997 resultados para Humid years
In sub-humid South India, recent studies have shown that black soil areas (Vertisols and vertic Intergrades), located on flat valley bottoms, have been rejuvenated through the incision of streambeds, inducing changes in the pedoclimate and soil transformation. Joint pedological, geochemical and geophysical investigations were performed in order to better understand the ongoing processes and their contribution to the chemistry of local rivers. The seasonal rainfall causes cycles of oxidation and reduction in a perched watertable at the base of the black soil, while the reduced solutions are exported through a loamy sand network. This framework favours a ferrolysis process, which causes low base saturation and protonation of clay, leading to the weathering of 2:1 then 1:1 clay minerals. Maximum weathering conditions occur at the very end of the wet season, just before disappearance of the perched watertable. Therefore, the by-products of soil transformation are partially drained off and calcareous nodules, then further downslope, amorphous silica precipitate upon soil dehydration. The ferrolysed area is fringing the drainage system indicating that its development has been induced by the streambed incision. The distribution of (14)C ages of CaCO(3) nodules suggests that the ferrolysis process started during the late Holocene, only about 2 kyr B.P. at the studied site and about 5 kyr B.P. at the watershed outlet. The results of this study are applied to an assessment of the physical erosion rate (4.8x10(-3) m/kyr) since the recent reactivation of the erosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: One of the complications of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is intragastric erosion, leading to a revisional procedure to remove the band. Our aim was to present the procedure and results of endoscopic band removal in a 5-year multicenter experience from the Gastro Obeso Center and Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recite, Brazil. Methods: From 2003 to 2008, 82 patients were diagnosed with band erosion. The clinical data concerning the endoscopic procedure were prospectively recorded and retrospectively reviewed. Results: The average preoperative body mass index was 43.2 kg/m(2) (range 34-50). At the diagnosis of intragastric erosion, the body mass index was 24-41 kg/m(2) (average 31.8). The erosion occurred an average of 16.3 months (range 6-36) postoperatively. The symptoms included pain in 25 (31%), port infection in 21 patients (27%), and weight regain in 20 (25%), and 12 patients (15%) were asymptomatic. Endoscopic removal was possible for 78 patients (95%). In 85% of patients, the band was removed in the first session, with an average duration of 55 minutes (range 25-150). Five cases of pneumoperitoneum occurred after the procedure. Of these, 3 were treated conservatively, 1 was treated by laparoscopy, and I was treated by abdominal puncture using the Veress needle. Conclusion: Endoscopic removal of eroded laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is safe and effective. It can be used as a first choice procedure in clinical practice. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2010; 6:423-428.) (C) 2010 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Background. A sample of 1089 Australian adults was selected for the longitudinal component of the Quake Impact Study, a 2-year, four-phase investigation of the psychosocial effects of the 1989 Newcastle earthquake. Of these, 845 (78%) completed a survey 6 months post-disaster as well as one or more of the three follow-up surveys. Methods. The phase I survey was used to construct dimensional indices of self-reported exposure to threat the disruption and also to classify subjects by their membership of five 'at risk' groups (the injured; the displaced; owners of damaged small businesses; helpers in threat and non-threat situations). Psychological morbidity was assessed at each phase using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results. Psychological morbidity declined over time but tended to stabilize at about 12 months post-disaster for general morbidity (GHQ-12) and at about 18 months for trauma-related (IES) morbidity. Initial exposure to threat and/or disruption were significant predictors of psychological morbidity throughout the study and had superior predictive power to membership of the targeted 'at risk' groups. The degree of ongoing disruption and other life events since the earthquake were also significant predictors of morbidity. The injured reported the highest levels of distress, but there was a relative absence of morbidity among the helpers. Conclusions. Future disaster research should carefully assess the threat and disruption experiences of the survivors at the time of the event and monitor ongoing disruptions in the aftermath in order to target interventions more effectively.
This paper present: a synthesis of current research on the crocodilian cardiovascular system with a view to encourage discussion and debate about the intricacies of this unique system and to provide ideas and suggestions for future studies. Innovative experimental approaches combined with new technologies have helped to resolve the complex flow and pressure patterns observed during non-shunting conditions that predominate in resting instrumented animals and during pulmonary to systemic shunting, which has been observed to occur spontaneously and during diving. The mechanisms and structures that may induce and regulate shunting are presented and the functional significance of a pulmonary to systemic shunt is discussed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.
To investigate bone mineral accretion in growing children, the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study was initiated in 1991. The study involves the collection of dietary and physical activity information along with anthropometric growth and maturity measurements every 6 months and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer (DXA) bone scans of the whole body, AP lumbar spine and proximal femur taken annually, The study has now finished its 6th year and 68 males and 72 females from an original sample of 228 elementary schoolchildren are still involved, To investigate how bone mineral at clinically important sites proceeds in relation to maturation we developed distance and velocity growth curves for height and bone mineral content (BMC) for the AP lumbar spine, the femoral neck and the whole body, In both boys and girls, over 35% of total body and AP spine bone mineral and over 27% of the bone mineral at the femoral neck was laid down during the 4-year adolescent period surrounding peak linear growth velocity. The clinical significance of these values can be appreciated by consideration of the fact that as much bone mineral will be laid down during these 4 adolescent growing years as most people will lose during all of adult life.
