993 resultados para Holt family (Nicholas Holt, 1602?-1685)


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Le cœur des vertébrés est un organe modulaire qui requiert le " patterning " complexe des champs morphogénétiques cardiogènes et la convergence coordonnée des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques. Au moins 7 facteurs de transcription de la famille T-box coopèrent au sein de ces nombreuses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogéniques afin de réguler la morphogenèse et l’agencement de multiples structures le long de l’ébauche cardiaque, ce qui explique que les mutations humaines de ces gènes engendrent diverses malformations congénitales cardiaques (MCCs). L’un de ces gènes T-box, Tbx5, dont l’haploinsuffisance génère le syndrome de Holt-Oram (SHO), intervient dans une grande variété de réseaux de régulation géniques (RRGs) qui orchestrent la morphogenèse des oreillettes, du ventricule gauche, de la valve mitrale, des septums inter-auriculaire et inter-ventriculaire, ainsi que du système de conduction cardiaque. La diversité des RRGs impliqués dans la formation de ces structures cardiaques suggère que Tbx5 détient une profusion de fonctions qui ne seront identifiables qu’en répertoriant ses activités moléculaires dans chaque lignée cardiaque examinée isolément. Afin d’aborder cette problématique, une ablation génétique de Tbx5 dans l’endocarde a été réalisée. Cette expérience a démontré le rôle crucial de Tbx5 dans la survie des cellules endocardiques bordant le septum primum et des cardiomyocytes au sein de cette structure embryonnaire qui contribuera à la morphogenèse du septum inter-auriculaire. En outre, cette étude a révélé l’existence d’une communication croisée entre la sous-population de cellules endocardiques Tbx5+ et le myocarde au niveau du septum primum, afin d’assurer la survie des cardiomyocytes, et ultimement de garantir la maturation du septum inter-auriculaire. Nos résultats confirment aussi l’importance de l’interdépendance génétique (Tbx5 et Gata4 ainsi que Tbx5 et Nos3) entre différents loci dans la morphogenèse de la cloison inter-auriculaire, et particulièrement de l’influence que peut avoir l’environnement sur la pénétrance et l’expressivité des communications inter-auriculaires (CIAs) dans le SHO. En outre, puisque les fonctions d’un gène dépendent ordinairement des différents isoformes qu’il peut générer, une deuxième étude a focalisé davantage sur l’aspect transcriptionnel de Tbx5. Cette approche a mené à la découverte de 6 transcrits alternatifs exhibant des fonctions à la fois communes et divergentes. La caractérisation de 2 de ces isoformes a révélé le rôle de l’isoforme long (Tbx5_v1) dans la régulation de la croissance des cardiomyocytes durant la cardiogénèse, tandis que l’isoforme court (Tbx5_v2), préférentiellement exprimé dans le cœur mature, réprime la croissance cellulaire. Il est donc entièrement concevable que les mutations de TBX5 entraînant une troncation de la région C-terminale accroissent la concentration d’une protéine mutée qui, à l’instar de Tbx5_v2, interfère avec la croissance de certaines structures cardiaques. En revanche, la divergence de fonctions de ces isoformes, caractérisée par les disparités de localisation subcellulaire et de d’interaction avec d’autres cofacteurs cardiaques, suggère que les mutations affectant davantage un isoforme favoriseraient l’émergence d’un type particulier de MCC. Finalement, un dernier objectif était d’identifier le ou les mécanisme(s) moléculaire(s) par le(s)quel(s) Tbx5 régule son principal gène cible, Nppa, et d’en extraire les indices qui éclairciraient sa fonction transcriptionnelle. Cet objectif nécessitait dans un premier lieu d’identifier les différents modules cis-régulateurs (MCRs) coordonnant la régulation transcriptionnelle de Nppa et Nppb, deux gènes natriurétiques dont l’organisation en tandem et le profil d’expression durant la cardiogénèse sont conservés dans la majorité des vertébrés. L’approche d’empreinte phylogénétique employée pour scanner le locus Nppb/Nppa a permis d’identifier trois MCRs conservés entre diverses espèces de mammifères, dont un (US3) est spécifique aux euthériens. Cette étude a corroboré que la régulation de l’expression du tandem génique Nppb/Nppa requérait l’activité transcriptionnelle d’enhancers en complément aux promoteurs de Nppa et Nppb. La concordance quasiment parfaite entre les profils d’expression de Tbx5 et de ces deux gènes natriurétiques chez les mammifères, suggère que le gradient d’expression ventriculaire de Tbx5 est interprété par le recrutement de ce facteur au niveau des différents enhancers identifiés. En somme, les études présentées dans cette thèse ont permis de clarifier la profusion de fonctions cardiaques que possède Tbx5. Certaines de ces fonctions émanent de l’épissage alternatif de Tbx5, qui favorise la synthèse d’isoformes dotés de propriétés spécifiques. Les diverses interactions combinatoires entre ces isoformes et d’autres facteurs cardiaques au sein des diverses sous-populations de progéniteurs cardiogènes contribuent à l’émergence de RRGs cardiaques divergents.


