961 resultados para Humid And Subhumid Regions
Nearly half of the earth's photosynthetically fixed carbon derives from the oceans. To determine global and region specific rates, we rely on models that estimate marine net primary productivity (NPP) thus it is essential that these models are evaluated to determine their accuracy. Here we assessed the skill of 21 ocean color models by comparing their estimates of depth-integrated NPP to 1156 in situ C-14 measurements encompassing ten marine regions including the Sargasso Sea, pelagic North Atlantic, coastal Northeast Atlantic, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea, subtropical North Pacific, Ross Sea, West Antarctic Peninsula, and the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. Average model skill, as determined by root-mean square difference calculations, was lowest in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, highest in the pelagic North Atlantic and the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone, and intermediate in the other six regions. The maximum fraction of model skill that may be attributable to uncertainties in both the input variables and in situ NPP measurements was nearly 72%. on average, the simplest depth/wavelength integrated models performed no worse than the more complex depth/wavelength resolved models. Ocean color models were not highly challenged in extreme conditions of surface chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature, nor in high-nitrate low-chlorophyll waters. Water column depth was the primary influence on ocean color model performance such that average skill was significantly higher at depths greater than 250 m, suggesting that ocean color models are more challenged in Case-2 waters (coastal) than in Case-1 (pelagic) waters. Given that in situ chlorophyll-a data was used as input data, algorithm improvement is required to eliminate the poor performance of ocean color NPP models in Case-2 waters that are close to coastlines. Finally, ocean color chlorophyll-a algorithms are challenged by optically complex Case-2 waters, thus using satellite-derived chlorophyll-a to estimate NPP in coastal areas would likely further reduce the skill of ocean color models.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The genetic and morphological variability among 15 Brazilian strains of Microcystis aeruginosa (Kütz.) Kütz. collected from four locations was examined and compared with several reference strains of M. aeruginosa, M. viridis (A. Br.) Lemm. and M. wesenbergii (Kom.) Kom. in Kondr. Brazilian strains were classified by morphological features and by comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the cpcBA intergenic spacer and flanking regions. Our results indicate that Brazilian strains classified as M. aeruginosa are phylogenetically diverse compared with reference strains of M. aeruginosa and that the current taxonomy underestimates genetic diversity within M. aeruginosa. The data also demonstrate that morphological criteria alone are inadequate to characterize Microcystis species. Although colonial characters were shown to vary considerably in culture, some genetic lineages demonstrated consistent cellular diameter ranges, indicating that cell size has value as a taxonomic character. The detection of six M. aeruginosa genotypes in a single water body indicates that morphological approaches can also seriously underestimate the diversity of Microcystis bloom populations.
The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of Libinia spinosa H. MILNE EDWARDS 1834 on unconsolidated sublittoral bottoms in two regions off the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, and to analyze the influence of environmental factors on the occurrence of this species and observe the recruitment pattern of its young. Crabs were collected monthly (July 2001 through June 2003) at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 In, from a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets. Samples of water and sediment were collected for analysis of environmental factors. A total of 2112 spider crabs was obtained (701 juveniles and 1411 adults). The highest abundance was observed at depths of 20 and 25 m, in both regions. These localities were characterized by substrate composed of very fine sand and silt-clay. In regard to the temporal distribution, juveniles and adults predominated in the summer and winter months respectively. From these results, one can infer that the distribution of L. spinosa is related to environmental factors favorable for its life cycle; sediment type is the factor which most strongly determines its presence. © E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2007.