In this report, the authors describe the clinical case of a woman seeking care at this dermatology outpatient clinic with a verrucous plaque on her left elbow.
This special article is based on the contents of a lecture given by Sampaio and was written together with Bagatin. it is a summary of the authors` experience treating various forms of acne before and after the introduction of oral isotretinoin, which revolutionized the management of the disease. Nowadays, this drug is considered the unique option to obtain a prolonged remission or cure of acne due to its action in all etiopathogenic factors involved in the disease. Therefore it should be prescribed in accordance to current recommendations, as well as for difficult cases, including those showing tendency to scars or serious psychological and social repercussions. Other topical and/or systemic therapeutic modalities should be considered in the initial approach and for mild and moderate cases.
Background: A follow-up study was undertaken of all Western Australian women who had a new diagnosis of boast cancer during 1989. The aims were to determine survival, frequency of recurrence and quality of life (QoL) of Western Australian women 5 years after a diagnosis of breast cancer; to determine reasons for choice ol rejection of reconstructive surgery in those women treated by mastectomy, and to determine if the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy affects subsequent QoL. Methods: The vital status as at Ist June 1994 of all 692 women who had a new diagnosis of breast cancer in 1989 was ascertained by electronic linkage to official mortality registrations. A subsample of 215 survivors who had originally been treated by the nine surgeons who had managed 20 or more cases each was sent a reply-paid postal questionnaire asking about follow-up treatment since diagnosis, recurrence of disease, current QoL and attitudes to, and use of, reconstructive surgery. Results: The overall survival rate at 5 years was 80.8% (85.9% and 78.8% for Stage I and II, respectively). Cumulative mortality was 35% lower among the third of patients treated by the nine most active surgeons (14% vs 22%, P < 0.02), but this may be subject to referral bias. The subsample was representative of all surviving cases except for being an average of 2.7 years younger at diagnosis (mean ages 55.2 and 57.9 years). The response rate of the subsample to the postal questionnaire was 78%. Of women who had had a mastectomy. 40% had considered having a reconstruction, but only nine (78%) had undergone this operation. Median QoL on the Rosser scale (maximum = 1.0) was 0.9. QoL was worse for the 23% of patients with a recurrence of breast cancer. Patients treated by breast-conserving surgery showed a trend toward a better QoL compared with those treated by mastectomy. Conclusion: At 5 years after the diagnosis of breast cancer, one in five women had died and an estimated one in four of the survivors had recurrent disease. Quality of life in the remaining patients, half of whom had undergone adjuvant treatment, was very good. These are important baseline data against which to judge the impact of mammographic screening.
A methodology, based on a combination of routinely performed analyses and investigation of fundamental charge and anion sorption properties, was used to characterize the soils of the humid forest zone of Cameroon, In general, the soils have about 2 cmol kg(-1) permanent negative charge, with about 1 cmol kg(-1) from variable-charge sources at current soil pH values, Furthermore, they are impoverished with respect to Ca, Mg, and K, while Al frequently dominates the exchange complex. Thus, the ability of these soils to retain base cations is more limited than is suggested by the cation-exchange capacity (CEC), Therefore we propose the concept of a degradation index (DI) defined as: DI = 100(CEC5.5 - sum of basic cations)/CEC5.5, where CEC5.5 is the CEC measured at pH 5.5, This index encompasses degradation a soil may have experienced from natural or man-made causes, Extractable PO4 concentrations are considered very low and the soils have a moderate to high capacity to fix added PO4. Surface soil SO4 concentrations are considered marginal to deficient for plant growth, though adequate reserves of SO4 are held in the subsoil by SO4 sorption, The approach used demonstrated that the five morphologically different soil profile classes identified in the zone have similar chemical characteristics. Thus, the results of experimentation conducted on one of the soil profile classes will be applicable throughout the zone, Furthermore, the approach has provided a means of identifying comparable soil types in other parts of the world and will guide technology transfer, The analytical methods used in this study are relatively simple and require no specialized equipment, and are therefore within the capabilities of many laboratories in the developing world.
