940 resultados para Hormonal plasticity


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Immobile plants and immobile modular animals outlive unitary animals. This paper discusses competing but not necessarily mutually exclusive theories to explain this extreme longevity, especially from the perspective of phenotypic plasticity. Stem cell immortality, vascular autonomy, and epicormic branching are some important features of the phenotypic plasticity of plants that contribute to their longevity. Monocarpy versus polycarpy can also influence the kind of senescent processes experienced by plants. How density-dependent phenomena affecting the establishment of juveniles in these immobile organisms can influence the evolution of senescence, and consequently longevity, is reviewed and discussed. Whether climate change scenarios will favour long-lived or short-lived organisms, with their attendant levels of plasticity, is also presented.


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The early stages of plasticity in KBr single crystals have been studied by means of nano-meter-scale indentation in complementary experiments using both a nanoindenter and an atomic force microscope. Nanoindentafion experiments precisely correlate indentation depth and forces, while force microscopy provides high-resolution force measurements and images of the surface revealing dislocation activity. The two methods provide very similar results for the onset of plasticity in KBr. Upon loading we observe yield of the surface in atomic layer units which we attribute to the nucleation of single dislocations. Unloading is accompanied by plastic recovery as evident from a non-linear force distance unloading curve and delayed discrete plasticity events.


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An in situ bulk ultrafine bimodal eutectic Al-Cu-Si composite was synthesized by solidification. This heterostructured composite with microstructural length scale hierarchy in the eutectic microstructure, which combines an ultrafine-scale binary cellular eutectic (alpha-Al + Al2Cu) and a nanometer-sized anomalous ternary eutectic (alpha-Al + Al2Cu + Si), exhibits high fracture strength (1.1 +/- 0.1 GPa) and large compressive plastic strain (11 +/- 2%) at room temperature. The improved compressive plasticity of the bimodal-nanoeutectic composite originates from homogeneous and uniform distribution of inhomogeneous plastic deformation (localized shear bands), together with strong interaction between shear bands in the spatially heterogeneous structure.


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Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase cleaves the ester bond between tRNA and the attached peptide in peptidyl-tRNA in order to avoid the toxicity resulting from its accumulation and to free the tRNA available for further rounds in protein synthesis. The structure of the enzyme from Mycobacteritan tuberculosis has been determined in three crystal forms. This structure and the structure of the enzyme frorn Escherichia coli in its crystal differ substantially on account of the binding of the C terminus of the E. coli enzyme to the peptide-binding site of a neighboring molecule in the crystal. A detailed examination of this difference led to an elucidation of the plasticity of the binding site of the enzyme. The peptide-binding site of the enzyme is a cleft between the body, of the molecule and a polypepticle Y stretch involving a loop and a helix. This stretch is in the open conformation when the enzyme is in the free state as in the crystals of M. tuberculosis peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Furthermore, there is no physical continuity between the tRNA and the peptide-binding sites. The molecule in the E. coli crystal mimics the peptide-bound enzyme molecule. The peptide stretch referred to earlier now closes on the bound peptide. Concurrently, a channel connecting the tRNA and the peptide-binding site opens primarily through the concerted movement of two residues. Thus, the crystal structure of M. tuberculosis peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase when compared with the crystal structure of the E. coli enzyme, leads to a model of structural changes associated with enzyme action on the basis of the plasticity of the molecule. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stress- and strain-controlled tests of heat treated high-strength rail steel (Australian Standard AS1085.1) have been performed in order to improve the characterisation of the said material׳s ratcheting and fatigue wear behaviour. The hardness of the rail head material has also been studied and it has been found that hardness reduces considerably below four-millimetres from the rail top surface. Historically, researchers have used test coupons with circular cross-sections to conduct cyclic load tests. Such test coupons, typically five-millimetres in gauge diameter and ten‐millimetres in grip diameter, are usually taken from the rail head sample. When there is considerable variation of material properties over the cross-section it becomes likely that localised properties of the rail material will be missed. In another case from the literature, disks 47 mm in diameter for a twin-disk rolling contact test machine were obtained directly from the rail sample and used to validate ratcheting and rolling contact fatigue wear models. The question arises: How accurate are such tests, especially when large material property gradients exist? In this research paper, the effects of rail sampling location on the ratcheting behaviour of AS1085.1 rail steel were investigated using rectangular-shaped specimens obtained at four different depths to observe their respective cyclic plasticity behaviour. The microstructural features of the test coupons were also analysed, especially the pearlite inter-lamellar spacing which showed strong correlation with both hardness and cyclic plasticity behaviour of the material. This work ultimately provides new data and testing methodology to aid the selection of valid parameters for material constitutive models to better understand rail surface ratcheting and wear.


