984 resultados para Historical fiction, Australian


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The watershed constituted by the historical novels of Leonardo Sciascia (1921- 1989), Vincenzo Consolo (1933-2012) and Andrea Camilleri (born 1925), are starting points for analysing subsequent writings of history in Sicily, particularly those that deal with the hermeneutical function of literature as a means of critically reading official historiography. Nevertheless, whereas ample critical attention has been paid to male writers, whose work is deemed ‘mainstream’, there has been insufficient analysis of the role of female authors in relation to literary representations of Sicilian history. By considering the distinctiveness of the Sicilian literary tradition, the thesis identifies a series of transformations of the genre which have occurred in recent years within the context of feminine writing, and examines the historical narratives of contemporary Sicilian writers Maria Attanasio, Silvana La Spina and Maria Rosa Cutrufelli produced between 1990 and 2007. The study problematizes the lack of critical debate about feminine narratives in Sicily, and places these works in relation to developments in gender and genre theory, focusing particularly on Margherita Ganeri’s studies on the historical genre and the canon. After an introductory chapter which argues the case for examining Sicilian female historical fiction as a distinct literary practice, the subsequent chapters feature textual analyses of each author’s main historical fiction works, supporting the reading of the texts with theoretical readings, including the micro-history of Carlo Ginzburg, the écriture féminine of Hélène Cixous, the abjection theory of Julia Kristeva, the theoretical propositions on “experience” by Joan Wallach Scott and Teresa De Lauretis, and the theory of gender as performance proposed by Judith Butler. The analyses underline the importance of the authors’ distinct feminine perspective over Sicilian history and ultimately suggest that the three writers represent significant examples of a “nomadic writing” to be placed outside the Sicilian male literary tradition.


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Pretende-se, neste estudo, analisar o pensamento historiográfico de Alexandre Herculano, a partir dos paratextos com que o escritor enriqueceu a sua obra de ficção. Com esta análise pretende-se mostrar como o historiador Alexandre Herculano pensava a história, como sentia as limitações impostas pelo paradigma científico que, na sua época, dominava ou pretendia dominar todas as áreas do saber, e como se viu forçado a recorrer ao romance histórico para, juntando-o à história, produzir a síntese do homem global que perseguia.


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas (Escritas de Cena).


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse du roman historique La Carthagénoise (Germán Espinosa, 1982). Ce roman porte sur l’échange des idées entre l’Amérique coloniale et l’Europe éclairée. L’invasion française au port caraïbe de Carthagène d’Indes en 1697 est l’événement historique qui déclenche sa trame. Cette œuvre littéraire effectue un parcours à travers deux espaces et périodes historiques – l’Amérique sous domination espagnole et l’Europe des Lumières – dans lesquels s’entrecroisent des personnages réels et fictionnels. L’analyse que propose le présent travail aborde en premier lieu les antécédents du roman historique en Amérique latine. Dans une deuxième partie, il se penche sur les stratégies narratives utilisées dans le roman d’Espinosa et sur l’impact éventuel de ces procédés sur la facette critique de l’œuvre. L’hypothèse centrale de ce travail est que la fiction historique contribue à une vision critique de l’histoire officielle et qu’elle propose une réflexion sur les causes de la stagnation épistémologique en Amérique latine ainsi que des processus historiques inachevés tels que la libération épistémologique et la consolidation des épistémologies émergentes suggérées par la théorie postcoloniale et la pensée décoloniale. Le roman montre également la naissance, la mise en œuvre et l’échec de ce projet de libération épistémologique mené par un personnage féminin. Ce projet vise à finir avec la marginalisation du savoir latino-américain plutôt qu’à sa décolonisation. Parmi les conclusions tirées par ce mémoire, il y a l’idée qu’en raison de la causalité historique de l’Amérique latine, telle que montrée par le roman, le moment n’est pas encore venu de l’avènement d’une libération culturelle qui permette la consolidation des épistémologies émergentes, dans la ligne de ce que suggèrent les études postcoloniales et la décolonialité. Une autre conclusion importante à mentionner est que l’évolution des idées est un processus historique dans lequel les courants idéologiques ne sont pas absolus et sont assujettis aux conjonctures sociales qui déterminent leur existence et permanence.


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This article takes as its starting-point the responsiveness of children's literature to socio-political events, considering how contemporary anxieties about relationships between Muslim and Christian individuals and cultures inform three historical novels set in the period of the Third Crusade (1189-92): Karleen Bradford's Lionheart's Scribe (1999), K. M. Grant's Blood Red Horse (2004), and Elizabeth Laird's Crusade (2008). In these novels, encounters between young Christian and Muslim protagonists are represented through language and representational modes which owe a good deal to the habits of thought and expression which typify orientalist discourses in Western fiction. In effect, the novels produce two versions of medievalism: a Muslim medieval world which is irretrievably pre-modern, locked into rigid pracices and beliefs against which individuals are powerless; and a Christian medieval world which offers individuals the possibility of progressing to an enhanced state of personal fulfilment. The article argues that the narratives of all three novels incorporate particularly telling moments when Christian protagonists return to England, regretfully leaving Muslim friends. The impossibility of  enduring friendships between Muslims and Christians is based on the novels' assumptions about the incommensurability of cultures and religions; specifically, that there exists
an unbridgeable gulf between Islam and Christianity.