Sustained virologic suppression is a primary goal of therapy for chronic hepatitis B (CHB). In study entecavir (ETV)-022, 48 weeks of entecavir 0.5 mg was superior to lamivudine for virologic suppression for hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive CHB. A total of 183 entecavir-treated patients from ETV-022 subsequently enrolled in study ETV-901. We present the results after up to 5 years (240 weeks) of continuous entecavir therapy. The entecavir long-term cohort consists of patients who received >= 1 year of entecavir 0.5 mg in ETV-022 and then entered ETV-901 with a treatment gap <= 35 days. In ETV-901 the entecavir dose was 1.0 mg daily. For patients with samples available at Year 5, proportions with hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA <300 copies/mL, normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, HBeAg loss, and HBeAg seroconversion were determined. In all, 146 patients met criteria for inclusion in the entecavir long-term cohort. At Year 5, 94% (88/94) had HBV DNA <300 copies/mL and 80% (78/98) had normal ALT levels. In addition to patients who achieved serologic responses during study ETV-022, 23% (33/141) achieved HBeAg seroconversion and 1.4% (2/145) lost hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during study ETV-901. Through 5 years, entecavir resistance emerged in one patient. The safety profile of entecavir was consistent with previous reports. Conclusion: Extended therapy with entecavir through 5 years maintained or increased rates of HBV DNA suppression and ALT normalization. Additional patients also achieved HBeAg loss and seroconversion. Entecavir provides sustained viral suppression with minimal resistance during long-term treatment of HBeAg-positive CHB. (HEPATOLOGY 2010;51:422-430.)
Background: Subtotal esophagectomy and gastric pull-up with cervical anastomosis is the main treatment for advanced achalasia. This surgical technique has been associated to esophagitis and also Barrett`s epithelium following esophagectomy. Aim: To analyze late clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic findings in the esophageal stump (ES) mucosa after subtotal esophagectomy in patients treated for advanced chagasic achalasia. Methods: 101 patients submitted to esophagectomy and cervical gastroplasty were followed-up prospectively for a mean of 10.5 +/- 8.8 years. All patients underwent clinical, endoscopic and histopathological evaluation every 2 years. Gastric acid secretion was also assessed. Results: The incidence of esophagitis in the esophageal stump (45.9% at 1 year; 71.9% at 5 years, and 70.0% at 10 years follow-up); gastritis in the transposed stomach (20.4% at 1 year, 31.0% at 5 years, and 40.0% at 10 or more years follow-up), and the occurrence of ectopic columnar metaplasia and Barrett`s Esophagus in the ES (none until 1 year; 10.9% between 1 and 5 years; 29.5% between 5 and 10 years; and 57.5% at 10 or more years follow-up), all rose over time. Gastric acid secretion returns to its preoperative values 4 years postoperatively. Esophageal stump cancer was detected in the setting of chronic esophagitis in five patients: three squamous cell carcinomas and two adenocarcinomas. Conclusion: (1) Esophagitis and Barrett`s esophagus in the esophageal stump rose over time. (2) These mucosal alterations and the development of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are probably due to exposure to duodenogastric reflux, and progressively higher acid output in the transposed stomach.
Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has been found to be the most efficient way to lose weight and maintain the weight loss in morbid obesity. However, with the formation of a new stomach and the modification of intestinal anatomy, there are significant changes on physiological properties of these organs that lead to nutrient deficiency, including calcium. The objectives of this study were to evaluate calcium intake, bone metabolism, and prevalence of metabolic bone disease in women subjected to RYGBP after 8 years. Methods Food frequency questionnaire and 3-day dietary recall, laboratory tests of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were accessed. Results Calcium intake was below the recommendation in all women. Serum PTH and alkaline phosphatase were elevated, whereas vitamin D and urinary calcium were significantly lower. Also, a higher prevalence of metabolic bone disease than the one expected for the normal population at the same age was noted. Conclusion These data suggest that metabolic bone disease could be a complication of this type of surgery.
Introduction. Few population-based studies in erectile dysfunction (ED) included subjects less than 40 years old and analyzed the several factors and consequences potentially associated with this condition. Aim. Evaluation of the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and associated factors in a sample of Brazilian men aged 18 to 40 years old. Methods. Cross-sectional study in which subjects were contacted in public places of 18 major Brazilian cities and interviewed using an anonymous questionnaire. Survey data were submitted to chi-squared, student`s t-test and logistic regression analyses. Main Outcome Measures. The data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire with 87 questions about sociodemographic variables, general health, habits and lifestyle-related factors, sexual behavior and sexual difficulties, including ED which was assessed by a single question. Results. Prevalence of ED in 1,947 men was 35.0% (73.7% mild, 26.3% moderate/complete). Greater frequency of ED was seen in subjects that never had information about sex, experienced difficulties in the beginning of sexual life and have never masturbated. ED was associated to lower level of education, but not to race, sexual orientation, employment or marital status. Also, no association was found between ED and smoking, alcoholism, obesity, sedentary life, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, depression or anxiety. ED caused negative impact in men`s self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, work and leisure activities, and in sexual life satisfaction. Less than 10% of men with ED had received medical treatment for this problem. Conclusions. Prevalence of ED in this young population was high, mostly of mild severity. Low education and psychosocial problems were associated to ED and, due probably to the sample subjects` young age, no association was found with organic problems. Measures in the fields of education and psychosocial difficulties prevention would have a positive impact in the control of erectile dysfunction in the young population. Martins FG, and Abdo CHN. Erectile dysfunction and correlated factors in Brazilian men aged 18-40 years. J Sex Med 2010;7:2166-2173.