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Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de MARA (Modulo Activo Recreo Activo), sobre el tiempo de actividad física moderada vigorosa (AFMV) y de comportamiento sedentario de niños y niñas de 5º grado en 2 instituciones educativas oficiales de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Los participantes fueron 128 niños entre 10 y 12 años de edad, de 5to grado que asisten a dos colegios públicos en la localidad de San Cristóbal en Bogotá. La actividad física de los niños fue medida con acelerómetro GT3X+, durante 7 días entre julio y octubre de 2013. Uno de los colegios fue seleccionado aleatoriamente para ser intervenido por Muévete Escolar y su Módulo Activo Recreo Activo (MARA), (CIM) y otro colegio fue el grupo control (CC). El tiempo gastado en actividad física durante el día y en el momento de recreo fue medido antes y en la semana 10 después de la intervención: sedentario ( SED), actividad física leve ( AFL), actividad física moderada(AFM), actividad física vigorosa(AFV) y actividad física moderada a vigorosa (AFMV). Resultados: Posterior al análisis estadístico a través de modelos mixtos multinivel para ajustar por el efecto de conglomerado, se observó diferencia significativa entre CIM y CC (p < 0.0049) representado por incremento en los minutos de AFMV en CIM. Después de la intervención, los CMI disminuyeron los minutos de comportamiento sedentario (p= 0.0029), comparativamente con los CC. Conclusiones: El presente estudio contribuye a investigar sobre los efectos a corto plazo de modificar el momento del recreo, mediante la implementación de actividades guiadas, supervisadas y con el uso de materiales y equipos de juego. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que los efectos de la intervención con MARA fueron significativos especialmente en promover la práctica de AF diaria logrando incrementar los minutos de AFMV diaria, y así mismo disminuyendo comportamiento sedentario en el día. .


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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This paper explores the financial implications of converting to organic farming in Great Britain through a case study of farmers considering conversion in 2002. Most study farmers were motivated to convert for financial, not ideological or life-style reasons; organic meat production was the most common planned enterprise, although those choosing to produce milk, vegetables and cereals were also studied in depth. At the time of study, organic beef and sheep meat production was particularly profitable. It was found that, in these product sectors, a large improvement in Family Farm Income would result if organic production was introduced on the case study farms. With few exceptions, a fall in Family Farm Income during the conversion period would not be an obstacle to farmers changing to organic methods. Fixed cost changes would also not deter conversion but expensive investment in new livestock and appropriate buildings would be required by some of those businesses studied. These findings are, however, dependent upon the price premia assumptions used and, whilst these premia have dropped slightly since the time of study, this would lessen the financial shortfall during the conversion period. There is also the possibility that reversion to conventional agricultural production might occur, perhaps at a faster rate than the original conversion process that was taking place around the turn of the century.


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Previous studies of problem gamblers portray this group as being almost exclusively male. However, this study demonstrates that females comprised 46% of the population (n = 1,520) of persons who sought assistance due to concerns about their gambling from the publicly-funded BreakEven counselling services in the state of Victoria, Australia, in one 12-month period. This suggests that the model of service delivery which is community based counselling on a non-residential basis may be better able to attract female clients than treatment centres where males predominate such as veterans centres. A comparative analysis of the social and demographic characteristics of female and male gamblers within the study population was undertaken. As with previous studies, we have found significant differences between males and females who have sought help for problems associated with their gambling. Gender differences revealed in this study include females being far more likely to use electronic gaming machines (91.1% vs. 61.4%), older (39.6 years vs. 36.1 years), more likely to be born in Australia (79.4% vs. 74.7%), to be married (42.8% vs. 30.2%), living with family (78.9% vs. 61.5%) and to have dependent children (48.4% vs. 35.7%), than males who present at these services. Female gamblers (A$7,342) reported average gambling debts of less than half of that owed by males (A$19,091). These gender differences have implications for the development and conduct of problem gambling counselling services as it cannot be assumed that models of service which have demonstrated effectiveness with males will be similarly effective with females.


