986 resultados para Human lens


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As James Scott’s Seeing Like a State attests, forests played a central role in the rise of the modern state, specifically as test spaces for evolving methods of managing state resources at a distance, and as the location for grand state schemes. Together, such ambitions necessitated both the elimination of local understandings of forest management – to be replaced by centrally controlled scientific precision – and a narrowing of state vision. Forests thus began to be conflated with trees (and their timber) alone. All other aspects of the forest, both human and non-human, were ignored. Through the lens of the 18th and early 19th century New Forest in southern England, this paper examines the impact of government attempts to shift the focus of state forests from being remnant medieval hunting spaces to spaces of income generation through the creation of vast sylvicultural plantations. This state scheme not only reworked the relationship between the metropole and the provinces – something effected through systematic surveys and novel bureaucratic procedures – but also dramatically impacted upon the biophysical and cultural geographies of the forest. By equating forest space with trees alone, the British state failed to legislate for the actions of both local commoners and non-human others in resisting their schemes. Indeed, subsequent oppositions proved not only the tenacity of commoners in protecting their livelihoods but also the destructive power of non-human actants, specifically rabbits and mice. The paper concludes that grand state schemes necessarily fail due to their own internal illogic: the narrowing of state vision creates blind spots in which human and non-human lives assert their own visions.


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In their recent book, The Legal Construction of Personal Work Relations, Mark Freedland and Nicola Kountouris present an ambitious study of the personal scope of (what they would not want to call) ‘employment’ law. The book does this within a broader argument that calls for the reconceptualization of labour law as a whole, and it is this broader argument on which I shall focus in this chapter. Their aim, in urging us to see labour law through the lens of ‘dignity’ is to bring labour law and human rights law into closer alignment than has sometimes been the case in the past. Increasingly, dignity is seen as providing a, sometimes the, foundation of human rights law, particularly in Europe. I shall suggest that whilst the aim of constructing a new set of foundations for labour law is a worthy and increasingly urgent task, the concepts on which Freedland and Kountouris seek to build their project pose significant difficulties. In particular, their espousal of ‘dignity’ presents problems that must be addressed if their reconceptualization is not to prove a blind alley.


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The concept of non-discrimination has been central in the feminist challenge to gendered violence within international human rights law. This article critically explores non-discrimination and the challenge it seeks to pose to gendered violence through the work of Judith Butler. Drawing upon Butler’s critique of heteronormative sex/gender, the article utilises an understanding of gendered violence as effected by the restrictive scripts of sex/gender within heteronormativity to illustrate how the development of non-discrimination within international human rights law renders it ineffective to challenge gendered violence due to its own commitments to binarised and asymmetrical sex/gender. However, the article also seeks to encourage a reworking of non-discrimination beyond the heteronormative sex binary through employing Butler’s concept of cultural translation. Analysis via the lens of cultural translation reveals the fluidity of non-discrimination as a universal concept and offers new possibilities for feminist engagement with universal human rights.


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Ce mémoire utilise des données qualitatives provenant d’entretiens semi-structurés pour examiner les ressources qu’utilisent les individus qui font face à l’insécurité alimentaire sous l’angle du capital culturel de Pierre Bourdieu. Les participants étaient choisis parmi les usagers des organismes alternatifs qui œuvrent en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal. Tous étaient en situation d’insécurité alimentaire. Des analyses inductives et déductives étaient exécutées. Seize indicateurs de la forme du capital culturel incorporée, et trois indicateurs de chacune des formes institutionnalisées et objectivées ont été trouvés à être reliés aux stratégies qu’utilisaient les répondants pour améliorer leur situation alimentaire. Cette recherche nous indique que le capital culturel individuel joue un rôle dans les stratégies utilisées, incluant la participation dans les organismes communautaires. De plus, un manque de capital approprié peut servir comme barrière à la participation dans certaines stratégies ce qui pourra avancer des réflexions sur la justesse et l’efficacité des stratégies actuelles.


