855 resultados para História da educação matemática brasileira


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O trabalho tem por objetivo examinar o pensamento do escritor paraense José Veríssimo no que diz respeito aos estudos das ciências naturais e as suas ideias sobre educação científica feminina na transição do século XIX para o século XX, momento da transição do regime imperial para o republicano. Esse período foi selecionado, por ser o momento em que José Veríssimo escreveu seus livros e textos, como o livro A Educação Nacional, publicado em 1890, acerca da educação no país. Entusiasmado pelas idéias positivistas, evolucionistas e pelo republicanismo, o autor examina como se encontrava o estudo das ciências naturais na época de transição, já que para as doutrinas elencadas por Veríssimo era importante que escola tivesse um papel “iluminador” da sociedade e isso seria obtido através das ciências. Em seguida examino como a reforma na educação nacional ansiada por Veríssimo influenciou no modelo de ensino científico no qual a mulher brasileira deveria se submetida por ser a primeira educadora dos filhos. O autor indica um currículo a ser ensinado às mulheres para que melhor aprendessem as ciências. A pesquisa então assume relevância para a história da educação científica brasileira, já que contribui para conhecer as ideias de educação de José Veríssimo, um dos escritores brasileiros que mais se empenhou em fazer no país um elo entre o progresso e a educação.


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre a história da educação rural no Pará, entre 1889-1897. A intenção última é conhecer, a partir da pesquisa histórica, como se deu a educação rural do Pará na Primeira República, tendo como foco os governos provisórios de Justo Chermont e Huert Bacelar e o governo constitucional de Lauro Sodré. Nosso objetivo geral é entender como a educação para homens e mulheres do interior do Pará foi pensada e operacionalizada no plano governamental. Especificamente, estabelecemos quatro objetivos: a) Levantar os investimentos feitos nas escolas rurais no período em questão; b) Descrever como eram concebidas as escolas rurais do estado do Pará na Primeira República; c) Entender quais os procedimentos utilizados, através dos documentos oficiais, para formar o cidadão das escolas rurais; d) Compreender os objetivos da formação educacional da população rural. Duas questões nortearam a investigação: 1º) Que intenções permeavam a educação destinada às populações das áreas rurais do Pará nos governos do período de 1889 a 1897? 2º) O que foi realizado, no plano governamental, para a concretização desses objetivos? As fontes documentais foram coletadas no Arquivo Público do Estado do Pará, na biblioteca Arthur Vianna e nos Setor de Obras Raras do Centro Cultural do Pará Tancredo Neves (CENTUR). O corpus da pesquisa está composto de: relatórios dos governadores; mensagens, ofícios, abaixo-assinados, circulares e requerimentos; relatórios de diretores da Instrução Pública; relatórios de visitadores; relatórios de grupo escolares; cadernos de Leis do período. Metodologicamente, operamos a análise em três momentos: 1) momento da heurística; 2) momento da crítica; 3) momento da interpretação. O texto está composto de introdução, três seções e considerações finais. O trabalho realizado indica que os governos estaduais na Primeira República pouco fizeram pela formação do homem do interior do estado, apesar do uso político acentuado da educação como prioridade para estes. Identificamos que os investimentos com a Instrução Pública tiveram seu limite estabelecido pela ideologia do regime republicano que entendia a população rural como uma gente de segunda ou de terceira, que precisava ser “lapidada” para o trabalho. Por extensão, o espaço rural é compreendido como o lugar do atraso, da incivilidade e que, portanto, um pouco de formação à sua população era o suficiente para transformar homens rudes em cidadãos, ainda que de categoria inferior.


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In this article we aimed the identification and the analysis of the “textual configuration aspects” from the speeches of the “high authorities” of public instruction in São Paulo contained in Annuarios do ensino do estado de São Paulo, centrally those published between 1907 and 1927, on the direction of public instruction and its teachers statewide. This formulation resulted from the need to search the peculiar aspects of these discourses, that is, from a conductor thread through which and by vitue of which these discourses have been produced. It was concluded at the end, the common orientation mentioned to speeches was to bring the idea together, a sense of unity to the sphere of public education in the state, which would characterize the called school apparatus in São Paulo.