Recent reports on the prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) have described discrepancies between the rates in cities in the northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil, representing a north-south gradient. European immigrants settled in southeastern and southern Brazil at the beginning of the twentieth century. In this study, we report the frequency of European ancestors among Brazilian MS patients in four cities in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil. Methods: A total of 652 consecutive patients with confirmed MS diagnoses seen at four centers in Belo Horizonte, Ribeirão Preto, Londrina and Santos were asked about the origin of their ancestors, going back three generations. Results: 287 (44%) reported Italian ancestry, 211 (32%) reported that all ancestors were born in Brazil, 49 (7.5%) had Portuguese ancestry and 70 (10%) had Spanish ancestry. The patients in Belo Horizonte and Londrina reported higher proportions of Italian ancestry than the proportions estimated for the populations of their respective States. Conclusion: Brazil has a north-south gradient of 0.91/100,000 per degree of latitude, which is higher than the gradient for Latin America. Since the largest immigrant group that settled in southern and southeastern Brazil was from Italy, it is possible that Italian immigration was one of the factors that have contributed toward increasing the prevalence of MS in these regions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The water column overlying the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) canopy presents difficulties when using remote sensing images for mapping such vegetation. Inherent and apparent water optical properties and its optically active components, which are commonly present in natural waters, in addition to the water column height over the canopy, and plant characteristics are some of the factors that affect the signal from SAV mainly due to its strong energy absorption in the near-infrared. By considering these interferences, a hypothesis was developed that the vegetation signal is better conserved and less absorbed by the water column in certain intervals of the visible region of the spectrum; as a consequence, it is possible to distinguish the SAV signal. To distinguish the signal from SAV, two types of classification approaches were selected. Both of these methods consider the hemispherical-conical reflectance factor (HCRF) spectrum shape, although one type was supervised and the other one was not. The first method adopts cluster analysis and uses the parameters of the band (absorption, asymmetry, height and width) obtained by continuum removal as the input of the classification. The spectral angle mapper (SAM) was adopted as the supervised classification approach. Both approaches tested different wavelength intervals in the visible and near-infrared spectra. It was demonstrated that the 585 to 685-nm interval, corresponding to the green, yellow and red wavelength bands, offered the best results in both classification approaches. However, SAM classification showed better results relative to cluster analysis and correctly separated all spectral curves with or without SAV. Based on this research, it can be concluded that it is possible to discriminate areas with and without SAV using remote sensing. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Incluye Bibliografía
As classificações tradicionais envolvendo os macacos da infraordem Platyrrhini, principalmente baseadas em características morfológicas, têm sido contestadas por dados moleculares recentes. A subfamília Callitrichinae (Platyrrhine, Primates) engloba um diverso grupo de espécies, muitas das quais consideradas em perigo de extinção. A presente análise de duas regiões do DNA, um gene mitocondrial (ND1) e um gene nuclear (regiões intrônicas da transferrina), sugerem que Callithrix pygmaea apresenta variabilidade suficiente para justificar a existência de subespécies ou até mesmo de espécies distintas. As árvores filogenéticas baseadas na região do ND1 indicam que esta espécie está relacionada mais proximamente aos marmosets amazônicos do que aos da mata Atlântica. Estes resultados reabrem a discussão sobre diversidade e programas de conservação baseados apenas em classificações taxonômicas tradicionais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To evaluate variations of some anatomic structures of sellar and parasellar regions and their possible differences between genders and age groups. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) of 380 patients were performed to analyze the dimensions of the sphenoid sinus, pituitary gland, optic chiasm, intra-cavernous carotid distances, distance between columella nasal - sphenoid sinus; and columella nasal-pituitary gland. The patients age ranged between 20 and 80 years (mean age 48 years). The study included 235 females (mean age 53 years) and 145 males (mean age 40 years). The transverse length of the pituitary, the inter-carotid distance and the height of the pituitary were similar between genders and age groups. The width and height of the optic chiasm showed differences only between females of different ages. Males presented greater distances between nasal columella and sphenoid sinus. The most common type of pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus was the sellar, and depending on the age group, sphenoid sinus was larger in males than females. The anatomy of the Sellar and parasellar regions is complex and varies widely within the normal range. They are a small area, rich in anatomical details affecting multiple physiological systems in the body and, therefore, have great importance in several medical fields. A better understanding of these complex structures is essential in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Top predators in the marine environment integrate chemical signals acquired from their prey that reflect both the species consumed and the regions from which the prey were taken. These chemical tracers—stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen; persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations, patterns and ratios; and fatty acid profiles—were measured in blubber biopsy samples from North Pacific killer whales (Orcinus orca) (n = 84) and were used to provide further insight into their diet, particularly for the offshore group, about which little dietary information is available. The offshore killer whales were shown to consume prey species that were distinctly different from those of sympatric resident and transient killer whales. In addition, it was confirmed that the offshores forage as far south as California. Thus, these results provide evidence that the offshores belong to a third killer whale ecotype. Resident killer whale populations showed a gradient in stable isotope profiles from west (central Aleutians) to east (Gulf of Alaska) that, in part, can be attributed to a shift from off-shelf to continental shelf-based prey. Finally, stable isotope ratio results, supported by field observations, showed that the diet in spring and summer of eastern Aleutian Island transient killer whales is apparently not composed exclusively of Steller sea lions.
