1000 resultados para Hotel section


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This study aimed to standardize signs and diagnostic criteria of respiratory function in newborn puppies delivered normally or after dystocia and caesarean operation. A total of 48 neonates were allocated into groups: eutocia (n = 20), dystocia (n = 8), caesarean (c)-section (n = 20). Neonatal health was assessed using the Apgar score and body temperature was determined at 0, 5 and 60 min after delivery. Venous blood gases (pO(2) and SO(2)) was measured immediately and 60 min after delivery, and a thoracic radiograph was made between 0 and 5 min of life. The c-section group had significantly lower Apgar scores at birth and 5 min. Hypothermia was present at 5 min in the eutocia and c-section groups, and at 60 min in all groups. The eutocia group had an irregular respiratory pattern in 78% of puppies at birth, 27.7% at 5 min and 21% at 60 min compared with 87.5%, 62.5% and 12.5% of the pups in the dystocia group where there was irregular respiratory rhythm, moderate to intense respiratory sounds with agonic episodes. The c-section group had respiratory alterations in 70%, 45% and 16% of puppies at 0, 5 and 60 min, respectively. Radiographic abnormalities were present in 17% of the pups in the eutocia group, 25% of the pups in the dystocia group and 30% of the pups in the c-section group, respectively. The c-section group had significantly lower SO(2) values at 60 min than at birth. All puppies had hypoxaemia, but a significant decrease was observed in the c-section group. Newborn puppies had tissue hypoxia and irregular respiratory pattern at birth. Caesarean-section puppies had lower vitality; however, all developed satisfactory Apgar scores at 5 min of life, regardless of the obstetric condition.


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This study evaluates the effect on post space debridement in oval-shaped canals of an experimental ultrasonic tip with oval section (Satelec) compared with a circular ultrasonic tip (KaVo). Thirty teeth with an oval-shaped canal were endodontically treated and obturated and then randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the procedure used for post space debridement: Satelec tip, Largo #2 drill + KaVo file, and Largo #2 drill + water. Debris and dentin tubules were evaluated by assigning scores to scanning electron microscope post spaces images; lower scores corresponded to fewer debris and higher number of open tubules. The Satelec group showed significantly lower debris and open tubules scores than KaVo group (p < .05) and control group (p < .05), which differed significantly between each other (p < .05). Also the debris and open tubules scores in different post space regions differed significantly among the experimental groups (p < .001). The oval ultrasonic tip resulted in a better post space debridement than a circular ultrasonic tip in oval-shaped canals.


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Objective To assess the accuracy of intra-operative frozen section reports at identifying the features of high risk uterine disease compared with final histopathology. Design Retrospective study. Methods The records, of 460 patients with uterine cancer registered with the Queensland Centre for Gynaecological Cancer between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 1998 were reviewed. Intra-operative frozen section was undertaken in 260 patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma. Frozen section pathology was compared with the final histopathology reports. Inter-observer reliability was assessed using percentage agreement and kappa statistics. Clinical notes were also reviewed to determine if errors resulted in sub-optimal patient care. Results Respectively, tumour grade and depth of myometrial invasion were accurately reported in 88.6% of cases (expected 61.5%, Kappa 0.70) and 94.7% (expected 53.8%, Kappa 0.89). Errors were predominantly attributable to difficulties with respect to the interpretation of tumour grade. The error resulted in the patient receiving sub-optimal surgical management in only I I cases (5.3%) Conclusion Frozen section is accurate at identifying the features of high risk uterine disease in the setting of endometrial cancer and can play an important role in directing primary operative management.


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There is a pressing need to address productivity analysis in the hospitality industry if hotels are to exist as sustainable business entities in rapidly maturing markets. Unfortunately, productivity ratios commonly used by managers are narrowly defined. This study illustrates data envelopment analysis of cross-sectional data that benchmark hotels on observed best performances. Data envelopment analysis enables management to integrate unlike multiple inputs and outputs to make simultaneous comparisons. Findings from the cross-sectional data suggest that some of the hotels have the potential to reduce number of beds and number of part-time staff while increasing revenue.


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Detection of a circumferential crack in a hollow section beam is investigated using coupled response measurements. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments. This matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory. The suitability of the mode coupling methodology is first demonstrated analytically. Laboratory test results are then presented for circular hollow section beams with artificially generated cracks of varying severity. It is shown that this method has the potential as a damage detection tool for mechanical structures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brand equity is considered as the most important aspect of branding, which is a set of brands' assets and liabilities, its symbol or name that subtracts from or adds the value provided by a product or service to a firm and customers. The current research endeavor was to identify the interrelationship of customer-based brand equity dimensions (brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand image, and service quality) in Pakistani hotel industry. Data was collected from 821 consumers who experienced the services of Pakistani five star hotels from multiple locations. Mediating regression and stepwise regression analyses were applied for investigation of study hypotheses. Results pointed out positive and significant influences of service quality on all other dimensions of brand equity whereas partial mediations were endorsed among the variables. Researchers and practitioners implications are discussed.