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Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase cleaves the ester bond between tRNA and the attached peptide in peptidyl-tRNA in order to avoid the toxicity resulting from its accumulation and to free the tRNA available for further rounds in protein synthesis. The structure of the enzyme from Mycobacteritan tuberculosis has been determined in three crystal forms. This structure and the structure of the enzyme frorn Escherichia coli in its crystal differ substantially on account of the binding of the C terminus of the E. coli enzyme to the peptide-binding site of a neighboring molecule in the crystal. A detailed examination of this difference led to an elucidation of the plasticity of the binding site of the enzyme. The peptide-binding site of the enzyme is a cleft between the body, of the molecule and a polypepticle Y stretch involving a loop and a helix. This stretch is in the open conformation when the enzyme is in the free state as in the crystals of M. tuberculosis peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Furthermore, there is no physical continuity between the tRNA and the peptide-binding sites. The molecule in the E. coli crystal mimics the peptide-bound enzyme molecule. The peptide stretch referred to earlier now closes on the bound peptide. Concurrently, a channel connecting the tRNA and the peptide-binding site opens primarily through the concerted movement of two residues. Thus, the crystal structure of M. tuberculosis peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase when compared with the crystal structure of the E. coli enzyme, leads to a model of structural changes associated with enzyme action on the basis of the plasticity of the molecule. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In humans, well-replicated and robust sex differences in cognitive functions exist for handedness and mental rotation ability. A common characteristic in human cognitive functions is the lateralization of language functions. Handedness is a common measure of laterality and is related to language lateralization. The prevalence of left-handedness is higher in males than in females, the male to female ratio being about 1.2. Among cognitive abilities, the largest sex difference is evident in the Vandenberg and Kuse Mental Rotation Test (MRT), which requires the ability to rotate objects in mental space. On average, males achieve scores one standard deviation higher than females in the MRT. The present thesis investigated the origins of the sex differences in laterality and spatial ability as represented by handedness and mental rotation ability, respectively. Two population-based Finnish twin cohorts were utilized in this study. Handedness was studied in 25 810 twins and 4068 singletons born before 1958 from the Older Finnish Twin Cohort, and in 4736 twins born in 1983-87 from the FinnTwin12. MRT was studied in a sub-sample of 804 young adult participants from the FinnTwin12 sample. The main findings of this study were: 1) the prevalence of left-handedness was higher among males than among females in both singletons and in twins; 2) males had significantly higher scores than females in MRT; 3) about one quarter of the variance in handedness and about half of the variance in MRT was explained by genetic effects, whereas the remainder of the variance in these traits was explained by environmental effects unique to each individual. The magnitude of the genetic effects was similar in both sexes; 4) left-handedness was significantly less common in female co-twins of a male than in female co-twins of a female, and female co-twins of a male scored significantly higher than did female co-twins of a female in the Mental Rotation Test. This dissertation discusses whether these differences between females from opposite- and same-sex twin pairs are due to the prenatal transfer of testosterone from the male fetus in females with male co-twins or whether they arise from postnatal socialization effects.


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The effects of power-law plasticity (yield strength and strain hardening exponent) on the plastic strain distribution underneath a Vickers indenter was systematically investigated by recourse to three-dimensional finite element analysis, motivated by the experimental macro-and micro-indentation on heat-treated Al-Zn-Mg alloy. For meaningful comparison between simulated and experimental results, the experimental heat treatment was carefully designed such that Al alloy achieve similar yield strength with different strain hardening exponent, and vice versa. On the other hand, full 3D simulation of Vickers indentation was conducted to capture subsurface strain distribution. Subtle differences and similarities were discussed based on the strain field shape, size and magnitude for the isolated effect of yield strength and strain hardening exponent.


