102 resultados para Hologram


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The Talbot effect is one of the most basic optical phenomena that has received extensive investigations both because its new results provide us more understanding of the fundamental Fresnel diffraction and also because of its wide applications. We summarize our recent results on this subject. Symmetry of the Talbot effect, which was reported in Optics Communications in 1995, is now realized as the key to reveal other rules for explanation of the Talbot effect for array illumination. The regularly rearranged-neighboring-phase-differences (RRNPD) rule, a completely new set of analytic phase equations (Applied Optics, 1999), and the prime-number decomposing rule (Applied Optics, 2001) are the newly obtained results that reflect the symmetry of the Talbot effect in essence. We also reported our results on the applications of the Talbot effect. Talbot phase codes are the orthogonal codes that can be used for phase coding of holographic storage. A new optical scanner based on the phase codes for Talbot array illumination has unique advantages. Furthermore, a novel two-layered multifunctional computer-generated hologram based on the fractional Talbot effect was proposed and implemented (Optics Letters, 2003). We believe that these new results should bring us more new understanding of the Talbot effect and help us to design novel optical devices that should benefit practical applications. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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In this paper, we have investigated the grating erasure of a reduced LiNbO3:Fe crystal with different erasing wavelengths. The overall hologram evolution in the process of grating erasure is nonexponential due to strong absorption which is contrary to the mono-exponential law. The hologram in the rear part of the crystal can persist for a long time in the grating erasure due to weak erasing light intensity by strong absorption, which can enlarge the erasure time constant. From the erasure experiments, the global absorption ad 5 can be taken as the optimum absorption to acquire a good trade-off between the sensitivity and hologram strength in the crystal. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Three wavelengths of red, green and blue of recording beams are systemically tested for the UV-assistant recording and optical fixing of holograms in a strongly oxidized Ce:Cu:LiNbO3 crystal. Three different photorefractive phenomena are observed. It is shown that the green beams will optimally generate a critical strong nonvolatile hologram with quick sensitivity and the optimal switching technique could be jointly used to obtain a nearly 100% high diffraction. Theoretical verification is given, and a prescription on the doping densities and on the oxidation/reduction states of the material to match a defined recording wavelength for high diffraction is suggested.


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A simple method to suppress the zero-order diffraction in the reconstructed image of digital holography is presented. In this method, the Laplacian of a detected hologram is used instead of the hologram itself for numerical reconstruction by computing the discrete Fresnel integral. This method can significantly improve the image quality and give better resolution and higher accuracy of the reconstructed image. The main advantages of this method are its simplicity in experimental requirements and convenience in data processing. (C) 2002 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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This paper proposes a new digital method to compensate for the aberration of an electron objective lens in electron holography. In this method, the object wavefront in the exit pupil plane is numerically reconstructed from a digitized electron hologram, and is corrected by multiplying it with the conjugated phase-error function. Then, an aberration-free image can be obtained by calculating the Fresnel integral of this corrected wavefront. In comparison with traditional methods, this method is much more convenient and accurate. Some verifying experiments are also presented in this paper. (C) 2003 Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The dot matrix hologram (DMH) has been widely used in anti-counterfeiting label. With the same technology and cell array configuration, we can encode to the incidence beam. These codes can be some image matrix grating with different grating gap and different grating orientation. When the multi-level phase diffractive grating is etched, the incidence beam on the cell appears as an encoding image. When the encoded grating and DMH are used in the same label synchronously, the technology of multi-encoded grating array enhances the anti-counterfeit ability.


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Este trabalho se intitula Mesons e propõe descrever e fundamentar uma nova teoria: a mesologia. Trata-se de uma teoria geral dos meios [mesons] e das mediações, uma ontologia dos meios, poderíamos dizer, cujo intuito é fornecer parâmetros conceituais para a compreensão de fenômenos bastante heterogêneos, sejam eles de ordem cultural ou natural, física ou metafísica. Essa abrangência é possível porque a mesologia se apoia em princípios cosmológicos e ontológicos para se fundamentar. Nesse sentido, um dos princípios fundamentais em torno dos quais a teoria dos mesons se articula é o binômio finito-infinito, entendido a partir da ontologia e da cosmologia. Por isso, esta tese leva o subtítulo de Ontologia, pois pretende delinear as premissas metateóricas elementares dessa teoria. Portanto, este é um trabalho eminentemente metaempírico, cujos objetos material e formal coincidem em um mesmo objeto conceitual: a demarcação epistemológica do conceito de mesons, bem como a exploração de diversos fenômenos que possam ser descritos e agenciados pela mesologia. A partir deste núcleo primário que é a definição da ontologia dos mesons, uma série de outros conceitos se dissemina, centrais para a compreensão da mesologia como um todo: mesons, meios, ser, vida, sapiens, ontologia, cosmologia, infinito, finito, heterarquia, heterogênese, antropia, antropofanias, antropogemas, transumano, holografia, holograma, mereografia, mereograma, pluriontologias, transferência, animismo, imaginal, tempestade, entre outros. Obviamente não pude analisar e estabilizar todos esses conceitos neste trabalho. E se não o fiz é também porque imagino este trabalho dedicado a delinear o ser dos mesons, ou seja, a ontologia dos meios, como o primeiro volume de um projeto maior, em diversos volumes, intitulado Mesons, e que abordará outros conceitos e outras noções, tais como cosmo, vida, forma, morte, sexualidade, em suas determinações e especificidades propriamente mesológicas.