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Scenes of the Aboriginal family sitting around a table in the film The Fringe Dwellers present the boy quietly drawing, while other members of the family are engaged in discussion. The boy is less visible, more passive and contemplative, and his subjectivity is suggested rather than explored in the film. He repeats the same activity and the same inward concentration. My hypothesis is that the boy's subjectivity and agency are projected elsewhere, towards an imaginary field beyond the film's structure and beyond the social reality of the film's outside. What is the aboriginal boy drawing? In one scene, is a glimpse of his 'projection', he draws a house. The boy is mesmerised and pre-occupied by his drawing. We have seen the mystery of this preoccupation in images of heroic modernist architects (Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Oscar Niemeyer come to mind) presenting a connection between the hand of the architect and his sketch as an essential gift in the making of a 'master architect'. Through this visual association, the 'Aboriginal boy drawing' is associated with the field of 'a universal human subject' and the essay investigates how his practice might participate in new subjective positions across disciplines. Through his inscriptions, the Aboriginal boy expresses more than a wish: he articulates and inhabits another dwelling, an imaginary dwelling of a subjectivity and 'identity' beyond the black and white divide. The boy, however, is not a 'master', making his drawing a subversive and risky practice.


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This article provides an overview of the development and validation of a Counsellor Task Analysis (Problem Gambling) [CTA (PG)] instrument undertaken in order to document the activities of counsellors in problem gambling services. The CTA (PG) aims to provide a broad overview of the complexity of the counsellor's role; specify the range of tasks they perform; and document the relationship between the frequency of task performance and the counsellor's beliefs about the importance of the tasks performed.

The CTA (PG) instrument addresses nine dimensions of practice activity through nine subscales, all of which demonstrate internal consistency. It appears to be a strong instrument in terms of its measurement error characteristics for recommending its use with counsellors engaged in the field of gambling. The CTA (PG) gives counsellors the opportunity to document their practice and theories in use when dealing with a problem gambler, a member of the problem gambler's family and the community at large. The psychometric findings reported in this article should be viewed as the preliminary results of an ongoing research effort and further psychometric testing is anticipated.


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Keynote addresses: What next for Australia's refugee policy? / Peter Mares -- One year after Tampa: refugees, deportees and TPVs / Chris Sidoti -- Academic papers: The tension of re-other-ing bodies / Snezana Dabic -- Acting for asylum: the nexus of pro-refugee activism in Melbourne / Helen Hintjens & Alison Jarman -- Biopolitics and the 'problem' of the refugee / Matthew Holt -- Temporary protection of refugees: Australian policy and international comparison / Fethi Mansouri & Michael Leach --The not-so-special benefit and non-mutual obligation: refugees on a TPV and income support arrangements / Greg Marston -- Family separation: Somali women in Melbourne / Celia McMichael & Malyun Ahmed -- Embodying exile: protest, performance, trauma and effect in the formation of East Timorese refugee identities / Amanda Wise -- Personal and Community Sector Perspectives -- A personal experience of the TPV policy / Mueen Al-Breihi -- A city of refuge?: protecting the social and cultural rights of refugees in Brisbane / Renae Mann -- Temporary protection visas, recovery from trauma and personal identity / Helen Martin -- All I ask for is protection: young people seeking asylum in Australia / Samira Mohamed.


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Visionnaire 2010 : A screening of 15 postgraduate and masters films.

