering from the target. This paper discusses the deposition kinetics in terms of target conditioning of LiCoO2. The composition, morphology and texturing of deposited film during various hours of sputtering were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Field Emission Scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The compositional stability is not observed in the films formed during the initial hours or Sputtering from the fresh target, which becomes stable after several hours of sputtering. The Li and Co concentration in the Films deposited subsequently is found to be varying and possible causes are discussed. After the compositional stability is reached, electrochemical analysis of LiCoO2 thin films was performed, which shows a discharge capacity of 129 mu Ah/cm(2).


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The design and implementation of a complete gas sensor system for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) gas sensing are presented. The system consists of a SnO2 transducer, a lowcost heater, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with front-end interface circuitry, and a microcontroller interface for data logging. The ASIC includes a relaxation-oscillator-based heater driver circuit that is capable of controlling the sensor operating temperature from 100degC to 425degC. The sensor readout circuit in the ASIC, which is based on the resistance to time conversion technique, has been designed to measure the gas sensor response over three orders of resistance change during its interaction with gases.


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The purpose of this article is to report the experience of design and testing of orifice plate-based flow measuring systems for evaluation of air leakages in components of air conditioning systems. Two of the flow measuring stations were designed with a beta value of 0.405 and 0.418. The third was a dual path unit with orifice plates of beta value 0.613 and 0.525. The flow rates covered with all the four were from 4-94 l/s and the range of Reynolds numbers is from 5600 to 76,000. The coefficients of discharge were evaluated and compared with the Stolz equation. Measured C-d values are generally higher than those obtained from the equation, the deviations being larger in the low Reynolds number region. Further, it is observed that a second-degree polynomial is inadequate to relate the pressure drop and flow rate. The lower Reynolds number limits set by standards appear to be somewhat conservative.


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Absorption due to immersion in aqueous media consisting of either saline or seawater or due to exposure to water vapor conditions and the attendant effect on the compressive properties of syntactic foam reinforced with E-glass fibers in the form of chopped strands were studied. Whereas the compressive strength decreased in samples exposed to water vapor, the saline or seawater immersed samples showed increase when compared to the dry sample. The decrease in strength in the vapor-exposed case is ascribed to higher absorption of water and to debonding and damaged features for interfaces. The enhancement of strength values for the samples immersed in saltish media is traced to the larger size of the chloride ion and resultant changes in the stress state around the fiber-bearing regions. Recourse to an analysis of scanning electron microscopic pictures of the compression-failed samples is taken to explain the observed trends.


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This article deals with the durability of 2D woven mat carbon/polyester, glass/isopolyester, and gel-coated glass/isopolyester reinforced composites under hygrothermic conditions with regard to marine applications. The test coupons were exposed to 60 degrees C and 70 degrees C at 95% RH for a maximum duration of 100 h. The samples were periodically withdrawn and weighed for moisture absorption and tested for the degradation in the mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, flexural strength, interlaminar shear strength, and Young's modulus and flexural modulus. Carbon/isopolyester-based specimens showed greater stability with respect to degradation in the mechanical properties than the glass/isopolyester/gel coat- and glass/isopolyester-based specimens. Glass/isopolyester exhibited the maximum moisture absorption, whereas the minimum moisture absorption was found in glass/isopolyester/gel coat. Diffusion coefficient (D) was found to be the highest for glass/isopolyester and the lowest for glass/isopolyester/gel coat, based on the Fick's law of diffusion. Diffusion coefficient increases with the increase in temperature for all the specimens. Microstructure study of fractured specimens was carried out using scanning electron microscope to compare matrix/fiber debonding and matrix-degradation of fiber-reinforced polymer composites.


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Low Voltage (LV) electricity distribution grid operations can be improved through a combination of new smart metering systems' capabilities based on real time Power Line Communications (PLC) and LV grid topology mapping. This paper presents two novel contributions. The first one is a new methodology developed for smart metering PLC network monitoring and analysis. It can be used to obtain relevant information from the grid, thus adding value to existing smart metering deployments and facilitating utility operational activities. A second contribution describes grid conditioning used to obtain LV feeder and phase identification of all connected smart electric meters. Real time availability of such information may help utilities with grid planning, fault location and a more accurate point of supply management.