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Objectives. There has been an explosion of interest in therapeutic jurisprudence as both a filter and lens for viewing the extent to which the legal system serves therapeutic or anti-therapeutic consequences. However, little attention has been paid to the impact of therapeutic jurisprudence on questions of international human rights law and the role of forensic psychologists. The paper aims to provide an intersection between human rights, therapeutic jurisprudence, and forensic psychology.

Method. Human rights are based on legal, social, and moral rules. Human rights literature generally considers legal rights but such policy statements do not provide principles to guide forensic psychologists in addressing moral or social rights. Therefore, a framework to guide forensic psychologists is required.

Conclusion. As duty-bearers, forensic psychologists need to address the core values of freedom and well-being in rights holders (in this instance, prisoners and detainees with a mental illness). The paper proposes that human rights principles can add to the normative base of a therapeutic jurisprudence framework, and in-turn, therapeutic jurisprudence can assist forensic psychologists to actively address human rights.


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PURPOSE: To describe the time-course and amplitude of changes to sub-foveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) induced by imposed hyperopic and myopic retinal defocus and to compare the responses in emmetropic and myopic subjects. METHODS: Twelve East Asian subjects (age: 18-34 years; six were emmetropic and six had myopia between -2.00 and -5.00 dioptres (D)) viewed a distant target (video movie at 6 m) for 60 min on two separate occasions while optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the choroid were taken in both eyes every 5 min to monitor SFCT. On each occasion, one eye was optimally corrected for distance with a contact lens while the other eye wore a contact lens imposing either 2.00 D hyperopic or 2.00 D myopic retinal defocus. RESULTS: Baseline SFCT in myopic eyes (mean ± S.D.): 256 ± 42 μm was significantly less than in emmetropic eyes (423 ± 62 μm; p < 0.01) and was correlated with magnitude of myopia (-39 μm per dioptre of myopia, R(2) = 0.67: p < 0.01). Repeated measures anova (General Linear Model) analysis revealed that in both subject groups, 2.00 D of myopic defocus caused a rapid increase in SFCT in the defocussed eye (significant by 10 min, increasing to approximately 20 μm within 60 min: p < 0.01), with little change in the control eye. In contrast, 2.00 D of hyperopic defocus caused a decrease in SFCT in the experimental eye (significant by 20-35 min. SFCT decreased by approximately 20 μm within 60 min: p < 0.01) with little change in the control eye. CONCLUSIONS: Small but significant changes in SFCT (5-8%) were caused by retinal defocus. SFCT increased within 10 min of exposure to 2.00 D of monocular myopic defocus, but decreased more slowly in response to 2.00 D of monocular hyperopic defocus. In our relatively small sample we could detect no difference in the magnitude of changes to SFCT caused by defocus in myopic eyes compared to emmetropic eyes.


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We have been developing a computational code to project optical lenses, with low aberration effects. Our main interest is model the human eye, particularly, project special corrective lenses. As the lens shape is the focus of the optimization, we have coupled a ray tracing method with Monte Carlo techniques. The initial results indicated that the algorithm must be improved in terms of resolution and reliability.


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Purpose: To report the surgical technique and outcomes of a no-ring approach to posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in children and young adults with subluxation of the crystalline lens. Methods: A three-piece 5.5-mm hydrophobic acrylic IOL was implanted in which the optic and one haptic were inside the capsular bag and the other haptic was in the ciliary sulcus. The implantations were done in 13 eyes of 10 patients with lens subluxation. One haptic was fixated in the ciliary sulcus by passing it through an operculum-shaped opening in the capsular bag edge, made between 2 and 3 clock hours, clockwise from the middle point of the subluxated area. Results: The mean age of the 10 patients was 12.61 ± 8.04 years and the mean follow-up was 21.38 ± 11.29 months. The mean preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 1.15 ± 0.58 and 0.37 ± 0.17 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution, respectively, in 11 measured eyes. The postoperative BCVA was 20/40 or better in 4 eyes (36.36%), between 20/40 and 20/60 in 6 eyes (54.54%), and between 20/80 and 20/100 in 1 eye (9.09%). The BCVA improved in all eyes. Postoperative IOL decentration between 1.0 and 1.5 mm occurred in 3 of 13 eyes (23.08%). Conclusion: The results indicate that the no-ring technique allows centration of an IOL implanted into a subluxated capsular bag without using capsule tension rings. © SLACK Incorporated.