Two hundred and two - Daniella Said, Adam Green, Phoebe Beasley, Juntra Santitarangkun, Olexander Barnes & Rhett Ortlipp.
Gone to see - Sean Rafter.
Hippocratic oath - Nathan Primer, Daniel Merei, Melina Flood, Michael Dearnley, Mathew Karanicolas & Nicholas White.
The other voices - Tania Raouf.
Standover - Nicholas Hancock, Ryan Thomas, David Hurley, Nicholas Weller, Mitch McTaggart & Djorvan Caro.
Sisters - Kailai Gu.
Escape - Jonathan Burton, Simon Todd, Todd Johnson, Amanda Klimos, James Murphy, Ola Gytri & Max Reed.
Welcome to the Anderson's - Maneesha Jacob.
Hannah - Jodi Deutrom, Ardimas Andi, Ben Engeset, Kim Han Law, Steffen Hagen & Timotius.
Hour3 - Akanksha Shakya.
3-25-6 - Syamsul Azhar, Ethan Bottomley, Tiffany Dalton, Kane Gloury, Alexandra Latimer & Lene Moerch.
Seher and others - Bircan Eral.
Edward Barsky - Breidi Boyle, Bree Mansell, Simon DeNatris & Murphy McLachlan.
Detecting Calvin - Kara Tyson, Aimee Linossier, Jessica Ruffino, Seamus Parkinson, Dean Sacco & Simon Holt.
Double date - Adriana Bizzarri, Matthew Smolen, Effie Telianidis, Oliver Kerr, Lucy Ramshaw & Luisa Tascone.


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Blended teaching and learning approaches are used in the postgraduate course of Graduate Diploma of Midwifery for students who are predominately women with family responsibilities residing in metropolitan, regional, or rural Victoria, a major state in Australia. The Virtual Maternity Clinic (VMC), a virtual learning experience (VLE) research project, was implemented during trimester 2, 2009. The purpose of the project was to expand the blend of teaching and learning activities to support students in their preparation for professional practice. The VMC includes four characters in early pregnancy and care provided by their midwife. All students enrolled in midwifery courses (postgraduate and undergraduate) at Deakin University were recruited to participate in a two-phase, pre- and post-use evaluation process related to the VMC. Findings from the pre-evaluation included that students 'had high expectations of the VMC in supporting their learning. The results from the post-evaluation of the VMC indicated that students 'were very satisfied that the VMC supported their learning. Future research directions include further development of the VMC.


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A single imaging gene-environment (IGxE) framework that is able to simultaneously model genetic, neurobiological, and environmental influences on psychopathology outcomes is needed to improve understanding of how complex interrelationships between allelic variation, differences in neuroanatomy or neuroactivity, and environmental experience affect risk for psychiatric disorder. In a longitudinal study of adolescent development we demonstrate the utility of such an IGxE framework by testing whether variation in parental behavior at age 12 altered the strength of an imaging genetics pathway, involving an indirect association between allelic variation in the serotonin transporter gene to variation in hippocampal volume and consequent onset of major depressive disorder by age 18. Results were consistent with the presence of an indirect effect of the serotonin transporter S-allele on depression onset via smaller left and right hippocampal volumes that was significant only in family environments involving either higher levels of parental aggression or lower levels of positive parenting. The previously reported finding of S-allele carriers' increased risk of depression in adverse environments may, therefore, be partly because of the effects of these environments on a neurobiological pathway from the serotonin transporter gene to depression onset that proceeds through variation in hippocampal volume. 


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To be launched in March 2016, this study explores the transformative potential of ePortfolios in business education. Educators and higher education institutions are increasingly looking for innovative ways to enhance learning outcomes through technology. Given their potential to aid in the development of engaged, reflective lifelong learners, and develop and showcase employability skills, ePortfolios are increasingly being used around the globe.

This study shares the experience of, and lessons learned from, the implementation of ePortfolios in one general business management course and three accounting related courses at three higher education institutions. The recommendations and principles proposed provide benchmarks for best practice and practical guidance for embedding ePortfolios into business curricula.


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This project will enable academic leadership of Australian Business and Management education programs to design into the curriculum, and best use, ePortfolios and associated technologies in assessing students' learning of highly valued professionally-based capabilities. The project will investigate and support the best ways of broadly and deeply embedding ePortfolios across entire undergraduate business and management education curricula. ePortfolios for enabling and assessing student learning is seen as a key means for integrating student learning across the curriculum and, therefore, creating a holistic learning experience. The project will work with Program Leaders across the sector through liaison with the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Teaching and Learning Network to both draw in better practices and disseminate project findings as the project progresses through its key phases. These planned actions will lead to the progressive development of a Business Education ePortfolio Professional Learning Capabilities Assessment Framework.