579 resultados para Hop


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Physical transceivers have hardware impairments that create distortions which degrade the performance of communication systems. The vast majority of technical contributions in the area of relaying neglect hardware impairments and, thus, assume ideal hardware. Such approximations make sense in low-rate systems, but can lead to very misleading results when analyzing future high-rate systems. This paper quantifies the impact of hardware impairments on dual-hop relaying, for both amplify-and-forward and decode-and-forward protocols. The outage probability (OP) in these practical scenarios is a function of the effective end-to-end signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR). This paper derives new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic OPs, accounting for hardware impairments at the source, relay, and destination. A similar analysis for the ergodic capacity is also pursued, resulting in new upper bounds. We assume that both hops are subject to independent but non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading. This paper validates that the performance loss is small at low rates, but otherwise can be very substantial. In particular, it is proved that for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the end-to-end SNDR converges to a deterministic constant, coined the SNDR ceiling, which is inversely proportional to the level of impairments. This stands in contrast to the ideal hardware case in which the end-to-end SNDR grows without bound in the high-SNR regime. Finally, we provide fundamental design guidelines for selecting hardware that satisfies the requirements of a practical relaying system.


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This paper presents a thorough performance analysis of dual-hop cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying networks under spectrum-sharing mechanism over independent non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) 􀀀 fading channels. In order to guarantee the quality-of-service (QoS) of primary networks, both maximum tolerable peak interference power Q at the primary users (PUs) and maximum allowable transmit power P at secondary users (SUs) are considered to constrain transmit power at the cognitive transmitters. For integer-valued fading parameters, a closed-form lower bound for the outage probability (OP) of the considered networks is obtained. Moreover, assuming arbitrary-valued fading parameters, the lower bound in integral form for the OP is derived. In order to obtain further insights on the OP performance, asymptotic expressions for the OP at high SNRs are derived, from which the diversity/coding gains and the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of the secondary network can be readily deduced. It is shown that the diversity gain and also the DMT are solely determined by the fading parameters of the secondary network whereas the primary network only affects the coding gain. The derived results include several others available in previously published works as special cases, such as those for Nakagami-m fading channels. In addition, performance evaluation results have been obtained by Monte Carlo computer simulations which have verified the accuracy of the theoretical analysis.


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We analyze the performance of amplify-and-forward dual-hop relaying systems in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, an exact analytical expression for and tight lower bounds on the outage probability are derived over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels. Moreover, tractable upper and lower bounds on the ergodic capacity are presented at arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Some special cases of practical interest (e.g., Rayleigh and Nakagami-0.5 fading) are also studied. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the high SNR regime, where we observe that IQI results in a ceiling effect on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), which depends only on the level of I/Q impairments, i.e., the joint image rejection ratio. Finally, the optimal I/Q amplitude and phase mismatch parameters are provided for maximizing the SINR ceiling, thus improving the system performance. An interesting observation is that, under a fixed total phase mismatch constraint, it is optimal to have the same level of transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) phase mismatch at the relay node, while the optimal values for the TX and RX amplitude mismatch should be inversely proportional to each other.


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within process control applications. Therefore, they constitute the foundation upon which real-time distributed computer-controlled systems can be implemented. P-NET is a fieldbus communication standard, which uses a virtual token-passing medium-access-control mechanism. In this paper pre-run-time schedulability conditions for supporting real-time traffic with P-NET networks are established. Essentially, formulae to evaluate the upper bound of the end-to-end communication delay in P-NET messages are provided. Using this upper bound, a feasibility test is then provided to check the timing requirements for accessing remote process variables. This paper also shows how P-NET network segmentation can significantly reduce the end-to-end communication delays for messages with stringent timing requirements.


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My thesis advocates for critically-conscious hip-hop in classrooms to promote student engagement and culturally relevant pedagogical practices. This proposed approach to educating youth offsets the harmful effects of a normalized curriculum that limits students’ creativity and discounts their experiences as lifelong learners. My thesis gathers data from research literature on hip-hop and education, critically-conscious hip-hop lyrics, and also includes my own hip-hop muse to illustrate the positive tenets of critically-conscious hip-hop. The research literature in my thesis is gathered from multiple studies within North American high schools. My hip-hop muse interrelates with critically-conscious hip-hop lyrics because they both address contemporary issues through social commentary and critical awareness. The element of social commentary in my hip-hop muse is displayed through short poems and verses that outline my experiences in a normalized schooling environment. Throughout my thesis, I uncover the causes of student disengagement in classrooms, the ways in which critically-conscious hip-hop music serves as a tool for reengaging youth, and the approaches that must be taken in order to adequately integrate hip-hop into today’s classrooms. My thesis is important within the context of Canadian classrooms because it acts as an agent for social change and cultural relevance through a critical lens. The purpose of this approach, then, is to demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of our society and schooling system through social critique and proposals for change. More importantly, my thesis is grounded in equity; in which critically-conscious hip-hop serves as a bridge for students’ experiences, interests, and independent identities.


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Qu’il s’agisse d’une signature monochrome ("tag"), de lettres rondes à deux couleurs ("throw-up") ou d’un enchevêtrement calligraphique multicolore ("piece"), les formes caractéristiques du graffiti hip-hop font aujourd’hui partie du paysage urbain des grandes villes du monde. Né aux États-Unis dans les années 1960 et diffusé à l’extérieur des frontières américaines dans les années 1980, le graffiti hip-hop peut être perçu comme un exemple à la fois de l’américanisation et de l’homogénéisation des pratiques culturelles des jeunes à travers le monde. À partir d'une comparaison entre des graffiteurs francophones de Montréal et des graffiteurs lusophones de São Paulo, cette thèse décrit le processus d'appropriation d'un mouvement culturel d’origine américaine et montre les similitudes et les différences retrouvées au niveau local de cette forme d'expression mondialisée. L’étude de l’appropriation culturelle proposée dans cette thèse se compose de deux niveaux d’analyse. Le premier – qualifié de micro – touche le domaine personnel et se penche sur le processus de production de graffitis de style hip-hop (type de graffitis d’origine new-yorkaise basé sur l’écriture de pseudonymes). Ce niveau d’analyse me permet de démontrer comment les mécanismes de l’imitation et de la transformation se mélangent et renvoient aux processus de l’apprentissage et de l’inventivité individuels. Pour l’analyse du second niveau – qualifié de macro –, je tiens compte de l’ensemble des forces qui, au plan de la collectivité, forge l’appropriation. Ceci me permet de tracer des liens causaux entre les particularités locales du graffiti hip-hop et certains paramètres relevant du politique, de l’économique, de l’histoire et du culturel.


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Resumen tomado del autor. Se muestran tablas. Se incluyen anexos


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. - El articulo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a creatividad y educación