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The implementation of mathematical modeling curricula represents a great challenge, both for teachers and students, since it escapes the traditional teaching methodology, i.e. when the teacher speaks to his/her students. This work presents, at least, one possible way of implementing mathematical modeling inside the classroom, and how this way encourage critical thinking in students. I see mathematical modeling as an opportunity to minimize student's rejection and increase their interest for mathematics, promoting their competencies to give points of scene in every day situations. The history of mathematics shows that mathematical modeling had developed since almost the beginning of human live, when men needed to solve problems that arose in the course of his life. Mathematics has become more and more abstract, but it is important to recall what was originated it. In this way, it is possible to make this subject matter more meaningful to students. I will make an introduction of mathematical modeling, presenting some important definitions. Based on this framework, I will present a classroom instruction understand on a 7 th grade classroom by myself. With this in instruction I sustain the idea that mathematical modeling has, in fact, a great potential to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. I also sustain that, the development of critical thinking, as a competence, way be achieved with it


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The starting point of this paper are some avaliable analyses and characterizations about the academic production in History of Mathematics Education in Brazil. A specific reading of such readings – an hermeneutical approach of those avaliable reviews – allows us to put the focus on some features of Oral History thought as a qualitative methodological approach to researches in Mathematics Education.


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In this paper we present results of research conducted on the constitution of the identity of CEM (Centre for Mathematics Education), a group of mathematics teacher educators from the city of São Paulo, Brazil (1984-1997). We emphasize the processes of constitution of CEM’s identities, on the perspective of Oral History in Mathematics Education, of the Model of Semantic Fields and of theories of identities. As part of the broader endeavor of examining possibilities for constituting identities for the group, from several theoretical standpoints, here we report an exercise on constituting the identity of CEM from a Cartesian standpoint; the overall assumption is that we are not properly interested in what CEM is or was, but on the possibilities themselves. We argue that such analysis leads to an understanding of the group as being an accident involving the individual identities of its members but not to an understanding of CEM’s group identity as such.


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This article considers the scholastic knowledge as the expression of the most developed forms of knowledge in face of the actual development stage of the mathematics. Thus, it supports that the relation between the scholastic mathematics and the mathematics produced in different social contexts, comprises a relation between the most developed (scholastic knowledge) facing the least developed (knowledge acquired from diverse social contexts). For this reason, this work comprises some specificities of the socialhistorical development of the mathematics and the implications decurrent from this, in relation to the cultural aspect for teaching mathematics.


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From 1933 to 1944, the 21 Regional Offices of Education of the State of São Paulo worked out reports of inventory of the schools of São Paulo inspected in that period of time. At least 68 of those reports have been preserved in the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo. The current paper presents part of that patrimony as an important source of research for the history of education. By dividing that documentation between visual and written sources, the text will focus on the visual sources, and will discuss the methodological difficulties of using this kind of source. Following, will be illustrated part of the visual information that those documents offer to the researchers. The article concludes with a brief sampling of textual information that the reports provide to the historians.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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This research aims to make a reflective analysis about the academic production originated in the stricto sensu post graduation programs in the country, produced in the period of 1990 to 2010, in the field of History of Mathematics, especifically on works about the History of Mathematics in Mathematics education and that present pedagogical proposals that make use of the History of Mathematics in order to teach Mathematics. Defending the thesis that the researches on mathematics education with goals turned to the use of didactic proposals related to the history of mathematic that take in consideration the coherency between epistemological aspects inherent to mathematics history and anthological elements materialized on the conceptions of mathematics and mathematics history and of apprenticeship (implicitly or explicitly exposed) may originate significant contribution to the field of history of mathematics on education. Among these, nine were Master’s Degree dissertations and five PHD’s theses. The reflective analysis was accomplished from two matrixes; one from theoretical nature and the other, ontologic nature, elaborated from the pretexts of Sanches Gamboa, about the epistemological analysis from academic production in the field of Mathematics Education and the following theoretical perspectives in the field of History of Mathematics Education, that are: linear evolutionary theory, structural construtivist operative, evolutionary discontinuous, historical and socialcultural investigation and the use of activities estimulating the usage of verbal and nonverbal expressions. These perspectives were based on the works of Miguel and Miorim, Mendes and Radford. As results, we have detected some established dissonances between the categories related to theoretical and ontologic levels and the pedagogical proposal presented in these researches. On the other hand, we have discovered works that are able to establish consonances between the theoretical and ontological elements and the presented pedagogical proposal. These works carry significative contributions to the field of History of Mathematics applied to Mathematics pedagogical practice, inclusively presenting significative theoretical elements to the production of knowledge recognized as scientific in the Mathematics field