Top predators in the marine environment integrate chemical signals acquired from their prey that reflect both the species consumed and the regions from which the prey were taken. These chemical tracers—stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen; persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations, patterns and ratios; and fatty acid profiles—were measured in blubber biopsy samples from North Pacific killer whales (Orcinus orca) (n = 84) and were used to provide further insight into their diet, particularly for the offshore group, about which little dietary information is available. The offshore killer whales were shown to consume prey species that were distinctly different from those of sympatric resident and transient killer whales. In addition, it was confirmed that the offshores forage as far south as California. Thus, these results provide evidence that the offshores belong to a third killer whale ecotype. Resident killer whale populations showed a gradient in stable isotope profiles from west (central Aleutians) to east (Gulf of Alaska) that, in part, can be attributed to a shift from off-shelf to continental shelf-based prey. Finally, stable isotope ratio results, supported by field observations, showed that the diet in spring and summer of eastern Aleutian Island transient killer whales is apparently not composed exclusively of Steller sea lions.
Hantavirus disease is caused by the hantavirus, which is an RNA virus belonging to the family Bunyaviridae. Hantavirus disease is an anthropozoonotic infection transmitted through the inhalation of aerosols from the excreta of hantavirus-infected rodents. In the county of Itacoatiara in the state of Amazonas (AM), Brazil, the first human cases of hantavirus pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome were described in July 2004. These first cases were followed by two fatal cases, one in the municipality of Maues in 2005 and another in Itacoatiara in 2007. In this study, we investigated the antibody levels to hantavirus in a population of 1,731 individuals from four different counties of AM. Sera were tested by IgG/IgM-enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay using a recombinant nucleocapsid protein of the Araraquara hantavirus as an antigen. Ten sera were IgG positive to hantavirus (0.6%). Among the positive sera, 0.8% (1/122), 0.4% (1/256), 0.2% (1/556) and 0.9% (7/797) were from Atalaia do Norte, Careiro Castanho, Itacoatiara and Labrea, respectively. None of the sera in this survey were IgM-positive. Because these counties are distributed in different areas of AM, we can assume that infected individuals are found throughout the entire state, which suggests that hantavirus disease could be a local emerging health problem.
HTLV-1 is endemic in Brazil and HIV/ HTLV-1 coinfection has been detected, mostly in the northeast region. Cosmopolitan HTLV-1a is the main subtype that circulates in Brazil. This study characterized 17 HTLV-1 isolates from HIV coinfected patients of southern (n = 7) and southeastern (n = 10) Brazil. HTLV-1 provirus DNA was amplified by nested PCR (env and LTR) and sequenced. Env sequences (705 bp) from 15 isolates and LTR sequences (731 bp) from 17 isolates showed 99.5% and 98.8% similarity among sequences, respectively. Comparing these sequences with ATK (HTLV-1a) and Mel5 (HTLV-1c) prototypes, similarities of 99% and 97.4%, respectively, for env and LTR with ATK, and 91.6% and 90.3% with Mel5, were detected. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all sequences belonged to the transcontinental subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype, clustering in two Latin American clusters.