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Modifications in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) have emerged as a major pathogenic factor of atherosclerosis, which is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Measurements of the heat diffusivity of human LDL solutions in their native and in vitro oxidized states are presented by using the Z-Scan (ZS) technique. Other complementary techniques were used to obtain the physical parameters necessary to interpret the optical results, e. g., pycnometry, refractometry, calorimetry, and spectrophotometry, and to understand the oxidation phase of LDL particles. To determine the sample's thermal diffusivity using the thermal lens model, an iterative one-parameter fitting method is proposed which takes into account several characteristic ZS time-dependent and the position-dependent transmittance measurements. Results show that the thermal diffusivity increases as a function of the LDL oxidation degree, which can be explained by the increase of the hydroperoxides production due to the oxidation process. The oxidation products go from one LDL to another, disseminating the oxidation process and caring the heat across the sample. This phenomenon leads to a quick thermal homogenization of the sample, avoiding the formation of the thermal lens in highly oxidized LDL solutions. (C) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.10.105003]


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PURPOSE: To characterize the phenotype and map the locus responsible for autosomal recessive inherited ovine microphthalmia (OMO) in sheep. METHODS: Microphthalmia-affected lambs and their available relatives were collected in a field, and experimental matings were performed to obtain affected and normal lambs for detailed necropsy and histologic examinations. The matings resulted in 18 sheep families with 48 cases of microphthalmia. A comparative candidate gene approach was used to map the disease locus within the sheep genome. Initially, 27 loci responsible for the microphthalmia-anophthalmia phenotypes in humans or mice were selected to test for comparative linkage. Fifty flanking markers that were predicted from comparative genomic analysis to be closely linked to these genes were tested for linkage to the disease locus. After observation of statistical evidence for linkage, a confirmatory fine mapping strategy was applied by further genotyping of 43 microsatellites. RESULTS: The clinical and pathologic examinations showed slightly variable expressivity of isolated bilateral microphthalmia. The anterior eye chamber was small or absent, and a white mass admixed with cystic spaces extended from the papilla to the anterior eye chamber, while no recognizable vitreous body or lens was found within the affected eyes. Significant linkage to a single candidate region was identified at sheep chromosome 23. Fine mapping and haplotype analysis assigned the candidate region to a critical interval of 12.4 cM. This ovine chromosome segment encompasses an ancestral chromosomal breakpoint corresponding to two orthologue segments of human chromosomes 18, short and long arms. For the examined animals, we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of ovine TGIF1 to harbor disease-causing mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first genetic localization for hereditary ovine isolated microphthalmia. It seems unlikely that a mutation in the TGIF1 gene is responsible for this disorder. The studied sheep represent a valuable large animal model for similar human ocular phenotypes.


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Aniridia (AN) is a congenital, panocular disorder of the eye characterized by the complete or partial absence of the iris. The disease can occur in both the sporadic and familial forms which, in the latter case, is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with high penetrance. The objective of this study was to isolate and characterize the genes involved in AN and Sey, and thereby to gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of the two disorders.^ Using a positional cloning strategy, I have approached and cloned from the AN locus in human chromosomal band 11p13 a cDNA that is deleted in two patients with AN. The deletions in these patients overlap by about 70 kb and encompass the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the cDNA. This cDNA detects a 2.7 kb mRNA encoded by a transcription unit estimated to span approximately 50 kb of genomic DNA. The message is specifically expressed in all tissues affected in all forms of AN, namely within the presumptive iris, lens, neuroretina, the superficial layers of the cornea, the olfactory bulbs, and the cerebellum. Sequence analysis of the AN cDNA revealed a number of motifs characteristic of certain transcription factors. Chief among these are the presence of the paired domain, the homeodomain, and a carboxy-terminal domain rich in serine, threonine and proline residues. The overall structure shows high homology to the Drosophila segmentation gene paired and members of the murine Pax family of developmental control genes.^ Utilizing a conserved human genomic DNA sequence as probe, I was able to isolate an embryonic murine cDNA which is over 92% homologous in nucleotide sequence and virtually identical at the amino acid level to the human AN cDNA. The expression pattern of the murine gene is the same as that in man, supporting the conclusion that it probably corresponds to the Sey gene. Its specific expression in the neuroectodermal component of the eye, in glioblastomas, but not in the neural crest-derived PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line, suggests that a defect in neuroectodermal rather mesodermal development might be the common etiological factor underlying AN and Sey. ^