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The thesis is presented in two parts: a novel and a theoretical essay. It is a broadly autobiographical work, concerning issues and events surrounding father-daughter rape. It is written from the mother's perspective, and deals with the impact of child sexual assault on the lives of two generations of working-class women.


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This doctorate consists of a novel and an exegesis, which focus on the topic of intersex; children who are born with variant sex characteristics and the doctors who surgically intervene. The research reveals the deceit surrounding these practices and culminates in the first Australian novel to be written about intersex.


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 This thesis demonstrates the interdependence of theory and practice in re-envisioning Australia’s past: the postmodern methodologies explored in the exegesis inform my fictional reassessment of history. The thesis argues for revisionist historical fiction’s legitimacy in resurrecting lost voices. It looks beyond the colonial archives to reconfigure Australia’s history in more inclusive ways.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Il lavoro si propone come un’indagine sulla letteratura italiana del primo decennio del XXI secolo, in una prospettiva non di semplice ricognizione ma di individuazione di linee interpretative capaci di ripercorrere un archivio di materiali molto vasto e non ancora chiuso. La prima parte affronta questioni relative a condizioni produttive, ricezione e valutazione critica della letteratura contemporanea. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla discussione di problemi relativi allo studio della narrativa italiana del XXI secolo a partire dalla definizione utilizzata per riferirsi ad essa, quella di “anni zero”. Il secondo capitolo situa la narrativa contemporanea nelle linee di sviluppo della letteratura italiana degli ultimi trent’anni, a partire da un mutamento del rapporto dello scrittore con la tradizione umanistica che risale all’inizio degli anni ottanta. Il terzo capitolo approfondisce uno dei generi maggiormente praticati: il romanzo storico. Considerato negli anni ottanta e novanta un genere d'evasione e intrattenimento, negli anni zero è divenuto veicolo di punti di vista critici nei confronti delle narrazioni dominanti. La seconda parte è dedicata all’approfondimento di romanzi che raccontano, da un’ottica non testimoniale, gli anni settanta italiani, periodo complesso non solo sul piano evenemenziale, ma anche su quello della rielaborazione artistica. I romanzi su cui si concentra l’indagine offrono un racconto degli anni settanta italiani a partire da un’idea di storia plurale, ricostruita attraverso una molteplicità di voci, che muta a seconda della prospettiva da cui viene affrontata. Le storie false dei romanzi sugli anni settanta non chiedono di essere lette come vere, ma dicono comunque qualcosa di vero sulle modalità attraverso le quali si va costruendo il rapporto con il passato recente, nel più ampio contesto dei percorsi della letteratura italiana di inizio millennio, tra spinte che vanno nella direzione del mantenimento dell’autonomia da parte degli autori e pressioni del mercato editoriale.


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This honors thesis project uses history and literature to analyze the role of the myth of chivalry in mystifying racial violence and oppression in the American South. The central claim is that the myth of chivalry¿ and particularly the exaltation of the white woman¿ is a myth system used to justify racial violence, oppress white womanhood, and allow white patriarchy to maintain political, social and economic dominance. This project traces the role of literature, especially Sir Walter Scott¿s historical romance, in developing the foundational myths of a southern society based in violence, racial hierarchy and gender inequality. It then follows the role of white womanhood in this myth¿ the restrictions on miscegenation, the exaltation of pure white femininity, and the violent actions performed in the name of southern women. With this historical baseline established, this study then explores three works of historical fiction that attempt to subvert this mythology by critiquing and demystifying the myth of chivalry, while also offering counter-narratives to popularized history. These works are Charles Chesnutt¿s 1901 novel The Marrow of Tradition¬, which analyzes the 1898 Wilmington N.C. race riot, Gwendolyn Brooks¿ 1960 poem ¿A Bronzeville Mother Loiters in Mississippi. Meanwhile, a Mississippi Mother Burns Bacon¿ and Lewis Nordan¿s 1993 novel Wolf Whistle, two works about Emmett Till¿s tragic murder in 1955. This study, then, illuminates the intersection of literature and mythology, revealing how literature is useful for both creating and subverting myth¿and revealing how authors undertake this task.


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A través del presente trabajo se pretende demostrar que el espacio, en la narrativa histórica de Abelardo Arias (como así también en el resto de su obra), desempeña un papel preponderante para la cabal comprensión de la obra. En efecto, en la novela Polvo y espanto este ámbito no se limita a esbozar el “aire de época" propio de toda novela histórica, sino que está trabajado con una clara conciencia de su poder significante. Nuestro estudio propone, por lo tanto, dos posibles lecturas del espacio: una primera, centrada en los elementos descriptivos como fieles representantes de sus referentes históricos (espacio de corte costumbrista); y una lectura más profunda, atenta a la función simbólica del espacio, como revelador de los procesos psíquicos de los protagonistas, así como también del sentido total de la novela.


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Sadleir, M. 19th cent. fiction,