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It is currently believed that an unsubstituted axial hydroxyl at the specificity-determining C-4 locus of galactose is indispensable for recognition by galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectins. Titration calorimetry demonstrates that 4-methoxygalactose retains binding allegiance to the Moraceae lectin jacalin and the Leguminosae lectin, winged bean (basic) agglutinin (WBA I). The binding reactions were driven by dominant favorable enthalpic contributions and exhibited significant enthalpy-entropy compensation. Proton NMR titration of C-methoxygalactose with jacalin and WBA I resulted in broadening of the sugar resonances without any change in chemical shift. The alpha-and beta-anomers of 4-methoxygalactose were found to be in slow exchange with free and lectin-bound states. Both the anomers experience magnetically equivalent environments at the respective binding sites. The binding constants derived from the dependence of NMR line widths on 4-methoxygalactose concentration agreed well with those obtained from titration calorimetry. The results unequivocally demonstrate that the loci corresponding to the axially oriented C-4 hydroxyl group of galactose within the primary binding site of these lectins exhibit plasticity. These analyses suggest, for the first time, the existence of C-H ... O-type hydrogen-bond(s) in protein-carbohydrate interactions in general and between the C-4 locus of galactose derivative and the lectins jacalin and WBA I in particular.


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Brain size and architecture exhibit great evolutionary and ontogenetic variation. Yet, studies on population variation (within a single species) in brain size and architecture, or in brain plasticity induced by ecologically relevant biotic factors have been largely overlooked. Here, I address the following questions: (i) do locally adapted populations differ in brain size and architecture, (ii) can the biotic environment induce brain plasticity, and (iii) do locally adapted populations differ in levels of brain plasticity? In the first two chapters I report large variation in both absolute and relative brain size, as well as in the relative sizes of brain parts, among divergent nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) populations. Some traits show habitat-dependent divergence, implying natural selection being responsible for the observed patterns. Namely, marine sticklebacks have relatively larger bulbi olfactorii (chemosensory centre) and telencephala (involved in learning) than pond sticklebacks. Further, I demonstrate the importance of common garden studies in drawing firm evolutionary conclusions. In the following three chapters I show how the social environment and perceived predation risk shapes brain development. In common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles, I demonstrate that under the highest per capita predation risk, tadpoles develop smaller brains than in less risky situations, while high tadpole density results in enlarged tectum opticum (visual brain centre). Visual contact with conspecifics induces enlarged tecta optica in nine-spined sticklebacks, whereas when only olfactory cues from conspecifics are available, bulbus olfactorius become enlarged.Perceived predation risk results in smaller hypothalami (complex function) in sticklebacks. Further, group-living has a negative effect on relative brain size in the competition-adapted pond sticklebacks, but not in the predation-adapted marine sticklebacks. Perceived predation risk induces enlargement of bulbus olfactorius in pond sticklebacks, but not in marine sticklebacks who have larger bulbi olfactorii than pond fish regardless of predation. In sum, my studies demonstrate how applying a microevolutionary approach can help us to understand the enormous variation observed in the brains of wild animals a point-of-view which I high-light in the closing review chapter of my thesis.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. a-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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Background: A nucleosome is the fundamental repeating unit of the eukaryotic chromosome. It has been shown that the positioning of a majority of nucleosomes is primarily controlled by factors other than the intrinsic preference of the DNA sequence. One of the key questions in this context is the role, if any, that can be played by the variability of nucleosomal DNA structure. Results: In this study, we have addressed this question by analysing the variability at the dinucleotide and trinucleotide as well as longer length scales in a dataset of nucleosome X-ray crystal structures. We observe that the nucleosome structure displays remarkable local level structural versatility within the B-DNA family. The nucleosomal DNA also incorporates a large number of kinks. Conclusions: Based on our results, we propose that the local and global level versatility of B-DNA structure may be a significant factor modulating the formation of nucleosomes in the vicinity of high-plasticity genes, and in varying the probability of binding by regulatory proteins. Hence, these factors should be incorporated in the prediction algorithms and there may not be a unique `template' for predicting putative nucleosome sequences. In addition, the multimodal distribution of dinucleotide parameters for some steps and the presence of a large number of kinks in the nucleosomal DNA structure indicate that the linear elastic model, used by several algorithms to predict the energetic cost of nucleosome formation, may lead to incorrect results.


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Adult rat Leydig cells in culture synthesize and secrete riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) as demonstrated by [S-35]-methionine incorporation into newly synthesized proteins followed by immunoprecipitation as well as specific radioimmunoassay. LH stimulates the secretion of RCP 4-fold which could be inhibited upto 75% by an aromatase inhibitor. 8-bromo-cyclic AMP and cholera toxin could mimic the LH stimulated secretion of the carrier protein. The extent of stimulation of RCP secretion brought about by exogenous estradiol-17 beta is comparable to that of LH. The antiestrogen tamoxifen, when added along with either LH or estrogen, inhibited the stimulated levels significantly. These results show that the estrogen-inducible riboflavin carrier is secreted by Leydig cells under positive regulation of LH.