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The investigation of an inverted hybrid digital/ optical VanderLugt type correlator based on a holographic memory is reported in this paper. A set of reference templates is stored in a photorefractive crystal (PRC) by angular hologram multiplexing. In the filter plane, a phase-modulating liquid crystal television (LCTV) serves as a phase-only input device. During the recognition process, which is based on the pure phase correlation, the reference templates are correlated sequentially with the input object. This correlator shows high sensitivity to object rotation, sharp correlation peaks, high light efficiency, and is fully shift-invariant in spite of the PRC thickness. The influences of the LCTV on the performance of the system are discussed and experimental results are shown.


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The use of high tilt angle FLC SLM for optical interconnects was discussed. The transmissive SLM was designed as a 320×1 pixels glass SLM with 20 μm pitch pixels and 2 μm pixel deadspace. The SLM was fabricated using standard class 100 cleanroom facilities to make a glass on glass 1D SLM. The results show that a N×N optical switch can be built using the two-hologram architecture.


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In a fibre-optic communication network, the wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technique enables an expansion of the data-carrying capacity of optical fibres. This can be achieved by transmitting different channels on a single optical fibre, with each channel modulating a different wavelength. In order to access and manipulate these channels at a node of the network, a compact holographic optical switch is designed, modelled, and constructed. The structure of such a switch consists of a series of optical components which are used to collimate the beam from the input, de-multiplex each individual wavelength into separated channels, manipulate the separated channels, and reshape the beam to the output. A spatial light modulator (SLM) is crucial in this system, offering control and flexibility at the channel manipulation stage, and providing the ability to redirect light into the desired output fibre. This is achieved by the use of a 2-D analogue phase computer generated hologram (CGH) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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It is shown that reflective liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulator (SLM) based interconnects or fiber switches that use defocus to reduce crosstalk can be evaluated and optimized using a fractional Fourier transform if certain optical symmetry conditions are met. Theoretically the maximum allowable linear hologram phase error compared to a Fourier switch is increased by a factor of six before the target crosstalk for telecom applications of -40 dB is exceeded. A Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm incorporating a fractional Fourier transform modified for use with a reflective LCOS SLM is used to optimize multi-casting holograms in a prototype telecom switch. Experiments are in close agreement to predicted performance. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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By using carbon nanotubes as the smallest possible scattering element, light can be diffracted in a highly controlled manner to produce a 2D image, as reported by Haider Butt and co-workers on page OP331. An array of carbon nanotubes is elegantly patterned to produce a high resolution hologram. In response to incident light on the hologram, a high contrast and wide field of view "CAMBRIDGE" image is produced.


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Carbon nanotubes are used as the smallest possible scattering element for diffracting light in a highly controlled manner to produce a 2D image. An array of carbon nanotubes is elegantly patterned to produce a high resolution hologram. In response to incident light on the hologram, a high contrast and wide field of view CAMBRIDGE image is produced.


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The wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) has been proposed as a promising technology to efficiently use the available bandwidth of a single optical fibre. This can be achieved by transmitting different channels on the optical fibre with each channel modulating a different wavelength. The aim of this paper is to propose a compact design (35 mm×65 mm) of a reconfigurable holographic optical switch in order to access and manipulate 4 channels at a node of a fibre-optic communication network. A vital component of such a switch is a nematic liquid crystal spatial light modulator offering control and flexibility at the channel manipulation stage and providing the ability to redirect light into the desired output fibre. This is achieved by the use of a 2-D analogue phase computer generated hologram (CGH) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology. © 2012 SPIE.


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Multiwalled carbon nanotubes are highly diffractive structures in the optical regime. Their metallic character and large scattering cross-section allow their usage as diffractive elements in Fraunhofer holograms. This work elaborates some important features of the far field diffraction patterns produced from periodic arrays of nanotubes. A theoretical approach for the interaction of arrays of nanotubes with light is presented and a computer generated hologram is calculated by means of periodical patterns. Based on the results, fabrication of carbon nanotube arrays (in holographic patterns) was performed. Experimentally measured diffraction patterns were in good agreement with the calculations.