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In this book, an international group of leading scientists present perspectives on the control of human behavior, awareness, consciousness, and the meaning and function of perceived control or self-efficacy in people's lives. The book breaks down the barriers between subdisciplines, and thus constitutes an occasion to reflect on various facets of control in human life. Each expert reviews his or her field through the lens of perceived control and shows how these insights can be applied in practice.


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Purpose Ophthalmologists are confronted with a set of different image modalities to diagnose eye tumors e.g., fundus photography, CT and MRI. However, these images are often complementary and represent pathologies differently. Some aspects of tumors can only be seen in a particular modality. A fusion of modalities would improve the contextual information for diagnosis. The presented work attempts to register color fundus photography with MRI volumes. This would complement the low resolution 3D information in the MRI with high resolution 2D fundus images. Methods MRI volumes were acquired from 12 infants under the age of 5 with unilateral retinoblastoma. The contrast-enhanced T1-FLAIR sequence was performed with an isotropic resolution of less than 0.5mm. Fundus images were acquired with a RetCam camera. For healthy eyes, two landmarks were used: the optic disk and the fovea. The eyes were detected and extracted from the MRI volume using a 3D adaption of the Fast Radial Symmetry Transform (FRST). The cropped volume was automatically segmented using the Split Bregman algorithm. The optic nerve was enhanced by a Frangi vessel filter. By intersection the nerve with the retina the optic disk was found. The fovea position was estimated by constraining the position with the angle between the optic and the visual axis as well as the distance from the optic disk. The optical axis was detected automatically by fitting a parable on to the lens surface. On the fundus, the optic disk and the fovea were detected by using the method of Budai et al. Finally, the image was projected on to the segmented surface using the lens position as the camera center. In tumor affected eyes, the manually segmented tumors were used instead of the optic disk and macula for the registration. Results In all of the 12 MRI volumes that were tested the 24 eyes were found correctly, including healthy and pathological cases. In healthy eyes the optic nerve head was found in all of the tested eyes with an error of 1.08 +/- 0.37mm. A successful registration can be seen in figure 1. Conclusions The presented method is a step toward automatic fusion of modalities in ophthalmology. The combination enhances the MRI volume with higher resolution from the color fundus on the retina. Tumor treatment planning is improved by avoiding critical structures and disease progression monitoring is made easier.


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Natural disasters affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide every year. Emergency response efforts depend upon the availability of timely information, such as information concerning the movements of affected populations. The analysis of aggregated and anonymized Call Detail Records (CDR) captured from the mobile phone infrastructure provides new possibilities to characterize human behavior during critical events. In this work, we investigate the viability of using CDR data combined with other sources of information to characterize the floods that occurred in Tabasco, Mexico in 2009. An impact map has been reconstructed using Landsat-7 images to identify the floods. Within this frame, the underlying communication activity signals in the CDR data have been analyzed and compared against rainfall levels extracted from data of the NASA-TRMM project. The variations in the number of active phones connected to each cell tower reveal abnormal activity patterns in the most affected locations during and after the floods that could be used as signatures of the floods - both in terms of infrastructure impact assessment and population information awareness. The epresentativeness of the analysis has been assessed using census data and civil protection records. While a more extensive validation is required, these early results suggest high potential in using cell tower activity information to improve early warning and emergency management mechanisms.