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ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes the changes in the total factor productivity index of a Spanish hotel chain in the period from 2007 to 2010 with the purpose of identifying efficiency patterns for the chain in a period of financial crisis. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) Malmquist productivity index was used to estimate productivity change in 38 hotels of the AC chain. Results reveal AC hotels' efficiency trends and, therefore, their competitiveness in the recession period; they also show the changes experienced in these hotels' total productivity and its components: technological and efficiency changes. Positive efficiency changes were due to positive technical efficiency rather than technological efficiency. The recession period certainly influenced the performance of AC Hotels, which focused on organizational changes rather than investing in technology.


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O objectivo da realização deste trabalho, foi a aplicação dos conceitos aprendidos ao longo da licenciatura em Engenharia Civil, e mais aprofundados no Mestrado no perfil de Estrutura, desenvolvendo as capacidades de análise no domínio da engenharia civil associadas ao projecto de estruturas, tendo sempre em vista que o produto final seria um projecto apto a seguir para obra e ser executado. Tendo como base as características arquitectónicas do edifício e as geotécnicas do local de implantação deste, foi elaborado um projecto de um edifício com estrutura em betão armado, utilizando pré-esforço em lajes de maiores vãos. Para tal, foram aplicados conhecimentos adquiridos no âmbito do estudo do betão estrutural, da mecânica dos materiais, da engenharia sísmica, da dinâmica de estruturas e de dimensionamento de fundações. Para a análise estrutural do edifício foi utilizado o programa de cálculo automático SAP2000, bem como o programa de FAGUS para o cálculo de armaduras. Foi efectuado um vasto trabalho, quer na agregação de elementos teóricos de base para o projecto, tais como regulamentos, eurocódigos e bibliografia diversa, quer na comparação com construções similares. As hipóteses de dimensionamento que foram sendo consideradas tiveram sempre o objectivo de obter a melhor solução, traduzida na melhor custo/qualidade.


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A garantia do futuro da vida como a conhecemos, bem como de um hotel está, e será baseada no seu desenvolvimento sustentável, a racionalização dos recursos naturais, a gestão da energia e da água, minimizando o impacto que a sua actividade tem sobre o meio ambiente. A gestão da energia, gestão da água e a reciclagem serão cada vez mais, os vectores principais de todos os projectos, na sua concepção e na fase de exploração. A equipa que gere uma unidade hoteleira deverá ter sempre presente o custo energético por quarto, deve procurar optimizar o consumo energético, sem afectar o bem-estar do cliente, deve respeitar o meio ambiente, deve ter em consideração, que cada vez mais o cliente irá seleccionar o hotel, não só pelo preço, mas também pelo facto do hotel, respeitar o meio ambiente. Na fase de um novo projecto ou da modernização de uma unidade hoteleira, engenheiros, arquitectos, gestores, técnicos, devem partilhar o conhecimento e desenvolvimento do projecto desde o primeiro dia. No presente trabalho é feita a análise comparativa de diferentes tipos de sistemas de climatização e respectivas centrais de produção de água gelada e quente num hotel, seleccionar soluções, e guiar diferentes entidades, promotor de hotéis, donos de hotéis, arquitectos, empresas de fiscalização, projectistas e instaladores, gestor de exploração, gestor de manutenção. Utilizando o modelo de arquitectura de um hotel existente, onze pisos, com três pisos de zonas comuns, restaurantes, salas de reunião e sete pisos de quartos, com 182 quartos, com o software de origem nos E.U.A., Hourly Air Analysis Program, na versão 4.5, e que utiliza o método de cálculo da American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers,, foi efectuado o cálculo de carga térmicas, identificação e caracterização dos sistemas de climatização a estudar , definição de possíveis tipos de centrais de água gelada e quente, simulação energética dos vários sistemas definidos e respectivas tipos de solução de hotéis. Através das simulações efectuadas e através da previsão de consumos pode-se identificar as soluções que apresentam melhor eficiência e as mais amigas do ambiente.


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A study of Spissipes Section of Culex (Melanoconion) adults behaviour was carried out from August 1992 through December 1993 in human dominated (anthropic) environment in the Ribeira Valley, S.Paulo State, Brazil. By sampling at several sites it the dominance of Culex ribeirensis and Cx. sacchettae became evident even through a total number of ten species was recorded. Those two mosquitoes showed a clear tendency to frequent the domiciliary environment where they were caught, both indoor and outdoor, through the use of the human bait. In the outside environments, the residual patchy forests seems to display a concentration role, from which these adults spread to the open land and reach the dwellings. As their vector competence has been demonstrated through the virus isolations in natural conditions, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of these mosquitoes in the man-made environment.