987 resultados para Huber, Elena F.
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Ecuador: Plan Regional de Desarrollo Cuenca RÃo Guayas y PenÃnsula de Santa Elena; informe inicial
Com este estudo objetivou-se avaliar a variação na fertilidade do solo e na fauna edáfica sob reflorestamento com paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Heber ex. Ducke) em monocultivo ou em sistema agroflorestal quando comparados com floresta secundária em área experimental considerando a sazonalidade da precipitação no perÃodo de 2009 e 2010. A área experimental pertence a Fazenda Tramontina Belém S/A, localizada no nordeste paraense, no municÃpio de Aurora do Pará. Foram analisados quatro tratamentos submetidos a reflorestamento com: Curauá (Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith), Paricá (Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke) sob a forma de monocultivos, Paricá + curauá (Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith; Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke); Paricá + Mogno + Freijó + Curauá (Shizolobium var. amazonicum Huber ex Ducke; Switenia macrophylla, King; Cordia goeldiana Huber; Ananas comosus var. erectifolius L.B.Smith). As amostragens foram realizadas em dezembro de 2009, abril e julho de 2010, o que caracterizou o perÃodo sazonal de transição (estiagem para chuva intensa), chuva intensa e estiagem respectivamente, para avaliar a granulometria, densidade aparente, densidade da partÃcula, porosidade total e umidade atual, bases trocáveis, soma de bases, CTC, acidez, fósforo, teor de carbono orgânico, pH, em três profundidades diferentes (0 – 10 cm. 10 - 20 cm; 20 – 40 cm) e a ocorrência de macrofauna edáfica. Os resultados mostraram a ação dos perÃodos sazonais sobre a densidade aparente, densidade da partÃcula, porosidade total do solo. Fatores quÃmicos como, por exemplo, carbono orgânico, cujos teores variaram entre 5,85 g/kg e 13,00 g/kg, com teores elevados no sistema de cultivo S2, sofreu alterações nos perÃodos sazonais chuva intensa e estiagem. Quanto a fauna edáfica, foram capturados 9.964 invertebrados pertencentes a 26 táxons diferentes. Os mais abundantes foram Hymenoptera- Formicidae (5.805), Coleoptera (1.454), Acari (862), Collembola (649), Diplopoda (307) e Isopoda (110). Dos 26 táxons identificados, aproximadamente 40% deles apresentaram apenas um representante nas três amostragens efetuadas ou em apenas uma delas. Os maiores valores para frequência relativa ocorreu no sistema de cultivo S2, S4 e S3, respectivamente. O maior valor para frequência absoluta ocorreu durante o perÃodo sazonal chuva intensa em S1. As áreas sob reflorestamento com monocultivo e sistema agroflorestal paricà + curauá mostraram melhores desempenhos na recuperação da fertilidade do solo e da fauna edáfica comprovando a eficácia do paricá em monocultivo ou em sistema agroflorestal na recuperação da fertilidade do solo e da fauna edáfica.
The aim of this work was to analyze the acute oral toxicity and the effects on intestinal motility of the extract obtained through decoction 20% (m/v) of Endopleura uchi, popularly known as "uxi-amarelo", a native plant from the Brazilian Amazon. The plant is used indiscriminately against several diseases: arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, ulcers, myomas, and intestinal illnesses in general, among others. The present results show that there were no significant alterations in intestinal motility and that the extract does not present signs of toxicity, showing its safety for consumption purposes.
We present measurements of Underlying Event observables in pp collisions at root s = 0 : 9 and 7 TeV. The analysis is performed as a function of the highest charged-particle transverse momentum p(T),L-T in the event. Different regions are defined with respect to the azimuthal direction of the leading (highest transverse momentum) track: Toward, Transverse and Away. The Toward and Away regions collect the fragmentation products of the hardest partonic interaction. The Transverse region is expected to be most sensitive to the Underlying Event activity. The study is performed with charged particles above three different p(T) thresholds: 0.15, 0.5 and 1.0 GeV/c. In the Transverse region we observe an increase in the multiplicity of a factor 2-3 between the lower and higher collision energies, depending on the track p(T) threshold considered. Data are compared to PYTHIA 6.4, PYTHIA 8.1 and PHOJET. On average, all models considered underestimate the multiplicity and summed p(T) in the Transverse region by about 10-30%.
The nutritional management of seedlings in the nursery is one of the most important practices that influence seedling quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the development of Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings grown in 250 cm(3) containers with a commercial substrate in the North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications, each replication being represented by 24 seedlings. The treatments were: control (only commercial substrate); nitrogen fertilization (150 g m(-3) N using ammonium sulfate + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage); phosphorus fertilization (300 g P2O5 m(-3) using simple superphosphate); potassium fertilization (100 g m(-3) K2O using potassium chloride + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage) and; complete (a mixture of the three nutrients, 150, 300 and 100 g m(-3) N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride). The commercial substrate was composted milled pine bark plus vermiculite. Evaluations of the seedlings were performed at 90 days after sowing. The complete treatment (NPK) gave the highest values for biometric and best plant indices, which express the quality. When analyzing nutrients in isolation; potassium had the lowest effect. Based on these results it can be recommended to fertilize Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings in nurseries with 150, 300 and 100 g m(-3) of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, plus 1.0 kg of sulfate ammonium and 0.3 kg of potassium chloride applied in coverage.